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Oct 5, 1998
Originally posted by [link=]brianmccallister1[/link]

Yes, upon seeing several threads asking for help, I have decided to make not a help thread, but rather a helping thread -- a FAQ, that hopefully people will use. I have thought about it a long time ago, around a month or so, and thought that Sushi and I would work together to make one that concentrated mostly on Fire Emblem 7, since most people come here soley because of that game. That didn't work out, and we both decided that we should leave that FAQ alone, so I decided to just make this FAQ, and hopefully it will help out all of you, or at least, most of you. Ok, I don't really plan on making people cut out the help threads, especially since this is what this board is for, but I can gaurantee that most of the answers people come here searching for will find the answer here, and efficiently. I hope that people will use this FAQ, and find this FAQ to be useful, since I have worked for a long time on it. Keep in mind that on the character descriptions and ratings I am not trying to be fair, but rather just speak my opinion and how I myself just feel about the character and my suggestions, but I will admit to weather the character can be good or not. So, if you don't like what I put for a character, suck it. In other words...suck it Marcus luvrzzz (for the most part it will be them)!

Anyway, this FAQ currently has 6 sections to it, which are...

Section 1: Typical Fire Emblem Questions
Section 2: Characters
Section 3: Support Conversation Requirements
Section 4: Items
Section 5: Sidequests
Section 6: Secret Shop Locations

I plan on adding a walkthrough sometime, as well as putting in all the support conversations and some ending stats for each character, but not now, takes far too much time than I'm willing to do after all this work. This means that this will in fact have 8 sections in the future rather than the measly 6 in this FAQ right now. When I do work on it, I will get a moderator to edit this post. For more information on the history of the Fire Emblem series, look at [link=]Sushi's FAQ[/link]. So, on with the FAQ.
Section 1: Typical Fire Emblem Questions

Q: I missed so and so, how do I get them?

A: Look at Section 2: Characters of this thread for the answer. If you missed the character in your current playthrough, so sad too bad, you can't get them.

Q: One of my characters died, can I revive them/get them back?

A: No. That's the frusterating part of the game. You should restart the chapter for any character you lose, since you'll have them again, and hopefully you can keep him or any other character safe from death. However, in the first ten chapters of the game, it doesn't matter who dies (besides Lyn), since they come back in later chapters. After Chapter 11, though, anyone who dies stays that way. Tough luck.

Q: What is the weapon triangle?

A: Ever play rock paper scissors? Think of it this way. Swords beat Axes, Axes beat lances, and lances beat swords, but nothing special happens out of axes against axes, lances against lances, etc. If you are using a weapon that is stronger against the weapon you are up against, then your evade, hit rate, strength, and a few other things will go up, while for the other enemy it will go down. The same thing goes for magic; anima beats light, light beats dark, dark beats anima. For the weapons triangle, there are some weapons that reverse the effect, but for magic there is no reversing.

Q: A weapon was shining when an enemy attacked me, and also when I was attacking. What's going on?

A: Some weapons are ''super effective'' against units and or weapons. A bow user attacking a flying unit, for example, will do lots more damage, and weapons like armorslayer will hurt Generals and Knights more than normal. Lyn's Mani Katti does more damage against horse mounted units and armored units. A SwordSlayer (an axe) shines whenever it is used against a sword, plus it has a weapon triangle advantage over it. There's several weapons that are ''super effective'' against a unit or weapon.

Q: How come some characters attack twice and some enemies attack twice?

A: All a part of speed and constitution. If your speed rating is much higher than the enemy, chances are you'll attack the enemy twice, and if you have a Brave weapon, you might even attack 4 times. But, some things can change this some. For example, let's say both you and the enemy have the same speed rating. If you're using a heavy weapon, such as a Steel Blade, and the other enemy is using an iron sword, the enemy is going to attack twice most likely, while you will attack once. But, if your consitution is high, the weapon won't weight you down so much that can't attack twice, but even it out. What if constitution, you ask? It is basically how much weapons will slow you down -- your body mass. A character like Hector, for example, has a very high constitution, while a character like Nino has a very low constitution.

Q: What's luck?

A: Luck lowers your enemie's critical hit rate, and the same thing goes for your enemy. Fortunate enough for you, enemies hardly ever have a luck rating. Luck also effects many other things.

Q: What makes your critical hit rate better?

