
No Longer a Noob
Feb 20, 2009
Warp Star - Dreamland
I didn't think the SSB board would be merged on here because it deals with several game titles.
Yea i find it kind of funny though.
good thing might be more activity.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 26, 2010
He's talking about all the drama these boards had in the past.

Sad to see a ct of that size get locked/deleted. Only 200k more posts and it would have had 1 million posts.


Feb 25, 2007
There were a lot of funny flame wars there that we won't be able to reread anymore.
I remember those days...ah

Lots of history....seems like its happened with many boards. I wonder why these new boards can't handle large cts if the old ones could?

And I am playing Mario Party 4...landed on battle space...then next turn..2 battle spaces in one turn, then a battle space next turn. Coins have been shifting around quite a bit, not just these turns...
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No Longer a Noob
Jun 26, 2010
It's because the new boards use the xenforo board system. This board system can't hold that many posts in one thread.


Feb 25, 2007
Everyone ended up landing on one battle space. We did ride the boo train like 10 times..won with 6 stars..would been 7 but mega/mini hammer got meh. Was a fun, wild game, coins got transfered quite a bit.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 26, 2010
It's because the new boards use the xenforo board system. This board system can't hold that many posts in one thread.

That's progress for ya.
Progress is usually a several steps forward, few steps behind type of thing. Most previous iterations are better in a few ways. The goal is to have overall progress, although having progress in each detail would be nice.
Dec 18, 2004
It's because the new boards use the xenforo board system. This board system can't hold that many posts in one thread.
just what i'd expect from ign. i honestly can't think of one new feature that's aided me in any way. in fact, the boards were faster before the move, the edit timer was longer, my icon looked better, the boards didn't make my web browser stall while loading several pages at a time, there were no useless features muddling everything and distracting the ign community from actual discussion, the smash board was separate from all the other boards now merged, and lastly, there were no terrible thread title fonts made by kink link specifically to annoy me, sylvester

alright, the one good thing is that the gcb is now more active. that's about it. i hope you're all enjoying the new boards, i for one am not


No Longer a Noob
Jun 26, 2010
I'm enjoying them for thinks like the alert system and the appearance.

As for your complaints your icon probably looked better before, but a bigger icon size leaves more potential for better icons. Only other one I could debate is that these boards tend to load up faster for me, but that's more of a case by case thing.
Dec 18, 2004
the alert system is fine but i usually go to the actual board page anyway since alerts don't say if there has been a new thread made, and since threads that have new replies are made bold, i can see without the alerts system what threads i've posted in that have been replied to. so in my case it is nearly useless

i don't need bigger or newer icons, the icon i have now is the best icon that has ever been uploaded to ign servers, and will continue to be until the end of time
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No Longer a Noob
Jun 26, 2010
And interestingly MP9 comes out in about 10 minutes in Europe. The game is finally going to be released.:)

Oh and tropic go do your moves in that rpg.