
Moderately Disturbed
Aug 7, 2001
I had this idea a long time ago but completely forgot about it. I figured it wouldn't be such a bad idea to have a thread dedicated to the fanfic writers/readers of the board. It has to be kept on topic, though. Nothing general, since that's what the community thread is for. This thread is to talk about the fics of the board (past and present), or to discuss other ideas for RE fics, etc. I don't expect it to get a lot of activity but I think it'll be nice to have.

List of all current fanfics that haven’t been auto-deleted:

bluetroothResident Evil: Heaven's Not Enough

DarkBlood999, JTeel54, segaguy64, and a few others along the way -- The Hidden Truth [Revised]

And the original version of it – String Fan Fic(read and see)

[hl=black]DarkBlood999[/hl] & hardcore_resi_fan -- Resident Evil Movie Script

[hl=black]DarkBlood999[/hl] & toosmartforbond2 -- Resident Evil 2 Movie Script

[hl=black]DarkBlood999[/hl] – Evil Never Dies [Revised]

[hl=black]DarkBlood999[/hl] – Resident Evil: Final Resolution

[hl=black]DarkBlood999[/hl] – Resident Evil 4: A Fan’s Tale

[hl=black]DarkBlood999[/hl] – The End [continuation of Gunner’s fic]

[hl=black]DarkBlood999[/hl] – End Game

[hl=black]DarkBlood999[/hl] – Echoes

[hl=black]DarkBlood999[/hl] – Resident Evil 5: Legacy

[hl=black]DarkBlood999[/hl] -- Resident Evil: Inchoatus

dr-drew -- Revenge of the Great RE Board Adventure

dr-drew -- The 3rd Great RE Board Adventure

Flachulator Cold Fear

gameboy7771 Nightmares

gimme_a_dollar714 -- The Evil Spreads

gmh87Rebecca's Journey

Gunner341 -- Blue Death

Gunner341 -- The End

hardcore_resi_fan -- A New Beginning

hardcore_resi_fan -- Shadowed Betrayal

lil_snoopy29 Day of Destruction

[hl=black]Mariocrowd[/hl] – The REZident Evil Zone: Half REbaked

[hl=black]Mariocrowd[/hl] – REZident Medeival: The Top Secret Umbrella Scrolls

[hl=black]Mariocrowd[/hl] – President Evil: The Top Secret Classified Umbrella Documents

[hl=black]Mariocrowd[/hl] – DingleBarry The Life And Chronicles Of Barry Burton

[hl=black]Mariocrowd[/hl] – Fear And Loathing In Las Plagas

[hl=black]Mariocrowd[/hl] – STARS Interviews

[hl=black]Mariocrowd[/hl] – Super Dario Bros: Fat Escape

[hl=black]Mariocrowd[/hl] – Resident Evil Demake: The Paul Anderson Story



Poltergasm911 -- Never-Ending Hell

poopy-pants1 Beyond Armageddon

resident-evil-girl 2nd fic By RE Girl.....

robstein69 -- Survival's Journal

robstein69 -- The New World (RE fic 2.0 by robstein)

smoothG101 REvenge of the Fans


zombiehunter121 -- True Meaning of Hell

zombiehunter121 -- Out of Luck

zombiehunter121Innocent Blood

zombiehunter121Medical Investigation

zombiehunter121Lancaster Outbreak

zombiehunter121 -- Dead Ends

zombiehunter121 –- Umbrella's Uprising

zombiehunter121 –- Biohazard Nation

Various members of the board -- The Great RE Board Adventure

This link is an archive of some of these, and some of the ones that were deleted on here (namely Mariocrowd's): http://www.freewebs.com/residentevilboard/fanfics.htm
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Apr 13, 2001
I'm going to load some of these up on my e-book reader when I get one in September. Then I can easily read these on the go/away from my computer.
Sep 15, 2009
These are the ones i'm working on


What if? What if Claire and Wesker got married? What if Jill became a zombie? What if Chris died? What if the outbreak never happened? What if Yoko never cut her hair? What If?


When Leon dies while saving Ashley, Ashley has to actually do somthing for herslef. She has to survive while help is on the way. Like she can really survive that long.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 9, 2006
AWWWW my fic is still here after all this time! aw Amber I knew you cared!