A: Critical hits are a complex little thing. It's a combination of your weapon, skill, luck, character class, and something else I'm forgetting. It largely depends on weapon and character class, though, as Swordmasters have a +15% critical hit rate for anything they use. This means, that on average, Guy will have a 20-25% critical hit rate for almost any weapon he touches, and a 60+% with a Killing Edge. Do not be surprised at the frequency of how often Guy and other people get criticals, it happens a lot, especially since they attack twice and dodge like hell. Berserkers have a certain boost in critical hit rate too, I think about a +5-10%. Once you reach an S ranking for whatever weapon for any character you use, their critical hit rate goes up by 5. Now, for a Paladin, if you get an S ranking for Axes, Swords, and Lances, it won't be 15%, but only an increase for whatever weapon you're using. Lyn, Swordmasters, Berserkers, and Assassins tend to have ridiculous critical hit rates, but every other class can too (Rath seems to have a high critical hit rate).

Q: How come all of a sudden my enemy can avoid things much easier?

A: Several things can be the cause of this. Using an inaccurate weapon, them being in a forest, mountain, or water, or they decided to use a weapon that makes them evade easier.

Q: What are sidequests?

A: Sidequests are simply that; sidequests. They are essentially new chapters, and usually have lots of cool stuff found in them. Obviously they give you more time to level up people, too, so it's always wise to try to get them. You can get sidequests by doing certain things in chapters. Check Section 4: Sidequests for more information, and how to get them.

Q: A village was attacked and destroyed! What do I do?

A: Nothing. Once a village is gone you can't get whatever you could have got in it. Red villages have weapons, items, or whatever in there, and it's generally a waste to let it go down rather than when you could've got the item. Restart the chapter if the village was destroyed, unless if it is something minor like an iron blade.

Q: My weapons are breaking, and I'm running low on them! What do I do?

A: You can buy weapons, magic, staves, and items at vendors and armories. Armories hold weapons, vendors hold either items, magic, staves, or a combination of the three. You need gold to buy stuff, and you can only get gold by selling stuff or getting it from treasure chests or from other stuff.

Q: What are growth rates?

A: Each character has their own growth rates. It's basically the percentage/likelyhood of a stat going up when you level up. So, if a person's HP growth is 90%, it will rise by one a lot. If a person's resistance growth is 30%, it has a 30% chance of going up, and so on. The way your characters develop CAN be completely random, but most of the time your characters will develop the same.

Q: What are support conversations?

A: They are conversations that take place on the battlefield that help you out. If a character is standing next to a character he/she knows well and is able to have support conversations with, and if the character stands next to the character for a certain amount of turns, you will be able to have a support conversation. Support conversations not only reveal some interesting conversations, backstory on characters, and humorous conversations (Sain's and Serra's), but it also raises the power of your characters. Say that Lyn and Eliwood have had a few support conversations and are standing next to each other. Their critical hit rates, power, and speed will be better than when they would not standing next to each other. Characters can only have 5 support conversations in total, and the more conversations you have with a character to another character, the higher your support rank is, increasing the power of standing next to each other. Look at Section 3: Support Conversations for more information, and how many turns to activate support conversations.

Q: How come I can't use some weapons? What are Weapon Levels? Does that mean weapons are stronger now?

A: Some weapons are incompatible with a character no matter what, such as Hector using magic or a bow. But if Hector can't use a powerful Axe, that is because his weapon level isn't high enough.

Now, what is weapon level, you ask? Think of it this way. For example, a character starts out with an D ranking for swords. As the character uses swords more, it will get closer to becoming a C ranking, and when it does, you are able to use new weapons. Killing Edges have a weapon rank of C, so you character's with a C ranking for swords or higher are only able to use it.

Q: Promoting units, how does that work? What do I have to do?

A: Each character is able to be promoted at level 10 or higher as long as as you have the item to promote them, and if they are not already promoted. Only dancers/bards are unable to be promoted. When promoting a unit, most stats go up some, you gain the ability to use new weapons (for some classes), you are able to level up more, the character has a new sprite, and several other things. You should ALWAYS promote a unit at level 20, since they stop leveling up at that point, and then they can level 20 more levels. Guiding Rings promote any magic or stave user, Hero Crest promotes myrmidons, fighters, and mercenaries, Knight Crest promotes Knights and Cavaliers, Elysian Whip promotes Pegasus Knights and Wyvern Riders, Orion's bolt promotes Archers and Nomads, Fell Contract promotes thieves, Ocean's Seal promotes pirates, and Heaven Seal promote Lords (the main character in whatever story you're playing cannot promote even if he is already at level 10 or higher until a later chapter).

