Deleted member 4511819

Original poster
Alright this post is going to be pretty long so just bear with me.

Now hear me out, when I was younger I watched the version with the Bruce Falconer soundtrack and I LOVED it, and I still think it has some great tracks. Several years after it last aired on Cartoon Network, I decided to rewatch the series but I decided to watch it in Japanese with subtitles just to switch things up, and also due to the fact that the English version had quite a number of changes (besides the language) so I wanted to see the series as it was intended to be seen.

Needless to say at this point I was used to the Falconer music, and I would go as far as to say I hated the Japanese music. It just seemed too whimsical and boring, and I didn't think it had that "badass" feel that the american soundtrack did. However by the end of the Saiyan saga, I was kinda warming up to it and from then on it grew on me more and more. By the Namek saga I started to like it, and I LOVED it by the Android/Cell saga, even more than the American music I liked so much as a kid. So pretty much the reason why so many American fans bash on the original soundtrack is that they're not used to it, and watching a few YouTube clips or a few episodes isn't enough.

Now to the reason why I started to loved the Japanese track so much. To me, the Japanese version is a lot more versatile than the english version, it just feels like a badass show when you're watching it with the English music, and occasionally there's the goofy music and the laid back music they play during relaxing scenes, but that's pretty much it. The Japanese music puts a lot more emotion into scenes that are meant to be emotional. Whenever I saw sad scenes in the Funimation version I've always had a "meh" feeling, but those same scenes got to me in the Japanese version.(compare the the english and japanese scenes of Piccolo sacrificing himself for Gohan, it's at the end of episode 27). The Japanese music also has a lot more drama/suspense. When I was watching the Cell games the music actually made me feel the seriosuness of the situation, but in the Funimation version it was still the same badass music.

And as I said before I didn't think the the Japanese music was badass enough at first during action scenes. Boy was I wrong, once I actually got used to it I realized the soundtrack doesn't have to be synth/rock to sound awesome, it's honestly some of the best fight music I've ever heard.

Anyway the nerd rant is over lol. If any of you guys decide to rewatch DBZ I suggest you watch it in Japanese or just with the Japanese soundtrack, if you end up not liking it that's fine but give it a chance like I did.
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Deleted member 4511819

Original poster
Oh and another big difference between the American and Japanese tracks is that in the American version there's music pretty much all the damn time, while in the Japanese version they're a lot of scenes when there is no music at all. Sometimes complete silence adds a lot more to a scene than music, and I always thought it was pretty awesome whenever the music starts suddenly when two characters start fighting.

And this is the Piccolo/Gohan scene I was talking about.

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Deleted member 4511819

Original poster
Oh and there is one last thing I forgot to mention, watching DBZ kai isn't a good way to judge the original soundtrack because it uses like 10 % of the music. There are a lot of amazing tracks that Kai left out.


Dec 5, 2008
that scene was epic with that japanese music, I'm' going to have to re-watch it in japanese. after my current re-watch. (im working on finding all the Ocean Dub episodes right now). we americans need a complete sensory overload, and some of us think that silence is a bad thing, but in my case i find its extremely under-rated and qutie effective when used properly.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
I'm not surprised the Japanese soundtrack is awful. Repetitive, dull, brings down it's epic scenes like the Final Flash or Goku going SSJ3 and ages the show tremendously.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
I'm not surprised the Japanese soundtrack is awful. Repetitive, dull, brings down it's epic scenes like the Final Flash or Goku going SSJ3 and ages the show tremendously.

Deleted member 4511819

Original poster
I'm not surprised the Japanese soundtrack is awful. Repetitive, dull, brings down it's epic scenes like the Final Flash or Goku going SSJ3 and ages the show tremendously.

See this is the EXACT thinking I was talking about in my post lol. You most definitely should not judge the Japanese soundtrack unless you saw a good portion of episodes with it, because I used to think the same exact things you did but once I rewatched enough episodes my opinion did a complete 180. And lol at saying it brings down epic scenes, it makes scenes more epic at times.

