
No Longer a Noob
Dec 3, 2001
It's been a minute since I last posted here, but it seems like a good time to pop in, with the RE2make release.

I really have to say, this game has probably saved the franchise. I liked RE7, but it didn't really blow my mind or anything. Now RE2, however, I think this is the culmination of everything that's been good about the whole series. Regardless of how you might feel about RE4, I think everyone that's been around here can agree that it was the beginning of something that wasn't really Resident Evil anymore. To say nothing about the God awful movies, animated or otherwise.

I was really hyped but also really skeptical about the remake announcement. When they announced that camera angles wouldn't be coming back I was also worried, but it turns out that it was a needless worry. I think the free camera was just associated with what RE became, because RE4 was where it started. As it turns out, it was such an obvious improvement because hardware restrictions aren't really a thing anymore and both atmosphere and gameplay can be perfectly harmonized now.

I really love everything about the game. I love what they did with the characters especially. Leon has balls and isn't a pushover for Ada anymore, and Claire has a very relatable human aspect to her in all her interactions. They even fleshed out Irons and made him so much more creepy. Even Ben was more likable, for all 10 seconds you see him alive. Ada is so much cooler in this too, and the whole romance angle isn't so forced this time.

On the gameplay end of things, it's everything I could have asked for. They brought back defense weapons, ammo mixing, and a proper sense of choosing whether to run or fight. So many details were paid attention to in regards to the combat. Blowing off enemy limbs actually matters now, and every last enemy location and their damage is kept track of. The way that Mr. X was utilized in this game is nothing short of brilliant, and I actually missed him when he stopped showing up. The way they redesigned the level structure to make going back amd finding upgrades was also very satisfying, amd I have to say that adding multiple inventory upgrades was a great idea, as well as every weapon getting an upgrade.

There isn't a single part of the game that feels like a slog. I've played it about 8 times now, and can see myself playing it plenty more over the years because you are guaranteed a fun time the whole way through. The only gripes I have about the game are that the A and B scenarios aren't very different and that you don't get a full scene on the backstory of William like in the original, but those gripes are very minor.

All in all, I think this combines the very best from the entire series to make the best game OF the entire series. If I know this board the way I think I do, I'd wager that most of you agree.



No Longer a Noob
Jan 28, 2006
In terms of pure enjoyment, RE3 is still my favorite. In terms of the technology, voice acting, and so on, I agree.

Claire was always an emotionless puppet to me. Now she acts like a 19 year old college kid thrust into a nightmare. Leon actually had a backbone this time, even if he was still naive. The actual game play mechanics are the best I have seen from the Resident Evil series.

If Resident Evil 3 gets the same treatment, that will definitely be my favorite of the series.


Aug 20, 2000
I really liked it, but I had a few issues with it. Namely zombies being a bit too bullet-spongey for my liking (10+ headshots to kill a zombie is ridiculous) and story inconsistencies between Claire and Leon's stories (which only really annoyed me because they didn't exist in the original version).

I think its an incredible game and a great foundation for future RE games, but I don't think it quite hit the bar that the RE1 remake set.


A guy.
May 23, 2003
It’s not perfect but it’s damn close. Agreed with [URL='https://www.ign.com/boards/members/chris119.25773/']@chris119[/URL] on the duel story mishaps as well as excluding any zapping system mechanics. They nailed a lot of stuff and I’m super happy with it. Totally agree about combat and Mr. X as well. Backtracking is terrifying and meaningful. Learning the layout of the mansion is crucial with you know who on your ass. It makes the RPD into one big festering and intense puzzle. A very big step in the right direction.

Wondering if RE8 will go back to OTS. [face_thinking]

Deleted member 119

Original poster
I love this game more and more each time I pick it up and play it. RE4 is the only one I got this addicted to replaying over and over, but with that game my addiction only lasted until about midway through the castle. RE2 on the other hand is wonderfully paced from beginning to end. I'm coming up on my 6th run through the game now.

It doesn't occupy the same special place in my heart that REmake does, but it's my new #2 RE game which I really did not see happening.


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
I wouldn't say by far.

My top 5 would be -

1. RE4
2. RE2 REmake
3. REmake
4. RE2
5. RE3

I love RE2make to death, but I do wish they'd done a better job with the scenario design. It's one of the best and most impressive elements of the original RE2 for me and I would have really liked to see it at the very least matched in quality. Unfortunately it's an aspect of the remake that I definitely think is inferior.

I understand the reason behind it, and can acknowledge the far superior sound design, but I do also think the original RE2's soundtrack was incredible and I think it was better than what we got in the remake.

Aside from those gripes, I do prefer everything else in the remake.
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God gave me style
Jul 16, 2004
Yeah, played only Claire A so far and I can already tell they fucked up the scenarios. I've already fought all of birkin's forms except for the last, and realized that, unless birkin has more forms in this game, Leon B will have me fighting the same bosses. #-oand that design for Birkin's 4th form, the quadruped aka "dog" form, has been replaced with an inferior abomination! Birkin's mutations used to have purpose, as hideous as he became. Now it seem it's just for the sake of gross out factor. Though, i do think his first two forms in this Remake are superbly done, and the 3rd is alright.

