
Sep 27, 2001

Week 53 - Help M(u) Tech Support!

In the vast and ever-expanding universe of the internet, there existed a cherished message board known as "The Vesti." It was a haven for tech enthusiasts, gamers, and netizens seeking refuge from the chaos of the online world. The heart of this digital sanctuary was guarded by a group of IT nerds, each possessing a unique set of skills and online monikers.

Txbulltaco, the wise and experienced moderator, served as the leader of this eclectic band of guardians. RPG, the coding virtuoso, weaved intricate algorithms and scripts, ensuring the smooth functioning of The Vesti. BHman, the network wizard, maintained the virtual highways, ensuring data flowed seamlessly.

Hip-Hop-Potamus, the creative soul of the group, added an artistic touch to the message board, designing captivating banners and graphics. Sven209, the analytical thinker, kept a vigilant eye on data analytics to understand the pulse of the community. LightsOut, the system administrator, was the silent hero ensuring the servers stayed operational.

12345666, the security specialist, implemented robust measures to protect The Vesti from online threats. Hot_Socks, the troubleshooter, swiftly resolved technical glitches, keeping the user experience seamless. Votequimby, the community manager, fostered a sense of unity among the members, turning The Vesti into a digital home for all.

Ajhz, the wildcard of the group, brought a unique blend of skills and unpredictability to the team. Together, they formed an unstoppable force dedicated to preserving the integrity and spirit of The Vesti.

One day, a shadow fell over The Vesti as a nefarious group of hackers, known as "The Digital Shadows," threatened to disrupt the harmony of the message board. The IT nerds sensed the impending danger and quickly assembled in their virtual headquarters.

Txbulltaco, with a calm and steady voice, addressed the team. "Our beloved Vesti is in peril. The Digital Shadows are approaching, but together, we can overcome this challenge and emerge victorious."

The team sprang into action. RPG fortified the code, BHman strengthened the network defenses, and Hip-Hop-Potamus crafted inspiring visuals to boost morale. Sven209 gathered intelligence on the hackers' tactics, while LightsOut optimized server performance to withstand the impending onslaught.

12345666 implemented advanced security protocols, Hot_Socks resolved any technical hiccups, and Votequimby rallied the community, urging them to stand together in the face of adversity. Ajhz, with their unpredictable brilliance, concocted unconventional strategies to outsmart the Digital Shadows.

The battle between the IT nerds and The Digital Shadows raged on in the virtual realm. It was a clash of codes, a duel of algorithms, but the unity and determination of the IT nerds prevailed. The Digital Shadows were thwarted, and The Vesti emerged stronger than ever.

The community celebrated the triumph, and the IT nerds, with their diverse skills and unwavering dedication, had once again saved The Vesti from the brink of digital disaster. The message board continued to thrive, a testament to the resilience of its guardians and the power of online camaraderie.

Don't forget to stay hydrated and drink hiyo!

And with that the Week 53 MU

Post Count Update

1 x000 357775 +0516 @txbulltaco
2 x000 245338 +0306 @LightsOut
3 x000 240064 x0000 @Koole
4 x000 219628 +0447 @RPG
5 x000 181744 +0150 @whiteboy100
6 x000 179020 +0120 @yab
7 x000 158321 +0134 @OneBigClam
8 x000 149777 x0000 @Last_Light
9 x000 149764 +0092 @TheVert
10 x000 141703 +0003 @flymonkey102
11 x000 135563 x0000 @Sir_Chester
12 x000 131581 x0000 @Awesomeness101
13 x000 130313 +0013 @ColonDee
14 x000 119702 +0015 @Sertith
15 x000 111478 +0208 @ill paisa
16 x000 107995 +0146 @gameplayer1000
17 x000 107860 +0115 @HeronAddict
18 x000 106268 +0024 @GoBlue32
19 x000 101912 +0213 @Modern_Myth
20 x000 100903 +0131 @midnight816


21 x000 97033 +0426 @Hip-Hop-Potamus
22 x000 95844 +0056 @checker138
23 x000 94846 +0245 @Ajhz
24 +001 93712 +0021 @Ajax
25 -001 93709 x0000 @TheMadTitan
26 x000 93233 +0051 @Umbra_Witcher
27 +001 92791 +0120 @The_Greek_Hoplite
28 -001 92790 +0029 @MFThomas
29 x000 91966 +0343 @sven209
30 x000 91356 +0070 @DarthErik
31 x000 89179 x0000 @Eagles
32 x000 86458 x0000 @GuinGuin
33 x000 84038 +0029 @HuskerTornado
34 x000 81763 +0010 @Mr.Realistic
35 x000 80955 +0427 @BHman
36 x000 79710 x0000 @andrew342678
37 x000 79275 +0234 @topdogg_187
38 x000 78776 +0118 @Soul
39 +001 77546 +0007 @ProfessorPlatypus
40 +002 77494 +0251 @votequimby
41 x000 77305 +0039 @Albino_Ape
42 +001 76744 x0000 @NintendoNick
43 +001 76359 +0188 @ESR_balla
44 +001 75389 +0001 @TrailBlazerDude
45 +001 74843 +0153 @MindCrime
46 +001 74340 +0286 @hot_socks
47 +001 72738 +0128 @BlueSphere
48 +001 69444 +0016 @Faytplodes
49 +001 69203 +0003 @Ice.Tea
50 +001 66028 x0000 @Bronamo
51 +001 65514 x0000 @PGA.
52 +001 65007 +0064 @pseudo
53 +003 63685 +0217 @Red_Ranger5634
54 x000 63629 x0000 @honest_truth
55 x000 63604 +0079 @KingShmeag
56 +001 62953 +0078 @ReformedShibity
57 +001 60422 +0048 @DCMann2
58 +001 60314 +0151 @SuicideKnight
59 +001 59674 +0070 @D-Train35
60 +001 58794 +0123 @Shiny
61 +001 56598 +0171 @Kohedron
62 +001 54490 +0202 @schiz
63 +001 53985 +0014 @got_pez
64 +001 53316 +0022 @CrusherMania1592
65 +001 52304 +0043 @DallasJR
66 +001 52121 +0001 @MntyPythn858


