
Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2012
My dream garden
Seriously, the Cell saga had too happy an ending. And it just made way for the garbage that was the Majin Buu saga (and eventually, Dragonball GT). I'll make a thread about why the Majin Buu saga sucked, but first I'm going to say how the Cell saga should have ended.

If you don't feel like reading the entire post, I'll wrap it up right here. Basically, all of the Z Fighters except Gohan should have died in the Cell Games. Gohan would have lost his arm during it and grows up to be like how he did in the History of Trunks. The next saga would focus on Gohan and Trunks fighting a new enemy, which would result in Goku coming back from heaven to fight with his son one last time. What we got in the Majin Buu saga was just a letdown.

In more detail:

OK, the Cell Juniors should have killed all of the Z Fighters except for Goku, Gohan, Vegeta and Trunks. Gohan would snap and turn Super Saiyan 2 (he was going to transform anyway even if Cell didn't kill Android 16). He kills the Cell Juniors and beats Cell to a pulp, causing it to spit Android 18 out. Cell prepares to self destruct, but Goku steps in and sacrifices himself by sending Cell to King Kai, killing everyone there in the process. Cell returns even more powerful and kills Future Trunks. Vegeta goes wild and attempts to kill Cell, but is defeated effortlessly. Cell prepares to kill Vegeta, but Gohan rushes in and takes the blow for him.

Gohan's arm wouldn't just get wounded. It'd be blown to bits, just like in the History of Trunks. Cell prepares to kill everyone along with the Earth, but Goku motivates Gohan from heaven to fight back. It'd make sense for Android 16 to give Gohan words of motivation at that moment too before deactivating, seeing as Cell wouldn't have killed him (or maybe, he'd still give his words to Gohan and get squashed by Cell as the Juniors were making their attack). Gohan fires his Kamehameha at Cell's, but Cell has the advantage until Vegeta fires a blast at it, distracting it. Gohan then snaps and brings out all of his power to kill Cell for good.

Vegeta would have used his entire life force with his blast on Cell. He bids his final words to Gohan before dying. Gohan goes to Kami's Lookout with Trunks and 18's bodies and has Dende heal Android 18 who departs right after. The Eternal Dragon is later summoned and everyone Cell killed is restored back to life, including Trunks and Android 17. Goku then tells Gohan that he and the other deceased Z Fighters are comfortable dead and leaves Earth in his hands. Trunks goes back to his timeline and kills the Androids and Cell there.

The next saga would take place years later, where Gohan grows up similarly to how he did in the History of Trunks, with a single arm and training his timeline's Trunks. A new enemy would appear and in the final battle, Goku would return from the Otherworld to help with his son one last time. I'll post another thread about this saga.



Jul 22, 2005
Lol on your take on what should have happened, is not much of a difference on what
did happen.

I'm curious to see what's your take on this next villan if buu saga didn't happen. Who's
the villan?

I think the Cell games ended nicely. Although, it would have been nice to see Vegeta turning
into a ssj2 by the caused of Goku's death(Vegeta wanted to be the one to kill him, not
a weakling like Cell) and his dying son, Trunks. I think DBZ responded great on where things started off
after the end of cell saga, IMO.

I would like really, really liked to see Gohan being the star instead of Goku again. Wanted
to see Goan train his ass off instead of studying. Wanted Vegeta to have a new goal to
beat Goku's son, Gohan. But then again, I was happy to see Goku being brought back. =P
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No Longer a Noob
Nov 2, 2005
I agree with Jeremy, Vegeta and Gohan needed to take the spotlight for once. Goku died in the Cell games so that could happen, but the damn publishers didn't let AT go through with it.
Dec 18, 2001
Seriously, the Cell saga had too happy an ending. And it just made way for the garbage that was the Majin Buu saga (and eventually, Dragonball GT). I'll make a thread about why the Majin Buu saga sucked, but first I'm going to say how the Cell saga should have ended.

If you don't feel like reading the entire post, I'll wrap it up right here. Basically, all of the Z Fighters except Gohan should have died in the Cell Games. Gohan would have lost his arm during it and grows up to be like how he did in the History of Trunks. The next saga would focus on Gohan and Trunks fighting a new enemy, which would result in Goku coming back from heaven to fight with his son one last time. What we got in the Majin Buu saga was just a letdown.

In more detail:

OK, the Cell Juniors should have killed all of the Z Fighters except for Goku, Gohan, Vegeta and Trunks. Gohan would snap and turn Super Saiyan 2 (he was going to transform anyway even if Cell didn't kill Android 16). He kills the Cell Juniors and beats Cell to a pulp, causing it to spit Android 18 out. Cell prepares to self destruct, but Goku steps in and sacrifices himself by sending Cell to King Kai, killing everyone there in the process. Cell returns even more powerful and kills Future Trunks. Vegeta goes wild and attempts to kill Cell, but is defeated effortlessly. Cell prepares to kill Vegeta, but Gohan rushes in and takes the blow for him.

I actually couldn't disagree more with this statement. First off its pretty much the same thing except that everyone just dies. You have to see what's going on to truly understand the turn if events. Gohan does not want to fight Cell he hates to fight. Cell realizes that we wants to enrage Gohan and summons Cell Juniors to do just that. Toy with his friends make them suffer to push Gohan further. By killing them off you miss the greatest thing that happens with Gohan. Android 16 goes to Gohan and explains that it's ok to fight for the right reason. To free your spirit as your anger rises. Gohan goes through a dramatic realization about what to do in this situation, and releases the power he has, no longer afraid of the outcome, knowing that this is right. By just killing everyone off and making Gohan go angry through death Gohan misses out on a major change in his persona. In the anime this is the first time Gohan takes control of his own power, free from just raging out and getting mad. He released his power through his own will to protect the world he cares about. The way you want it is just Gohan getting mad again, it does nothing for his character development.