And I don't think it should matter at all that it ages the show, it's an old show so that shouldn't matter.

Edit: And think about this, most DBZ fans on the internet love the original soundtrack except for American fans. Now tell me why do you think that is? Because the American fans are used to the Faulconer track, I guarantee that if Funimation used the original track instead you guys would praise it as much as you do with the Faulconer track.
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No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
I'm not surprised the Japanese soundtrack is awful. Repetitive, dull, brings down it's epic scenes like the Final Flash or Goku going SSJ3 and ages the show tremendously.

See this is the EXACT thinking I was talking about in my post lol. You most definitely should not judge the Japanese soundtrack unless you saw a good portion of episodes with it, because I used to think the same exact things you did but once I rewatched enough episodes my opinion did a complete 180. And lol at saying it brings down epic scenes, it makes scenes more epic at times.

And I don't think it should matter at all that it ages the show, it's an old show so that shouldn't matter.

Edit: And think about this, most DBZ fans on the internet love the original soundtrack except for American fans. Now tell me why do you think that is? Because the American fans are used to the Faulconer track, I guarantee that if Funimation used the original track instead you guys would praise it as much as you do with the Faulconer track.

I have seen a good portion of episodes with it. The entirety of the original Dragon Ball used the Japanese music as did the Saiyan saga and half of the Namek saga. It does bring down the epic scenes, watch the scenes with Vegeta doing the Final Flash, Goku going SSJ3, Goku using the Kaioken x20 and the whole episode where Gohan kills Cell.

It just doesn't have the same punch and intensity that the Faulconer soundtrack has.

It makes the show sound older than it is, it's a early to mid 90's show but sounds like it belongs in the early 80's. The Faulconer soundtrack modernized it.

I'm English and not American, I was not brought up on the Faulconer music. I first watched Dragon Ball, then the Saiyan Saga with the Ocean US music and then finally the Faulconer soundtrack. It has nothing to do with nostalgia or where I'm from.

Deleted member 4511819

Original poster
I'm not surprised the Japanese soundtrack is awful. Repetitive, dull, brings down it's epic scenes like the Final Flash or Goku going SSJ3 and ages the show tremendously.

See this is the EXACT thinking I was talking about in my post lol. You most definitely should not judge the Japanese soundtrack unless you saw a good portion of episodes with it, because I used to think the same exact things you did but once I rewatched enough episodes my opinion did a complete 180. And lol at saying it brings down epic scenes, it makes scenes more epic at times.

And I don't think it should matter at all that it ages the show, it's an old show so that shouldn't matter.

Edit: And think about this, most DBZ fans on the internet love the original soundtrack except for American fans. Now tell me why do you think that is? Because the American fans are used to the Faulconer track, I guarantee that if Funimation used the original track instead you guys would praise it as much as you do with the Faulconer track.

I have seen a good portion of episodes with it. The entirety of the original Dragon Ball used the Japanese music as did the Saiyan saga and half of the Namek saga. It does bring down the epic scenes, watch the scenes with Vegeta doing the Final Flash, Goku going SSJ3, Goku using the Kaioken x20 and the whole episode where Gohan kills Cell.

It just doesn't have the same punch and intensity that the Faulconer soundtrack has.

It makes the show sound older than it is, it's a early to mid 90's show but sounds like it belongs in the early 80's. The Faulconer soundtrack modernized it.

I'm English and not American, I was not brought up on the Faulconer music. I first watched Dragon Ball, then the Saiyan Saga with the Ocean US music and then finally the Faulconer soundtrack. It has nothing to do with nostalgia or where I'm from.