67 +001 44972 +0124 @darkrevenge228
68 +001 44693 +0059 @J0EBL0W
69 +001 44294 +0095 @eatingcereal
70 +001 42939 +0068 @sl4
71 +001 42353 +0020 @Dante-
72 +001 41532 +0075 @d0nuts
73 +001 41369 +0001 @Subzwari1987
74 +001 41110 +0020 @ChaosLord12
75 +001 40484 +0163 @Pantz
76 +001 37382 x0000 @DuctTapeNinja
77 +001 37188 +0053 @69radcooldude420
78 +001 36659 x0000 @mr_chun
79 +001 36502 +0001 @Skittlez23
80 +001 36098 x0000 @TearablePaulySea
81 +001 35855 +0082 @RHWarrior
82 +001 34756 +0193 @Nikomango
83 +001 34379 +0095 @Kamurocho_Freak
84 +001 34227 +0002 @LeonPowalski
85 +001 34128 +0087 @Berserker.
86 +001 34034 +0005 @Eremurus
87 +001 31206 +0040
88 +001 30978 +0026 @mrwelchman
89 +001 29566 +0022 @benson304
90 +001 26849 +0001 @SPL00GESTAIN
91 +001 26443 +0003 @toni_bodiduchi
92 +001 25845 +0069 @-ImmortalNinja-
93 +001 25386 x0000 @Crusher_kgb
94 +001 24128 +0069 @GhostofSparta22
95 +001 20876 +0104 @hotlavaaaa
96 +001 19683 +0062 @gutterlips
97 +001 17835 +0094 @SugajaysGhost00
98 +001 16742 +0027 @TheUserFKABuckeye
99 +001 15331 +0062 @Dreamy
100 +001 15061 x0000 @daviji
101 +002 13832 x0000 @birdsforteeth
102 +002 13679 +0021 @Gecko1981
103 +002 12874 +0034 @Buttstein
104 +002 11513 x0000 @Heron.
105 +002 11219 +0017 @BigPete7978
106 +002 10612 +0041 @BigBlueFireField
107 +002 10577 +0032 @HighChancellorAdam


108 x000 8016 x0000 @wzx
109 +001 7002 +0011 @DukeCrews
110 +001 6366 +0003 @slobber
111 +001 5693 +0018 @indefinitegamer
112 +002 4116 +0095 @DegreaseThyGooch
113 x000 4076 x0000 @LanceArmstrong
114 +001 2645 +0010 @ultimatevegito
115 +001 2066 +0305 @12345666
116 +001 823 x0000 @king.Of.hearts


