
Feb 15, 2005
What’s up everyone?

We’ve seen several successful Batman Arkham games developed by Rocksteady that have impressed fans of the caped crusader and changed how we look at superhero games. Now that we’ve seen a definitive series of Batman games, I’d like to think of what other games could be made in a similar fashion with other iconic heroes. Whether they’re superheroes, or other familiar faces, I believe that many would benefit from the formula used in the Arkham franchise. So whether it's someone like The Flash, or even a game based on The Terminator, I'd like to hear it. A couple I have in mind are below:

Superman games have been made in the past, but we’ve never seen a video game that has given fans a feel of how it is to play as the Man of Steel. Also, there is that one Nintendo 64 title that we all wish didn’t exist. In fact, what was the name of that game again? Like most superheroes, Superman has gotten the short end of the stick and deserves at least one game that actually gives him justice. After all, who wouldn’t enjoy flying around an amazing depiction of Metropolis.

Iron Man

The rich playboy of the Marvel Universe is the superhero that’s most comparative to Batman in my opinion. Several Iron Man games based on the movies have been released, but none of these reach the potential that could have been. In this case, I see a popular character and is one of the more interesting superheroes that would benefit from a fresh series of video games.

What other heroes, or superheroes would you like to see Rocksteady give the Batman Arkham treatment?
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Oct 28, 2008
I'd love to see a Justice League game made by Rocksteady, like if they were all, "it's the last Batman game.....BUT SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKERS"

Play as Batman, Superman, Flash, Wonderwomen and Green Arrow.

Switchable like GTA 5


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 3, 2010
The problem with Superman is that he is just way too overpowered. How do you make a game balanced and somewhat challenging when your main character can fly around the world and defeat an enemy by simply melting his face :)? That's not to say it can't be done, but the likely scenario is you either pull back his powers (which may upset fans) or give his enemies similar abilities (ala Injustice: Gods Among Us).

Iron Man and Captain America are two I could definitely see work really well in the same vein of the Arkham games. Other comics I could see:
- TMNT: Make it gritty similar to the comic, but with villians from the various TV shows. The combat could be very similar to the Arkham style. Of course there absolutely needs to be 4 player or the least feature the 4 turtles fighting together. It has potential for some amazing boss battles (Shredder anyone?)
- Green Arrow: It could make a great stealth game.
- Daredevil: It's already similar in style to the Arkham games.
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No Longer a Noob
Apr 12, 2010
The Skull Zone
First on the list?


I think an Arkham style game for Spider-Man would rule....keep the same combat system (adjusted to Spidey of coarse), have a similar predator system, and give it a great original story featuring the Sinister 6 or something. Just imagine all the cool Spider-Man webbing/fighting combos we could have with the Arkham Combat system [face_drooling]

-And no the last 2 Amazing Spider-Man games don't count....they were just poor Arkham Rip-offs (although the Amazing Spider-Man 1 game had a great story) just sucks knowing Rocksteady can't go anywhere near Spider-Man lol.



I think it's LONG overdue for him to have a great game....I'd love to see Rocksteady's take on the Man of Steel. I'd also kill for a Justice League game....they could kinda hide Superman being over-powered him he was teamed with other heros.


I think an Arkham style Iron Man game would be pretty awesome too.
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May 31, 2011
Yea I'm with SkullManiac28 on Spiderman. The thing that makes the Arkham games so fun is the ease and freedom of traversal. Rocksteady should stick to a character that is conducive to this. Being able to crawl all over buildings, leap huge chasms, and swing through alleys as effortlessly as Bats in Knight would be exhilarating. Hell, I just spend the majority of my time in Knight flying down barely above the streets, which really wasn't all that easy in City.

It is unfortunate Spidey's under the Marvel label, as for Rocksteady's proven strengths in design he seems to be the most befitting.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 20, 2014
Superman, Daredevil, Green Arrow, Spiderman. I definitely think Daredevil and Green Arrow would work based off of what I've seen from the shows alone. They contain a good amount of stealth and what not.

But Superman would be my main request just because I've yet to see a good one done. Maybe a cameo from Batman too.


I'd like to see them go in the other direction and make a game as the VILLAIN. I'm talking brutal and what not.
Jul 28, 2011
Arkham type games I'd love to see are green arrow, daredevil, ninja turtles, punisher, spiderman, spawn, somehow iron man, superman


Jun 1, 2015
The problem with Superman is that he is just way too overpowered. How do you make a game balanced and somewhat challenging when your main character can fly around the world and defeat an enemy by simply melting his face :)? That's not to say it can't be done, but the likely scenario is you either pull back his powers (which may upset fans) or give his enemies similar abilities (ala Injustice: Gods Among Us).

Iron Man and Captain America are two I could definitely see work really well in the same vein of the Arkham games. Other comics I could see:
- TMNT: Make it gritty similar to the comic, but with villians from the various TV shows. The combat could be very similar to the Arkham style. Of course there absolutely needs to be 4 player or the least feature the 4 turtles fighting together. It has potential for some amazing boss battles (Shredder anyone?)
- Green Arrow: It could make a great stealth game.
- Daredevil: It's already similar in style to the Arkham games.
99.9% of the time Superman fights metahumans/other aliens with incredible powers just like him.
so THAT's how they do it.
it's not rocket science.
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Nov 26, 2012
The problem with Superman is that he is just way too overpowered. How do you make a game balanced and somewhat challenging when your main character can fly around the world and defeat an enemy by simply melting his face :)? That's not to say it can't be done, but the likely scenario is you either pull back his powers (which may upset fans) or give his enemies similar abilities (ala Injustice: Gods Among Us).

