
No Longer a Noob
Jun 23, 2005
I just started playing Uncharted: Drake's Fortune for the first time today.

The game started off good. Enjoyed the atmosphere, the story intro and the characters. Loved the exploration and the back and forth between the characters.

Then the shooting started.

Now this game has been out for years so I've heard many things about the shooting and wasn't caught off guard. I was just thinking it couldn't be AS BAD AS I'VE HEARD for the game to have received so many accolades and for people to still praise it in the same breath as saying how broken the gunplay is.

Well..............it is as bad as I've heard. Actually worse. Because it could possibly be a game ender.

It breaks up the game and the story so jauntingly. Even more so than that horrid Jet Ski portion. I hope that is the only Jet Skiing this game makes you do. But yeah, I just turned the game off due to the relentless nonsensical arbitrary shooting portions that are just there to serve as a cheap tool to lengthen your game time.

Wave after wave after wave of bullet sponges. They soak them bullets up like air. Then you take a step, in some cases, no step at all is required, and then a whole other army of wonks come out. A MESS.

They flank you, they keep coming forward. Thus rendering your cover useless. It takes just one or two shots for Drake to come close to death. The screen goes white and you can't see a thing. You can't do anything but wait and hope something doesn't take you out while you stand there blinded by the light. Hoping the green scenery comes back in time for you to shoot or run for cover. Cover that gets blown up, leaving you out in the open to rinse and repeat.

Because they inhale bullets like it's mary jane, you run out of bullets. Then what? Oh yeah. Run out and start flailing your fists at them. So while you're brawling it out with one foe, 50 others are making your tv screen go white.....AGAIN. And it only takes one punch from the foe to stumble you all up and make your screen go even whiter.

Drake is so weak and these enemies are like gods. And they are like roaches. They come out of the wood work from every angle. They don't stop.

I just want to find Elena. Find Sunny. Get on with the story. Even a little platforming and site seeing.

But jesus christ. This game is turning out to be 95% broken shooting and 5% everything else.

This is very disappointing.

It's not that it's hard, it's just annoying to be subjected to it every 5th step. It's IN THE WAY.

I did something I never do. Went ahead and put the difficult on EASY, because I have other games to get to, not to mention the 2 sequels to this game. Just bought Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. Have a huge back catalogue of other games.

I just don't have the time to deal with this game's foolishness.

For the life of me, I don't see how this game received the praise it did. The gunplay ruins everything good about this game.

You know what, the only reason this game was received so well was because the Playstation 3 was so starved at the beginning of its life cycle that people WERE able to forgive and just thankful to have anything on the console. That wouldn't cut it today though so Naughtydog better be lucky they got out of the gate first when they did.

Now I've heard even better things about Uncharted 2, and if I see in THAT game, what I'm seeing in THIS game, well then I will come here, create another thread identical to this one here, and throw all of my beloved Crash Bandicoot Games forever away. If so, I will from here on out give game reviewers as little regard as I give my aunt, because like with her, something is most definitely wrong with this industry when this JUNK is considered the PINNACLE of good at any point in a console's life cycle.

I can't.


Mar 4, 2011
Your surprised there are shooting elements in an Action adventure/TPS?

Your reasons for the shooting being broken has nothing to do with the actual mechanic.
You just criticized it for having AI that actually does something and you not being able to kill them.
Try turning down the difficulty


No Longer a Noob
Jun 23, 2005
damien1310 said:
Your surprised there are shooting elements in an Action adventure/TPS?

Your reasons for the shooting being broken has nothing to do with the actual mechanic.
You just criticized it for having AI that actually does something and you not being able to kill them.
Try turning down the difficulty

I don't think you read beyond the Thread Title.

I stated that I wasn't surprised. And I'm not criticizing the fact that shooting elements are there, just how they're implemented.

Never said I couldn't kill them. In fact, I said it wasn't difficult. Just annoying and broken, which it is when an enemy can take 100 bullets and survive, while you can hardly take 2. That's broken.

The AI doesn't really do anything. Unless you're talking about eating bullets like they're candy. Then yes, they do something. Otherwise, they're pretty standard, if not stupid a little.

And I stated that I did turn the difficulty down, not for difficulty's sake, but for time's sake.


Mar 4, 2011
How can you say enemies flank and rush at you in one post, but then say they do noting in another? Complete opposites.

The enemies trying to flank you is a good thing, not broken.

