Mar 26, 2006
Welcome to the Tales of Symphonia Board!

It might be dead, but having a community thread up that you can't reply in is a shame.

Feel free to post and talk about whatever you like.


Jan 28, 2011
I recently started really getting into rpgs. Just beat FF7 finally and The Last Story. Wasn't so big on Xenoblade tho. How does Symphonia hold up by today's standards?
I'm pretty excited for Ni No Kuni.
Mar 26, 2006
Pretty damn good, sure the game has aged since then, but it was one of the few games that i felt had an impact on my taste for games. Story is great, characters are memorable, combat is challenging and fun. Its a good buy.


Jan 28, 2011
Great. Thank you. That's all I needed to hear. I found a store that has it and will be picking it up!


No Longer a Noob
Aug 13, 2001
This is even slower than the last OT.
Maybe the board will get some more movement with the release of the HD versions.


Nov 15, 2013
Hi everyone~~ Rice is back for a moment!!! If you guys still remember me~~ I'm from the past century~~~ WAY~~~~~~~ past~~~~~~ rice8369~~~

I don't even remember my old password, so I'm just starting a new username~~ ANYWAY, how are you guys? Where are my old buddies~~ Return of Samus, Link, Dani, Colette, Ariel and everyone~~~


the stone the builder refused
Aug 22, 2006
The place you least suspect
Hi everyone~~ Rice is back for a moment!!! If you guys still remember me~~ I'm from the past century~~~ WAY~~~~~~~ past~~~~~~ rice8369~~~

I don't even remember my old password, so I'm just starting a new username~~ ANYWAY, how are you guys? Where are my old buddies~~ Return of Samus, Link, Dani, Colette, Ariel and everyone~~~
Wait this place actually had a community?


Nov 15, 2013
Hi everyone~~ Rice is back for a moment!!! If you guys still remember me~~ I'm from the past century~~~ WAY~~~~~~~ past~~~~~~ rice8369~~~

I don't even remember my old password, so I'm just starting a new username~~ ANYWAY, how are you guys? Where are my old buddies~~ Return of Samus, Link, Dani, Colette, Ariel and everyone~~~
Wait this place actually had a community?

This board used to have a large community, too bad no one shows up here anymore~


the stone the builder refused
Aug 22, 2006
The place you least suspect
Hi everyone~~ Rice is back for a moment!!! If you guys still remember me~~ I'm from the past century~~~ WAY~~~~~~~ past~~~~~~ rice8369~~~

I don't even remember my old password, so I'm just starting a new username~~ ANYWAY, how are you guys? Where are my old buddies~~ Return of Samus, Link, Dani, Colette, Ariel and everyone~~~
Wait this place actually had a community?

This board used to have a large community, too bad no one shows up here anymore~

Maybe it's time for a new community to start?


No Longer a Noob
Aug 13, 2001
Hello Rice!
I definitively remember you, and it's nice to see you remember me as well!
What have you been up to?

Wait this place actually had a community?

This board used to have a large community, too bad no one shows up here anymore~

Maybe it's time for a new community to start?

ToS board had a sizable community many many years ago, good number of people and a community thread that moved dozens of pages per day.
Those days are obviously very past gone.


the stone the builder refused
Aug 22, 2006
The place you least suspect
ToS board had a sizable community many many years ago, good number of people and a community thread that moved dozens of pages per day.
Those days are obviously very past gone.

That's so sad and from the way you described it that sounds like it would be considered one of the more active communities by today's standard. I am kind of surprised that this board is as slow as it is though as tales games seem to be doing pretty well at the moment


No Longer a Noob
Aug 13, 2001
That's so sad and from the way you described it that sounds like it would be considered one of the more active communities by today's standard. I am kind of surprised that this board is as slow as it is though as tales games seem to be doing pretty well at the moment

It used to be an extremey active community even by the standards of the time.
Back then there was only the "Tales of Symphonia" board, which ended up serving as a hub for fans of the game and fans of the series in general. Some people ended up moving for TOTA board, others stayed in ToS board, but eventually people in general just moved on to talk outside of IGN or do other stuff with their time.
Sad but to be expected.

I have no idea why the "Tales Of" board gets so few posts, but then again I'm not sure how active or not IGN is now a days seeing as I hardly post here. I would imagine that's because most fans of the franchise are probably localized in places outside of IGN now a days.


the stone the builder refused
Aug 22, 2006
The place you least suspect
That's so sad and from the way you described it that sounds like it would be considered one of the more active communities by today's standard. I am kind of surprised that this board is as slow as it is though as tales games seem to be doing pretty well at the moment

It used to be an extremey active community even by the standards of the time.
Back then there was only the "Tales of Symphonia" board, which ended up serving as a hub for fans of the game and fans of the series in general. Some people ended up moving for TOTA board, others stayed in ToS board, but eventually people in general just moved on to talk outside of IGN or do other stuff with their time.
Sad but to be expected.

I have no idea why the "Tales Of" board gets so few posts, but then again I'm not sure how active or not IGN is now a days seeing as I hardly post here. I would imagine that's because most fans of the franchise are probably localized in places outside of IGN now a days.

So back then there wasn't a tales series board then ... I find that kind of strange [face_thinking] So if people wanted to talk about Phantasia or destiny they had to go to the symphonia board before the TOTA board opened up. Why didn't IGN just make a tales series board with the release of symphonia rather than just make a symphonia board? Also when and why did they change it?

The rest of the boards show some life but it's mainly centered in console lobbies and teh vesti. There are other boards with life e.g. the yugioh board (I post on there so I know it has some life) but they appear to mainly have life in the ct of the board. But there are plenty of tales fans on IGN however they don't seem to know that this board even exists


No Longer a Noob
Aug 13, 2001
So back then there wasn't a tales series board then ... I find that kind of strange [face_thinking] So if people wanted to talk about Phantasia or destiny they had to go to the symphonia board before the TOTA board opened up. Why didn't IGN just make a tales series board with the release of symphonia rather than just make a symphonia board? Also when and why did they change it?

The rest of the boards show some life but it's mainly centered in console lobbies and teh vesti. There are other boards with life e.g. the yugioh board (I post on there so I know it has some life) but they appear to mainly have life in the ct of the board. But there are plenty of tales fans on IGN however they don't seem to know that this board even exists

Yeah, that's just how it was, "Tales of" was an even nicher franchise around this parts back in the day, and people didn't really know it until ToS came out.

They just used to make boards for any half-popular game at the time, and ToS had a decent amount of hype among Nintendo fans at the time, I'm guessing that's why they made a ToS board, no idea why they didn't go for a general "Tales of" board at the time, I'm guessing they simply didn't plan that far away in the future.

I think we had a push for a "Tales Of" board for awhile, but it died off before it lead anywhere, and when the "Tales Of" board was made, the community of Tales fan was already pretty ingrained in the existing individual Tales Of games boards (and in particular the CT's), so the general board got little traffic.
Most Tales fan I know hardly post on IGN anymore (or not at all), but I have no idea why current Tales fan that post on IGN don't frequent this board.

Personally I just don't play Tales games much anymore. Last I played was ToTA in the 3DS and I didn't even finished that. Before that Tales of the World: Radiant Mytholog and Tales of Eternia on PSP.

I remember the console boards getting a lot of traffic (especially the Gamecube one), literally dozens of threads per day (or dare I say hour), but the individual game/series boards were also pretty popular and fast moving.
Even though I don't really post on IGN now a days (I really just check it out to talk with a few particular people with who I don't keep in touch outside of IGN), it's still a shame to hear that the boards here lost traffic, I have lots of good memories from this place, made a lot of close friends and people that meet quite a bit of people that were part of my life for a long time (some of which are still good friends of mine to this day).

In that note, I do hope Rice gets around checking the board again, I haven't talked with her in what I can just describe as "way too long", but I have good memories of talking with her and I'd like to have the chance to catch up.
A bit annoyed I didn't check this thread sooner and having missed her due to that.


the stone the builder refused
Aug 22, 2006
The place you least suspect
So back then there wasn't a tales series board then ... I find that kind of strange [face_thinking] So if people wanted to talk about Phantasia or destiny they had to go to the symphonia board before the TOTA board opened up. Why didn't IGN just make a tales series board with the release of symphonia rather than just make a symphonia board? Also when and why did they change it?

The rest of the boards show some life but it's mainly centered in console lobbies and teh vesti. There are other boards with life e.g. the yugioh board (I post on there so I know it has some life) but they appear to mainly have life in the ct of the board. But there are plenty of tales fans on IGN however they don't seem to know that this board even exists

Yeah, that's just how it was, "Tales of" was an even nicher franchise around this parts back in the day, and people didn't really know it until ToS came out.

