Feb 5, 2012
I recently made a post on the official GuitarHero.com website about my idea for the next Guitar hero and the very next day I was blocked from the Forums. Was it something I said? The post was called 'The next 2012 Guitar Hero' and I posted it in the Announcements section, only to find I was unable to check it for replies the very next day.

Anyway, my idea was that Guitar Hero should release a DOUBLE ALBUM. 2 Discs. And just for nostalgia, the last unlockable for disc 1 would be the ability to play the Original Guitar Hero 1. The last unlockable for disc 2 would be the ability to play Encore 80's.

I thought it was a good idea. Your score would save as you swap between the 2 discs and PS3 and XBox 360 users would finally get to experience the first 2 games. Thats ALOT of songs! Like getting 4 games in one!

Now why would they block me from the forums for saying that????????


Rock Band Board Minister of Foreign Affairs
Apr 1, 2007
How is it the first two games that PS3 users never got to play if you only listed GH1 and 80's, but not GH2? [face_plain]

Surely they have lost the rights to many songs since closing down, so wouldn't it make more sense to have a new GH game and then codes to download like GH1 pack, GH2 pack, etc.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 19, 2006
But then it would be to much like Rock Band and Rock Band is expensive. Mommy won't let her kids use her cc for DLC.
Feb 5, 2012
Well.... it looks like I have been blocked from scorehero.com for posting the same thing there! All I did was mention what I thought would be a good idea. Did I accidentally leak some info that was correct??


Apr 16, 2014
But then it would be to much like Rock Band and Rock Band is expensive. Mommy won't let her kids use her cc for DLC.
Aug 24, 2014
I recently made a post on the official GuitarHero.com website about my idea for the next Guitar hero and the very next day I was blocked from the Forums. Was it something I said? The post was called 'The next 2012 Guitar Hero' and I posted it in the Announcements section, only to find I was unable to check it for replies the very next day.

Anyway, my idea was that Guitar Hero should release a DOUBLE ALBUM. 2 Discs. And just for nostalgia, the last unlockable for disc 1 would be the ability to play the Original Guitar Hero 1. The last unlockable for disc 2 would be the ability to play Encore 80's.

I thought it was a good idea. Your score would save as you swap between the 2 discs and PS3 and XBox 360 users would finally get to experience the first 2 games. Thats ALOT of songs! Like getting 4 games in one!

Now why would they block me from the forums for saying that????????