I really don't understand your criticisms.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 23, 2005
roosterjcogburn said:
I hate it when people write their posts in red or boldface, like they think what they're saying is more important than others.

Is it just an ego trip or something?

Red is my favorite color.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 23, 2005
Beat the game tonight.

Only one thing on my mind: THANK GAWWWWWWD IT'S OVER!

Can't wait to see how the 2nd has either remedied and improved on the many many problems of the first or perfected them to a horrible mess.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 5, 2007
I guess I didn't have any of those problems since I was able to Platinum this game. If they flank you and are getting too close, then take them out faster. If you're always running out of bullets, then try aiming for the head, or just plain not missing so much. I don't think I've ever had a situation where I was completely out of ammo, even on Crushing difficulty.
Dec 15, 2009
I think you didn't like it because you suck at video games and life in general. now go do something constructive like jumping off a bridge. hahaha i love over-reacting. [face_tal]
Dec 24, 2009
Seriously, you wine about this game as if you are horrible at it. It got greate reviews because it deserved great reviews. just because you suck at it doesn't make it a bad game.
Aug 8, 2009
Think we have a 360 fanboy plus gears of war 3 fanboy giving the ps3 gamers some Hate for Drake.. Not a perfect game never has been but for 59.99 it does bring gaming Fun alll that matters buddy boy''


No Longer a Noob
Jun 23, 2005
Look at all of this whining because someone didn't like one major aspect of your precious game.

I beat it. I've moved on. The bullet sponges are now dead. Man up.


Nov 30, 2009
roosterjcogburn said:
I hate it when people write their posts in red or boldface, like they think what they're saying is more important than others.

Is it just an ego trip or something?

Oh quelle su-f'n-pris this douchebag ranting again about what and how people write in a damn forum LOL so pathetic. if you dont have an ACTUAL point to add ABOUT the topic then p!ss off and dont say anything at all troll with clearly nothing better to do ; )


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
DanRk0619 said:
roosterjcogburn said:
I hate it when people write their posts in red or boldface, like they think what they're saying is more important than others.

Is it just an ego trip or something?

Oh quelle su-f'n-pris this douchebag ranting again about what and how people write in a damn forum LOL so pathetic. if you dont have an ACTUAL point to add ABOUT the topic then p!ss off and dont say anything at all troll with clearly nothing better to do ; )
This is comedic hypocrisy at its finest, ladies and gentlemen. This here is GOLD, motherf***ers :^O Criticizing me for doing the EXACT same thing you're doing within that very same post. Keep up the good work, you're my new favorite troll :*
Dec 23, 2009
powerfulone1987 said:
roosterjcogburn said:
I hate it when people write their posts in red or boldface, like they think what they're saying is more important than others.

Is it just an ego trip or something?

Red is my favorite color.

If you get a blade of some sort and cut down the inside of your arm (down the street, not across the road) you will see plenty of red =]


Oct 27, 2011
if you don't like the gunplay in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, then you probably won't like it in the next two. While the "bullet sponging" is toned down a lot in the next two, the AI is much more aggressive. Especially in Uncharted 3, if you are the kind of shooter that sits behind the same cover until the entire battle is over, you will NOT beat it. Just a heads up!

Even if the gunplay is flawed, doesn't take away the experience you receive with the entire package. Great franchise!


No Longer a Noob
Jun 23, 2005
twillo1 said:
if you don't like the gunplay in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, then you probably won't like it in the next two. While the "bullet sponging" is toned down a lot in the next two, the AI is much more aggressive. Especially in Uncharted 3, if you are the kind of shooter that sits behind the same cover until the entire battle is over, you will NOT beat it. Just a heads up!

Even if the gunplay is flawed, doesn't take away the experience you receive with the entire package. Great franchise!

Yeah, I've researched and found out as much. Although I haven't started on my copy of Uncharted 2, I still intend to. As long as this is true:

twillo1 said:
While the "bullet sponging" is toned down a lot in the next two.....

Then I'm good. Especially given the fact that so many hated the gunplay in Uncharted 1, but still find some way to love Uncharted 2. As time goes on though, people tend to feel more at ease in calling out a game's faults and we will see if this is the case with Uncharted 2 as those rose tinted glasses start to fade.

Those rose tinted glasses may actually be the reason some here are having problems with my Red text.