They just used to make boards for any half-popular game at the time, and ToS had a decent amount of hype among Nintendo fans at the time, I'm guessing that's why they made a ToS board, no idea why they didn't go for a general "Tales of" board at the time, I'm guessing they simply didn't plan that far away in the future.

I think we had a push for a "Tales Of" board for awhile, but it died off before it lead anywhere, and when the "Tales Of" board was made, the community of Tales fan was already pretty ingrained in the existing individual Tales Of games boards (and in particular the CT's), so the general board got little traffic.
Most Tales fan I know hardly post on IGN anymore (or not at all), but I have no idea why current Tales fan that post on IGN don't frequent this board.

Personally I just don't play Tales games much anymore. Last I played was ToTA in the 3DS and I didn't even finished that. Before that Tales of the World: Radiant Mytholog and Tales of Eternia on PSP.

I remember the console boards getting a lot of traffic (especially the Gamecube one), literally dozens of threads per day (or dare I say hour), but the individual game/series boards were also pretty popular and fast moving.
Even though I don't really post on IGN now a days (I really just check it out to talk with a few particular people with who I don't keep in touch outside of IGN), it's still a shame to hear that the boards here lost traffic, I have lots of good memories from this place, made a lot of close friends and people that meet quite a bit of people that were part of my life for a long time (some of which are still good friends of mine to this day).

In that note, I do hope Rice gets around checking the board again, I haven't talked with her in what I can just describe as "way too long", but I have good memories of talking with her and I'd like to have the chance to catch up.
A bit annoyed I didn't check this thread sooner and having missed her due to that.

Well tales of symphonia was the first game I played in the series but I don't know why that suddenly brought attention to the series over. Was it because Symphonia was such a good game for the gamecube [face_thinking]

A board for any half popular game ... while it sounds more cluttered than the way things are it sure sounds more convenient than the way things are now. There often isn't a board for individual games

Well it would make sense for the old community to disappear over time. None of the communities I used to visit back in 06 no longer exist really either.Old communities also seem to rarely come back around either ... that said I do see the occasional group of posters from way back when post together (no one from 06 though)

So you haven't played Vesperia of Xillia?

Sounds like IGN will never be as active as it was back then ... while there is activity I haven't seen a console lobby that active let alone an individual game board. The only board that's as active is that (and way beyond) is teh vesti

You know you could mention her so she would get an alert from you when she next signs in


No Longer a Noob
Aug 13, 2001
Well tales of symphonia was the first game I played in the series but I don't know why that suddenly brought attention to the series over. Was it because Symphonia was such a good game for the gamecube [face_thinking]

A board for any half popular game ... while it sounds more cluttered than the way things are it sure sounds more convenient than the way things are now. There often isn't a board for individual games

Well it would make sense for the old community to disappear over time. None of the communities I used to visit back in 06 no longer exist really either.Old communities also seem to rarely come back around either ... that said I do see the occasional group of posters from way back when post together (no one from 06 though)

So you haven't played Vesperia of Xillia?

Sounds like IGN will never be as active as it was back then ... while there is activity I haven't seen a console lobby that active let alone an individual game board. The only board that's as active is that (and way beyond) is teh vesti

You know you could mention her so she would get an alert from you when she next signs in

It was a big RPG release for Gamecube, which didn't see much of that. Gamecube fanbase was in need of a game, so it got a lot more attention than the rest of the series.

A board for each game was probably too fragmented, but there was also likely more people around IGN at the time that allowed that.

Yeah, it's sometihng that makes sense, but it's still pretty sad, rather nostalgic about it lately to be honest, and sad too.
And now I'm feeling old as well! We're talking about early 2005 here.

Nope, I own Vesperia, but I haven't played it.
My backlog is an issue of it's own.

Probably not, people moved to other sites, myself included, that's just how it is. IGN really was one of the most popular forums online at a point.

An alert? @rice0319
Like that?

I also sent her a private message (or started a conversation as they now call it)

I'm more worried that she won't log on/check the thread again, seeing as she only made the account to post there, and the last post was nearly a month ago.


the stone the builder refused
Aug 22, 2006
The place you least suspect
Well tales of symphonia was the first game I played in the series but I don't know why that suddenly brought attention to the series over. Was it because Symphonia was such a good game for the gamecube [face_thinking]

A board for any half popular game ... while it sounds more cluttered than the way things are it sure sounds more convenient than the way things are now. There often isn't a board for individual games

Well it would make sense for the old community to disappear over time. None of the communities I used to visit back in 06 no longer exist really either.Old communities also seem to rarely come back around either ... that said I do see the occasional group of posters from way back when post together (no one from 06 though)

So you haven't played Vesperia of Xillia?

Sounds like IGN will never be as active as it was back then ... while there is activity I haven't seen a console lobby that active let alone an individual game board. The only board that's as active is that (and way beyond) is teh vesti

You know you could mention her so she would get an alert from you when she next signs in

It was a big RPG release for Gamecube, which didn't see much of that. Gamecube fanbase was in need of a game, so it got a lot more attention than the rest of the series.

A board for each game was probably too fragmented, but there was also likely more people around IGN at the time that allowed that.

Yeah, it's sometihng that makes sense, but it's still pretty sad, rather nostalgic about it lately to be honest, and sad too.
And now I'm feeling old as well! We're talking about early 2005 here.

Nope, I own Vesperia, but I haven't played it.
My backlog is an issue of it's own.

Probably not, people moved to other sites, myself included, that's just how it is. IGN really was one of the most popular forums online at a point.

An alert? [URL='']@rice0319[/URL]
Like that?

I also sent her a private message (or started a conversation as they now call it)

I'm more worried that she won't log on/check the thread again, seeing as she only made the account to post there, and the last post was nearly a month ago.

So it seems more like it just being an RPG on the Gamecube than it being about quality ... that's kind of a shame

It's a shame I never got to see the boards when they were livelier

It's entirely possible a lot of those posters from what back then still post. You may feel old from all this but you don't really come off as too old [face_thinking]

Tales games have actually been a pain to my backlog. I end up replaying a lot of titles (like vesperia) and not playing games in my backlog. Vesperia is my favorite tales game so I would highly recommend it of course [face_silly]

I do see quite a few posters from your time around here still. Mainly on teh vesti but on some other boards as well

Yeah just like that. But it's more for if she happens to sign in again one day she may come across it and see it that way


No Longer a Noob
Aug 13, 2001
So it seems more like it just being an RPG on the Gamecube than it being about quality ... that's kind of a shame

It's a shame I never got to see the boards when they were livelier

It's entirely possible a lot of those posters from what back then still post. You may feel old from all this but you don't really come off as too old [face_thinking]

Tales games have actually been a pain to my backlog. I end up replaying a lot of titles (like vesperia) and not playing games in my backlog. Vesperia is my favorite tales game so I would highly recommend it of course [face_silly]

I do see quite a few posters from your time around here still. Mainly on teh vesti but on some other boards as well

Yeah just like that. But it's more for if she happens to sign in again one day she may come across it and see it that way

Hello again today my friend. This is about as alive as the CT has been in years.
Hm, I guess if your post was when this thread came to this board, that means my post was the last post in the ToS CT in the ToS board! Ah, I won that one!

Being a quality RPG on Gamecube from a big franchise, yeah. That's basically what made it popular around this parts.
IGN used to have many Nintendo fans, so it was only normal.

I personally didn't post much before 2003-2004, I was manly a lurker until then, and I always avoided teh vesti, was never much my style. I mostly read the Gamecube Board, and then the DS one.
Yeah, the boards were a lot of fun, though I didn't post much myself, until I started posting on ToS board, somehow I managed to post a lot there and got close to a lot of people, pretty unusual for me.

I'm sure the boards are still fun on their own way now.

Most of the posters that I personally know (or used to know) don't really post much anymore.
Well glad I don't come off as too old, considering I'm on my 20's.
It's pretty mind blowing to think that I've been around IGN for almost 13 years. That's half of my life.

RPG's are always a pain on backlogs, I have quite a few there (then again I have hundreds of games of all types in my backlog). Though I rarely replay games.
I think I replayed ToS at some point, I do have the PS3 version pre-ordered, I'd consider replaying it, but honestly, I have too many bad memories associated with the game at this point, nothing directly related with the game, just that the game reminds me of someone close to me (who I meet on this board) that parted ways with me not too long ago. Too long and depression of a story to go over, plus this is not the appropriate place to talk about it.