Almost Not a Noob
Jul 9, 2006
I still find it weird that my earliest (real) fic is still here but my other two were deleted. I think my HEROES one was better than Rebecca's Journey, but that's just me I guess...


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 9, 2006
I just noticed that you added the section of deleted fanfics from IGN.

Is it possible that the other fanfics I wrote can still be found? Most notable of mine were Deadly Journey and Resident HEROES. Thanks Amber


No Longer a Noob
Nov 8, 2010
omg LOLOLOLOL reading "The Great Resident Evil Board Adventure"

Darkblood used to be such a noob. [face_tongue]


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 10, 2003
Just found a folder on my old hard drive and have the following fics that are not included in the above list. PM me if you want any of these.

The Five Rules

Beneath the Umbrella
Choose Your Own Path (Resident Evil 4)
REZident Evil
REZident Evil 2
REZident Evil Zero
REZident Evil 4
The REZident Evil: Zone 71 -- The Cabin
REZident Evil: Zone 69-The Thing Beneath the Lake
REZident Evil: Apocalypse

A Lone Man
Memories Consume
Chronic Fuse (Pt I & II)
Resident Evil: Parody
Poetry over Resident Evil

The End Part II
Starting Point
Wesker's Report 3

Resident Evil: the Lost Story

Beyond Evil
Resident Evil 5
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I'm the menu sound you hear in RE2/CV
Oct 19, 2008
I might give writing a RE Fan Fic a go. I'm a much better artist than I am a writer though.


I'm the menu sound you hear in RE2/CV
Oct 19, 2008
I'm working on my Fic now called "Survive" and I'm actually approaching it as just an original story and going to rework it into a Resident Evil Fan Fic at the rewrite stage.

Are there any guidelines or rules I should be aware of? I seem to be starting out a bit strong (not sexually) and I'm not sure what subjects aren't acceptable.


RE2 >>>>> All RE's. And I'm not a Mod.
Dec 12, 2004
Okay, so in honor of recent talk about REmake2, I have decided to novelize RE2 in my own fashion. Next, users can tell me if I should continue, or stop right there.

Feel free to edit this post and put it where it belongs, Amber. ;)


Part 1:

Claire Redfield was cruising down the two lane road on her Harley Davidson 1200 Sportster. The humid summer night does not keep her from wearing her safety gear that consists of forearm and hand protection, as well as a hot-pink denim jacket and helmet.

The night sky covers the surface with dread and impending doom that was accompanied with a blazing sunset, foreshadowing the beginning of a long, hellish night. Claire’s concern for her brother, Chris Redfield had turned into a panic after several calls and messages had gone unreturned. The emptiness of the surrounding environment only added to the isolated feeling of anxiety. There is nobody else on the road, not even a rodent.

Raccoon City was the next exit up ahead.

Upon arriving to the deserted streets of the city, only more anxiety swept across Claire’s chest, reminding her of why she had traveled so far out of her way in the first place. The darkness of the night was closing in and swallowing any hope for comfort in the strange city.

“Finally here.” She said quietly, but only the insects heard her.

Claire managed to obtain a rather convenient parking spot right in front of a seemingly empty diner, in which only the lighting of the sign showed signs of life.

Emmy’s Diner


Somewhere nearby, a truck driver flinched in pain as he held his right arm in disbelief. Hot, sticky fluids ran down his elbow as he shouted into the emptiness of his surroundings.

“That maniac bit me! Why? Why would he do something like that?”

The next stop for the driver would not be according to his original schedule. Instead, he would take an alternate route into Raccoon City where he could seek medical attention, since there was nobody in the shop at the Taxago Gas Station. He had used his company gas card to make an electronic payment at the pump when a very rude customer introduced himself with his teeth. Those very teeth resulted in a gash on the driver’s arm, which was the last thing he would anticipate happening on his tight agenda. There was no choice but to move on and seek help.


It wasn’t much cooler in Emmy’s Diner. It wasn’t as lively as the outside, either. There wasn’t a soul in sight. The lights were on but definitely nobody home, and something stunk.

So, why the hell is the door open?

“Hello? Is anybody here?”

