
No Longer a Noob
Nov 8, 2010
The name of the movie is Vendetta.

That would imply the center of the story should be the vendetta between Chris and Glenn Arias. Their differences, their similarities, their rivalry, the burning passion with which they hate each other. If we pay attention to the climax of their second fight, Glenn initially has Chris on the ropes, furiously smashing his head against the glass while screaming in rage. Chris is losing consciousness and not even fighting back anymore, until, after Glenn has sufficiently cracked and weakened the glass ceiling, Chris catches him and throws him over head, making him plummet through the ceiling and to his death.

Classically, a defining trait of Chris has been his temper. We're talking about a guy who apparently decked and KTFO one of his coworkers, just because he spilled coffee on him or something, I can't quite remember, there's a file in RE3 that talks about this. When you investigate his desk in RE2, the description is something like "The desk is disorganized and unruly. It probably reflects the owner's personality." We saw his rage and prideful stubbornness against Wesker during Code Veronica, it was almost to the point of pigheadedness, as he refused to escape with Claire and stood his ground. In RE5 he seems to have matured and calmed down a lot, but against Wesker, his anger still takes control ("I've had enough... of your BULLSHIT!")

Finally, in RE6, this long hinted but never fully showcased trait was put on full display, as Chris is literally seething with rage throughout the entire game, barely containing the hatred and vindication he feels for Ada Wong, blowing his top constantly and nearly assaulting Piers. Chris eventually made the wise and heroic decision to set aside his rage and his vendetta, and to bring Ada (really Carla) in for justice. Chris didn't have to do this, he could have killed her, he could have given into his fury, but he made a CHOICE to be a better person (thanks to Leon's encouragement)

This brings is to Vendetta. In their fight, Glenn showcases every negative trait Chris had in RE6. He's seething, almost mindless with bloodlust. He sadistically enjoys beating Chris during their first fight, then in the second, he's literally screaming with uncontrollable rage as he pounds Chris into the glass. If Chris gave into his anger during RE6, he'd be trying to match Glenn in rage, and in that contest, he would have lost and been killed. But since he overcame his weakness, he was able to challenge Glenn's rage with a clear head. Glenn's rage made him unaware of his surroundings, and as he was savagely beating Chris, he was unaware that he was the one actively weakening the glass ceiling. Chris did not give into his rage, so he was aware the entire time that this was happening, and ultimately, he used Glenn's own hatred and rage to defeat him, by throwing him through the glass after Glenn himself weakened it. This shows the fruits of Chris overcoming his hatred during RE6 and growing into a more mature hero. He won a fight that he would have otherwise lost, by being the opposite of rageful.



Aug 20, 2000
I always attributed Chris's mellowing near the end of RE6 to the realization that there was an Ada doppelganger and she was the one who murdered his men, and that he came close to flat-out murdering an innocent person.

I don't remember RE6's story THAT well, and may be mistaken.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 8, 2010
Not that I dislike looking deeper into things, but the title was because of Glenn's vendetta due to what happened at his wedding. [face_tongue]
The title also reflects the vendetta between Chris and Glenn, after Glenn's actions wiped out Chris's team and Chris himself got beaten and nearly killed. But this time, Chris did not let rage consume him, he already went down that road and overcame it. Glenn's own fury being his downfall reflects Chris's maturation.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 6, 2008
All I got fro that movie is more questions about why the hell does Chris keep wearing that BSAA outfit type and why no one else ever does... also, how many men does he have to lose before he turns into a giant joke of a leader.

I miss the loner/smoking Chris who was recruited By Barry after becoming a drifter from being kicked out of the Air Force.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 8, 2010
All I got fro that movie is more questions about why the hell does Chris keep wearing that BSAA outfit type and why no one else ever does... also, how many men does he have to lose before he turns into a giant joke of a leader.

I miss the loner/smoking Chris who was recruited By Barry after becoming a drifter from being kicked out of the Air Force.
That Chris was a younger man.

The current Chris is somebody 20+ years removed from the day all of his friends died fighting BOWs, and he himself barely survived.