117 +001 471 +0136 @Emwurst

Reactions Update
1 x000 246226 +0848 @txbulltaco
2 x000 165237 +0395 @LightsOut
3 x000 155698 +0265 @HeronAddict
4 x000 148790 x0000 @Sir_Chester
5 x000 135858 +0444 @RPG
6 x000 134518 +0038 @MFThomas
7 x000 127459 +0024 @GuinGuin
8 x000 106145 +0204 @whiteboy100
9 +001 101044 +0203 @OneBigClam
10 +001 100783 +0058 @checker138
11 +001 94893 +0183 @TheVert
12 +001 94228 +0172 @midnight816
13 +001 91556 x0000 @Last_Light
14 +001 85625 +0278 @Ajhz
15 +001 80376 +0006 @PGA.
16 +001 79630 +0118 @DarthErik
17 +001 73455 +0020 @Faytplodes
18 +001 70867 +0009 @ColonDee
19 +001 70160 +0200 @ill paisa
20 +001 65299 +0313 @Modern_Myth
21 +001 65230 +0278 @votequimby
22 +001 62463 +0010 @Sertith
23 +001 59819 +0189 @MindCrime
24 +001 58815 +0146 @schiz
25 +001 58038 +0017 @Ajax
26 +001 57992 +0176 @darkrevenge228
27 +001 55603 +0161 @gameplayer1000
28 +001 54469 +0196 @Umbra_Witcher
29 +001 52670 +0003 @TearablePaulySea
30 +001 52305 +0135 @Albino_Ape
31 +001 51158 +0362 @sven209
32 +001 50715 +0089 @pseudo
33 +001 50601 +0189 @yab
34 +001 48710 +0009 @Eremurus
35 +001 47115 +0008 @ProfessorPlatypus
36 +001 46243 +0149 @Kohedron
37 +001 45574 +0008 @Mr.Realistic
38 +001 43512 +0309 @hot_socks
39 +001 42379 +0100 @BlueSphere
40 +001 42012 +0139 @The_Greek_Hoplite
41 +001 35937 +0135 @Shiny
42 +001 34739 +0191 @Pantz
43 +001 34668 +0147 @SuicideKnight
44 +001 34090 +0152 @Kamurocho_Freak
45 +001 33517 +0211 @Red_Ranger5634
46 +001 33300 +0056 @CrusherMania1592
47 +001 32462 x0000 @NintendoNick
48 +001 31525 +0052 @DallasJR
49 +002 30306 +0323 @Hip-Hop-Potamus
50 x000 30204 +0011 @GoBlue32
51 +001 28908 +0028 @Dante-
52 +001 28582 x0000 @TrailBlazerDude
53 +001 28509 +0002 @Ice.Tea
54 +001 28181 x0000 @honest_truth
55 +001 28140 x0000 @andrew342678
56 +001 28069 +0051 @DCMann2
57 +001 27731 +0220 @ESR_balla
58 +001 26465 +0400 @BHman
59 +001 25753 +0196 @Nikomango
60 +001 25428 x0000 @SPL00GESTAIN
61 +001 24807 +0001 @Eagles
62 +001 24382 +0099 @-ImmortalNinja-
63 +001 23683 +0067 @ReformedShibity
64 +001 23488 x0000 @Awesomeness101
65 +001 22907 +0004 @flymonkey102
66 +001 22316 x0000 @Bronamo
67 +001 22254 +0024 @TheUserFKABuckeye
68 +001 21961 +0187 @topdogg_187
69 +001 21800 +0094 @Berserker.
70 +001 20737 +0063 @gutterlips
71 +001 20605 +0058
72 +001 19710 +0048 @HuskerTornado
73 +001 19475 +0068 @KingShmeag
74 +002 19399 +0163 @hotlavaaaa
75 x000 19375 +0034 @69radcooldude420
76 +001 18502 +0027 @mrwelchman
77 +001 18443 +0002 @Heron.
78 +001 16727 +0116 @SugajaysGhost00
79 +001 16630 +0078 @Soul
80 +001 16327 +0012 @got_pez
81 +001 16261 +0036 @D-Train35
82 +001 16170 +0007 @slobber
83 +001 15812 +0081 @RHWarrior
84 +001 15755 +0065 @sl4
85 +001 15343 +0016 @ChaosLord12
86 +001 13006 x0000 @DuctTapeNinja
87 +001 11429 +0088 @GhostofSparta22
88 +001 10942 x0000 @TheMadTitan
89 +001 10852 +0006 @mr_chun
90 +001 09643 +0032 @HighChancellorAdam
91 +002 09497 +0042 @d0nuts
92 x000 09466 +0001 @MntyPythn858
93 +001 09324 +0038 @BigBlueFireField
94 +002 08849 +0018 @Gecko1981
95 x000 08834 +0002 @LeonPowalski
96 +001 08361 +0024 @Buttstein
97 +001 08338 +0083 @eatingcereal
98 +001 07718 +0048 @Dreamy
99 +002 07244 +0019 @BigPete7978
100 +002 06894 x0000 @birdsforteeth
101 +002 06411 x0000 @Skittlez23
102 +002 05826 +0005 @Koole
103 +002 05722 +0005 @DukeCrews
104 +002 04659 x0000 @Crusher_kgb
105 +002 04463 +0004 @LanceArmstrong
106 x000 04365 x0000 @wzx
107 +001 04255 +0026 @benson304
108 +001 04068 +0033 @J0EBL0W
109 +001 03952 +0004 @toni_bodiduchi
110 +001 03836 +0015 @indefinitegamer
111 +001 03568 +0002 @Subzwari1987
112 +001 03004 +0087 @DegreaseThyGooch
113 +001 02574 +0351 @12345666
114 +001 01984 x0000 @king.Of.hearts
115 +001 01158 +0009 @ultimatevegito
116 +001 00844 +0156 @Emwurst
117 +001 00114 x0000 @daviji