Iron Man and Captain America are two I could definitely see work really well in the same vein of the Arkham games. Other comics I could see:
- TMNT: Make it gritty similar to the comic, but with villians from the various TV shows. The combat could be very similar to the Arkham style. Of course there absolutely needs to be 4 player or the least feature the 4 turtles fighting together. It has potential for some amazing boss battles (Shredder anyone?)
- Green Arrow: It could make a great stealth game.
- Daredevil: It's already similar in style to the Arkham games.
99.9% of the time Superman fights metahumans/other aliens with incredible powers just like him.
so THAT's how they do it.
it's not rocket science.
I really hate the argument that Superman is overpowered. Yes, he is powerful, but so are his villains. Sure, everyday thugs aren't going to be able to do a damn thing to him, but lets face it, everyday thugs aren't going to do a damn thing to Batman, Spider-man, Iron Man, or any other super hero.

On topic, I think a Superman game could work really well, especially if it deals with saving people more than just combat. Maybe something time based like save this person who is falling off a building before the timer runs out, instead of beating up twelve thugs that are threatening a firefighter, like in AK.
May 3, 2014
Spiderman for sure. I could web sling around the city in Arkham Knight for hours and not get bored! And stealth missions with the wall crawler would be epic. And Spiderman has the second deepest rogues gallery(Batman is 1), all the side missions bring down his enemies work nicely in an Arkham game.

Also like TMNT or Punisher! Could you see Frank Castle fighting with guns and stuff with the Arkham fight style! Make it a hard M game and let the Punisher have some fun. Damn, Deadpool would also work! Just think all the funny one liners he would say as he cuts thought a group of bad guys in the Arkham fight style.
Dec 17, 2010
I've gotta go with Captain America (and I'm thinking during WWII, with him running missions against Nazi and Hydra targets), Black Panther, and Daredevil.


May 18, 2014
Not a superhero but you can EASILY make a Predator game just like the Arkham series. Think about it,

PREDATOR MODE: Self explanatory. Just like the batman games you hunt down enemies but as predator.

GADGETS: just like Batman, Predator has a number of gadgets it can use.

DETECTIVE MODE: Just like batman has detective mode, predator has its visions it can choose from.

COMBAT: predator is also skilled in combat just like batman, and just like batman has the takedown ability after the combo meter is filled, that can translate to predator but instead of breaking an arm you rip out a spine.

You can even make it ALIEN VS PREDATOR and throw in some aliens as enemies and not make it JUST humans. There's much more as well. predator fits in for this game PERCECTLY
Dec 28, 2014
Harry Potter

The world is already incredibly fleshed out thanks to seven books, and just think about the possibilities. I'm thinking it would probably best take place when Harry is already an adult and an auror. It can just be about him and his gang going around and around dark wizards. If they can nail the combat, just think about how amazing it would feel to be able to pull off some of the spells and stuff yourself. It could really be so awesome, and they might even be able to pull off an open world... Maybe. Also, brooms can make traversal really awesome and make for some great areal combat. Fans of the series would love it and it could also appeal to a larger audience who just want to feel like a wizard. Rocksteady seems to already have a decent relationship with Warner Bros, so I can actually see this happening.
Jul 7, 2015
What’s up everyone?

We’ve seen several successful Batman Arkham games developed by Rocksteady that have impressed fans of the caped crusader and changed how we look at superhero games. Now that we’ve seen a definitive series of Batman games, I’d like to think of what other games could be made in a similar fashion with other iconic heroes. Whether they’re superheroes, or other familiar faces, I believe that many would benefit from the formula used in the Arkham franchise. So whether it's someone like The Flash, or even a game based on The Terminator, I'd like to hear it. A couple I have in mind are below:

Superman games have been made in the past, but we’ve never seen a video game that has given fans a feel of how it is to play as the Man of Steel. Also, there is that one Nintendo 64 title that we all wish didn’t exist. In fact, what was the name of that game again? Like most superheroes, Superman has gotten the short end of the stick and deserves at least one game that actually gives him justice. After all, who wouldn’t enjoy flying around an amazing depiction of Metropolis.

Iron Man

The rich playboy of the Marvel Universe is the superhero that’s most comparative to Batman in my opinion. Several Iron Man games based on the movies have been released, but none of these reach the potential that could have been. In this case, I see a popular character and is one of the more interesting superheroes that would benefit from a fresh series of video games.

What other heroes, or superheroes would you like to see Rocksteady give the Batman Arkham treatment?
Jul 7, 2015

I think it would be cool if they made a game about either Red Hood(as Robin and the lost days training with Talia al Ghul), the Knightfall Batman from the ending of Arkham Knight, or a Batfamily game(with Tim, Barbara, and Azrael in Gotham and Nightwing in Blüdhaven).
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Black Canarylicious
Jul 3, 2009

To the common thug, sure, he'll easily power his way to victory. But, he has quite a few foes that would give him serious trouble; Lobo, Brainiac, Doomsday, Darkseid, Zod...I'm hopeful!


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 20, 2014

To the common thug, sure, he'll easily power his way to victory. But, he has quite a few foes that would give him serious trouble; Lobo, Brainiac, Doomsday, Darkseid, Zod...I'm hopeful!
Who is the girl in your GIF icon with the orange dress?
Dec 22, 2009
I am thinking a Justice League game would be the way to go. Where we played as different heroes for different levels capping it off with Superman to take down the main baddie. (Might be a good way to open up the Superman game idea to he masses)

Took so long to get a decent Comic Book game as it was. But if anyone can give us the Superman game we have been waiting for I totally trust Rocksteady.


;^) PSNID: Danger_Dad
Feb 4, 2004
:^, If we look beyond DC and Marvel, it'd be fun to see the Arkham combat system applied to Groo, The Wanderer....