But yes, I do hope Rice checks the board again, she used to be a good friend of mine and a nice person and I really want the opportunity to talk with her for a bit.

As a side note, I prefered your old icon. Tear is a very attractive character.


the stone the builder refused
Aug 22, 2006
The place you least suspect
Hello again today my friend. This is about as alive as the CT has been in years.
Hm, I guess if your post was when this thread came to this board, that means my post was the last post in the ToS CT in the ToS board! Ah, I won that one!

Being a quality RPG on Gamecube from a big franchise, yeah. That's basically what made it popular around this parts.
IGN used to have many Nintendo fans, so it was only normal.

I personally didn't post much before 2003-2004, I was manly a lurker until then, and I always avoided teh vesti, was never much my style. I mostly read the Gamecube Board, and then the DS one.
Yeah, the boards were a lot of fun, though I didn't post much myself, until I started posting on ToS board, somehow I managed to post a lot there and got close to a lot of people, pretty unusual for me.

I'm sure the boards are still fun on their own way now.

Most of the posters that I personally know (or used to know) don't really post much anymore.
Well glad I don't come off as too old, considering I'm on my 20's.
It's pretty mind blowing to think that I've been around IGN for almost 13 years. That's half of my life.

RPG's are always a pain on backlogs, I have quite a few there (then again I have hundreds of games of all types in my backlog). Though I rarely replay games.
I think I replayed ToS at some point, I do have the PS3 version pre-ordered, I'd consider replaying it, but honestly, I have too many bad memories associated with the game at this point, nothing directly related with the game, just that the game reminds me of someone close to me (who I meet on this board) that parted ways with me not too long ago. Too long and depression of a story to go over, plus this is not the appropriate place to talk about it.

But yes, I do hope Rice checks the board again, she used to be a good friend of mine and a nice person and I really want the opportunity to talk with her for a bit.

As a side note, I prefered your old icon. Tear is a very attractive character.
Yeah CTs typically do that when you have people to converse with

Winning a ct ... Well I suppose now that ends up being the last person to post in the ct however mods tend to ruin that game now

Ah yeah now the Nintendo fans around IGN are a bit ... different. There is a lot more fanboyism and stuff like that so I imagine that things would be different if they were to suddenly start adding more boards like that

Do you think the old ToS community helped you open up a bit?

They are but they have problems e.g. porn rioting fanboys etc

So there are still some around then.
26 really isn't that old around the boards. There are plenty of posters around that age who I regularly converse with some of which you may actually know [face_thinking]

Yeah they are long and really immersive which can make them hard to clear off when compared to games like shooters and stuff. I wont probe if you rather not discuss it but considering ToS is so story heavy it makes sense that it would bring up things like that and remind you of certain things.

Well if she ever comes back I am sure she would feel very well welcomed back after reading that

Actually this is my old icon ... a really old icon. I often switch icons to other ones I have made in the past. That Tear one was just one of the icons I have made of her that I felt like wearing because I am replaying Tales of the Abyss. That said I do think I should switch to another Tear icon I never wore before or make a new one.
Last edited:


No Longer a Noob
Aug 13, 2001
Yeah CTs typically do that when you have people to converse with

Winning a ct ... Well I suppose now that ends up being the last person to post in the ct however mods tend to ruin that game now

Ah yeah now the Nintendo fans around IGN are a bit ... different. There is a lot more fanboyism and stuff like that so I imagine that things would be different if they were to suddenly start adding more boards like that

Do you think the old ToS community helped you open up a bit?

They are but they have problems e.g. porn rioting fanboys etc

So there are still some around then.
26 really isn't that old around the boards. There are plenty of posters around that age who I regularly converse with some of which you may actually know [face_thinking]

Yeah they are long and really immersive which can make them hard to clear off when compared to games like shooters and stuff. I wont probe if you rather not discuss it but considering ToS is so story heavy it makes sense that it would bring up things like that and remind you of certain things.

Well if she ever comes back I am sure she would feel very well welcomed back after reading that

Actually this is my old icon ... a really old icon. I often switch icons to other ones I have made in the past. That Tear one was just one of the icons I have made of her that I felt like wearing because I am replaying Tales of the Abyss. That said I do think I should switch to another Tear icon I never wore before or make a new one.

Well, this CT (and the one before) were moving at a rate of a new post every few months (if that much)., so it's nice to see this place again with a bit of life for the first time in a few years.

Ahah, well there was a running joke of people saying they were going to the be last one to post in the old CT, ironically it ended up being someone that hadn't posted in years, and then the thread got locked. So I find it amusing I might have been the last one to post on this CT while it still was on the ToS board. Personally I'm not too fond of those games now a days. The ToS board did use to have a lot of board games though.

"Different" "There is a lot more fanboyism". Doesn't sound too different from before to be honest, I recall there being a lot of fanboyism in general in IGN even when I first started checking the boards, always more fanboys than good posters.

Yeah, the old ToS community did help me open up, I wouldn't say a bit though, I'd say it made me open up a lot.
Was a period of my life that I do look back and recall having a lot of fun.

IGN had problems with riots back in the days too, I always kept myself out of them, outside of that one time I accidently clicked a link that made an auto-post with my account (some security flaw on IGN at the time), as did lots of other people. Solution? Ban everyone.
I was pissed as hell, at the time. Pretty annoying to get banned for a security flaw that was known.

Good good, just feels old considering I came to IGN when I was 13. I doubt I know any users you talk to, I might recognize their names if they're people that posted back in the day, but the people that I know in general I still keep in touch with in some way or another, and the ones I don't mostly just disappeired of this boards at some point.

My issues with RPG's and backlogs tend to be the length, sometimes they also take their sweet time to get interesting, which can get me to postpone starting them.
Well, I don't mind discussing things just not her.It's just a long and personal story that also involves an old member from the ToS board, so I don't think it's appropriate to be discussing it in an open forum, especially since that person used to post here. It's not really related with the game story itself, just that the game itself reminds me of the situation
Maybe in a few years I'll get over it and replay the game.

In the meantime, I couldn't resist to jump on the pricing mistake and getting the CE edition for the price of the regular edition, so I'll be getting the game at release.
And seeing as I have a few hundreds of games in my backlog, I think I can afford to wait for the day to replay this.

Ah I see, well in that case I prefer your old-but-not-really-older-than-the-current-old-icon!
Not a big fan of the current icon face if I can be honest!

I usually stick with an icon and very rarely change, I'm a person of habits in general.
I'm always up to seeing Tear icons (or just Tear in general), she's very pleasent to the eyes, and a nice character too.

I never finished Tale of the Abyss to be honest, I got some 15-20 hours into the game on the 3DS (the game never came out in Europe so I didn't had a chance to play it before), and I got a bit sick of the gameplay at that point (one of my issue with RPG games in general), and since I had seen most of the anime (except the last two episodes), I felt I was "replaying" the story so to say, which didn't help me motivate me to keep playing.
I should pick up from where I left and see if I can finally finish it.
Perhaps when I'm done with Bravely Default.


the stone the builder refused
Aug 22, 2006
The place you least suspect
Well, this CT (and the one before) were moving at a rate of a new post every few months (if that much)., so it's nice to see this place again with a bit of life for the first time in a few years.

Ahah, well there was a running joke of people saying they were going to the be last one to post in the old CT, ironically it ended up being someone that hadn't posted in years, and then the thread got locked. So I find it amusing I might have been the last one to post on this CT while it still was on the ToS board. Personally I'm not too fond of those games now a days. The ToS board did use to have a lot of board games though.

"Different" "There is a lot more fanboyism". Doesn't sound too different from before to be honest, I recall there being a lot of fanboyism in general in IGN even when I first started checking the boards, always more fanboys than good posters.

Yeah, the old ToS community did help me open up, I wouldn't say a bit though, I'd say it made me open up a lot.
Was a period of my life that I do look back and recall having a lot of fun.

IGN had problems with riots back in the days too, I always kept myself out of them, outside of that one time I accidently clicked a link that made an auto-post with my account (some security flaw on IGN at the time), as did lots of other people. Solution? Ban everyone.
I was pissed as hell, at the time. Pretty annoying to get banned for a security flaw that was known.

Good good, just feels old considering I came to IGN when I was 13. I doubt I know any users you talk to, I might recognize their names if they're people that posted back in the day, but the people that I know in general I still keep in touch with in some way or another, and the ones I don't mostly just disappeired of this boards at some point.