Yes I agree the Faulconer track is better in some scenes, but I still think the Japanese soundtrack is better overall. The Japanese music IS epic at times, like the scene where Goku first goes kaio ken X3 against Vegeta at the end of episode 30 (you can't tell me that's not epic) and I thought it was extremely well done when Gohan killed Cell, although I would say I liked the Faulconer music better with that particular scene. I also like the Faulconer music better when Goku turned SS3 but like I said before the Japanese soundtrack is just more versatile. Scenes that are meant to be sad are way more emotional in the Japanese version (look at the Piccolo and Gohan scene I posted earlier). I also think the scene where Gohan turns SS2 captures the emotion of the scene better than the American version ( it doesn't have to sound badass all the time, that's what these American fans don't seem to get). And also I really don't like how music is constantly playing in the funi version, like I said silence sometimes add A LOT more to a scene than music. And it does sound old but I don't care as long as it's good. I mean think about it, there's a reason the foreign fans love this shit.

Well to each his own then [face_peace]
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Jun 29, 2011
This is an old post, but I have to agree. The Japenese music is badass! I could never get down with the BFaul music not because it was bad, but because it ran ALL THE TIME. Silence is a good thing when it's NOT a moment! IF you try to make every second be a moment, it really dulls down the rest of the show.

Deleted member 4511819

Original poster
This is an old post, but I have to agree. The Japenese music is badass! I could never get down with the BFaul music not because it was bad, but because it ran ALL THE TIME. Silence is a good thing when it's NOT a moment! IF you try to make every second be a moment, it really dulls down the rest of the show.

I like the Falconer music but your right imo background music shouldn't be playing all the time.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 7, 2009
Jap version doesn't have Vegeta's hells bells theme so it sucks...... sorry, that's all there is to it.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 2, 2005
I have to disagree.. the Japanese music sucks man. Bruce Falconer made sick music for the English dub and I grew up with it on Toonami.


Jun 29, 2011
Just because you grew up with it doesn't make it better. I enjoy the falconer music, just not during the parts where there's supposed to be SILENCE. It's hardly suspense with constant noise. I'd have preferred it if it was just during fight scenes and the lead ups to the fight scenes.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 2, 2005
You're that doesn't make it better, the fact that I dislike the Japanese sounds track does. I personally never notice this silence issue maybe it's because I just enjoy the show anyway. However these are just my personal opinions.

Deleted member 4511819

Original poster
Jap version doesn't have Vegeta's hells bells theme so it sucks...... sorry, that's all there is to it.

I gotta admit hell bells is awesome.

You're that doesn't make it better, the fact that I dislike the Japanese sounds track does. I personally never notice this silence issue maybe it's because I just enjoy the show anyway. However these are just my personal opinions.

To each his own.


Nov 16, 2011
I'm kinda torn between my preferences here.. i like the serious japanese dialogs&music but i also like the badass eng dub music&corny dialogs.. the latter was the reason why i got into DBZ.

Kai really disappoints me though.. they cut out wayy to much stuff and replaced my fav voice actors like android 18,gohan and Vegeta.
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Deleted member 4511819

Original poster
I'm kinda torn between my preferences here.. i like the serious japanese dialogs&music but i also like the badass eng dub music&corny dialogs.. the latter was the reason why i got into DBZ.

Kai really disappoints me though.. they cut out wayy to much stuff and replaced my fav voice actors like android 18,gohan and Vegeta.

They didn't replace Vegeta though, Christopher Sabat voiced him for Kai also.

Deleted member 4511819

Original poster
They didn't replace Vegeta though, Christopher Sabat voiced him for Kai also.
What its the same V.A?? Vegeta doesn't really sound like he did in the original funimation dub wtf happened to his voice?

His Vegeta voice changed over the years, his voice in the beginning of the original funimation dub sounded different than his voice in the Buu saga.

Fun Fact- He also voiced Piccolo.


Jun 29, 2011
They didn't replace Vegeta though, Christopher Sabat voiced him for Kai also.
What its the same V.A?? Vegeta doesn't really sound like he did in the original funimation dub wtf happened to his voice?

His Vegeta voice changed over the years, his voice in the beginning of the original funimation dub sounded different than his voice in the Buu saga.

Fun Fact- He also voiced Piccolo.

