
Jan 28, 2014
The Last of Us scares me. Not because anything in the game was scary, but because it makes me question; what direction are video games heading? The Last of Us received tons of perfect scores, and some even dared to call it the best game of this generation. Now that's a bit far-fetched. Why? Because it's wrong. Because it's almost not a game.

Now I loved the story, because I'm so tired of zombies, and zombies weren't the main focus of the game, but rather the character progression, which was amazing. I also loved the ending. It truly is an unforgettable experience. What about the gameplay? Okay. But okay isn't good enough. When talking about the "game" people avoid the bad stuff, like the AI, for example. The gameplay is just a mediocre stealth game.

The Last of Us is actually a movie disguised as a game, with too much focus on the story. Now, story isn't a bad thing, but story and gameplay should be balanced. Because the story is so good, you almost forget about the gameplay, or, I did at least. I'm not hating on the game, but what do you guys think? Does it deserve it's universal acclaim? I'm curious. Don't be offended, and have a nice day.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 29, 2011

TLOU knocked it out of the ballpark. Although, I'd still put Uncharted 2 ahead of it as the best game this generation.


Jan 28, 2014

TLOU knocked it out of the ballpark. Although, I'd still put Uncharted 2 ahead of it as the best game this generation.
Because of the story, right? Did the gameplay really stand out? For me, the story was so good, I just wanted to know what would happen next, while not really thinking/caring about the gameplay.


Super Star
Nov 3, 2003
while the story was great... i loved the gameplay... thought the AI was great... loved how they ran if you were overpowering them... and they attacked when they had the numbers..

sure the fact that the AI can't see the NPC's is sorta silly... but was easy enough to look past.. in fact i only really remeber two times where i even noticed it..

and from what i remember... way more game play then story....

if you were talking MGS... then i could agree its more about story then gameplay... but
for me i loved the TLOU gameplay and found it to be an extremely enjoyable stealth game..
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Almost Not a Noob
Dec 29, 2011

TLOU knocked it out of the ballpark. Although, I'd still put Uncharted 2 ahead of it as the best game this generation.
Because of the story, right? Did the gameplay really stand out? For me, the story was so good, I just wanted to know what would happen next, while not really thinking/caring about the gameplay.
For the all-around makeup of the game.

I pretty much play TLOU online MP every day. It's great, too.


A guy.
May 23, 2003
The story was killer and the gameplay was exceptional. How is the gameplay bad or overrated? Can't get enough of it actually. Just played the DLC on SURVIVOR. [face_drooling]
Jul 30, 2013
West Linn, OR
It's certainly not the best game of this generation, but it sure is awesome. Also, I personally like the gameplay. Sneaking around is suspenseful at times and it's pretty satisfying to do stealth kills. Climbing around the ruins of an old civilization was really enjoyable, too because I loved the design of everything.


Feb 18, 2014
I think TLoU deserves all of the accolades that it seems to be receiving of late. Although the gameplay wasn't ground breaking the way that the characters and themes connected with each other and myself was enough for a 10. Some people think that a score should be based purely on the gaming aspects however the face of gaming is moving away from the mindless shooters that have been around since the 90s.


Jan 28, 2014
Nice to see all your opinions. Don't get me wrong, the game really pulled me in and I really enjoyed playing through it. But in my opinion, more like an 8 or 9 :D


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 4, 2014
slapout, oklahoma
don't be scared.

this is an artistic approach that is neither good nor bad. you simply either like it or you don't. i wouldn't say TLOU is weak because it sometimes subjugates gameplay to story, because the story is so good. i also wouldn't criticize the first several mario games for having no real story at all. they weren't trying to do that, so it's not like a failure.

it's possible for TLOU to be a legitimate 10 while, simultaneously, not being your favorite ever. happens to all of us.
Apr 28, 2014
I would like to start by saying I am a massive xbox head (cue the landslide of shit) I have been playing games since I was 3. My first console was an Atari 2600 I then had a spectrum 48k then a n.e.s then a snes followed by a mega drive the n64 GameCube next I think then xbox xbox 360 xbox one why am I telling you this because it's crucial to my point.
During all of this when there was no games left for me to play I decided to get a ps3, I didn't like it I was used to playing xbox and the ps3 controller was horrible (imo) the games were decent but largely not my bag. So I gave it to my brother
He liked it a little more especially god of war I bought skyrim for the 360 and loved it so bought a copy for my brother, man that game was bad on the ps3 the frame rate would drop to unplayable levels at times so he traded the ps3 for a 360. Anyway recently bought an xbox one and was a little disappointed with it put it This way I haven't played on it in a month so I needed something to fill the gaming gap till some good games came out. I had heard a lot of good things about the last of us so needed to play it bought a new ps3 and was impressed with playstation plus, I got to play loads of good games for £6.00 one of them games was unchartered the story's great but man the combat is rubbish bad guys in black suits a,la matrix very cliched so I didn't hold a lot of hope for tlou. So I loaded it up and was immediately blown away by the graphics, the facial animations the little details (even my girlfriend wanted to play it, I know I couldn't believe it either) the point I'm trying to make is I don't like sony I hate the control pad but none of these obstacles can take away from how good this game is I would sell my own mother on the black market to play this game the combat is amazing challenging you to change things up, no one fight is ever the same, the dialogue the. Characters the music those moments in between combat were you take in the world, the sun shining through the trees this is a game I have longed for since I started playing games I would say it's the best game I've ever played it doesn't matter what your preference is console wise if your a true gamer you go were the best games are and they certainly ain't on the x1/ps4 anywho I have rambled long enough I am aware the grammar and punctuation is bad as long as you get the point I'm trying to make then it's job done.
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Almost Not a Noob
Jan 12, 2013
die Staaten
I loved the gameplay in this. Most of the times, things were quick and brutal. Especially the melee combat. From beating dudes with a brick, to impaling their heads with a modified pipe. Not only that, but the game made you feel vulnerable. You know you can't just rush because for infected, they can quickly overpower you (clickers and bloaters especially) and humans will usually try to find ways to outflank you.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 26, 2006
The gameplay is one of the best things about The Last of Us. It's almost perfectly balanced. The story and execution are amazing as well.