My issues with RPG's and backlogs tend to be the length, sometimes they also take their sweet time to get interesting, which can get me to postpone starting them.
Well, I don't mind discussing things just not her.It's just a long and personal story that also involves an old member from the ToS board, so I don't think it's appropriate to be discussing it in an open forum, especially since that person used to post here. It's not really related with the game story itself, just that the game itself reminds me of the situation
Maybe in a few years I'll get over it and replay the game.

In the meantime, I couldn't resist to jump on the pricing mistake and getting the CE edition for the price of the regular edition, so I'll be getting the game at release.
And seeing as I have a few hundreds of games in my backlog, I think I can afford to wait for the day to replay this.

Ah I see, well in that case I prefer your old-but-not-really-older-than-the-current-old-icon!
Not a big fan of the current icon face if I can be honest!

I usually stick with an icon and very rarely change, I'm a person of habits in general.
I'm always up to seeing Tear icons (or just Tear in general), she's very pleasent to the eyes, and a nice character too.

I never finished Tale of the Abyss to be honest, I got some 15-20 hours into the game on the 3DS (the game never came out in Europe so I didn't had a chance to play it before), and I got a bit sick of the gameplay at that point (one of my issue with RPG games in general), and since I had seen most of the anime (except the last two episodes), I felt I was "replaying" the story so to say, which didn't help me motivate me to keep playing.
I should pick up from where I left and see if I can finally finish it.
Perhaps when I'm done with Bravely Default.

Well I suppose we could aim to keep it this way [face_thinking]

Board games?

I don't remember the fanboys ever being as bad as they are currently on the Wii U board (they have even made quite the reputation for themselves). But I can only barely remember 06

Oh so it's a general fond sense of nostalgia when looking back at this place then. That's good then [face_tongue]

I don't think the riots back then were the same we have now. There is a rioter on teh vesti that posts gore and dogs being burned alive people beheaded as well as another one (assuming it is a copycat) who posts genital mutilation and disease photos. He also PMs posters these things. They aren't what you would call your typical riot (which I often find kind of fun *feels ashamed*)

Well as you mainly stuck to the ToS board that does seem likely [face_thinking]

Yeah I really prefer RPGs which immerse me more immediately. I find I often don't end up playing long enough to remain interested in some of the more slow ones ... that said I am normally pretty good at getting immersed into a game fairly quickly.

Ah I understand the situation. No problem at all that's actually a rather logical move as this is a very open place where anyone can read anything we say

CE edition?

Yeah I am just concerned with my icon having glasses to be honest as that is one of the fetishes I have [face_silly]

I am also from Europe so I originally played it on my 3ds as well ... I have gotten myself a PS2 version of the game now though (I can't say how I am running it due to the ToS) but it is much better to get into when compared to the 3ds version. I think it really is a game that needs to be experienced on a bigger screen.

What do you think of Bravely Default? I am hoping to get it one day when I have the money (I am kind of broke at the moment)


Nov 15, 2013
Hello Rice!
I definitively remember you, and it's nice to see you remember me as well!
What have you been up to?

This board used to have a large community, too bad no one shows up here anymore~

Maybe it's time for a new community to start?

ToS board had a sizable community many many years ago, good number of people and a community thread that moved dozens of pages per day.
Those days are obviously very past gone.

Oh my God!~!! Dani, how are you???? Are you married? I am married and have a four year old son... How are you guys, are you still talking to the other members of this board? I haven't seen you guys for like almost a century.. I'm so happy to see you here, still here~~~ We should welcome everyone back~~ I wonder if Return of Samus is still around~~~ Find out for me~~~

BTW, I am still playing video games, that didn't change at all. I am currently playing Rune Factory 4 under 3ds system. I love that game and the other day I came to ign to check out some faqs for RF4, but then it just lure me into tos again. I was wondering if I can bump into anyone I know.. Finally, you are here!!! I'm so happy to see you again~~~
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No Longer a Noob
Aug 13, 2001
Well I suppose we could aim to keep it this way [face_thinking]

Board games?

I don't remember the fanboys ever being as bad as they are currently on the Wii U board (they have even made quite the reputation for themselves). But I can only barely remember 06

Oh so it's a general fond sense of nostalgia when looking back at this place then. That's good then [face_tongue]

I don't think the riots back then were the same we have now. There is a rioter on teh vesti that posts gore and dogs being burned alive people beheaded as well as another one (assuming it is a copycat) who posts genital mutilation and disease photos. He also PMs posters these things. They aren't what you would call your typical riot (which I often find kind of fun *feels ashamed*)

Well as you mainly stuck to the ToS board that does seem likely [face_thinking]

Yeah I really prefer RPGs which immerse me more immediately. I find I often don't end up playing long enough to remain interested in some of the more slow ones ... that said I am normally pretty good at getting immersed into a game fairly quickly.

Ah I understand the situation. No problem at all that's actually a rather logical move as this is a very open place where anyone can read anything we say

CE edition?

Yeah I am just concerned with my icon having glasses to be honest as that is one of the fetishes I have [face_silly]

I am also from Europe so I originally played it on my 3ds as well ... I have gotten myself a PS2 version of the game now though (I can't say how I am running it due to the ToS) but it is much better to get into when compared to the 3ds version. I think it really is a game that needs to be experienced on a bigger screen.

What do you think of Bravely Default? I am hoping to get it one day when I have the money (I am kind of broke at the moment)

I'm fine with that idea!

Yeah, board games, like popularity contest, "write the next sentence on a story", Kill/Heal characters. Stuff like that

Not actual board games like Dominion, Pandemic or Carcassone [face_tongue]

Well, I can't talk since I don't really read the boards anymore, but it was pretty bad during GC days.
Seeing as the Wii U is selling pretty bad, I'd imagine that the people posting on the board are the hardcore fans, same as it was with the GC, as oppose to the Wii, which having sold to a more diverse audience, also brought bigger diversity of people even to the boards themselves.
2006 was during the Wii days, and so you probably caught a better ratio of good posters/fanboys.

Absolutely, this board... well, the ToS board was a really good place, wasn't perfect, lots of issues and board drama too, but looking back, that was all part of the experience!

I see I see, those riots do sound pretty damn annoying and unconsiderate. It's a shame that people feel the need to do that, and unfortunately it's difficul to avoid those type of posters when anyone can create any number of accounts for free at any given time.
Ahah, what would you call a typical riot?
Harmless riots can be fun, though those aren't my thing.

Yeah, immersion can be pretty important in a game, and RPG's in general.
It's part of the reason why SMT: Nocturne and Persona 4 are so damn good and why Persona 4 was such a big success.
What RPG's would you cite as your favourites?

Yeah, Thanks for understanding!

Collectors Edition:

I couldn't pass it for the price of the regular edition, not with the amount of history I have with this game and the ToS board!

Hey, nothing wrong with a glass fetish! Not a particular fetish of mine, but I can understand the appeal!
That and your obvious breast fetish, I'm pretty sure Suì-Fēng didn't had large breasts last I checked!
Though they do suit her pretty well.

Ah, another European, so you know how it is to suffer for lenghts not knowing if you'll get to play videogames (RPG's in particular) that you're excited about!
I see I see, I get what you're saying, I don't have much issues with it as long as you bought the original version (and if you didn't, considering you own the 3DS version I can't say I care too much! [face_tongue]).
I'm glad you're enjoing it more than the 3DS version, but I hear that it has longer loading, plus I personally usually prefer my RPG's on handhelds, easier to just randomly play them, plus if the battle system bores me, I can always watch TV while playing them.

I'm still fairly early into Bravely Default (around 5 hours), but so far I'm enjoying it.
The battle system has a neat twist compared to other RPG's, and it has the potential to be something interesting in the long run, alternatively it could end up extremely repeative if the game designers don't make good use of it, so far the battle sytsem interesting but it's too early to tell in the long term.
Visuals are pretty nice, character models are cute and charming, the cities are hand-drawn art which look really impressive good from afar and pretty good with the regularcamera, though when the game zooms in too close, which fortunately that hasn't happened much, you notice flaws in the quality of the drawings.
Story is pretty usual so far, crystals, religion, the works.
Characters personalities are also charming and entertaining.

I'd say that the game is worth checking out from the few hours I spent with it.

Really annoying not to have money to buy games you want, hopefully that's solved soon.

Oh my God!~!! Dani, how are you???? Are you married? I am married and have a four year old son... How are you guys, are you still talking to the other members of this board? I haven't seen you guys for like almost a century.. I'm so happy to see you here, still here~~~ We should welcome everyone back~~ I wonder if Return of Samus is still around~~~ Find out for me~~~

BTW, I am still playing video games, that didn't change at all. I am currently playing Rune Factory 4 under 3ds system. I love that game and the other day I came to ign to check out some faqs for RF4, but then it just lure me into tos again. I was wondering if I can bump into anyone I know.. Finally, you are here!!! I'm so happy to see you again~~~

I am fine! And yourself?
Not married unfortunately, and considering I'm single, I probably won't be getting married anytime soon unless something suddendly changes.