Actually his voice is the same in KAI as it is in the Saiyan/Freeza saga of FUNIs dragonball Z. Once trunks shows up however his voice is totally different (though still same VA) To be honest, I hated the change because he started sounding like a raspy old man..... However at the same time I grew to love it.... Ah what to do...


Nov 16, 2011
His Vegeta voice changed over the years, his voice in the beginning of the original funimation dub sounded different than his voice in the Buu saga.
I think you're talking about this vegeta right?

He's a totally different voice actor from another dub... i'm talking about this vegeta :-
Fun Fact- He also voiced Piccolo.
Its kinda obvious actually more obvious than Kai's vegeta.

Deleted member 4511819

Original poster
His Vegeta voice changed over the years, his voice in the beginning of the original funimation dub sounded different than his voice in the Buu saga.
I think you're talking about this vegeta right?

He's a totally different voice actor from another dub... i'm talking about this vegeta :-
Fun Fact- He also voiced Piccolo.
Its kinda obvious actually more obvious than Kai's vegeta.

No, I was referring to the one after the Ocean dub.


Jun 29, 2011
His Vegeta voice changed over the years, his voice in the beginning of the original funimation dub sounded different than his voice in the Buu saga.
I think you're talking about this vegeta right?

He's a totally different voice actor from another dub... i'm talking about this vegeta :-
Fun Fact- He also voiced Piccolo.
Its kinda obvious actually more obvious than Kai's vegeta.

I just made a video comparing what I meant. (Kai not included because you know what the voice sounds like, which by the way was done by Christopher Sabat)


No Longer a Noob
Nov 2, 2005
I like Vegeta's ocean dub voice. In my opinion it is the most suiting to him, it just had this intensity too it.


Nov 16, 2011
I like Vegeta's ocean dub voice. In my opinion it is the most suiting to him, it just had this intensity too it.
I like Ocean Dub vegeta but his voice only suits Saiyan saga's evil vegeta...

Funimation vegeta is much better in doing anti-hero vegeta and he clearly improved his acting from saiyan saga to Buu saga.
No, I was referring to the one after the Ocean dub.
I dunno man Kai vegeta sounds so different for some reason.. even though oddly enough they're supposed to be same voice actors.
I really wanted to give Kai a chance but the voice actor changes and shoddy editing really puts me off.

I fucking hate Gohan's kai voice.. its just unbearably annoying...
God i fucking hate this gohan.
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No Longer a Noob
Nov 2, 2005
Well you'd be wrong in your assumption, Apoco. While true, DBZ is a huge nostalgia pit for me, as I've said the ocean dub just has this intensity too him that I thought was awesome. The funi dub is overall is better though for sure.


Jun 29, 2011
Well you'd be wrong in your assumption, Apoco. While true, DBZ is a huge nostalgia pit for me, as I've said the ocean dub just has this intensity too him that I thought was awesome. The funi dub is overall is better though for sure.

Fair enough. You just had come off as someone who only respected their opinion and nothing else mattered :o I hate those people. Sorry about that. I agree with Sokaga by the way. The Ocean vegeta dub only suits the insanely evil form of his, not the antihero. [face_tongue]


Nov 16, 2011
The Japanese music is mostly just hit or miss for ex:-

Seriously though the added extra dialog for cell really ruins the scene >_>
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Jun 29, 2011
The Japanese music is mostly just hit or miss for ex:-

Seriously though the added extra dialog for cell really ruins the scene >_>

I really can't comment on the Japanese dub as I don't watch it. (I don't know Japanese) I meant English VA with the Japanese music.
Dec 19, 2014
Oh and there is one last thing I forgot to mention, watching DBZ kai isn't a good way to judge the original soundtrack because it uses like 10 % of the music. There are a lot of amazing tracks that Kai left out.

I respect your opinion but disagree with you 1 million percent....I'm actually watching the entire series with the original Japanese music, and I'm not getting any of those vibes that you're getting... To me, the emotional scenes were made that much more poignant with Faulconer's music, and in my opinion the show IS a badass show, and trying to dial it down doesn't make any sense because the show isn't any less badass just because you put different music in it - - or even if you don't put any music in it at all. In fact, all the Japanese music does is severely pull the show down and makes it feel super dated and cheesy.