Reactions Per Post Update
1 +062 3.84 3.26 Umbra_Witcher
2 +039 3.46 2.79 Albino_Ape
3 +050 2.55 1.92 CrusherMania1592
4 -003 2.33 (0.21) slobber
5 +003 2.30 0.86 HeronAddict
6 +110 2.00 1.91 Subzwari1987
7 +044 1.99 1.36 TheVert
8 +001 1.80 0.37 Eremurus
9 +021 1.69 0.81 DarthErik
10 +093 1.66 1.42 HuskerTornado
11 +028 1.64 0.96 txbulltaco
12 +009 1.60 0.61 Kamurocho_Freak
13 +085 1.58 1.29 yab
14 +012 1.57 0.64 hotlavaaaa
15 +035 1.51 0.88 OneBigClam
16 +032 1.47 0.83 Modern_Myth
17 +027 1.45 0.79
18 +005 1.43 0.49 -ImmortalNinja-
19 -007 1.42 0.13 darkrevenge228
20 +020 1.40 0.72 Dante-
21 +015 1.39 0.61 pseudo
22 +040 1.36 0.78 whiteboy100
23 +088 1.33 1.17 flymonkey102
24 +088 1.33 1.18 toni_bodiduchi
25 x000 1.31 0.38 midnight816
26 -019 1.31 (0.14) MFThomas
27 +016 1.29 0.62 LightsOut
28 +048 1.28 0.80 GhostofSparta22
29 -011 1.25 0.19 Faytplodes
30 +005 1.24 0.44 MindCrime
31 -007 1.23 0.30 SugajaysGhost00
32 +027 1.21 0.61 DallasJR
33 +080 1.18 1.04 benson304
34 -003 1.17 0.31 Pantz
35 +053 1.17 0.81 ESR_balla
36 +042 1.16 0.71 The_Greek_Hoplite
37 -024 1.15 (0.11) 12345666
38 -035 1.15 (0.91) Emwurst
39 +019 1.14 0.54 ProfessorPlatypus
40 -012 1.13 0.23 Ajhz
41 +006 1.12 0.47 BigPete7978
42 -010 1.11 0.27 votequimby
43 +030 1.10 0.59 gameplayer1000
44 +013 1.10 0.49 Shiny
45 +004 1.08 0.44 Berserker.
46 +015 1.08 0.50 hot_socks
47 +030 1.06 0.60 DCMann2
48 +019 1.06 0.50 sven209
49 +011 1.04 0.44 mrwelchman
50 -030 1.04 (0.02) checker138
51 -032 1.02 (0.04) gutterlips
52 -015 1.02 0.28 Nikomango
53 +049 1.00 0.74 LeonPowalski
54 -027 1.00 0.09 HighChancellorAdam
55 +053 1.00 0.82 MntyPythn858
56 -001 0.99 0.38 RPG
57 +023 0.99 0.55 RHWarrior
58 +007 0.97 0.40 SuicideKnight
59 +010 0.97 0.45 Red_Ranger5634
60 -008 0.96 0.33 ill paisa
61 +026 0.96 0.59 sl4
62 +030 0.94 0.61 BHman
63 -034 0.93 0.05 BigBlueFireField
64 -026 0.92 0.19 DegreaseThyGooch
65 +016 0.90 0.46 ultimatevegito
66 -056 0.89 (0.44) TheUserFKABuckeye
67 +039 0.87 0.69 eatingcereal
68 -034 0.87 0.05 Kohedron
69 +025 0.86 0.56 KingShmeag
70 +015 0.86 0.48 ReformedShibity
71 -025 0.86 0.21 Gecko1981
72 +023 0.86 0.55 got_pez
73 -031 0.83 0.16 indefinitegamer
74 -020 0.81 0.19 Ajax
75 -009 0.80 0.24 Mr.Realistic
76 +010 0.80 0.43 ChaosLord12
77 +023 0.80 0.52 topdogg_187
78 -014 0.78 0.20 BlueSphere
79 -005 0.77 0.27 Dreamy
80 +013 0.76 0.45 Hip-Hop-Potamus
81 -064 0.72 (0.36) schiz
82 -037 0.71 0.06 Buttstein
83 -015 0.69 0.15 ColonDee
84 -001 0.67 0.25 Ice.Tea
85 -015 0.67 0.14 Sertith
86 +019 0.66 0.45 Soul
87 -016 0.64 0.12 69radcooldude420
88 +016 0.56 0.33 d0nuts
89 +026 0.56 0.47 J0EBL0W
90 x000 0.54 - wzx
91 +010 0.51 0.24 D-Train35
92 +005 0.46 0.17 GoBlue32
93 -060 0.45 (0.36) DukeCrews
94 +015 0.00 (0.18) Awesomeness101
95 -013 0.00 (0.42) NintendoNick
96 -012 0.00 (0.38) TrailBlazerDude
97 +010 0.00 (0.18) Crusher_kgb
98 -008 0.00 (0.35) DuctTapeNinja
99 -024 0.00 (0.50) birdsforteeth
100 -078 0.00 (0.95) SPL00GESTAIN
101 -096 0.00 (1.47) GuinGuin
102 -098 0.00 (1.60) Heron.
103 -097 0.00 (1.46) TearablePaulySea
104 -008 0.00 (0.30) mr_chun
105 -090 0.00 (1.10) Sir_Chester
106 -104 0.00 (2.41) king.Of.hearts
107 -008 0.00 (0.28) Eagles
108 -017 0.00 (0.34) Bronamo
109 +001 0.00 (0.18) Skittlez23
110 -031 0.00 (0.44) honest_truth
111 -097 0.00 (1.23) PGA.
112 +006 0.00 (0.01) daviji
113 -057 0.00 (0.61) Last_Light
114 +003 0.00 (0.02) Koole
115 -026 0.00 (0.35) andrew342678
116 -100 0.00 (1.09) LanceArmstrong
117 -003 0.00 (0.12) TheMadTitan

Until next time boys and girls.
Love you, mean it,

Previous MUs:


Original poster

Week 53 - Help M(u) Tech Support!