Congratulations on that!
I'd love to have a kid of my own, but again, probably won't be happening for awhile.

You happy with life? Still working?

Yeah, I still talk with KirbyStamped, Vic1013, m3g4_f0z and Cnet128 regularly (if you remember any of them).
I talked with a certain somebody until a few months ago until some stuff happened, but that's something better discussed by PM.

I also occasionally trade a few words with Hhafiz on the TotA board, though people tend to take a few months in between posts over there (and I wasn't really any better until a few days ago).

Unfortunately it seems Return-Of-Samus isn't around, wouldn't have any idea how to find him either, sorry :(
Seeing as thebestrpgman looks to have similar breast-tastes as RoS did, I guess he'll have to do to make up for the lack of RoS.

I'm glad to hear you still play videogames, it's not unusual for people to leave that behind at certain points.
Haven't played any Rune Factory besides the first one, how are you enjoying the 4th?
If you want we can trade 3DS friend codes.

But I'm glad that you came and checked the boards, it's always nice to hear from old friends.
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Nov 15, 2013
Dani: I will come here regularly now.~~ Maybe if we show up more often then we can probably revive the board and maybe our old friends will eventually show up, who knows~~

Life is okay, well once you have a son and basically your life is surrounded with your little buddy. I am still working and much more settle than my single life. I am not playing a lot of games nowadays but I still like to play the harvest moon and rune factory series. Let me tell you, Rune Factory 4 is the best out of all the Rune Factory series. The plot, the game time and the characters are just wonderful. Maybe I am a woman and I still like to be a girl character. This time in RF4, you can choose between a male protagonist and a female one. Then you can go look for bachelors/bachelorettes, you can get married like the old time harvest moon, farming. The good part is, you can fight monsters, bosses, solving all the dungeons, quests, and when you first landed to the town, they name you prince/princess. I love that~~~ The bachelors are so good looking, some of them are half monster half human. Random events, if you want to marry someone, you have to encounter their marriage purposal events. They also have massive festivals. perfect game for my leisure time when I don't have to look after my son.

Anyway, Dani, said hello to everyone who you are still talk to, and I still remember most of them.


the stone the builder refused
Aug 22, 2006
The place you least suspect
I'm fine with that idea!

Yeah, board games, like popularity contest, "write the next sentence on a story", Kill/Heal characters. Stuff like that

Not actual board games like Dominion, Pandemic or Carcassone [face_tongue]

Well, I can't talk since I don't really read the boards anymore, but it was pretty bad during GC days.
Seeing as the Wii U is selling pretty bad, I'd imagine that the people posting on the board are the hardcore fans, same as it was with the GC, as oppose to the Wii, which having sold to a more diverse audience, also brought bigger diversity of people even to the boards themselves.
2006 was during the Wii days, and so you probably caught a better ratio of good posters/fanboys.

Absolutely, this board... well, the ToS board was a really good place, wasn't perfect, lots of issues and board drama too, but looking back, that was all part of the experience!

I see I see, those riots do sound pretty damn annoying and unconsiderate. It's a shame that people feel the need to do that, and unfortunately it's difficul to avoid those type of posters when anyone can create any number of accounts for free at any given time.
Ahah, what would you call a typical riot?
Harmless riots can be fun, though those aren't my thing.

Yeah, immersion can be pretty important in a game, and RPG's in general.
It's part of the reason why SMT: Nocturne and Persona 4 are so damn good and why Persona 4 was such a big success.
What RPG's would you cite as your favourites?

Yeah, Thanks for understanding!

Collectors Edition:

I couldn't pass it for the price of the regular edition, not with the amount of history I have with this game and the ToS board!

Hey, nothing wrong with a glass fetish! Not a particular fetish of mine, but I can understand the appeal!
That and your obvious breast fetish, I'm pretty sure Suì-Fēng didn't had large breasts last I checked!
Though they do suit her pretty well.

Ah, another European, so you know how it is to suffer for lenghts not knowing if you'll get to play videogames (RPG's in particular) that you're excited about!
I see I see, I get what you're saying, I don't have much issues with it as long as you bought the original version (and if you didn't, considering you own the 3DS version I can't say I care too much! [face_tongue]).
I'm glad you're enjoing it more than the 3DS version, but I hear that it has longer loading, plus I personally usually prefer my RPG's on handhelds, easier to just randomly play them, plus if the battle system bores me, I can always watch TV while playing them.

I'm still fairly early into Bravely Default (around 5 hours), but so far I'm enjoying it.
The battle system has a neat twist compared to other RPG's, and it has the potential to be something interesting in the long run, alternatively it could end up extremely repeative if the game designers don't make good use of it, so far the battle sytsem interesting but it's too early to tell in the long term.
Visuals are pretty nice, character models are cute and charming, the cities are hand-drawn art which look really impressive good from afar and pretty good with the regularcamera, though when the game zooms in too close, which fortunately that hasn't happened much, you notice flaws in the quality of the drawings.
Story is pretty usual so far, crystals, religion, the works.
Characters personalities are also charming and entertaining.

I'd say that the game is worth checking out from the few hours I spent with it.

Really annoying not to have money to buy games you want, hopefully that's solved soon.

Huh the closest I have seen to popularity contests now is who will make the next ct sort of thing. Although write the next sentence on a story is something that sounds familiar so I may remember that from back in 06 or something Yeah I figured it wasn't really board games

Well it certainly was better back then so the amount the console is selling does seem to have an impact like you said. However a lot of good posters who own the system and even used to be on the board and bought the new system at launch have been scared off from the board.

Sounds like my experience with other boards e.g. the 3ds lobby [face_thinking]

It actually seems like it's only 1 or 2 posters. Originally it was 1 who was angry about being banned for reporting a PM where he was sent child porn (at least that's what the guy told me and what how the story goes on the volkswagon).

I would call that the normal riot now as it is the most common but a more tame riot would be things like everyone only posting hot dog gifs on teh vesti or something like that (that's an example of one)

My favorite would be Mother 3 and Tales of Vesperia. Persona 4 is up there as well

If the collectors edition had a mini statue of Sheena instead of Collete I would be more interested in it

Yeah my icons tend to have large breasts because I am a pervert like that [face_tongue]

Yep. It's also why I was so excited for the 3ds when it first came out because we knew we were finally going to be able to play tales of the abyss [face_tongue]

So it generally seems good so far then. I hope it keeps up with it. The general response to it has been pretty good so I see myself getting it eventually
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No Longer a Noob
Aug 13, 2001
Dani: I will come here regularly now.~~ Maybe if we show up more often then we can probably revive the board and maybe our old friends will eventually show up, who knows~~

Life is okay, well once you have a son and basically your life is surrounded with your little buddy. I am still working and much more settle than my single life. I am not playing a lot of games nowadays but I still like to play the harvest moon and rune factory series. Let me tell you, Rune Factory 4 is the best out of all the Rune Factory series. The plot, the game time and the characters are just wonderful. Maybe I am a woman and I still like to be a girl character. This time in RF4, you can choose between a male protagonist and a female one. Then you can go look for bachelors/bachelorettes, you can get married like the old time harvest moon, farming. The good part is, you can fight monsters, bosses, solving all the dungeons, quests, and when you first landed to the town, they name you prince/princess. I love that~~~ The bachelors are so good looking, some of them are half monster half human. Random events, if you want to marry someone, you have to encounter their marriage purposal events. They also have massive festivals. perfect game for my leisure time when I don't have to look after my son.

Anyway, Dani, said hello to everyone who you are still talk to, and I still remember most of them.

Well I'll keep checking it, so as long as you guys keep posting so will I!
I doubt that the board can be "revived", maybe get a small comunity, but not much more than that.

Yeah, I imagine, having a couple sisters I have a bit of an idea of how that is. Still should be satisfying!
I imagine it's hard to work and take care of a family, but it's normal to do that now a days.
Only those two series? I haven't really touched either one in a few years.
I'm glad you're liking RF4, sounds like a good game.
You prefer the human bachelors or the half-monster ones?

Yeah, I imagine a kid cuts a lot of time from game time. Good thing is the kid is starting to get old enough to play multiplayer games with!

I relayed your message to some of them! Will relay it to the ones I haven't yet (when I see them).

