
Jun 14, 2001

early 2000s with cs 1.5

i was awful, like 1 kills 5 deaths ratio

but it didnt really matter since it was just a server and nobody cared about "win" or "loss" or the objective except when it was the dust bomb map

just deathmatch

thats also why i liked battlefield 1942 is ppl didnt care much about individual performance or objectives either


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
Team Fortress Classic and World of Warcraft just were the kinds of games that I'd watch the sun come up and still be playing until I physically can take no more time in the game. Something on the verge of sincere addiction was going on there.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 17, 2017
The gamespy crew had so much fun playing Counter Strike Source back in the day. Might have been 3dap in specific.

I also had a lot of fun playing Planetside before it got overrun by hackers.


Final Justice!
Aug 3, 2000
Las Vegas
I haven't played an online game that's really spoken to me since Phantasy Star Online on the Dreamcast, lol.

I really hate gaming with a headset, and the grind-to-win/pay-to-win mentality of most games these days.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
Nice topic idea. So many memories.

1. Back when I worked with my brother from home, we took a break every few hours to play Halo 2. We played so much and became really good at 2v2 matches. Those are probably the best memories I have with that particular brother.

2. Playing NBA Jam TE on my SNES online through the XBⱯND was mind-blowing to me at the time.

3. One of my best friends and I used to stay up late playing Starcraft through the direct phone connection system. We always did 2v2, human vs CPUs. We loved to create a huge Protoss army of Archons and clean up.

4. It didn't last long, but playing Mario Kart 8 with a bunch of GCBers on the Wii U was a good time.

5. For a while there, @Ramundi and I got really into Rocket League and played a lot of 2v2. The teamwork and progression we were having was fun. Also brought in @AvocadoGenesis at times for some 3p action.

6. Most recently, been playing Helldivers II with many friends and GCB/GSF players like @DevilDancer, @Fuhgeddit, AG and @Linguine. That's my GOTY so far, and one of my all-time favorite multiplayer games. Top 10.

7. Lots of time spent playing Halo 3 and joining my first "clan" online. We got mentioned in the official Xbox magazine. So many laughs and comebacks and great times. Many of us are still in touch.

8. Raiding in WoW. It was time consuming, but we had the time and desire, back then.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
I'm not much of an online gamer, so I only have a few examples.

Rainbow Six Vegas and Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Terrorist Hunt - It was a PvE mode with low health and quick kills, so it required a lot of patience to be any good. It drew a lot of current and former military folks, and most were pretty chill. One great feature was it encouraged you to spectate after you were dead, so if you were one of the last people alive you had a cheering section because winning got the dead folks experience, or something. That was fun.

Helldivers 2 - It had that same vibe as R6V, where even if you died quickly you wanted to support your teammates because success was shared.

NHL 2008 - For some reason this was the only one I played much online, maybe because I had a XBL membership that year. I was pretty good at that game, so I could contribute effectively to the online version.


Merry Maple
Nov 11, 2009
Rocket League like @-Troopa- mentioned was almost always great fun...and only occasionally frustrating when you got matched with people who took it way too seriously.

The most fun I've ever had gaming online, however, would be playing Monster Hunter over the years with so many people from the boards, offline friends, and even randoms (it felt great when you found a team that 'clicked'). I remember playing a lot with sdev, Threm, Mawgs, Frog, Pav, Hylas, and many other GCBers through various generations of the franchise (sorry if I forgot to mention you).

One of the best times was when a bunch of us, including those who normally don't play MH, played the free MH Generations demo on the 3DS. I remember logging 40+ hours into it; I was having so much fun gaming with everyone here.

Honorable mention: That brief stint when several of us played TagPro regularly.


Super Star
Aug 2, 2001
College days of Halo 2 and Smash Bros were so much fun. I was never a huge FPS person but man did I play so much Halo 2. To the point that I really haven't played any FPS games since because I felt kind of burnt out after the hundreds of hours.

Lots of good memories from World of Warcraft. Playing with friends initially. Then getting into raiding. Meeting lots of people that became friends at least for a while. Shame Discord wasn't around back then, maybe I could have kept in touch with some of them.

Then Final Fantasy XIV was the last one that snared me for a couple of years and I met a bunch of people I enjoyed playing with. Several of which I've kept in touch with since stopping playing like a year and a half ago or whenever it was my PC GPU decided it didn't want to play any kind of games any more and crashes whenever I try.