
Almost Not a Noob
May 10, 2009
Recently a new Spiderman game Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions was announced which made me wonder why is there not a new Superman game for next gen consoles. I mean there was Batman Arkham Asylum which did great although a new video game named DC Universe Online is coming out on late 2010 which features many DC Universe superheroes including Superman and supervillians but they aren't playable. A Superman game for the PS3/360 was in production but it got cancelled. I want a Superman game for next gen consoles which should should be open world like a GTA game.


Almost Not a Noob
May 10, 2009
User wavesnew posted some interesting ideas:

wavesnew said:
that game done correctly would be 10x better than a Batman or Spiderman game just because the better superpowers.

If you played Superman reeutrns on xbox it felt great controlling the guy but everything else was ass, the size of the map was kinda big but still small since superman could fly fast as hell.

Weather & Daylight changes like a real world ala GTA.
Make a bigger world
Open world(Go into some buildings)
Talk to ppl (Like in scarface)
Solid Main Missions ofcourse

Fun side missions that occur during a span of a few days:
Evacuating ppl during Weather Storms
Disarming Bombs
Falling Planes
Astroids falling to earth
Wild Animals on the loose
Handle Shooting with cops
Hostage Situation
Burning Building(Big Fires)
Car Fires
Car Chases
Sinking Boats
Colliding Subway Carts
off tarck trains about to fall
Car Crashes prevention
Bursting water supply, Hidrogens
Help put out fires, save ppl from burning buildings
Catch thieves
Stop Bank robbers
Help ppl from drowning

Play as Clark Kent:
Do missions with lois & go into a booth & change into Superman when problems occur.
Drive a Vechicle/Hop out anytime to deal with side missions.
Go on investigations with lois looking for clues change into Superman on the fly

Extras In a free roam world
Go into buildings doing various stuff as clark Kent
Play Games ( Pool, Bowling, Table Tennis, Mini games,etc)
watch trailers
watch Cutscenes
Buy New clothes for Clark Kent

Instead of fighting robots,U should be fighting TIME. Superman's main problem is he has to be in several places at 1 time. Like all the events i named & other real life obstacles could be thrown at em.

Seriously if they make a Superman game like this the game would be 10 times better than Batman Arkham Asylum.
Apr 4, 2010
I agree, Superman Returns was good and got some things right, such as the flight dinamics and the basic powers. However its one sided repeditive gameplay and unimaginative (and rushed) plot was what stoped it from making it a Classic Superman game.

I think there is the technology now to create stunning visuals plus an interactive story with depth and never before seen game play.

I feel the reason alot of Superman games fail, is because they only focus on a small part of who Superman is, yes its fun to lift a car over your head, throw it across town and just befor it hits the ground killing an innicent pedestrian, blow it up with your heat vision, but how many times can you do that before asking yourself, where's this game going? It's like giving someone a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich, but only giving them the peanutbutter and hoping they don't suspect a thing.

The "jelly" of course is Clark Kent and all the Superman suporting characters Lois, Jimmy and Perry in an interative format, not just through cutsceens. My idea for the perfect game would be that of a mixed genre combining Action, Drama and Puzzle solving to complete a mission or advance the game.

For a tutorial we could have an origin story with Clark on the farm learning about his powers while doing his daily chores, then move forward to Metropolis and Clark getting his job at the Daily Planet as well as the debut of Superman. The Gameplay for Superman and Clark would work in tandum rather than seperate missions for both. for example:

A call comes over the radio (or tv) that a plane is doing down after its engine exploded and is heading for Metropolis's Downtown, as Clark you must sneak away (avoiding suspicion) and change into Superman where you locate the plane and redirect it away from the center of town to a safe landing zone before flying away and changing into Clark to take interviews and follow leads to find that it was actually a bomb that blew the engine, etc.., with the choice of becoming Clark or Superman anytime through the game to make it suited to your gameplay (action or puzzle mystery) and unlocking Trophies/Achivements such as Costumes and Characters in a phisical Fortress of Solitude (possably accessed by flying full speed north on the compas).

For game extras Superman can have things like speed triles or power tests and Clark can have stories with deadlines and for both maybe a double date with Lois without been caught out.

this is just my idea of what I feel would make a Great Superman game with plenty of smashing and flying, but also a character driven story and puzzle solving which is now just starting to creap into nextgen games.


Almost Not a Noob
May 10, 2009
If the star cast and everything else of the next Superman movie is announced I think we might see a Superman video game soon.
Apr 22, 2010
Superman games can be good. Superman Shadow of Apokolips proved its possible.

