
Sep 13, 2017
I am planning to start a karting championship, in the UK, that will offer amazing prizes to the most talented drivers (£15,000! for the champion). However, I will need to determine whether enough drivers are interested before I can go ahead with the championship.

If you are interested, there is more information and contact information on the website at: www.racingprogressionseries.com

Below are some questions that you may want answering;

Why have you chosen this prize structure?

I made the decision on the prize structure, because I felt that the champion would need to have a substantial prize to help them to kick-start their racing career, hence the £15,000 top prize.

However, I knew I couldn't get away from the fact that motorsport is unpredictable, so if a driver was capable of being in the title fight, but had a very unfortunate/unlucky season, then they shouldn't walk away empty handed, so I decided that there should also be prizes of £5,000 for 2nd place, £2,500 for 3rd place, with the prizes continuing to drop in value right down to 10th place (see the website for full prize structure).

Why do I plan on running the 8 rounds as 4 double-header rounds?

The answer to this one is fairly simple - drivers' expenses. I don't want the drivers to be forced to spend too much money on transport, accomodation etc. in order to take part in the championship, so I felt that running 2 rounds on the same day was the best solution. However, the calander isn't confirmed yet, and therefore the circuits' scheduling etc. may make double-headers difficult to achieve.

Why did you choose rental karts over owner/driver?

There are several reasons for this, and I have listed them below;
  1. Cost - Owner/driver racing requires you to buy a kart, pay for transport and storage and so on... Then, in order to be competitive, it is likely that you will need to pay for team support - all of these costs aren't necessary for our championship.
  2. Accessibility - The plan of this championship is to determine the most talented driver, not just the most talented driver who happens to own a 'Senior Rotax' or 'Senior TKM' - rental karts are accessible to all racers.
  3. Fairness - In an ideal world, all the karts would be equal, but I wont pretend this is true. However, in owner/driver racing, if you have a bad kart, you are stuck with that for the entire season. Whereas with our championship, there will be 8 rounds, each with 3 races and you will likely have a different kart for each race, and therefore it is hoped that any kart inequalities will even themselves out over the season.
  4. In addition to what was mentioned above with regards to fairness, the championship totals will include a DROPPED ROUND to cover against scenarios such as having a bad kart, and as mentioned above, the prize structure means you won't walk away empty handed even if you have a very unlucky season.
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.