Q: Enemies have a item with them, but it won't drop it or use it. How do I get it?

A: You can never steal weapons unless they are green. But, if you kill it, it will drop the weapon that is green, so it doesn't matter. for items, you can steal them, and lots of times enemies are holding stuff that are valuable. You need a thief, either Matthew or Legault, to use the option steal. In order to steal, you have to go up to the enemy, and the option steal will go up depending if the enemy has something to steal. If Matthew's or Legault's inventory is full, you cannot steal anything until you have at least one slot open.

Q: What is Merlinus?

A: Merlinus holds any possible thing. If you choose to send him out into battle by choosing the option ''yes'' whenever it pops up, he will be there, and if your inventory is full whenever you get something, you can send the item to merlinus or send something else in your inventory to Merlinus. What else can Merlinus do? You can go to the tent and take any items you stored in there, or choose to put in how many items you have in your inventory in there. Merlinus can be attacked in battle, though, so you need to send in some people to protect him, because if his tent is destroyed, you will lose all the items in the tent. If Merlinus survives the chapter, he will level up. Merlinus doesn't even fight, so that's the only way for him to level up is by surviving the chapter. When Merlinus reaches level 20, he will promote into a transporter, and can actually move around. This will help him get out of harm's way, and this is even more useful when you are at a shop. Him getting promoted takes several chapters to reach, but it does eventually happen.

Q: What is the difference between Hector's story and Eliwood's story? How do I get Hector's story?

A: Eliwood's story focuses on Eliwood, and Hector's focuses on...well...Hector. However, Hector's story has more sidequests, characters, chapters, scenes, the enemies pop up differently, and there are different enemies. Other then that, they are identical, but Hector's is far more worth playing due to the extra stuff, which Eliwood's does not have. Hector's story comes up when you beat the game. After beating the game, you can decide weather to start with Lyn's, Eliwood's, or Hector's story. Lyn's is the same as before, and Eliwood and Hector's start off at chapter 11. It is always the best choice to start off with Lyn's since the levels you got your characters to stay the same when you get them again in Hector's or Eliwood's, but if you start off at Hector's or Eliwood's, they will be at their default levels.

Q: Where's Roy and Marth?!

A: They're not playable or seen while playing through Fire Emblem. One of them is spotted, but he makes a short appearance, and at the end. Keep on playing for the answer!

Q: How come people say Marcus, Vaida, Isadora, and others are bad characters? They're really strong, I don't see a reason why NOT to use them.

A: Because they're not as strong as you think. Sure, they seem strong at first glance, but think about this for a moment. The other characters seem to gain a lot of experience and their stats seem to go up a lot, right? Well, for those characters, their stats don't grow much, and the other character's stats will easily surpass them quickly, and you will find them weak by the end of the game compared to other enemies. To add to this, their EXP does not go up by much, and the other characters will get much more EXP, and it is overall more beneficial and wise to just flat out not use them, and use it on the better characters.

Q: I can't get past a chapter! What do I do?

A: Well, you won't find the answer in here, since this doesn't have a walkthrough yet. But, I will be adding one in the future. For now, keep on trying the chapter, and find simple things that will help you gain a victory. Form groups that will obliterate enemies in certain areas easily. Whatever it takes.
Section 2: Characters

(characters are listed by the order you get them, the exception being the lords)


Acquired in: Prologue: Girl of the Plains, Regained at Chapter 15 (Eliwood's Route) / Chapter 16 (Hector's Route)
Supports with: Florina, Eliwood, Hector, Rath, Wil, Wallace, and Kent
Starting Class: Lord
Promoted Class: Blade Lord
Weapons: Swords, Bows (starts off with a D rank for Bows, only useable when promoted)
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 16 Str: 4 Skl: 7 Spd: 9 Luk: 5 Def: 2 Res: 0 Con: 5 Mov: 5 Aid: 4
Growth Rates: HP 70% Pow 40% Skl 60% Spd 60% Luc 55% Def 20% Res 30%
Rating: 8.5

A young girl from the Lorca tribe. Stouthearted and kind.