Huh the closest I have seen to popularity contests now is who will make the next ct sort of thing. Although write the next sentence on a story is something that sounds familiar so I may remember that from back in 06 or something Yeah I figured it wasn't really board games

Well it certainly was better back then so the amount the console is selling does seem to have an impact like you said. However a lot of good posters who own the system and even used to be on the board and bought the new system at launch have been scared off from the board.

Sounds like my experience with other boards e.g. the 3ds lobby [face_thinking]

It actually seems like it's only 1 or 2 posters. Originally it was 1 who was angry about being banned for reporting a PM where he was sent child porn (at least that's what the guy told me and what how the story goes on the volkswagon).

I would call that the normal riot now as it is the most common but a more tame riot would be things like everyone only posting hot dog gifs on teh vesti or something like that (that's an example of one)

My favorite would be Mother 3 and Tales of Vesperia. Persona 4 is up there as well

If the collectors edition had a mini statue of Sheena instead of Collete I would be more interested in it

Yeah my icons tend to have large breasts because I am a pervert like that [face_tongue]

Yep. It's also why I was so excited for the 3ds when it first came out because we knew we were finally going to be able to play tales of the abyss [face_tongue]

So it generally seems good so far then. I hope it keeps up with it. The general response to it has been pretty good so I see myself getting it eventually

Well it was something like, each user chooces a character of the game, and then there's polls to vote the winners. Theorically supposed to be a poll about the characters, but it was really a popularity contests of the users themselves. Characters had a bit of influence, but it was mostly about the users. Characters were there just to make it "on-topic" really.

The writing one was the most fun really, it was just silly and you sometimes ended up with some funny stories, though some people tried to take it to perverted stories [face_tongue]

Would be better if it was actual board games! Trying to get into that lately.

How are the non-Nintendo console boards? Also with fanboys?

A dude gets banned for reporting that? If true that's screwed up, then again Mods in IGN were always pretty weak, as far back as I can recall, heck, at a point all you needed to be a mod was to be a well known female member. And the choice of mods was also a popularity contest back in the day.

Never played Mother 3 (or any game of the series), I really should get around playing ToV at a point.
I'd mention SMT3 as my favourite one, just an excelent game all around, both in terms of gameplay as well as atmosphere.
Really annoyed that SMT IV doesn't has a release date for Europe yet =\

Ahah, I'd like a Sheena statue as well, but I'll settle for Collete!
For 90 euros I'd skip it, but for half the price? Game bought.

Good good, no complaints about your icons here, it's nice to see you changing btween icons of attract girls. I imagine you have quite a collection of artwork to make that many icons of big breasts girls.

I wasn't that excited about the TotA in the 3DS, I had my period that I wanted the game, and at that point I had already lost interest in the Tales series. I mostly got it cause I saw it on my birthday and I hadn't got anything. So figured I might as well (got it the day after though).

Yeah, it is. I also finished Metal Gear Rising today, really good game.

What have you been playing (if anything)?
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the stone the builder refused
Aug 22, 2006
The place you least suspect
Well it was something like, each user chooces a character of the game, and then there's polls to vote the winners. Theorically supposed to be a poll about the characters, but it was really a popularity contests of the users themselves. Characters had a bit of influence, but it was mostly about the users. Characters were there just to make it "on-topic" really.

The writing one was the most fun really, it was just silly and you sometimes ended up with some funny stories, though some people tried to take it to perverted stories [face_tongue]

Would be better if it was actual board games! Trying to get into that lately.

How are the non-Nintendo console boards? Also with fanboys?

A dude gets banned for reporting that? If true that's screwed up, then again Mods in IGN were always pretty weak, as far back as I can recall, heck, at a point all you needed to be a mod was to be a well known female member. And the choice of mods was also a popularity contest back in the day.

Never played Mother 3 (or any game of the series), I really should get around playing ToV at a point.
I'd mention SMT3 as my favourite one, just an excelent game all around, both in terms of gameplay as well as atmosphere.
Really annoyed that SMT IV doesn't has a release date for Europe yet =\

Ahah, I'd like a Sheena statue as well, but I'll settle for Collete!
For 90 euros I'd skip it, but for half the price? Game bought.

Good good, no complaints about your icons here, it's nice to see you changing btween icons of attract girls. I imagine you have quite a collection of artwork to make that many icons of big breasts girls.

I wasn't that excited about the TotA in the 3DS, I had my period that I wanted the game, and at that point I had already lost interest in the Tales series. I mostly got it cause I saw it on my birthday and I hadn't got anything. So figured I might as well (got it the day after though).

Yeah, it is. I also finished Metal Gear Rising today, really good game.

What have you been playing (if anything)?

Polls on Characters huh. So would a really obscure character being chosen make no real difference then?

Those perverted stories seems like something I would have done a few years back [face_silly]

What sort of board games have you been trying to get into?

Well I am a member of the vita lobby community and it seems quite good. Much less fanboys compared to the Wii U board

There was a long heated argument and I am sure the mods just wanted to get rid of the entire situation by banning both users. As mods can't see conversations in PM's and only the post reported they may have assumed they were sending each other the child porn

I highly recommend Mother 3 and yeah it's rather annoying about SMT IV but I just hope we get it eventually

Euros huh. What part of Europe are you from?

Works as a good birthday gift I think I was one of the few to be really excited from it.

I have been playing through tales of the abyss again while I play through Persona 3 for the first time (sort of on break from P3)


No Longer a Noob
Aug 13, 2001
Polls on Characters huh. So would a really obscure character being chosen make no real difference then?

Those perverted stories seems like something I would have done a few years back [face_silly]

What sort of board games have you been trying to get into?

Well I am a member of the vita lobby community and it seems quite good. Much less fanboys compared to the Wii U board

There was a long heated argument and I am sure the mods just wanted to get rid of the entire situation by banning both users. As mods can't see conversations in PM's and only the post reported they may have assumed they were sending each other the child porn

I highly recommend Mother 3 and yeah it's rather annoying about SMT IV but I just hope we get it eventually

Euros huh. What part of Europe are you from?

Works as a good birthday gift I think I was one of the few to be really excited from it.

I have been playing through tales of the abyss again while I play through Persona 3 for the first time (sort of on break from P3)

For the most part yeah, if people were in doubt between two posters it might make a difference, or if you didn't know either/both userse in the poll. But for the most part people just voted for their favourite users.
It wasn't unusual for people to choose the various summoning spirits rather than main characters.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I probably wrote perverted stuff as well. Just part of being a guy I suppose.

Well I played Pandemic in class, that's what really got me interested into trying more of them, it was really quite fun to play the game with a few random classmates.
I recently tried the PC version of Ticket To Ride as well as played a game of Carcassone with my sisters (though we didn't really know the rules to well so we broke a bunch of them).
I've also heard some good things about Dominion, Puerto Rico and Agricola (among others), which I want to play as well. But before that I need to get the actual games and get some people willing to play the games.
Are you into board games?

Oh nice, a Vita bro! A really nice console, shame about the lack of support.
Community boards didn't get that much traffic (at least not the ones I checked), it's nice to see that changed. With that said, I imagine community has less discussion about games in general, thus less issues with fanboys.

Hm, yeah, I can see how that's an issue. Surely in a case like that an admin should intervine and check the PM's? Or do admins not have the ability to do that either?
Either way that's a pretty serious accusation, that's a crime in several countries, including the US (where most of the people in this board are from). I can't blame the mods for wanting to kill that discussion, it wouldn't had been out of line (and it might have actually been the right thing to do) to contact the police in a case like this.

Well, unless Nintendo gets around releasing the game in Europe/US, I probably won't get around playing it, I have too many games as it is to play, and the people I talk to gave me indication that I probably wouldn't fall in love with the games in the franchise like most people have.

I was considering importing an american 3DS to complement my European one, just to play SMT IV, then they announce a Euro release "in 2013"... and never mentioned it again until now.
Each Nintendo Direct I think "this time we'll hear about SMT IV, there's no way we won't", and each time I end up annoyed.

I'm from the outer edges of Europe, the ones in financial woes.
Portugal to be precise, a country I very much love despite all it's issues.
How about you?

What works as a good birthday gift?
You lost me there a bit [face_tongue]
Your birthday coming soon?

Can't blame you from taking a break in P3, I did so myself, I thought it was an interesting game, thought a deeply flawed one (apparently not a common opinions), I prefered Persona 4 by quite a bit more.


Nov 15, 2013
Dani: I have to pick the half monster half human bachelors more than the regular guys.. I'm superficial, that's why~~ Anyway, any good games you are playing now?