Overrated? What's your idea of a 10? Call of Duty Ghosts?


Feb 11, 2014
The Last of Us scares me. Not because anything in the game was scary, but because it makes me question; what direction are video games heading? The Last of Us received tons of perfect scores, and some even dared to call it the best game of this generation. Now that's a bit far-fetched. Why? Because it's wrong. Because it's almost not a game.

That is completely subjective. You have your opinion, everyone else has theirs. Why on earth did you make a thread about it? Do you think you're more important than you actually are?


No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2012
Anything that has IGN churning out half a dozen articles of praise a day for it is, by definition, overrated. That isn't necessarily a fault of TLOU though, it's just that gaming "journalism" needs to move on and stop kissing TLOU's ass. One 10/10 score for the original game is fair and well-deserved IMO, but then they turn around and start treating the remastered edition like it's the fucking resurrection of Christ. We get it, the game is amazing, but there are others on the market that deserve attention too.

Anyway, no, I don't think the game is "overrated" in the pedestrian sense of the word, as the gameplay and story were both incredible and complemented each other beautifully. Is it the best game of the generation? Debatable, but I think it's perfectly justifiable for someone to think that. It's just that not even the best, most incredible, mind-blowingly amazing game of all time would deserve the amount of praise TLOU gets, particularly from IGN.
Sep 19, 2014
The Last of Us scares me. Not because anything in the game was scary, but because it makes me question; what direction are video games heading? The Last of Us received tons of perfect scores, and some even dared to call it the best game of this generation. Now that's a bit far-fetched. Why? Because it's wrong. Because it's almost not a game.

Now I loved the story, because I'm so tired of zombies, and zombies weren't the main focus of the game, but rather the character progression, which was amazing. I also loved the ending. It truly is an unforgettable experience. What about the gameplay? Okay. But okay isn't good enough. When talking about the "game" people avoid the bad stuff, like the AI, for example. The gameplay is just a mediocre stealth game.

The Last of Us is actually a movie disguised as a game, with too much focus on the story. Now, story isn't a bad thing, but story and gameplay should be balanced. Because the story is so good, you almost forget about the gameplay, or, I did at least. I'm not hating on the game, but what do you guys think? Does it deserve it's universal acclaim? I'm curious. Don't be offended, and have a nice day.
You are right, but wrong in a sense.(my opinion) I mean yes the AI could use a little polishing but couldn't every game? I understand where your coming from though. Is it really a movie in disguise? In movies, you can get attached to certain characters, but not in a way that you feel like your right their with them? At some instances in the game, whether your fighting zombies or other survivors, they would attack you and Ellie would come out of nowhere and scream "fuck you!", and then junmping on them and stabbing them repeatly. That felt so real when I was in those situations. You get attached to the characters in such a way, that you feel like you know them personally. That's amazing. So yes your right there are some parts of combat and AI that could be polished, but this game is so much more. The last of us is amazing and most certainly not overrated. (Opinion)


Oct 3, 2014
I agree on the AI part, but everything else about the game was pretty good.
It's not the best game of the generation, but I consider it my best game of 2013.


Oct 11, 2014
I totally agree with stnvegs. The AI could be better at times. I noticed some awfull AI glitches in Left Behind when you play as Ellie. The final battle where people are trying to break the door where Joel is in, or behind. When they call to start breaking the door some of them just run right past you while 100% have you in their field of vision. Hence sometimes Ellie or whatever ally you have just run straight through people, that could have been done somewhat better, but at the same time I understand why the makers made it as it is. You dont want an ally to fak up your stealth action just because they are to dump to find a good spot.

Anyway the rest of the game.. Epic. I played loads of Final Fantasy, just for the story. And this game beats that (altough for some FF release just barely). The gameplay.. kept me interested till the last second. Chapeau for the makers!
Oct 16, 2012
I just started playing the game and am about 30% though the ps3 version, being mainly a pc gamer the only real gipe I have with the original is the framerate, a few levels that are extremely blury/have effects that make it hard to navigate because of poor FOV and lastly input lag. Most of these things are just due to aincent hardware. Just like perfect dark was amazing back in the day and got 10's in most reviews the last of us on ps3 is extremely hard to play because it pushed the system to its limit, infact both games pushed their respective systems past their limits and the framerates and input lag are a result of this.

