
Jun 10, 2011
I know this subject is sort of old, and this thread has been created before, but I was playing the 2 games today, and I was thinking about which one I like better. It's hard for me to decide, but I think Uncharted 2 was better executed and alot smoother in terms of plot. What do you think?


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 15, 2012
Uncharted 2 easily. Uncharted 3 was a boring samey mess, and they absolutely ruined the online. Turned it into Uncharted of Duty


Jun 10, 2011
Uncharted 2 easily. Uncharted 3 was a boring samey mess, and they absolutely ruined the online. Turned it into Uncharted of Duty
Fair enough. I enjoy the online, though, but I only play TDM, which in comparison, is nothing like CoD, besides the fact it's just shooting people.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 15, 2012
Uncharted 2 easily. Uncharted 3 was a boring samey mess, and they absolutely ruined the online. Turned it into Uncharted of Duty
Fair enough. I enjoy the online, though, but I only play TDM, which in comparison, is nothing like CoD, besides the fact it's just shooting people.
Except it draws way more from it now.

Uncharted 2 was all about fast paced running and gunning. Now it's about who reacts faster with the GMAL or FAL and who can stand in the same place moving side to side fast enough, because nobody uses any other gun.

Plus they nerfed the handgun which was the best starting weapon in UC2, and they nerfed the blind fire.
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Jun 10, 2011
Uncharted 2 easily. Uncharted 3 was a boring samey mess, and they absolutely ruined the online. Turned it into Uncharted of Duty
Fair enough. I enjoy the online, though, but I only play TDM, which in comparison, is nothing like CoD, besides the fact it's just shooting people.
Except it draws way more from it now.

Uncharted 2 was all about fast paced running and gunning. Now it's about who reacts faster with the GMAL or FAL and who can stand in the same place moving side to side fast enough, because nobody uses any other gun.

Plus they nerfed the handgun which was the best starting weapon in UC2, and they nerfed the blind fire.
Perhaps, but that isn't really the games fault. Naughty Dog didn't invent the technique of moving side to side nor did they anticipate that the FAL and G MAL would be used in that way. Plus the blindfire thing has been patched. I'm still with you though, I liked U2's multiplayer better, it's just I can learn to enjoy it and adept to the people who do stuff like that. Maybe it will get patched, who knows


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 13, 2010


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 8, 2010
Agreed, but imo, U2 is leagues ahead of 3

Leagues ahead? LMAO. What a paradox.
I wouldn't say leagues ahead, just prefer the second one, myself. The third one is still fantastic. It's an excellent trilogy.
Yeah, it all comes down to preference. I pretty much like each Uncharted sequel equally for different reasons. U2 is the most cohesive and longest campaign, but U3 had the best story.


Jun 10, 2011
Leagues ahead? LMAO. What a paradox.
I wouldn't say leagues ahead, just prefer the second one, myself. The third one is still fantastic. It's an excellent trilogy.
Yeah, it all comes down to preference. I pretty much like each Uncharted sequel equally for different reasons. U2 is the most cohesive and longest campaign, but U3 had the best story.
Yeah, but I sorta disagree. I liked U2's story better, but I guess it is all about what you personally like


Jun 10, 2011
Bit of a tough call, I loved the story of Uncharted 3 and the locations, set pieces etc. But it has to go to Among Theives, just awesome in every way for me.
Agreed, but imo, U2 is leagues ahead of 3

Leagues ahead? LMAO. What a paradox.
Well, after recently replaying both, I saw how much better U2 was to me. Ieven like the character model and face graphics better, and in some places the graphics in general


Jun 10, 2011
Leagues ahead? LMAO. What a paradox.
Well, after recently replaying both, I saw how much better U2 was to me. Ieven like the character model and face graphics better, and in some places the graphics in general

What game did you play? You sound absurd.
Well I figured you'd know, considering this thread is about them, that I was talking about Undharted 2 and 3. And I am mereley stating my opinions on Uncharted 2. Im sorry if you find that "absurd"


Oct 8, 2001
Uncharted 2 rose way above the expectations of what an Action Adventure game could be, Uncharted 3 matched it in every way. I think the story flows a little better in 2, but 2 has that weapon glitch for the platinum and people say Uncharted 3 is a little easier for the platinum. Both are High caliber games. They are both Must-Haves in any PS3 Library.
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Almost Not a Noob
Oct 8, 2010
Uncharted 2 rose way above the expectations of what an Action Adventure game could be, Uncharted 3 matched it in every way. I think the story flows a little better in 2, but 2 has that weapon glitch for the platinum and people say Uncharted 3 is a little easier for the platinum. Both are High caliber games. They are both Must-Haves in any PS3 Library.