No Longer a Noob
Aug 13, 2001
Dani: I have to pick the half monster half human bachelors more than the regular guys.. I'm superficial, that's why~~ Anyway, any good games you are playing now?

Why would being superficial lead you to pick half-monsters half-humans over regular guys?
You like monster characteristics?

Talking of which, maybe you'd like Monster Girl Quest 3.
(This is a +18 game so do not google it near your kid!)

As for good games i'm playing, I finished Metal Gear Rising, though I'm still playing it cause it's a fun game.
Also Bravely Default as I mentioned a few posts ago.

You can generally check what games I've been playing (at least on PC) here:


the stone the builder refused
Aug 22, 2006
The place you least suspect
For the most part yeah, if people were in doubt between two posters it might make a difference, or if you didn't know either/both userse in the poll. But for the most part people just voted for their favourite users.
It wasn't unusual for people to choose the various summoning spirits rather than main characters.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I probably wrote perverted stuff as well. Just part of being a guy I suppose.

Well I played Pandemic in class, that's what really got me interested into trying more of them, it was really quite fun to play the game with a few random classmates.
I recently tried the PC version of Ticket To Ride as well as played a game of Carcassone with my sisters (though we didn't really know the rules to well so we broke a bunch of them).
I've also heard some good things about Dominion, Puerto Rico and Agricola (among others), which I want to play as well. But before that I need to get the actual games and get some people willing to play the games.
Are you into board games?

Oh nice, a Vita bro! A really nice console, shame about the lack of support.
Community boards didn't get that much traffic (at least not the ones I checked), it's nice to see that changed. With that said, I imagine community has less discussion about games in general, thus less issues with fanboys.

Hm, yeah, I can see how that's an issue. Surely in a case like that an admin should intervine and check the PM's? Or do admins not have the ability to do that either?
Either way that's a pretty serious accusation, that's a crime in several countries, including the US (where most of the people in this board are from). I can't blame the mods for wanting to kill that discussion, it wouldn't had been out of line (and it might have actually been the right thing to do) to contact the police in a case like this.

Well, unless Nintendo gets around releasing the game in Europe/US, I probably won't get around playing it, I have too many games as it is to play, and the people I talk to gave me indication that I probably wouldn't fall in love with the games in the franchise like most people have.

I was considering importing an american 3DS to complement my European one, just to play SMT IV, then they announce a Euro release "in 2013"... and never mentioned it again until now.
Each Nintendo Direct I think "this time we'll hear about SMT IV, there's no way we won't", and each time I end up annoyed.

I'm from the outer edges of Europe, the ones in financial woes.
Portugal to be precise, a country I very much love despite all it's issues.
How about you?

What works as a good birthday gift?
You lost me there a bit [face_tongue]
Your birthday coming soon?

Can't blame you from taking a break in P3, I did so myself, I thought it was an interesting game, thought a deeply flawed one (apparently not a common opinions), I prefered Persona 4 by quite a bit more.

Seems like a charade of a game then [face_tongue] Although I know I would just have ended up voting for the sexiest character [face_silly]

I am not sure about that. Thinking about it most female users I have known in ct's around my age seem to do that sort of thing as well. I think it's just part of the human experience

I think the only board game of those I have heard of is Pandemic ... because I think it was supposed to be co op? I know very little about them but thanks to a vesti poster (I think it was troll_of_grimmness) I found out that there is a very big difference between board games like Payday Cluedo and Monopoly (although I do like the story behind it's creation) and more advanced board games (I was mainly trying to get at if you were going for more advanced ones). Also class? Are you in University?

You have a vita?

Community boards? I was just referring to the ct I wasn't even aware there were community boards

I think the police were contacted by the guy who received it but I can't be sure. The mods are to secretive so we can't ever know what they were really doing

Because of the gameplay? Because of how it's presented?

Yeah I was actually told today that it'because Sega bought out Atlus so things may have changed

Ah I have always wanted to go to Portugal. I remember one of my childhood friends moving down there. I am from the UK myself

You bought it soon after your birthday so it's a gift to yourself is what I meant. My birthday being nearby is just coincidental

Oh yeah P4 seems way better but that said I can't think of anything bad about it


No Longer a Noob
Aug 13, 2001
Seems like a charade of a game then [face_tongue] Although I know I would just have ended up voting for the sexiest character [face_silly]

I am not sure about that. Thinking about it most female users I have known in ct's around my age seem to do that sort of thing as well. I think it's just part of the human experience

I think the only board game of those I have heard of is Pandemic ... because I think it was supposed to be co op? I know very little about them but thanks to a vesti poster (I think it was troll_of_grimmness) I found out that there is a very big difference between board games like Payday Cluedo and Monopoly (although I do like the story behind it's creation) and more advanced board games (I was mainly trying to get at if you were going for more advanced ones). Also class? Are you in University?

You have a vita?

Community boards? I was just referring to the ct I wasn't even aware there were community boards

I think the police were contacted by the guy who received it but I can't be sure. The mods are to secretive so we can't ever know what they were really doing

Because of the gameplay? Because of how it's presented?

Yeah I was actually told today that it'because Sega bought out Atlus so things may have changed

Ah I have always wanted to go to Portugal. I remember one of my childhood friends moving down there. I am from the UK myself

You bought it soon after your birthday so it's a gift to yourself is what I meant. My birthday being nearby is just coincidental

Oh yeah P4 seems way better but that said I can't think of anything bad about it

You'd have a hard time voting for the sexist character in a few cases, seeing as sometimes they weren't humans or human-shaped!

Yeah, I guess you're right on that, depends a lot on people, but this type of places tend to have more males so it ends up being skewed.

Yeah, Pandemic is a co-op game. And yeah, I'm trying to get into the "more advanced ones" (I wouldn't say "more advanced" personally, a lot of them are simple, I'd just say "better" [face_tongue] )

Yeah class, I'm in a Master in Computer Science, and I had the chance to (finally) take a Game Design & Development class. Part of the class involved playing a board game with random classmates (I got Pandemic) and then analizing it.
It was a pretty fun and interesting experience. I didn't had much experience with "modern" board games, and that event got me interested in expanding my knowledge in that regard.

How about you? Studying?

I do have a Vita, if you want to be Vita pals feel free (dani_dreamcast).
It's unusual for me *not* to have a console, at least at some point of it's lifetime. Not getting a PS4 or a Xbox One anytime soon.
All consoles tend to have a few games worth checking out so I inevitably tend to buy them all (even if at the end of their life when they get super cheap... so I'm hoping to buy a Wii U in the coming year [face_tongue] )

Ah, my bad then, yeah there used to be community boards, at least for the big boards (if I recall correctly anyway).

Yeah, that just sounds like a messed up situation overall so I can't blame the mods for being secretive about that.

Well, mostly I'm told that it's a game whose gameplay is very traditional and whose popularity is based upon it's great atmosphere. And I'm usually the type of person that tends to not be too impressed by those things if the gameplay doesn't catch me.

As for Sega buying Atlus, I don't think that has anything to do with SMT IV delay, Nintendo has a good relationship with Sega, and they had plenty of time to announce a release of SMT IV before that happened. (Though I'm presonally not too hopeful for future Atlus games if it depends on Sega)
Quite honestly it just fits Nintendo current strategy of not announcing anything about niche games until the very last minute. An awful strategy if I might add, but what do I know? I'm not the one running Nintendo into the ground.

Portugal is a great place, lots of places to see despites you being able to travel from north to south in half a day.
If you ever have the chance to come to Portugal you should take it.

Ah UK, so we're on the same timezone!
I've been to London once, but that's about it as far as my UK experience goes. I'd like to go visit the UK more times at some point, that and travel Europe overall.

Ah, yeah, it was basically a birthday gift yeah, I think my parents might have paid for the game though (since they hadn't really gotten any present).
Your birthday is nearby? Planning anything for it?

I can think of several things wrong with P3, uninteresting (randomized) repetitive dungeons with uninteresting visuals, awful characters AI in battle (less of an issue on PSP version since you can manually control them there), predictable pacing (story and game design wise), every single character in the game acting like they're in their early 20's regardless of their age, which creates a contrast with the atmosphere of "high school experience" the game was trying to create (which is the base of the entire social links mechanic).

P4 fixes some of those issues (such as the characters actually being written to act and talk more appropriately for their age), it improves in some issues without solving them (dungeons), and it tries to cleverly hide others (predictable pacing).

Of course P4 isn't without issues, dungeons could be heavily improved still, the pacing issue still exists and was just hidden behind a mechanic that was presented as unpredictable but actually follows a time pattern(the fog appearence) which is an issue for anyone that notices it, and I also have some issues with the story development (both in terms of missed opportunities as well as simply bad writing). But overall it was a stronger product than P3.