The thing is this game is also very hard to put down. All things aside Naughty Dog did an amazing job with the hardware they had and I almost feel like trading my ps3 copy for another ps3 exclusive I havent played yet and waiting untill i get a ps4 to play the remastered version, mainly because I am extremely sensitive to low framerates and the often sub 30fps, along with input lag literally makes me feel sick. Also I want to play this game the way it is meant to be played, I dont feel I will enjoy it as much as it deserves if I play it on the ps3.
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Jul 20, 2015
It is not just a basic post-apocalyptic game... it is something way more than that. To start off, I never had any hype for The Last of Us. I barely even knew the game existed. (I never owned a PS3, so thats probably why). Later, I got a PS4 for Christmas and a few games. After a year and a half of owning the console, I came across The Last of Us. And again, I never really knew anything about the game. I thought it was just a basic post-apocalyptic game too; but I realized it was something more than that. When I bought the game I decided that if I didn't like it I would return it to the store. But that never happened. The Last of Us was one of the best games I have ever played in my life. It was extremely well done and I don't think this game would ever need any improvements. The graphics were amazing, the gameplay was extraordinary and it couldn't be better. I loved this game so much, not because of the graphics, but because of the survival/stealth mechanism. When playing on Easy, I could run through the game, no problem. That's why it's called Easy. But when playing through Grounded, it a whole new game. When Tess says, "Make your shots count," at the beginning of the game, that is exactly what you have to do, but for the ENTIRE GAME. This was very challenging, and I love a challenge. This game also had amazing music, lighting, and fantastic melee fighting. The AI was mind-blowing. The Infected were very hard to control and could easily over-power you, especially clickers and bloaters. And the hunters would try to flank you and surround you, no matter where you are in the game. The story was the best part, people might say the story made it feel like you were in a movie, but no movie has ever made you feel this way. The story was very emotional and it made you feel like you were in the game. Most video games do this, but The Last of Us did it even better. Every single time I played the game, (I've played it through about 6 times now) I felt very excited and fearful, especially the death scene when the infected killed you. The infected were both scary and beautiful, hearing all the disturbing sounds they make, and all the bright and powerful colors they produce. The game got very intense when the music stopped and all you could hear was the natural sounds and the voices of the infected. The scavenging part of The Last of Us was very dull to me. Needing only the one pack of bandages before making a new health kit, but dying over, and over, and over because you can never find one in time. Besides that fact I really enjoyed the game. I can easily say this is one of the best games of this generation - one of the best games ever! The ending was the best an ending can be. The DLC, one of the best ever, and I could go on, and on, and on, but I think I proved my point. I think The Last of Us truly deserves the hype and ratings its getting. Some people take the games ratings too far, no doubt about it. But the people who say this game is terrible, thats just an opinion, this game doesn't have to be everyones favorite, but it deserves a 10/10. Hope you agree with me. :)
Jun 28, 2014
I also think this game is highly overrated. I mean, what exactly is it about the story that's so engrossing? An airborne disease wiping out humanity resulting in a (aside from the pockets of mutants) deserted dystopia? Yeah.. I've never experienced a story even remotely close to this.

Also I agree with poster; video games are increasingly becoming more of an interactive-cinema. Now when done properly, this can result in some very fulfilling experiences. I myself am a huge Shenmue fan. I can't wait for Shenmue III! But, what I've also realized is that whenever I task myself with the decision on whether or not to go back and re-play a game like that, I'm usually very hesitant & more than likely I will go with a different game simply because I can pick it up and play it without committing myself to a 17+ hour campaign. I just don't really have the time or patience to do that, especially with a game I've already completed & thus I pretty much know what's happening. But, what I really don't like is a game like Metal Gear Solid IV, where you frequently encounter cut-scenes lasting for what can feel like a half-hour or more in which you have no interaction with the game at all. That is complete garbage. There are plenty of DVDs & Blu-Rays I could have picked-up instead if I wanted to watch a feature length film.

The other part is that when you look at still images of this game, it doesn't exactly stand out from a lot of the other stuff we've seen in recent gaming. Maybe it's just me, but this focus on photo-realistic graphics in a realistic environment has always been very bland to me. I like to escape in my video games, and not be reminded that some people could really benefit from a pair of nose-hair clippers. I like the more cartoony, futuristic art styles in my gaming. Shenmue is a perfect example of a good balance between realism & fantasy. It's based on environments and people (of which could exist in reality), but it still retains that fictional charm & spirit of say, an anime or manga series.


Jul 30, 2017
Anything that has IGN churning out half a dozen articles of praise a day for it is, by definition, overrated.

No, it means that by definition, it's an astonishingly good game. People like so much they post half a dozen articles a day praising it, and those posts are not Naughty Dog shills.