Uncharted 2 was the most cohesive, but Uncharted 3 had the most sophisticated plot. Both are two of the best games I've ever played.
Nov 14, 2012
It's a hard call, but 3 is a superb game. To say that it's inferior to 2 in any way is a bit of a stretch. I'd say it's a tie, or maybe due to refinements and narrative gravity I'd even give it to 3.
Oct 8, 2011
I wonder what people would have said if U3 came out before U2. Forget the obvious reason that the story would be chronologically wrong. The main argument I've heard is that U2 was much better than U1, but U3 was equal or only a little better than U2.Therefore, U2 is better than U3 because of the leap it had from it's predecessor. So if U3 came out instead of U2, then would people be saying that U3 was the new bar being set and U2 was only making the bar or just clearing or falling short?

I just think that U2 has that spot in our minds as being the best game because it blew away our expectations. Unfortunately, this caused our expectations to be so big for U3, that most people were disappointed.
Aug 7, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
There is nothing like Uncharted 2 chapters 5-13 where you play Drake seamlessly through a long series of set pieces, gunplay, platforming, and puzzles, all without a black out cutscene where you travel somewhere else but instead control drake through the traveling from the streets of the city up to the hotel down to the temple to the train station and onto the train until it's eventual crash, and even then you escape the train and fight off more baddies before finally blacking out and being brought to the breather space of a mountain retreat when you can pet yaks or whatever they were.

In Uncharted 3 I never had that moment where it was a long period of constant play with some cutscenes to break up the combat, platforming, puzzle circle. The only part that had that almost was the airplane-desert town period of play, and maybe the ship. I did really enjoy Uncharted 3, although another reason it isn't better is because Sully didn't die. The emotion I felt when he was shot was heartbreak and rage, but then it takes that away by showing you he's okay, which steals the emotional impact, if they had left him dead and had Drake go on to just kill everyone in a rage, seeing them as those djiin things instead of real humans, I think it would have been an awesome, emotional ending.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 22, 2011
Uncharted 3 looks better, plays better, and I liked the story better. That is, my favorite Uncharted moments are in Uncharted 3, like learning the origin of Drake's relationship with Sully. I also like how eventually people are like "damn Drake, maybe let this one go??"


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
I thought the gameplay improvements between UC2 and UC3 were minimal and I liked the setting and the characters in UC2 better. Both are great games though.
Jul 13, 2013
I've just completed Uncharted 2 and have just ordered Uncharted 3 GOFT edition. Can't wait to play it.
I was going to buy Mass effect but I loved U2 so much I just had to get number 3.

Strangely I haven't played the 1st one yet. I tried the demo but I was so used to the controls of 2 it didn't feel the same. Ill probably get it at some point though.


Jun 26, 2013
Uncharted 2 had a smoother and more entertaining story (Taking into consideration the love triangles and merciles villian of course), while U3's story was more mature and sophisticated. Both games are awesome but it has to go to U2.
Aug 10, 2013
9.5 IGN WHAT????????????????????


Feb 23, 2011
It's close. Both are masterpeices, Naughty Dog never disappoint. But I'd just about tip Uncharted 2. It was a greatly improved sequel which showed off the Playstation 3's capabilities fully.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 8, 2014
The Vestibule
Both are fantastic games, with brilliant gameplay, set-pieces and storylines, and they're sorta tied, but I'd go with Uncharted 3. The only thing I didn't like with Uncharted 3 is those boring missions under the tunnels!
Nov 16, 2014
Huge tough call but Uncharted 3 I just thought it was slightly better than Among Thieves
Scores: U1 9.5/10
U2 10/10
U3 10/10
Jan 3, 2014
I played Uncharted 3 before playing Uncharted 2 so I think I see Uncharted 3 the same way most people see Unchated 2, as the best blockbuster game of last generation. That's not to say I don't Uncharted 2 is an amazing game, it's just I prefer Uncharted 3 more