Once again, nobody heard Claire’s soft voice. The silence only added to her fear that something was completely wrong.

“Hel-lo?” Claire’s footsteps on the hardwood floor of the empty diner seemed a lot louder than they actually were.

There was a slurping noise heard in the midst of Claire’s heavy foot steps that started to get louder with each step. Claire identified what could be the owner hunched over on the floor - eating something?

“Uh, hello?”

Claire felt her heart skip a beat. There was another human lying on its back in a pool of crimson red. The man on top had to be trying CPR.

But what would CPR do to someone losing all of that blood?!

Claire thought she knew better than that. Whatever she was witnessing, it was not the vile acts of the undead. It couldn’t be …

… until she stared into the grisly eyes of a very sick looking man.

Claire widened her eyes in fear while gasping for air in disbelief.

“Look, I - I’m sorry I bothered you, okay? I’m lost.”

There was no response from the man. Instead he raised into a stance and stretched his bony fingers out for Claire, not a sign of life in his ghastly, hollow eyes.

“Just don’t come any closer. Are you listening?”

The longer Claire denied what she was seeing, the more dangerous the situation was about to come.


Claire spun around in a quick, panicked fashion towards the sound as she confirmed her fears looking straight through a window of hell and death, clawing to get in.

Zombies …

Claire saw an opening to her right and darted. It was the side exit that led out into the alley of this infested diner, and seemed like it was miles away.

Claire opened the door and before she could even react to the person on the other side of the exit door, she was staring down the barrel of a pistol.

“Wait! Don’t shoot!”

“Get down!” The stranger yelled, and Claire did exactly that.

A single shot fired, Claire shot a look behind her and saw a very familiar looking attacker go down like a bag of bones after it was shot right in the middle of its forehead.

It is a zombie. Christ.

“It’s too dangerous out here. Let’s head to the police station. It should be a lot safer in there.”

The man was dressed in uniform. He was a cop, and he was offering his hand to help her to her feet.

Thank God, Claire thought to herself.

His eyes matched his blue outfit and Claire was never happier to see a cop for once instead of at her side writing a ticket for driving too fast on her Harley.

They ran and eventually found themselves out of the alley, more undead closing in from every corner of the dank, empty streets of Raccoon City.


The cop shouted as he laid eyes on their escape vehicle - a police cruiser. Claire didn’t know why or how, but the car was ready to go. Keys were in the ignition, and an R.P.D. officer was aiding her escape to safety from the horror.

As the car doors were slammed shut and the tires screeched the cool pavement beneath it, the howling undead shortly became less of a threat.

“Buckle up.”

“What happened? I arrived into town, and the whole place went insane! --”

Leon interrupts. -- “Great, the radio’s out!”

“You’re a cop, right?”

“Yeah. Name’s Leon Kennedy. First day on the job. Nice to meet you.”

“Mine’s Claire. Claire Redfield. I came to find my brother Chris.”

There was a short awkward silence. The two of them had similar backgrounds so far. Leon was a rookie cop, Claire had little interaction with Raccoon, and neither of them seemed to know what the hell was going on.

“Hey, could you open the glove box?” Said Leon.

“There’s a gun inside.” Claire responded. It was getting serious. In just little time, Claire and Leon both had gone from worried to frantic. Something was very wrong.

Claire grabbed the cold pistol and saw that she was holding a 9mm Browning pistol. She had interests that reflected her brother Chris, and firearms were no exception. Claire learned a lot from her brother, including how to use knives.

If taking in the last several minutes wasn’t enough hell to deal with for either of the two, things just went from bad to worst in an instant when something from the back seat attacked Leon causing him to spiral out of control in the streets.

“No!” Leon shouted as he struggled to control the wheel.


RE2 >>>>> All RE's. And I'm not a Mod.
Dec 12, 2004
Yeah, I kinda caught on to that after I posted it. [face_tongue]

I'm going to copy and paste it to a new thread right now. After that you may delete this one.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 19, 2013
Wirral, UK
Ah right, I'll have to have a read through the other stories, sure none can be anywhere near as disappointing as the actual in-game story for RE6 lol. I did post a while ago on your last story (as OmenIWF but have long since lost my password).