Lyn is overall an amazing character, right from the start you'll love her natural ability to dodge very well, and with the addition of the Mani Kati gained in Chapter 3, you'll see her being even more effective in battle. When promoted into a Blade Lord she becomes even more deadly with the addition to use bows, and to add to this she already has a D Rank, so it gives you enough time to raise it up (you can use a Steel Bow right away). The problem is, however, later on you'll find her not to be too useful. The other two lords will surpass her by a longshot, and you'll probably just want to focus on making her a Bow user more than a Sword user later on, because other people will jump in the fray. It doesn't help that her defense moves about as fast as my grandmother, which if you haven't guessed, isn't a good thing. If Lyn dies in battle, the game is over.


Acquired in: Chapter 11 (Eliwood's Route) / Chapter 12 (Hector's Route)
Supports with: Hector, Lyn/Lyndis, Ninian, Marcus, Lowen, Harken, Fiora
Starting Class: Lord
Promoted Class: Knight Lord
Weapons: Swords, Lances (starts off with a D rank for Lances, only useable when promoted)
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 18 Str: 5 Spd: 7 Skl: 5 Def: 5 Res: 0 Luck: 7 Mov: 5 Con: 7 Aid: 6
Growth Rates: HP 80% Pow 45% Skl 50% Spd 40% Luc 45% Def 30% Res 35%
Rating: 8

Marquess Pherae's young son. Just and honorable.

Eliwood will start off weak. Very weak. So weak, you probably don't want to even use him at first. But, as he goes on and on, he will get better, but not necessarily the best lord. His true strength only shows up once he's in the very high levels as a Knight Lord, and can easily kill off everybody. He's incredibly balanced all around, and the only areas lacking are defense. For me, he's always decently strong, fast, good kill, enough HP, and his resistance isn't too bad. The only thing that will probably bother you is his defense. His addition of using lances when promoted is kind of worthless, the only thing you'll probably end up using is a javelin here and there just because of the distance advantage. Don't lose patience with Eliwood, especially since you have a long time to level him up, he'll pay off a lot near the end, and towards the middle. If Eliwood dies, the game is over.


Acquired in: Chapter 11 (Hector's Route)/Chapter 12 (Eliwood's Route)
Supports with: Eliwood, Lyn, Oswin, Matthew, Florina, Serra, Farina
Starting Class: Lord
Promoted Class: Great Lord
Weapons: Axes, Swords (only useable as a Great Lord, starts off with a D rank for Swords, only useable when promoted)
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 19 Pow: 7 Skl: 4 Spd: 5 Luk: 3 Def: 8 Res: 0 Mov: 5 Con: 13 Aid: 12
Growth Rates: HP 90% Pow 60% Skl 45% Spd 35% Luc 30% Def 50% Res 25%
Rating: 10

Marquess Ostia's younger brother. Reckless, but loyal.

Tank. Big tank. Big tank go smash smash, crash crash! Men cry. Scream. Run. Hector is the best character in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword, the most powerful lord in any Fire Emblem game, and is the first lord to ever use a weapon besides a sword; an axe. Hector's strength and defense grow like nuts, and his HP will go up just about each time he levels up. So, he'll just keep on taking the blows, as long as he can keep on fighting. At first, Hector's accuracy at hitting people is just annoying, and will only hit half of the time at most, or around 70%. But it will definately get better later on, and people won't even do that much damage to him whatsoever, he gets as much defense as knights and generals. He also seems to be a slow character and have bad resistance, but this is not so much the case when he is in the high levels as a Great Lord. His speed will most likely be maxed out, and his resistance will be high enough to not take too much damage at all. His addition to using swords when promoted is completely worthless, and by the time you ARE promoted, you'll be so strong that you'll still hit with the enemy with your axe and won't even take damage. If Hector dies, the game is over.


Acquired in: Chapter 1, Regained in Chapter 15 (Eliwood's route)/16(Hector's route)
Supports with: Kent, Fiora, Serra, Rebecca, Priscilla, Louise, Isadora
Starting Class: Cavalier
Promoted Class: Paladin
Weapons: Swords, Lances, Axes (E ranking for axes once promoted)
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 19 Pow: 9 Skl: 5 Spd: 7 Luk: 4 Def: 7 Res: 0 Mov: 7 Con: 9 Aid: 16
Growth Rates: HP: 80% Str: 60% Sk: 35% Spd: 40% Def: 20% Res: 20% Luk: 35%
Rating: 8

A knight in service to house Caelin. A bit of a scoundrel.