In the vast and ever-expanding universe of the internet, there existed a cherished message board known as "The Vesti." It was a haven for tech enthusiasts, gamers, and netizens seeking refuge from the chaos of the online world. The heart of this digital sanctuary was guarded by a group of IT nerds, each possessing a unique set of skills and online monikers.

Txbulltaco, the wise and experienced moderator, served as the leader of this eclectic band of guardians. RPG, the coding virtuoso, weaved intricate algorithms and scripts, ensuring the smooth functioning of The Vesti. BHman, the network wizard, maintained the virtual highways, ensuring data flowed seamlessly.

Hip-Hop-Potamus, the creative soul of the group, added an artistic touch to the message board, designing captivating banners and graphics. Sven209, the analytical thinker, kept a vigilant eye on data analytics to understand the pulse of the community. LightsOut, the system administrator, was the silent hero ensuring the servers stayed operational.

12345666, the security specialist, implemented robust measures to protect The Vesti from online threats. Hot_Socks, the troubleshooter, swiftly resolved technical glitches, keeping the user experience seamless. Votequimby, the community manager, fostered a sense of unity among the members, turning The Vesti into a digital home for all.

Ajhz, the wildcard of the group, brought a unique blend of skills and unpredictability to the team. Together, they formed an unstoppable force dedicated to preserving the integrity and spirit of The Vesti.

One day, a shadow fell over The Vesti as a nefarious group of hackers, known as "The Digital Shadows," threatened to disrupt the harmony of the message board. The IT nerds sensed the impending danger and quickly assembled in their virtual headquarters.

Txbulltaco, with a calm and steady voice, addressed the team. "Our beloved Vesti is in peril. The Digital Shadows are approaching, but together, we can overcome this challenge and emerge victorious."

The team sprang into action. RPG fortified the code, BHman strengthened the network defenses, and Hip-Hop-Potamus crafted inspiring visuals to boost morale. Sven209 gathered intelligence on the hackers' tactics, while LightsOut optimized server performance to withstand the impending onslaught.

12345666 implemented advanced security protocols, Hot_Socks resolved any technical hiccups, and Votequimby rallied the community, urging them to stand together in the face of adversity. Ajhz, with their unpredictable brilliance, concocted unconventional strategies to outsmart the Digital Shadows.

The battle between the IT nerds and The Digital Shadows raged on in the virtual realm. It was a clash of codes, a duel of algorithms, but the unity and determination of the IT nerds prevailed. The Digital Shadows were thwarted, and The Vesti emerged stronger than ever.

The community celebrated the triumph, and the IT nerds, with their diverse skills and unwavering dedication, had once again saved The Vesti from the brink of digital disaster. The message board continued to thrive, a testament to the resilience of its guardians and the power of online camaraderie.

Don't forget to stay hydrated and drink hiyo!

And with that the Week 53 MU

Post Count Update

1 x000 357775 +0516 @txbulltaco
2 x000 245338 +0306 @LightsOut
3 x000 240064 x0000 @Koole
4 x000 219628 +0447 @RPG
5 x000 181744 +0150 @whiteboy100
6 x000 179020 +0120 @yab
7 x000 158321 +0134 @OneBigClam
8 x000 149777 x0000 @Last_Light
9 x000 149764 +0092 @TheVert
10 x000 141703 +0003 @flymonkey102
11 x000 135563 x0000 @Sir_Chester
12 x000 131581 x0000 @Awesomeness101
13 x000 130313 +0013 @ColonDee
14 x000 119702 +0015 @Sertith
15 x000 111478 +0208 @ill paisa
16 x000 107995 +0146 @gameplayer1000
17 x000 107860 +0115 @HeronAddict
18 x000 106268 +0024 @GoBlue32
19 x000 101912 +0213 @Modern_Myth
20 x000 100903 +0131 @midnight816


21 x000 97033 +0426 @Hip-Hop-Potamus
22 x000 95844 +0056 @checker138
23 x000 94846 +0245 @Ajhz
24 +001 93712 +0021 @Ajax
25 -001 93709 x0000 @TheMadTitan
26 x000 93233 +0051 @Umbra_Witcher
27 +001 92791 +0120 @The_Greek_Hoplite
28 -001 92790 +0029 @MFThomas
29 x000 91966 +0343 @sven209
30 x000 91356 +0070 @DarthErik
31 x000 89179 x0000 @Eagles
32 x000 86458 x0000 @GuinGuin
33 x000 84038 +0029 @HuskerTornado
34 x000 81763 +0010 @Mr.Realistic
35 x000 80955 +0427 @BHman
36 x000 79710 x0000 @andrew342678
37 x000 79275 +0234 @topdogg_187
38 x000 78776 +0118 @Soul
39 +001 77546 +0007 @ProfessorPlatypus
40 +002 77494 +0251 @votequimby
41 x000 77305 +0039 @Albino_Ape
42 +001 76744 x0000 @NintendoNick
43 +001 76359 +0188 @ESR_balla
44 +001 75389 +0001 @TrailBlazerDude
45 +001 74843 +0153 @MindCrime
46 +001 74340 +0286 @hot_socks
47 +001 72738 +0128 @BlueSphere
48 +001 69444 +0016 @Faytplodes
49 +001 69203 +0003 @Ice.Tea
50 +001 66028 x0000 @Bronamo
51 +001 65514 x0000 @PGA.
52 +001 65007 +0064 @pseudo
53 +003 63685 +0217 @Red_Ranger5634
54 x000 63629 x0000 @honest_truth
55 x000 63604 +0079 @KingShmeag
56 +001 62953 +0078 @ReformedShibity
57 +001 60422 +0048 @DCMann2
58 +001 60314 +0151 @SuicideKnight
59 +001 59674 +0070 @D-Train35
60 +001 58794 +0123 @Shiny
61 +001 56598 +0171 @Kohedron
62 +001 54490 +0202 @schiz
63 +001 53985 +0014 @got_pez
64 +001 53316 +0022 @CrusherMania1592
65 +001 52304 +0043 @DallasJR
66 +001 52121 +0001 @MntyPythn858


