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Killed a guy with a trident!
Jul 26, 2007
Everything seems to be getting wrapped up too fast. Sure maybe sometimes we don't want plot thread dangling for too long, but some of them this season seem to get resolved a little too quickly. Look at how many different plot threads there have been already this season, Sam being back, then we learn how, then we learn he has no soul, and then Crowley gets killed, there's the war in Heaven, the Mother of All plot that just started...

It might be a bit too much for one season, making things feel a bit rushed. Let's look at a recent example; when Sam got his soul back, he was warned not to "scratch the itch", but by the end of the very next episode, he starts getting flashbacks of Hell, and yet by the next episode that only lasted for like 2 minutes, and the boys rush off onto something else. Hmmm.

I love this show, but something just feels off this season, I mean it's still great, but I do have to wonder if maybe it's missing that Kripke charm.


Jan 9, 2005
I know what you mean. It hasn't hurt my opinion of the show, but the season does feel a little off in certain places. I'm okay with the way the whole Sam's-soul plot line wrapped up, but the show never really convinced me of Crowley's motivations for purgatory, and when he was killed off, it seemed like they had wrapped up the purgatory, Alpha, and Samuel storylines all at once (with the exception of the revenge Dean seeks to get on Samuel).

Luckily the purgatory storyline was able to be continued to a slight extent (though we still haven't been told why the dragons seem to know more about purgatory than the Alphas), and it gave us what appears to be a promising new Big Bad, but that still means the Alpha storyline has been dropped, and the Crowley-searching-for-purgatory storyline never really mattered.

Then there's the heavenly war storyline. It was first brought up in "The Third Man", it was mentioned very briefly again in "You Can't Handle the Truth", and now it has been more-or-less wrapped up (at least the searching for heaven's weapons aspect of it) in this past episode. We still don't even know the significance of Balthazar selling the weapons for souls or what's up with this season's emphasis on the value of souls, and now that Balthazar seems to be on Castiel's side rather than on his own side as was the case in "The Third Man" (is that going to be explained to us too?), it doesn't look like we'll have a good opportunity for it to be explained.

Last season also had the problem of wrapping up everything too fast (I mean, when they learned where the Colt was, they got it by the next episode, and used it to try to kill Lucifer in that same episode; then when they realized that they needed the rings to re-trap Lucifer, there was only 3 episodes left in the season), but it didn't have so many plot points going simultaneously like Season 6 does, which made the rush not seem quite so bad.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 27, 2007
Yeah, when you put it that way some parts have been rushed and wrapped up in a hurry. I'd forgotten Balthazar was collecting souls or whatever, that kinda disappeared without an explanation. And yeah, Crowley was overall unimportant, which is a shame because I could grasp the alpha hunting. And where is Samuel? Doesn't seem like there is much time left to give us all the answers we want.
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