All this talk makes me want to play SMT IV and P5 all the more!
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the stone the builder refused
Aug 22, 2006
The place you least suspect
Well maybe me but I know a lot of posters who would have been fine with it ... e.g. furries and people

Yeah most places tend to be more male dominated

Well I can certainly see the appeal

Oh so it was a school thing. That's a pretty interesting thing to do in school. The closest thing to that I ever get to do in school like that is class debates

American and British history and Politics in college

Yeah I will do that

Huh. Fair enough that seems logical. I don't see myself getting an xbone at any point though as microsoft exclusives don't really appeal to me like Sony and Nintendo ones do.

Yeah ... I still think they should have handled it better than that

It's strange as overall jrpg's seem to be doing better in the west now than they did before ... well ... sort of

Is it true that drugs have been decriminalized over there?

I think London is probably the most you would get out of here ... if it comes to choosing between England and a country like France or Germany I don't get why a person would choose England unless they are really interested in history or something

Was ... January 29th ... sorry about disappearing [face_tongue]

Hmm that seems ... pretty spot on looking at it. Probably why I started playing Tales of the Abyss halfway through

Yeah it does that ... my bad


No Longer a Noob
Aug 13, 2001
Fair fair, I guess lots of people have tastes like that, I hadn't consider that. I would say most people don't though.

Yeah, on another hand I never had debates in school. Mostly just programming and lectures.
Now a days not much programming unfortunately, not since I started my Masters.
5-6 classes left (and Thesis) and I'm bored as hell with my masters.

Ah nice, you're enjoying your degree?
Politics is something that interests me, but unfortunately I never really had any types of studies on it, just what keep up with the current events in my country (and to some degree the US).

Accepted your Vita invite.
I notice I can't compare my Trophy on P4G with yours, imported the game?
I really dislike the lack of standard trophies data for international versions of the game. Not an issue on Steam, no excuse for that to happen on consoles.

I'm actually considering not getting the Xbox One, while I'm sure it will have games I'd want to buy, I really dislike Microsoft vision for the console market, so I rather avoid the console than to give them money.

Not sure I'd say that jRPG's are doing better in the west than before, just that the nicher jRPG's are doing better, we used to have million sellers jRPG's on the west, and now a days we don't.
Thankfully so really, I much prefer my Atlus RPG's to any of the big brand (FF's, Tales, Dragon Quest's) RPG's.

Yeah, though you can still be arrested for having drugs, if you have over a certain amount you can be accused of distribution.
Friend of mine actually once spent a night in a jail because of that, luckly for him he didn't actually had that much drug with him, but it was enough for the cops to take him to jail for a night to check the amount he had.

Well, people from their own country are usually unaware of the appeal that attractcs turists, and I only spent a weekend in London anyway, hardly time to travel much.
I did do a trip to France with my family a few years ago, and it was also pretty nice, better than Spain for sure, Spain is really desertified and uninteresting outside of a few places like Barcelona or Bilbao (curiously, two areas where there's a strong independency movement).

Ah, congratulations on your birthday then!
Got anything?
No issues with you disappeiring!

So you stopped playing P3 or P4 to play TOTA?
I actually played P4 from beginning to end (both the PS2 and the Vita version), clocking too many hours per day.
Persona 3 I stopped playing for a few months (maybe over a year) before finishing it.

Currently playing Soul Hackers, taking a break of Bravely Default, was starting to feel the game was repetitive and I hear that from a certain chapter onwards (minor spoilers)
the game is just recycled content.

Also noticed you had a One Piece icon the other day, easily my favourite shounen.
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the stone the builder refused
Aug 22, 2006
The place you least suspect
Most ... yes ... however there certainly are a lot of furries around though ... well at least on the IGN boards

What do you plan on doing after your masters?

No it's A levels. College in the UK is more like between university and the last few years of high school. No degree at the end but it's the stage before the degree
Yeah keeping an eye on your country is important but it's kind of scary how little the general public get taught about the political systems in the country making a lot of the political information in the news sort of ... go over the heads of the average person. Well at least that's what is the case over here

Yeah I got it as a gift from my grandma from America. I wasn't aware you couldn't compare trophies like that

My friends sister's boyfriend got one ... and she refuses to have sex with him in front of the console. Just figured I should mention the spying stuff as it's a pretty big factor with it imo

Yeah it probably just is the nicher games doing better. Especially with how bad the recent final fantasy games have been

So what do they do if they find you with a small amount of weed or coke?

The English aren't too nice to tourists ... but yeah you are right people from within the country usually don't see the appeal. However when I think of England compared to France I really can't think of how we compete outside of London

Money and a big flask

That's kind of disappointing. 1st time I heard of that though

Heh yeah mine as well. I am assuming you saw my Luffy one as it's the only one I can remember wearing recently. Do you read the manga?


No Longer a Noob
Aug 13, 2001
Well I think the internet makes it easier for people to admit that they're furries. Plus forums focused on videogames tend to have "more" furries due to certain franchises.

That's a good question, right now I'm not even too sure I'm finishing my Masters, haven't been particularly motivated.
Ideally I'd start a game company and releasing gaming on the market. Otherwise I'll have to look for work, unfortunately there's not many game companies in Portugal, so I might end up having to find a work programming something else, that or go work to a different country.

I see I see, the whole "college" and "university" has always seemed a bit unclear to me in terms of American and English, I see both words used interchangably alot. Around here we usually just call them "Universidades" (Universities).
So what degree are you planning to pursue when you go to University?

Absolutely, I just need to talk with my sister (who's 23) and realize she's completely ignorant as far as politics go. And I'd say she's a decent representation of the people her age.
It sad that she doesn't even bother seeing the news about politics.

Yeah, I can't blame her, especially not after the NSA leaks.
Spying is a big issue but not the only issue, their general vision can be cut down to "We want the regular media and publishers, and then force the consumers to come to us".

Classic FF are fine, but they never really sold me to them. I didn't play VI and I didn't play too much of VII (Talking about the significant FF games).

Ah cool, very nice gift from her! Did she know you wanted the game or did you tell her?
Yeah unfortunately it's regional, I have three friends on Vita with Persona 4, two have the US version, one have the Japanese version, so I can't compare the acheivements with any of them. Frustating.

Theorically they apprehend the drugs and let you go on your way, but if they want to be annoying or are having a bad day they can say you have too much and take you to jail to check the amount before letting you go (as it happened to my friend).
Personally I don't really consume drugs so I don't really know how those process go in detail, but that's the gist of it from what I know.

Well a lot about it is related with creating an image of tourism, the UK are an old country with lots of history, I very much doubt that here aren't interesting locations in the UK, just that most people (turists or otherwise) don't know about them.

A big flask?
Money is always nice to get on birthdays.

Yeah, I hadn't heard about the repetition of content until I was several hours into Bravely Default. So that kind of demotivated me regarding Bravely Default.

Was the Luffy icon yeah. I do read the manga, I was watching only the anime for several years, but eventually the pacing became too slow and thus I started reading the manga.
Do you read the manga?
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Almost Not a Noob
Jul 5, 2005
my version of barbatos on this board. nooooooooooo dyingggggggggggg everrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 20, 2010
An igloo, somewhere in Canada
This game gets a great deal of praise and I can see why.
That said, I hear a great deal of complaints about Dawn of the New World and I've noticed most of them are complete and utter horse shit.
Here are a few off the top of my head:

The game is to short (Actually, it's very long and well paced)
The story isn't as good (The story is frigging amazing so who cares?)
You can't explore the world map (LMAO at the original world map)
Main protagonists suck (Untrue. You just didn't understand the metaphors)
They made Loyd evil (I won't spoil it but this made for an amazing plot twist)
Its inferior in every way (Nice opinion but the opposite is true in many regards)
Leveling monsters sucked (Heaven forbid, being innovative. Other games have been praised for monsters in party)
Couldn't customize all characters (I'll give you that but you don't really have to use those characters)
Worse voice actors (Give me a break. It was superb and at least it had voice acting, unlike most of the original)


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 5, 2005
Those that give those kind of criticism in a game are those that are probably look for something to complain about.
Oct 8, 2021
I was feeling nostalgic tonight, and decided to pop in here for old time's sake....

After all these year, I think 15 to be's crazy to see Dani and Rice trying to revive this thread. Warms my heart ~~~ It's too bad I was 8 years late. Time is so strange.

Vortexzero here, now days go by ventusmusic_exe on just about everything.

I miss you guys - this board will go down in forum history.
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