67 +001 44972 +0124 @darkrevenge228
68 +001 44693 +0059 @J0EBL0W
69 +001 44294 +0095 @eatingcereal
70 +001 42939 +0068 @sl4
71 +001 42353 +0020 @Dante-
72 +001 41532 +0075 @d0nuts
73 +001 41369 +0001 @Subzwari1987
74 +001 41110 +0020 @ChaosLord12
75 +001 40484 +0163 @Pantz
76 +001 37382 x0000 @DuctTapeNinja
77 +001 37188 +0053 @69radcooldude420
78 +001 36659 x0000 @mr_chun
79 +001 36502 +0001 @Skittlez23
80 +001 36098 x0000 @TearablePaulySea
81 +001 35855 +0082 @RHWarrior
82 +001 34756 +0193 @Nikomango
83 +001 34379 +0095 @Kamurocho_Freak
84 +001 34227 +0002 @LeonPowalski
85 +001 34128 +0087 @Berserker.
86 +001 34034 +0005 @Eremurus
87 +001 31206 +0040
88 +001 30978 +0026 @mrwelchman
89 +001 29566 +0022 @benson304
90 +001 26849 +0001 @SPL00GESTAIN
91 +001 26443 +0003 @toni_bodiduchi
92 +001 25845 +0069 @-ImmortalNinja-
93 +001 25386 x0000 @Crusher_kgb
94 +001 24128 +0069 @GhostofSparta22
95 +001 20876 +0104 @hotlavaaaa
96 +001 19683 +0062 @gutterlips
97 +001 17835 +0094 @SugajaysGhost00
98 +001 16742 +0027 @TheUserFKABuckeye
99 +001 15331 +0062 @Dreamy
100 +001 15061 x0000 @daviji
101 +002 13832 x0000 @birdsforteeth
102 +002 13679 +0021 @Gecko1981
103 +002 12874 +0034 @Buttstein
104 +002 11513 x0000 @Heron.
105 +002 11219 +0017 @BigPete7978
106 +002 10612 +0041 @BigBlueFireField
107 +002 10577 +0032 @HighChancellorAdam


108 x000 8016 x0000 @wzx
109 +001 7002 +0011 @DukeCrews
110 +001 6366 +0003 @slobber
111 +001 5693 +0018 @indefinitegamer
112 +002 4116 +0095 @DegreaseThyGooch
113 x000 4076 x0000 @LanceArmstrong
114 +001 2645 +0010 @ultimatevegito
115 +001 2066 +0305 @12345666
116 +001 823 x0000 @king.Of.hearts