Gohan's arm wouldn't just get wounded. It'd be blown to bits, just like in the History of Trunks. Cell prepares to kill everyone along with the Earth, but Goku motivates Gohan from heaven to fight back. It'd make sense for Android 16 to give Gohan words of motivation at that moment too before deactivating, seeing as Cell wouldn't have killed him (or maybe, he'd still give his words to Gohan and get squashed by Cell as the Juniors were making their attack). Gohan fires his Kamehameha at Cell's, but Cell has the advantage until Vegeta fires a blast at it, distracting it. Gohan then snaps and brings out all of his power to kill Cell for good.

Vegeta would have used his entire life force with his blast on Cell. He bids his final words to Gohan before dying. Gohan goes to Kami's Lookout with Trunks and 18's bodies and has Dende heal Android 18 who departs right after. The Eternal Dragon is later summoned and everyone Cell killed is restored back to life, including Trunks and Android 17. Goku then tells Gohan that he and the other deceased Z Fighters are comfortable dead and leaves Earth in his hands. Trunks goes back to his timeline and kills the Androids and Cell there.

I don't know why Gohan would have to lose an arm. It seems you just want another Future Gohan. Which doesn't do anything for him, since Future Gohan is different entirely from Present Gohan. Also just killing off Vegeta like that destroys who Vegeta is as a character. What final words would Vegeta have for Gohan? They don't have a bond of any sort. Vegeta has a bond with Goku and Goku only, Vegeta doesn't connect with the Z Senshi at that time. Also which I thought the anime did incredibly well that you are getting rid of is, when all the Z Senshi go to help Gohan against Cell. From their angle Gohan is losing the fight and they all rush into the battle knowing that they are probably going to die, but they idolize the sacrifice of Goku who saved them not seconds before and will die trying to help Gohan win this fight and save Gohan and their world. This actually gave the Z Senshi purpose. Watching them get up from each attack and continuously firing right back at Cell. Literally this is the first time in the series that the entire Z Senshi was going at it all at once, no matter how futile it looked. It was beautiful and one of the few times the anime did this scene more just than the manga.
And why would the rest of the Z Senshi want to stay dead? That's not like them at all. They have lives, they would want to return to it. Goku didn't stay behind in the afterlife for the sheer purpose of staying there. Pretty much every villain in Z came because of Goku being on the planet. That's why he stayed behind, to once again protect his planet. So why would the rest want to stay dead, it isn't like them at all. It doesn't serve a purpose at all.

The next saga would take place years later, where Gohan grows up similarly to how he did in the History of Trunks, with a single arm and training his timeline's Trunks. A new enemy would appear and in the final battle, Goku would return from the Otherworld to help with his son one last time. I'll post another thread about this saga.


Gohan isn't a fighter like his father was. Future Gohan was fighting the Andriods and grew up differently. Gohan in our time isn't like the fighter his dad was. He doesn't crave fighting and training like a normal saiyan does. Realize how Goten, Trunks, and Gohan aren't trainers like their respective fathers. Plus doing all this takes away the beautiful transformation of Vegeta's character in the Buu saga. If anything else the Buu Saga was good just for that. To bring an ultimate closure to the character of Vegeta.
And I just don't understand why you would kill everyone off, give the spotlight to Gohan and Trunks and yet at the end you would bring Goku back to steal the show. If you are going to leave the spotlight on Gohan and Trunks by killing off the rest of the Z Senshi shouldn't you at least give them the opportunity of the spotlight, Buu Saga suffered from Goku having the spotlight instead of giving the other characters their due. You are doing the same thing as the series except killing everyone off.
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Dec 18, 2001
Lol funny, I'm not always right.... I'm just a stubborn guy in my right lol. I really just thought the entire scene gave the best ending of a Z Saga. Everything that happened. Goku's faith in his son, Gohan's doubt in himself. All the Z Senshi coming to help, doing whatever they can. Throwing themselves right behind Cell which is the direction if Gohan's Kamehameha, Gohan getting enraged when his friends get hurt. Cell overpowering him again. Goku doing his best to coach his son through it, telling him to let everything go, you could hear the fear in Goku's voice that Cell might win. The Z Senshi refusing to stay down and pummel Cell from behind. Vegeta looking onward, and powers up, the Z Senshi fall, Gohan being driven back to the point of nothing, the Z Senshi crippled on the floor looking on out their failure
, the world cracking apart, everyone embracing their impending doom..... Then Vegeta's Big Bang Attack actually phases Cell for a second and Gohan seizes that moment and unleashes everything and overpowers Cell once and for all. Twenty minutes of pure epicness in my eyes. This was done so much better than it was done in the manga to me.

Goku speeches were a really nice add on, especially with all the monologues of Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, and Yamcha. " Think of the people he's hurt. NOW MAKE THAT YOUR POWER!!!!!"


No Longer a Noob
Nov 2, 2005
I know man, I completely agree. The ending to the Cell Saga was the single best event in all of DBZ imo. I don't think it could have been done any better. There was so much closure and character growth in that short amount of time it was just an epic moment. With Gohan we finally get to see him control his hidden anger that had been present from the fight with Radditz. The Z fighter risking there lives was encouraging and very brave in my eyes, then Vegeta actually caring about something other than Goku being stronger than him for once was completely selfless and saved Gohan. And as much as I love Goku, it was great to see him out of the spot light.