Thanks for the heads up though.
Nov 19, 2012
I think this is an old thread but I 100% agree with you. The cover-based shooting sections (of which there are FAR too many) throughout the Uncharted series are absolutely woeful. They also ruin any sense of character for Drake, who I ended up hating because he was this sarcastic wanker who was also a mass murderer and neck snap happy tosspot at the same time. I bought a PS3 to play this series and was flabbergasted by the praise that was heaped on it. I played Binary Domain directly after and loved it more in every aspect (including the whacky Western/Eastern philosophical mismash). U2 and U3 both get 6s from me. The gunplay was so shamefully poor it made me want to beat myself to death with my own severed arms.
Nov 19, 2012
"Your reasons for the shooting being broken has nothing to do with the actual mechanic."

Wrong, although I didn't find it as hard as this guy on Hard difficulty, the mechanics are just terrible. No reticle behind cover turns it into an uninteresting game of whack-a-mole. The copious amounts of these shitty sections completely detracted from the story and characterisations. I didn't give a toss about anyone in the game because none of it made sense in light of Drake's character. The shooting which dominates about 70% of this game is utter garbage.


Jun 14, 2015
I'd just like to thank the author of this review for the harmless honesty. I've been gaming hard core since 5th (I'm 23 now and loyal to playstation). I'm more of an Assassins Creed fanatic (beating them all in sequence) just to give you an idea of my preferred style of gaming (or kingdom hearts [face_tongue]). I also don't understand the praise for this game and I'm half way through it with a pulsing headache because I want to move on to COD Black Ops 2 so bad, BUT I never NOT finish a game, and Uncharted 1 is just annoying as hell. Early in the game I've picked up on how old it is for the same reasons! It's slightly illogical that these "jungle enemies" can dogde my bullets like a super hero literally the second the bullet leaves the gun. The white screen closing in on death, also disadvantage. Too easy to fall off cliffs/not clear on where to go or jump next (unless they imply a hint which not every game needs to do). I've played The Last of Us BEFORE uncharted and FELL IN LOVE, also crushed it on standard difficulty in a short amount of time because I loved it so much (so NO I don't suck at video games). Because of that game, I gave this game a chance. Also this game was under $5 at my GameStop, so that's not such a great impression. I've never played a game that gave me a headache like this one, just my opinion.
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No Longer a Noob
Jun 23, 2005
And I'm back.

Played Uncharted 2. It was a'ight.

Played Tomb Raider Reboot too.

Has been better than this series in EVERY WAY though to be quite honest.

Uncharted 3? Haven't found the time. But I've heard bad things.
Mar 31, 2015
Strange, I played through all four and never had any of these issues. I'm not even that great at games and played them on Hard difficulty.
Sep 27, 2017
I agree with this guy's post. It's now fall 2017. I have played multiple Call of Duty games as well as the entire Halo series. I just decided to start playing the Uncharted series starting from the beginning. I've never seen so many enemies crammed into a game like this before. Its not hard necessarily but it is just unnecessary and time consuming The game starts off fantastic until you get to the Island where the El Dorado statue is, then every few steps is a 5-8 minute long shootout with guys that just keep coming. A Jet Ski portion that features shitty controls and the need to stop every 2 or 3 seconds to shoot even more enemies. They put way too much emphasis on enemy interaction... It destroyed the storytelling of the game. I've never seen this many enemies constantly showing up in a game before, every turn is between 5 and 20 guys that take a headshot with shitty aiming to kill, or 6 to 7 bullets. I suspect that this game was so highly recieved because of the graphics. The extreme overuse of enemies at every turn destroys the story. Good stories and different goals that further a story along are what make a game good. That's why games like the Halo series and Call of Duty series are said to be some of the greatest games of all time.
Sep 27, 2017
Strange, I played through all four and never had any of these issues. I'm not even that great at games and played them on Hard difficulty.

You missed his point. The game isn't hard, there are just WAY too many enemies. It is nearly unbelievable. It takes away from all the other aspects of the game and it kills any chance at suspense.


Nov 11, 2011
Hey, it's 2019 now and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune still really sucks because there are enemies in places that there could not possibly be enemies.

Sneak into a super secret place that no one has stepped foot into for 400 years? Gats blast your dumb ass from every corner. Wipe your ass? Enemies burst out of the TP stains, blasting away. Change a tampon? Enemies spawn from the life blood and fill your bathroom, throwing grenades like they were free.