117 +001 471 +0136 @Emwurst

Reactions Update
1 x000 246226 +0848 @txbulltaco
2 x000 165237 +0395 @LightsOut
3 x000 155698 +0265 @HeronAddict
4 x000 148790 x0000 @Sir_Chester
5 x000 135858 +0444 @RPG
6 x000 134518 +0038 @MFThomas
7 x000 127459 +0024 @GuinGuin
8 x000 106145 +0204 @whiteboy100
9 +001 101044 +0203 @OneBigClam
10 +001 100783 +0058 @checker138
11 +001 94893 +0183 @TheVert
12 +001 94228 +0172 @midnight816
13 +001 91556 x0000 @Last_Light
14 +001 85625 +0278 @Ajhz
15 +001 80376 +0006 @PGA.
16 +001 79630 +0118 @DarthErik
17 +001 73455 +0020 @Faytplodes
18 +001 70867 +0009 @ColonDee
19 +001 70160 +0200 @ill paisa
20 +001 65299 +0313 @Modern_Myth
21 +001 65230 +0278 @votequimby
22 +001 62463 +0010 @Sertith
23 +001 59819 +0189 @MindCrime
24 +001 58815 +0146 @schiz
25 +001 58038 +0017 @Ajax
26 +001 57992 +0176 @darkrevenge228
27 +001 55603 +0161 @gameplayer1000
28 +001 54469 +0196 @Umbra_Witcher
29 +001 52670 +0003 @TearablePaulySea
30 +001 52305 +0135 @Albino_Ape
31 +001 51158 +0362 @sven209
32 +001 50715 +0089 @pseudo
33 +001 50601 +0189 @yab
34 +001 48710 +0009 @Eremurus
35 +001 47115 +0008 @ProfessorPlatypus
36 +001 46243 +0149 @Kohedron
37 +001 45574 +0008 @Mr.Realistic
38 +001 43512 +0309 @hot_socks
39 +001 42379 +0100 @BlueSphere
40 +001 42012 +0139 @The_Greek_Hoplite
41 +001 35937 +0135 @Shiny
42 +001 34739 +0191 @Pantz
43 +001 34668 +0147 @SuicideKnight
44 +001 34090 +0152 @Kamurocho_Freak
45 +001 33517 +0211 @Red_Ranger5634
46 +001 33300 +0056 @CrusherMania1592
47 +001 32462 x0000 @NintendoNick
48 +001 31525 +0052 @DallasJR
49 +002 30306 +0323 @Hip-Hop-Potamus
50 x000 30204 +0011 @GoBlue32
51 +001 28908 +0028 @Dante-
52 +001 28582 x0000 @TrailBlazerDude
53 +001 28509 +0002 @Ice.Tea
54 +001 28181 x0000 @honest_truth
55 +001 28140 x0000 @andrew342678
56 +001 28069 +0051 @DCMann2
57 +001 27731 +0220 @ESR_balla
58 +001 26465 +0400 @BHman
59 +001 25753 +0196 @Nikomango
60 +001 25428 x0000 @SPL00GESTAIN
61 +001 24807 +0001 @Eagles
62 +001 24382 +0099 @-ImmortalNinja-
63 +001 23683 +0067 @ReformedShibity
64 +001 23488 x0000 @Awesomeness101
65 +001 22907 +0004 @flymonkey102
66 +001 22316 x0000 @Bronamo
67 +001 22254 +0024 @TheUserFKABuckeye
68 +001 21961 +0187 @topdogg_187
69 +001 21800 +0094 @Berserker.
70 +001 20737 +0063 @gutterlips
71 +001 20605 +0058
72 +001 19710 +0048 @HuskerTornado
73 +001 19475 +0068 @KingShmeag
74 +002 19399 +0163 @hotlavaaaa
75 x000 19375 +0034 @69radcooldude420
76 +001 18502 +0027 @mrwelchman
77 +001 18443 +0002 @Heron.
78 +001 16727 +0116 @SugajaysGhost00
79 +001 16630 +0078 @Soul
80 +001 16327 +0012 @got_pez
81 +001 16261 +0036 @D-Train35
82 +001 16170 +0007 @slobber
83 +001 15812 +0081 @RHWarrior
84 +001 15755 +0065 @sl4
85 +001 15343 +0016 @ChaosLord12
86 +001 13006 x0000 @DuctTapeNinja
87 +001 11429 +0088 @GhostofSparta22
88 +001 10942 x0000 @TheMadTitan
89 +001 10852 +0006 @mr_chun
90 +001 09643 +0032 @HighChancellorAdam
91 +002 09497 +0042 @d0nuts
92 x000 09466 +0001 @MntyPythn858
93 +001 09324 +0038 @BigBlueFireField
94 +002 08849 +0018 @Gecko1981
95 x000 08834 +0002 @LeonPowalski
96 +001 08361 +0024 @Buttstein
97 +001 08338 +0083 @eatingcereal
98 +001 07718 +0048 @Dreamy
99 +002 07244 +0019 @BigPete7978
100 +002 06894 x0000 @birdsforteeth
101 +002 06411 x0000 @Skittlez23
102 +002 05826 +0005 @Koole
103 +002 05722 +0005 @DukeCrews
104 +002 04659 x0000 @Crusher_kgb
105 +002 04463 +0004 @LanceArmstrong
106 x000 04365 x0000 @wzx
107 +001 04255 +0026 @benson304
108 +001 04068 +0033 @J0EBL0W
109 +001 03952 +0004 @toni_bodiduchi
110 +001 03836 +0015 @indefinitegamer
111 +001 03568 +0002 @Subzwari1987
112 +001 03004 +0087 @DegreaseThyGooch
113 +001 02574 +0351 @12345666
114 +001 01984 x0000 @king.Of.hearts
115 +001 01158 +0009 @ultimatevegito
116 +001 00844 +0156 @Emwurst
117 +001 00114 x0000 @daviji

