Mar 16, 2011
Little Rock, AR
I want to get my 100% on uncharted 2. Is there anyone out there who wants to play with me? Even multiplayer or co-op. I had a great time with it and have been wanting to go back and play some more.

my psn handle is civezy
Apr 30, 2013
I want to get my 100% on uncharted 2. Is there anyone out there who wants to play with me? Even multiplayer or co-op. I had a great time with it and have been wanting to go back and play some more.

my psn handle is civezy

Hey, I just recently started getting back to Uncharted 2 Multiplayer and could use help on the co-op(especially crushing mode) and some of the competitive trophies(i am not very good). If you still wanna play that is.

my psn handle is capedsader03


Oct 17, 2012
If you give me a week or 2 to finish up (just started 3) single player, I will gladly boost online trophies for either or both Uncharted 2 and/or 3.


Just send me a PM letting me know why and referencing here, in English please.