
Feb 26, 2014
Currently on a SummerSlam binge. Interested to know what everyone's Top 10 SummerSlam matches of all time are.


Super Star
Feb 13, 2012
Here. On a board. With you.
1. Bret vs. Bulldog (1992)
2. Bret vs. Owen (1994)
3. Bret vs. Mr. Perfect (1991)
4. Ladder Match for the IC title: HBK vs. Razor Ramon (1995)
5. Hart Foundation vs. The Brainbusters (1989)
6. Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler (2009)
7. HHH vs. HBK (2002)
8. Angle vs. Austin (2001)
9. Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk (2009)
10.Fatal 4 Way Universal Championship Match (2017)


MODerately Terrifying
May 15, 2009
1. Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog (1992)
2. Steel Cage: Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart (1994)
3. John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan (2013)
4. No-DQ: Brock Lesnar vs. CM Punk (2013)
5. Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect (1991)
6. TLC: Edge/Christian vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz (2000)
7. Ladder: Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio (2005)
8. Lion's Den: Owen Hart vs. Ken Shamrock (1998)
9. TLC: CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy (2009)
10. Last Man Standing: Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar (2022)


Feb 2, 2011
The Danger Zone
1. Daniel Bryan vs John Cena(2013)
2. Brock Lesnar vs CM Punk(2013)
3. Bret Hart vs Owen Hart(1994)
4. HHH vs Shawn Michaels(2002)
5. Kurt Angle vs Stone Cold Steve Austin(2001)
6. John Cena vs CM Punk(2011)
7. Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar(2003)
8. Randy Orton vs Christian(2011)
9. A.J. Styles vs John Cena(2016)
10. Rey Mysterio vs Kurt Angle(2002)


Super Star
Feb 13, 2012
Here. On a board. With you.
1. Daniel Bryan vs John Cena(2013)
2. Brock Lesnar vs CM Punk(2013)
3. Bret Hart vs Owen Hart(1994)
4. HHH vs Shawn Michaels(2002)
5. Kurt Angle vs Stone Cold Steve Austin(2001)
6. John Cena vs CM Punk(2011)
7. Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar(2003)
8. Randy Orton vs Christian(2011)
9. A.J. Styles vs John Cena(2016)
10. Rey Mysterio vs Kurt Angle(2002)

Y u hurt me lik dis
Nov 17, 2007
Always interesting to see how opinions change over time. I remember the Cena/Punk match being killed on here and in the general public in real time cause of the finish and how it overall didn't live up to the lofty expectations of the MITB match. Same with Eddie vs Rey. Like it was seen as good but a disappointment considering the wrestlers involved. Cool to see them make lists.

Also Brock Lesnar is lowkey Mr. Summerslam [int_cool]

1. CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar (2013)
2. Kurt Angle vs Stone Cold (2001)
3. Bret Hart vs Owen Hart - Steel Cage (1994)
4. Triple H vs Shawn Michaels (2002)
5. The Rock vs Triple H - Ladder Match (1998)
6. Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar (2003)
7. Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio (2002)
8. Daniel Bryan vs John Cena (2013)
9. John Cena vs AJ Styles (2016)
10. Brock Lesnar vs The Rock (2002) - Other than Rock vs Austin WM17, I don't think I rewatched a match more than this when I was a kid

This is actually really hard. I think Summerslam might have more great matches than Wrestlemania. I have to have some honorable mentions

Undertaker vs Edge - HIAC (2008)
Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon - Ladder Match (1995)
John Cena vs Batista (2008) - I REALLY like this match
Fatal 4 Way (2017)
TLC (2000)
Bret vs Mr. Perfect (1991)
Bret vs British Bulldog (1992)

It's been awhile since I've seen the Bret vs Bulldog/Perfect matches. I know they're great but I'd need to rewatch them to see where fall in with the top 10 matches. I don't wanna add them just because I feel like I have to. So that's the only reason why they're not up there.


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
1. Randy Orton vs. Chris Benoit (2004)
2. John Cena vs. A.J. Styles (2016)
3. John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan (2014)
4. John Cena vs. Seth Rollins (2015)
5. Randy Orton vs. Christian (2011)
6. Brock Lesnar vs. Samoa Joe vs. Braun Strowman vs. Roman Reigns (2016)
7. The Usos vs. The New Day (2017 Kickoff)
8. Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio (2013)
9. The Undertaker vs. Edge (2008)
10. John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar (2014)