Reactions Per Post Update
1 +062 3.84 3.26 Umbra_Witcher
2 +039 3.46 2.79 Albino_Ape
3 +050 2.55 1.92 CrusherMania1592
4 -003 2.33 (0.21) slobber
5 +003 2.30 0.86 HeronAddict
6 +110 2.00 1.91 Subzwari1987
7 +044 1.99 1.36 TheVert
8 +001 1.80 0.37 Eremurus
9 +021 1.69 0.81 DarthErik
10 +093 1.66 1.42 HuskerTornado
11 +028 1.64 0.96 txbulltaco
12 +009 1.60 0.61 Kamurocho_Freak
13 +085 1.58 1.29 yab
14 +012 1.57 0.64 hotlavaaaa
15 +035 1.51 0.88 OneBigClam
16 +032 1.47 0.83 Modern_Myth
17 +027 1.45 0.79
18 +005 1.43 0.49 -ImmortalNinja-
19 -007 1.42 0.13 darkrevenge228
20 +020 1.40 0.72 Dante-
21 +015 1.39 0.61 pseudo
22 +040 1.36 0.78 whiteboy100
23 +088 1.33 1.17 flymonkey102
24 +088 1.33 1.18 toni_bodiduchi
25 x000 1.31 0.38 midnight816
26 -019 1.31 (0.14) MFThomas
27 +016 1.29 0.62 LightsOut
28 +048 1.28 0.80 GhostofSparta22
29 -011 1.25 0.19 Faytplodes
30 +005 1.24 0.44 MindCrime
31 -007 1.23 0.30 SugajaysGhost00
32 +027 1.21 0.61 DallasJR
33 +080 1.18 1.04 benson304
34 -003 1.17 0.31 Pantz
35 +053 1.17 0.81 ESR_balla
36 +042 1.16 0.71 The_Greek_Hoplite
37 -024 1.15 (0.11) 12345666
38 -035 1.15 (0.91) Emwurst
39 +019 1.14 0.54 ProfessorPlatypus
40 -012 1.13 0.23 Ajhz
41 +006 1.12 0.47 BigPete7978
42 -010 1.11 0.27 votequimby
43 +030 1.10 0.59 gameplayer1000
44 +013 1.10 0.49 Shiny
45 +004 1.08 0.44 Berserker.
46 +015 1.08 0.50 hot_socks
47 +030 1.06 0.60 DCMann2
48 +019 1.06 0.50 sven209
49 +011 1.04 0.44 mrwelchman
50 -030 1.04 (0.02) checker138
51 -032 1.02 (0.04) gutterlips
52 -015 1.02 0.28 Nikomango
53 +049 1.00 0.74 LeonPowalski
54 -027 1.00 0.09 HighChancellorAdam
55 +053 1.00 0.82 MntyPythn858
56 -001 0.99 0.38 RPG
57 +023 0.99 0.55 RHWarrior
58 +007 0.97 0.40 SuicideKnight
59 +010 0.97 0.45 Red_Ranger5634
60 -008 0.96 0.33 ill paisa
61 +026 0.96 0.59 sl4
62 +030 0.94 0.61 BHman
63 -034 0.93 0.05 BigBlueFireField
64 -026 0.92 0.19 DegreaseThyGooch
65 +016 0.90 0.46 ultimatevegito
66 -056 0.89 (0.44) TheUserFKABuckeye
67 +039 0.87 0.69 eatingcereal
68 -034 0.87 0.05 Kohedron
69 +025 0.86 0.56 KingShmeag
70 +015 0.86 0.48 ReformedShibity
71 -025 0.86 0.21 Gecko1981
72 +023 0.86 0.55 got_pez
73 -031 0.83 0.16 indefinitegamer
74 -020 0.81 0.19 Ajax
75 -009 0.80 0.24 Mr.Realistic
76 +010 0.80 0.43 ChaosLord12
77 +023 0.80 0.52 topdogg_187
78 -014 0.78 0.20 BlueSphere
79 -005 0.77 0.27 Dreamy
80 +013 0.76 0.45 Hip-Hop-Potamus
81 -064 0.72 (0.36) schiz
82 -037 0.71 0.06 Buttstein
83 -015 0.69 0.15 ColonDee
84 -001 0.67 0.25 Ice.Tea
85 -015 0.67 0.14 Sertith
86 +019 0.66 0.45 Soul
87 -016 0.64 0.12 69radcooldude420
88 +016 0.56 0.33 d0nuts
89 +026 0.56 0.47 J0EBL0W
90 x000 0.54 - wzx
91 +010 0.51 0.24 D-Train35
92 +005 0.46 0.17 GoBlue32
93 -060 0.45 (0.36) DukeCrews
94 +015 0.00 (0.18) Awesomeness101
95 -013 0.00 (0.42) NintendoNick
96 -012 0.00 (0.38) TrailBlazerDude
97 +010 0.00 (0.18) Crusher_kgb
98 -008 0.00 (0.35) DuctTapeNinja
99 -024 0.00 (0.50) birdsforteeth
100 -078 0.00 (0.95) SPL00GESTAIN
101 -096 0.00 (1.47) GuinGuin
102 -098 0.00 (1.60) Heron.
103 -097 0.00 (1.46) TearablePaulySea
104 -008 0.00 (0.30) mr_chun
105 -090 0.00 (1.10) Sir_Chester
106 -104 0.00 (2.41) king.Of.hearts
107 -008 0.00 (0.28) Eagles
108 -017 0.00 (0.34) Bronamo
109 +001 0.00 (0.18) Skittlez23
110 -031 0.00 (0.44) honest_truth
111 -097 0.00 (1.23) PGA.
112 +006 0.00 (0.01) daviji
113 -057 0.00 (0.61) Last_Light
114 +003 0.00 (0.02) Koole
115 -026 0.00 (0.35) andrew342678
116 -100 0.00 (1.09) LanceArmstrong
117 -003 0.00 (0.12) TheMadTitan

Until next time boys and girls.
Love you, mean it,

Previous MUs:
nice list, i liked.