Sain is a powerhouse, and while not exactly having lots of defense, he definately has strength. His strength maxes out really quick, actually, which is why using Kent might be better sometimes since he's more balanced in the other areas, but Sain tends to kill people in one hit a lot of the times. His speed gets up there too, and of course he has very good HP. Paladins also have an extremely wide variety of weapons to use, so no weapon in the weapon triangle will work against them. You'll learn to appreciate Sain, and maybe even his slutty attitude towards women. Maybe.


Acquired in: Chapter 1, Regained in Chapter 15 (Eliwood's route) / 16 (Hector's route)
Supports with: Lyn, Sain, Fiora, Farina, Wallace, Heath
Starting Class: Cavalier
Promoted Class: Paladin
Weapons: Swords, Lances, Axes (E ranking for axes once promoted)
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 20 Pow: 6 Skl: 6 Spd: 7 Luk: 2 Def: 5 Res: 1 Mov: 07 Con: 09 Aid: 16
Growth Rates: HP: 85% Str: 40% Sk: 50% Spd: 45% Def: 25% Res: 25% Luk: 20%
Rating: 8.25

A knight in service to house Caelin. Virtuous to fault.

Kent has a very balanced growth rate, and he also happens to be very fast and accurate. His other stats go up fairly often, has decent HP, and there's no true weakness to him. Not too weak in strength, etc. etc., but no true standouts besides the speed. Go ahead and use him, I reccomend using him more than Sain, but not that Sain is actually a bad character.


Acquired in: Chapter 3, Regained in Chapter 15 (Eliwood's Route) / Chapter 16 (Hector's Route)
Supports with: Hector, Lyn, Farina, Fiora, Ninian, Nino, Serra
Starting Class: Peg Knight
Promoted Class: Flacoknight
Weapons: Lances, Swords (E ranking when promoted, only useable as Falcoknights)
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 17 Str: 5 Skl: 7 Spd: 9 Luk: 7 Def: 4 Res: 4 Mov: 7 Con: 4 Aid: 16
Growth Rates: HP: 60% Str: 40% Skl: 50% Spd: 55% Def: 15% Res: 35% Luk: 50%
Rating: 8.5

A pegasus knight earning her title. A friend of Lyn's.

Florina is pretty weak in the beginning, and you'll find her hard to keep her alive. Once you level her up some, though, especially as a Falcoknight, then her fighting ability truly shines. She makes magic users cower, as her speed and resistance is crazy, she is very accurate, and she has a high critical hit rate in general. No matter how weak you think she is in the beginning, she is the complete opposite in the end. Her addition of being able to use swords as a Falcoknight actually comes in handy against axe users, but eventually she'll be so accurate, fast, and strong that it won't matter. A Florina using a Killing Edge isn't something to not care about, though.


Acquired in: Chapter 3, Regained in Chapter 15 (Eliwood's Route) / Chapter 16 (Hector's Route)
Supports with: Lyn, Rebecca, Rath, Dart, Wallace, Raven
Starting Class: Archer
Promoted Class: Sniper
Weapons: Bows
Starting Stats: HP: 20 Str: 6 Skl: 5 Spd: 5 Luk: 6 Def: 5 Res: 0 Mov: 5 Con: 6 Aid: 5
Growth Rates: HP: 75% Str: 50% Skl: 50% Spd: 40% Def: 25% Res: 20% Luk: 40%
Rating: 7.25

A youth from Pherae, in the Lycian League. Very social.

Wil is very...average. Frankly, I don't see any reason to use him when you have Rebecca, who quickly overshadows him. Plus there is Rath, so that's all the bow users you need. To rub salt in the wound, Lyn will use Bows in the future. So really, you're better off not bothering with him. He's not bad, but isn't good enough to stick with.


Acquired in: Chapter 4, Regained in Chapter 11 (Eliwood's Route) / Chapter 12 (Hector's Route)
Supports with: Barte, Geitz, Oswin, Vaida, Farina
Starting Class: Fighter
Promoted Class: Warrior
Weapons: Axes, Bows (E ranking when promoted, only useable as a Warrior)
Starting Stats: Level 3 - HP: 30 Str: 7 Skl: 7 Spd: 6 Luk: 3 Def: 3 Res: 0 Mov: 5 Con: 14 Aid: 13
Growth Rates: HP 80% Pow 60% Skl 40% Spd 20% Luc 45% Def 25% Res 15%
Rating: 6

A man from a small village in Bern. Fights for his wife.

