
Retarded Genius
Aug 5, 2008
This is for any who wish to give their opinions on the new Destroy all Humans.

My opinion is that, as was the issue with DAH! 2 and big willy unleashed, that they have been poorly advertised. I have seen no advertisments whatsoever, on the television, in papers, on billboards, nothing, for POTF.

Now there are some issues wit the game itself. For example cutscenes. While, yes, they have made crypto look as real as you can get, the other characters all look, well... PS1 graphics. In the mai game itself, it's the same with things like buildings. Yes ok it is good how they explode and colapse etc. but again they could look so much better...

They could have put in more weapons. DAH! 2 had about 3 more weapons. And while yes, the saucer has more (And prety good) weapons, you are limited on foot. I want to see more options. I want things like the meteor strike back.

Another issue (That is generic to all DAH!, though less toward the first two) Is that it is to short. There are not enough missions. There are not enough worlds. I could have completed this one in a one night stint (If i could have been bothered)

The final thing is replay value. Yes ok they gave it some replay value, but i dont feel that hey did enough in this area

Now for the positives. It is undeniably a good game. I enjoy playing it (even though it can gt boring after several hours or so)

It has good upgrades, good weapons (Despite not enough) and good mind upgrades

The new abilities (Such as teporal fist) Are unbeleivably useful, and a step in the right direction.

Overall i say 7/10. Good game, but limited in some areas. Had alot of potential (Which has been mostly used) But fell short at certain points.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
"This is for any who wish to give their opinions on the new Destroy all Humans.

My opinion is that, as was the issue with DAH! 2 and big willy unleashed, that they have been poorly advertised. I have seen no advertisments whatsoever, on the television, in papers, on billboards, nothing, for POTF.

Now there are some issues wit the game itself. For example cutscenes. While, yes, they have made crypto look as real as you can get, the other characters all look, well... PS1 graphics. In the mai game itself, it's the same with things like buildings. Yes ok it is good how they explode and colapse etc. but again they could look so much better...

They could have put in more weapons. DAH! 2 had about 3 more weapons. And while yes, the saucer has more (And prety good) weapons, you are limited on foot. I want to see more options. I want things like the meteor strike back.

Another issue (That is generic to all DAH!, though less toward the first two) Is that it is to short. There are not enough missions. There are not enough worlds. I could have completed this one in a one night stint (If i could have been bothered)

The final thing is replay value. Yes ok they gave it some replay value, but i dont feel that hey did enough in this area

Now for the positives. It is undeniably a good game. I enjoy playing it (even though it can gt boring after several hours or so)

It has good upgrades, good weapons (Despite not enough) and good mind upgrades

The new abilities (Such as teporal fist) Are unbeleivably useful, and a step in the right direction.

Overall i say 7/10. Good game, but limited in some areas. Had alot of potential (Which has been mostly used) But fell short at certain points."

Actually dude, PotF has the same number of handheld weapons as DAH!2, 8. 5 Saucer Weapons, 1 more than before.

There are 34 main missions. More than what was present in the first two. It only seems short because it's extremely easy.

This game has way more replay value than GTA IV. All you can do after you beat the story is get annoyed by Roman, Stunt Jumps, and Shooting pidgeons. I'd honestly rather blow crap up. Scratch that, blow EVERYTHING up.

The graphics and character models aren't that bad. This is DAH!'s first leap onto current gen. The graphics are noticably better than the first two, especially weapon damage.

Otherwise I agree. 7/10. The story isn't as good as the first two, and the glitches and freezing issues aren't great. They're tolerable, but not great.