Still, it feels like that last time a RE game blew me away like this was RE3 back in 1999.
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Treads the Jeweled Thrones of Earth Under His Feet
Nov 10, 2000
New York City
I only just started the game *officially* last night, but I can already tell I'm going to rank it high. At a guess, I'd say it'll come in at number 5 on my list of Top 5 RE games.

Oh hell, might as well make that list now ....

5) REmake2
4) RE 3
3) RE 7
2) RE C:VX
1) REmake

RE 6 is the worst, followed by RE Zero.

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Deleted member 119

Original poster
REmake 2


Revelations 2




No Longer a Noob
Aug 12, 2017
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Destiny Deserter
Aug 10, 2003
Canada, eh?
That's because you cannot identify excellent game design when you play one.

No, its because I prefer at least 50 other games more than I do RE4.
At minimum, RE4 should be within your top 50.

Yet it isn't. I reserve those coveted spots for games that aren't repetitive and boring to me.

It turned out better then I thought but I still think RE7 was better

I still need to play RE7. That game completely passed me by.
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No Longer a Noob
Aug 12, 2017
No, its because I prefer at least 50 other games more than I do RE4.
At minimum, RE4 should be within your top 50.

Yet it isn't. I reserve those coveted spots for games that aren't repetitive and boring to me.

It turned out better then I thought but I still think RE7 was better

I still need to play RE7. That game completely passed me by.
There is nothing repetitive and boring about RE4. It's projection. YOU are actually playing the game in a repetitive and boring fashion. You have not explored the incredible depth of its gameplay. Now, go replay it.


Destiny Deserter
Aug 10, 2003
Canada, eh?
At minimum, RE4 should be within your top 50.

Yet it isn't. I reserve those coveted spots for games that aren't repetitive and boring to me.

It turned out better then I thought but I still think RE7 was better

I still need to play RE7. That game completely passed me by.
There is nothing repetitive and boring about RE4. It's projection. YOU are actually playing the game in a repetitive and boring fashion. You have not explored the incredible depth of its gameplay. Now, go replay it.

A muddy puddle can only be so deep.

Besides, I tossed my copy in the garbage years ago, and I wouldn't pay money for it again. I kinda wish I hadve kept it for collection purposes, but I tossed it with the rest of my GCN games after I got rid of my Wii.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 12, 2017
Yet it isn't. I reserve those coveted spots for games that aren't repetitive and boring to me.

I still need to play RE7. That game completely passed me by.
There is nothing repetitive and boring about RE4. It's projection. YOU are actually playing the game in a repetitive and boring fashion. You have not explored the incredible depth of its gameplay. Now, go replay it.

A muddy puddle can only be so deep.

Besides, I tossed my copy in the garbage years ago, and I wouldn't pay money for it again. I kinda wish I hadve kept it for collection purposes, but I tossed it with the rest of my GCN games after I got rid of my Wii.
That has nothing to do with the obviously incredible depth, immersive atmosphere, and replay value the game offers. Your loss.


Destiny Deserter
Aug 10, 2003
Canada, eh?
There is nothing repetitive and boring about RE4. It's projection. YOU are actually playing the game in a repetitive and boring fashion. You have not explored the incredible depth of its gameplay. Now, go replay it.

A muddy puddle can only be so deep.

Besides, I tossed my copy in the garbage years ago, and I wouldn't pay money for it again. I kinda wish I hadve kept it for collection purposes, but I tossed it with the rest of my GCN games after I got rid of my Wii.
That has nothing to do with the obviously incredible depth, immersive atmosphere, and replay value the game offers. Your loss.

Nothing says immersion like a game with a giant statue of a porn-parody Napoleon Bonaparte chasing you down through a booby trapped castle in the middle of backwater Europe. The only part of RE4 that had a decent atmosphere was the village and the credits. The rest was laughable.

No loss here, I get along just fine.

Edit: I really shouldn't have said anything. Every time I come back I seem to make an RE4 fanboy cry.

Imma stop this old tired argument before it gets too silly.

To get back on topic:

RE2make is pretty amazing, I love it. I gotta finish all scenarios.
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No Longer a Noob
Aug 12, 2017
A muddy puddle can only be so deep.

Besides, I tossed my copy in the garbage years ago, and I wouldn't pay money for it again. I kinda wish I hadve kept it for collection purposes, but I tossed it with the rest of my GCN games after I got rid of my Wii.
That has nothing to do with the obviously incredible depth, immersive atmosphere, and replay value the game offers. Your loss.

Nothing says immersion like a game with a giant statue of a porn-parody Napoleon Bonaparte chasing you down through a booby trapped castle in the middle of backwater Europe. The only part of RE4 that had a decent atmosphere was the village and the credits. The rest was laughable.