Problems with Supes Games
1) Player has full access to Supes's powers. This is just LTK. Only villians who can stand up to him will be Darkeid and Doomsday.
2) Not enough Clark Kent
3) Its just developers seem to stop caring after few levels and start making game repetitive- robots, villians, disaster over and over again....yawn.

What can be done.
1) Make the environments destructive, so player has to wisely choose how to utilise Supes's powers so no unnecssary damage is done. Thats why Supes holds back a lot in comics.
2) No more goofy robots...unless its Lex in his Apokoliptan Prototypte. This is 2010.

Then we'll have an epic. And make Boss Battles intense. Not like the final...hideously easy Joker boss in Batman Arkham Asylum (but it was a great game)


Sep 6, 2010
a superman game would be absolutely amazing. but they have to do it right. i don't want some movie game they did to go along with the release date of the movie. because odds are it won't be very good. if they just made the game based on the comics or television show, like the batman or the new transformers. cause those were reeeeeally good. :'D i love the idea of having clark kent in there as well. like going on missions with lois and finding the right time to escape and change into superman. and i really like the idea of destructible environments, so you can use your powers accordingly. so it's has a bit of strategy involved and it's not all smashing random buttons. lmao.
now i'm really excited. i want them to make the game already. lmao. :')
Sep 5, 2010
I agree 110% with you on the next superman game idea. The game you described would have more selling record then any game out there. Share your thoughts with one of the game developing companys.


May 16, 2008
they should just get Rocksteady to do one they made Arkham Asylum good and the new one looks like its gonna be just as good if not better
Apr 6, 2011
I want to be able to control superman's alignement I don't want be a "justice league" supeman I want to be a "justice lord" superman


No Longer a Noob
Sep 11, 2008
Naguib_234798 said:
User wavesnew posted some interesting ideas:

wavesnew said:
that game done correctly would be 10x better than a Batman or Spiderman game just because the better superpowers.

If you played Superman reeutrns on xbox it felt great controlling the guy but everything else was ass, the size of the map was kinda big but still small since superman could fly fast as hell.

Weather & Daylight changes like a real world ala GTA.
Make a bigger world
Open world(Go into some buildings)
Talk to ppl (Like in scarface)
Solid Main Missions ofcourse

Fun side missions that occur during a span of a few days:
Evacuating ppl during Weather Storms
Disarming Bombs
Falling Planes
Astroids falling to earth
Wild Animals on the loose
Handle Shooting with cops
Hostage Situation
Burning Building(Big Fires)
Car Fires
Car Chases
Sinking Boats
Colliding Subway Carts
off tarck trains about to fall
Car Crashes prevention
Bursting water supply, Hidrogens
Help put out fires, save ppl from burning buildings
Catch thieves
Stop Bank robbers
Help ppl from drowning

Play as Clark Kent:
Do missions with lois & go into a booth & change into Superman when problems occur.
Drive a Vechicle/Hop out anytime to deal with side missions.
Go on investigations with lois looking for clues change into Superman on the fly

Extras In a free roam world
Go into buildings doing various stuff as clark Kent
Play Games ( Pool, Bowling, Table Tennis, Mini games,etc)
watch trailers
watch Cutscenes
Buy New clothes for Clark Kent

Instead of fighting robots,U should be fighting TIME. Superman's main problem is he has to be in several places at 1 time. Like all the events i named & other real life obstacles could be thrown at em.

Seriously if they make a Superman game like this the game would be 10 times better than Batman Arkham Asylum.

To be Clark Kent would be epic. I'd love to be able to have his powers, while in disguise. But that would only be good with alignment thing. [face_tongue] But I'd just want to be Clark and drive his car and such. [face_tongue] Could be an awesome game! I love Superman!


Almost Not a Noob
May 10, 2009
Looks like Rocksteady Studio's are the ones who may develop a PS3 Superman game. Guys, I don't have twitter. So, if any of you do then please link this thread to [link=!/rocksteadygames/]@RocksteadyGames[/link]


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
Naguib_234798 said:
Looks like Rocksteady Studio's are the ones who may develop a PS3 Superman game. Guys, I don't have twitter. So, if any of you do then please link this thread to [link=!/rocksteadygames/]@RocksteadyGames[/link]
Meaning you're too lazy to make one?

I agree w/ hatsandladder -- Superman Returns did do one thing right -- the "health bar" was Superman's reputation. As Metropolis took damage, Superman's rep took a hit.

That aside, mundane game mechanics may not be a Superman game's bread and butter. Maybe randomized QTEs for certain sections or events (bosses) in addition to mixing it up with action (e.g., Shattered Dimensions)?