Nov 2, 2011
North Georgia
Anybody who has played A New Beginning has read the few reviews there are. They all say pretty much the same thing, that it's the same game with longer tutorials. The tutorials are extremely long, especially in the beginning, but they're nothing that we haven't seen since the first iteration of the SNES. It's not the same game, it's a complete package that takes the best parts of every Harvest Moon (including Rune Factory) and spreads them out over an extremely deep game. In fact, there's more here than any game that's recently come out, console or otherwise. The problem that most reviewers are likely facing with this game is that they've either only played one year or one season. Harvest Moon 3D is a game that rewards persistence and hours of playing time. Where's the mine? Maybe it's hour 30 or hour 70. Terrace Farming? Yep. Horses? Cats? Puppies? Beekeeping? Baths? Aquariums? All yes. And there's more. Sadly, when this game gets reviewed, almost none of these things are mentioned. The slow pace is rewarding and addicting. By the second year, you'll already have too much to do
and the game will keep piling on more until you're forced to make a schedule. Farming is hard, and the game opens up slowly, but even at 100 hours, you may not even have seen half of the game. HM: ANB is the complete package and is currently the best RPG on the 3DS.
It's complex, challenging, and oozes personality.
Yaks? Lllamas? A tailor? A salon? A restaurant? Yep. The misleading reviews claim that the game starts way too slow, and that it detracts from the game. This is not true. If everything were open to the player at the game's onset, it would be too overwhelming. By the 40th hour, I was fondly remembering the first spring when all I had to do was forage. Now I have 24 animals to raise, fish to cultivate, crops to grow, festivals to win, ore to mine, sprites to appease, a complete ranch to organize anyway I see fit, and who knows what else in the future.
Games like this don't garner attention because they don't feature exploding heads and decapitated body parts, but Harvest Moon is of a higher quality and has much more depth than anything in the Black Ops series. And as a veteran, I find no pleasure in all the killing and bloodshed. Instead, I prefer a real, deep, hardcore game. If any game in this series deserves Game of the Year, it's certainly this one.
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Almost Not a Noob
Aug 2, 2012
I've actually been waiting for a review as I've been on the fence about this game. So yeah it's a great simulation? Question, I only played HM64, I like running around but I don't want to feel sooo much pressure on me that if i make a mistake my cows will die, lol. Does it handle it well? It has a lot of fun depth and features? Nice. If you want to say some more on the game i'd love to listen
Nov 2, 2011
North Georgia
It has more depth than any other game in the series, and I've played every iteration except the Wii ones. I'm in hour 80 and new things and people are still being unlocked. You can (almost) completely customize your character and the setup of your farm.


-A travel agency unlocks to fly you to different locations
-A terraced garden unlocks so that you don't have to manually water your crops
-You can jam your farm with pets so that you don't have to manually graze your animals
-I had to keep my animals inside for a four day blizzard. They got sick and stressed, but none died.

I obsessively care for my farm animals for competition. It's worth it to be ocd in this game.


Dec 2, 2012
Thank you! Finally someone who gets it! The last time I enjoyed a game like this was, oh boy, Chrono Trigger? Golden Sun ( the first one on GBASP, the ending brought tears to my eyes )? Harvest Moon on SNES? Harvest Moon 64? ( I agree, it goes above and beyond HM64 ) but the feeling...woah. Thank you for a fair review!
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