No loss here, I get along just fine.

Edit: I really shouldn't have said anything. Every time I come back I seem to make an RE4 fanboy cry.

Imma stop this old tired argument before it gets too silly.

To get back on topic:

RE2make is pretty amazing, I love it. I gotta finish all scenarios.
RE2 is lacking in what RE4 excels in throughout: better cutscenes, better art, better sound, incredible boss fights, addicting gameplay and replay value, fun weapons to experiment, and a better soundtrack.

Calling me some RE4 fanboy is not a legitimate counter-argument. I praise RE4, because it does everything better than all the RE games put together. Previous and future entries had an overall diminishing quality in providing an excellent gaming experience.


I'm the menu sound you hear in RE2/CV
Oct 19, 2008
RE4 does not do horror better than the previous titles do put together...and that's what Resident Evil should have been known for.

Not making another mindless shooter game. A focus on how to reserve ammo, and when to use weapons is more important than weapon experimentation, and survival horror should have a focus on encounters (rather than fighting), because the option to flee should be a valid strategy as well, especially if you're dealing with a mass horde...oh, and RE4s atmosphere is all over the place...only the village had an air of it throughout. With an out of place caslte that really drags it down with sprinkles of it only when a few select unique enemies show up such as the regenerators, Invisible bugs, and a few bosses....otherwise, it's yet another Army Man game.

It's actually quite an unbalanced game in terms of atmosphere and action. Gameplay wise, yeah it changes things up just fine, but some things felt like they just threw it in there because they could...railway cart, Indiana Jones type statue chase, and just weird out of place things like that.

RE4 was also improved upon in RE5 in terms of quick weapon shortcuts, and knowing that it is mostly an action game, instead of pretending its horror.

That said, RE4 is still one of my favorites and I return to it often.

If it had;

+ Kept the horror atmosphere from the village throughout, and cut out the castle and army men approach

+ Kept the Umbrella storyline going, or at least hinting at it, while delivering a better motivation for the villain other than just to fund his church

+ Made more unique enemies built on fear like the invisible bugs and regenerators, rather than the focus on guns ablazing enemies

Then yes, I would agree it's the perfect game. But it's not.

Oh, and get rid of the escort mission crap entirely...Ashley should have been able to fight alongside you (something RE5 also improved upon), or at least should have been something to get you emotionally hooked and connecting to like a The Last of Us game.

Or at least, like in the Tomb Raider reboot, make it so that she's disgusted by having to resort to violence to survive, and tackles with the concept.

Instead, I find myself getting a rocket launcher out every playthrough to see if I can ever make her bounce. 😂


Termina Moon Society
Sep 10, 2000
Clock Tower
RE2make is great, but I liked the original RE2, the 1st REmake and Code Veronica X better for their time than the RE2make. RE4 is also my highest rated RE game of all time, even though I much prefer the classic RE gameplay to that of RE4.

My full series rank is:
  1. Resident Evil 4 (GCN)
  2. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (Wii)
  3. Resident Evil Remake (GCN)
  4. Resident Evil 2 (PS1)
  5. Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (PS2)
  6. Resident Evil 2 Remake (PS4)
  7. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (PS1)
  8. Resident Evil 0 (GCN)
  9. Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (Wii)
  10. Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (Wii)
  11. Resident Evil 5 (PS3)
  12. Resident Evil Revelations (WiiU)
  13. Resident Evil 6 (PS3)
  14. Resident Evil Revelations 2 (PS4)
Dec 30, 2021
Not to sound like a stooge, but the original RE2 is the definitive classic. I could honestly care less about any inferior remake.

In my opinion, the only decent remake (and it was actually more excellent than decent), was the first remake from 2002. It holds up, even now.

RE4 however, is one of the most overrated entries in the series. Just how does it have any correlation to the other games? It's sad how Capcom had to do some on rails shooting game called The Umbrella Chronicles to reveal how Umbrella ended, when it should have occurred in a proper sequel.


Original poster
My only problem with REmake2 is the contradiction in the second scenario.

In the original, we are treated with what had happened with the second character and what they have been doing. Plus new areas and new enemies especially William Birkin’s different form than his first scenario. There are a few contradictions, but as far as nitpicking goes it’s not much to complain about.

The system was known as Zapping System, which also used for RE3 original when replaying the game again also spawns different area, different enemy placement, and even Nemesis showing up where you least expected. It was also implanted in Zelda Oracle of Ages and Seasons, which was developed by Flagship, the same folks responsible for RE2 and 3.

That said, that Zapping system or the like of was absent in REmake2. This second scenario heavily contradict moments such as William Birkin fight, the appearance of Mr. X (first scenario he showed up in the helicopter debris; second scenario he showed up in the helicopter debris???) and many more.

Overall, I still love REmake2. Not the REmake2 I originally wanted since REmake (expecting all the same from the original with some new plot to blend with the original). Still, it was long in the making.

Now for REm4ke next month…