So to explain it a different way... Falconers music doesn't really water down the emotion in the show. In fact, it enhances it. I never understand this opinion... So many fans say that the falconer music never shuts up, when that really couldn't be further from the truth. Sure, the music never really shut up in the sense that there's always music playing. But the truth is, the right kind of music is always playing at the right time. Even if it is true that music is always playing, the music always pops up or darkens in its tone to remind you and to get in the spirit of the suspense that pulls us into a particular scene, like when Krillin is killed by Frieza.


See? the music is still there, but it's quiet enough so that you can actually focus on the situation at hand, while dark and loud enough so that you can understand the tone... It's not cheesy and hard to take seriously, like it is with the Japanese music. I always find it really, really hard to agree and see eye to eye with those people who support the Japanese original music... But of course, I respect them and always defend their right to express it even though I personally find the original music to be annoying and it makes my ears bleed most of the time.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 19, 2014
Its because the Western audience is made up of hyperactive twelve year olds. They have to have music blasting in every scene because they have little to no attention span. Why do you think the DBZ games are the only ones to have their soundtracks replaced when they make it stateside?
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No Longer a Noob
Nov 2, 2005
Its because the Western audience is made up of hyperactive twelve year olds. They have to have music blasting in every scene because they have little to no attention span. Why do you think the DBZ games are the only ones to have their soundtracks replaced when they make it stateside?
I take offense to this. I am neither twelve years old nor hyperactive and I love Bruce's music in the funi dub. Just because you have a different opinion doesn't make you right or give you the right to to insult those of us that do happen to like that version of the show. Not all of us are purist who want to watch the show in Japanese with Japanese music VA and English subtitles. I grew up with DBZ in the 90's and I love the version that I got to watch, it's not without it's cons but for me they are out weighed by the pros by a large margin. You opinion is not fact, don't insult those who's differ from yours.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 19, 2014
I don't watch the show with Japanese voices. I think Goku's original voice actor is awful. I'm not commenting on which version is better either. I'm saying the reason why it gets so much hate is because a large portion of the audience is made up of children. This is a fact. They can't sit through slow paced sequences without needing to be distracted with something.
Hey I'm in the same position as you. Grew up in the nineties with the Falconer soundtrack, love it. Problem iis there's no cooldown time between each track, so it makes the show seem badly paced when it's not.

Deleted member 4511819

Original poster
Lol I remember this thread. I have no idea why I cared this much.


May 26, 2019
Here's my perspective:

In Mexico we got DB and DBZ a little before you did in the US and they kept the Japanese music so as a child I only knew the Japanese OST (so yes, this is a biased opinion). One time I was in the US I saw DBZ on TV and I instantly hated it. I don't know why but most of the voice actors sound like squealing children: the worst was Frieza: I was used to Frieza having a terrifying deep voice, but even so, the dialogue was also softened when compared to the Mexican dialogue. But to me the worst offender was always the music: the Japanese OST has so much personality, it's instantly recognizable while the US version always sounded like a generic metal band that's overcompensating.

I think that by not treating children in the US with respect a lot was lost in translation.


May 26, 2019
Here's my perspective:

In Mexico we got DB and DBZ a little before you did in the US and they kept the Japanese music so as a child I only knew the Japanese OST (so yes, this is a biased opinion). One time I was in the US I saw DBZ on TV and I instantly hated it. I don't know why but most of the voice actors sound like squealing children: the worst was Frieza: I was used to Frieza having a terrifying deep voice, but even so, the dialogue was also softened when compared to the Mexican dialogue. But to me the worst offender was always the music: the Japanese OST has so much personality, it's instantly recognizable while the US version always sounded like a generic metal band that's overcompensating.

I think that by not treating children in the US with respect a lot was lost in translation.

I just found out you have two metal versions and translations of DBZ in the US: I have no idea which one I watched at the time.