Dorcas is all HP and Power. His other stats are lacking, and he's pretty much worth not using. I've never been a fan of Fighters and Warriors because of this, and other Axe users like Dart and of course Hector are more worth using. His defense isn't exactly of the gods, either.


Acquired in: Chapter 5, Regained in Chapter 14; talk to Erk with Serra to get him back.
Supports with: Louise, Nino, Pent, Priscilla, Serra
Starting Class: Mage
Promoted Class: Sage
Magic/Staves: Anima Magic, Staves (E ranking for staves once promoted, only useable when promoted)
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 17 Pow: 5 Skl: 6 Spd: 7 Luc: 3 Res: 4 Def: 2 Mov: 5 Con: 5 Aid: 4
Growth Rates: HP 65% Pow 40% Skl 30% Spd 40% Luc 60% Def 15% Res 55%
Rating: 7.5

A young mage from Etruria. Charming, but uptight.

Erk is the first mage you get in the game, so you'll find yourself using him a lot. Erk tends to ''irk'' me sometimes, since whenever I use him, he just turns out fairly weak compared to the other mages. However, for many other people, he has turned out swell. His speed is nothing to bat your eyelashes at, and everything else is overall good except his defense, and sometimes his magic depending on how well he grows. Just use him until you find someone better than him, or if he turns out well, keep on using him. I stopped using him ever since his magic was at 21 in one file at level 20 as a Sage, and even worse, one time he was only at 18. To add salt to the wound, he had 8 in magic as a level 15 Mage. Doesn't give me an overall good impression of him. Really, I'd just use other people like Canas, Priscilla, Lucius, Nino, and Pent over him, but he can turn out well. It all depends.


Acquired in: Chapter 5, Regained in Chapter 12 (Hector's route)/13 (Eliwood's route)
Supports with: Hector, Matthew, Florina, Sain, Oswin, Lucius, Erk
Starting Class: Cleric
Promoted Class: Bishop
Magic/Staves: Staves, Light Magic (D ranking for light magic once promoted, only usable when promoted)
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 17 Mag: 2 Skl: 5 Spd: 8 Luc: 6 Def: 2 Res: 5 Mov: 5 Con: 4 Aid: 3
Growth Rates: HP 50% Pow 50% Skl 30% Spd 40% Luc 60% Def 15% Res 55%
Rating: 6.5

A Cleric in service to House Ostia. Headstrong and bold.

I don't like Serra much. She has potential, and one of the only light magic users in the game, but in all honesty, Priscilla is much more worth using, and Serra will never be terribly useful fighting wise, only for using those staves. And, since you'll be getting plenty of stave users later on in the game such as Priscilla, Lucius, and Pent, you'd best just ignore her, or at least use her for a little bit until you find someone else. If you do want to use her, though, you'll find that her resistance, luck, speed, and magic grow fairly well, but her other growths aren't too good. She doesn't even level up that quickly, since all she can do is use staves for a long time. Really, using her is more annoying than even her cheerleading, perky, attention whoring personality.


Acquired in: Chapter 6, Regained in Chapter 13 (Eliwood's Route) / Chapter 11 (Hector's Route)
Supports with: Hector, Jaffar, Guy, Serra, Oswin, Legault
Starting Class: Thief
Promoted Class: Assassin
Weapons: Swords
Starting Stats: Level 2 - HP: 18 Str: 4 Skl: 4 Spd: 11 Luk: 2 Def: 3 Res: 0 Mov: 6 Con: 7 Aid: 6
Growth Rates: HP 75% Pow 30% Skl 40% Spd 70% Luc 50% Def 25% Res 20%
Rating: 8.5

A cheery thief. His casual demeanor belies his skill.

Matthew is a great character on the battlefield, and one of the most useful. Despite the fact that he says he isn't powerful, he actually is, although it doesn't show so much as a thief. You'll notice quickly though that he can take on axe users by himself due to his high speed and the fact that he uses swords, and soon that changes to pretty much every unit. As a thief, he can steal stuff, so you'll definately want to bring him along a lot, since a lot of the times people are holding stuff like stat raising items and promotion items, and some other minor stuff. He can also see far away in the fog and see far away in the dark, just like any other thief. Once he is an assassin, he will dodge everything, attack twice all the time, and if he has a Killing Edge, he will turn people into mince meat with his criticals and if he gets lucky, he will get a one hit KO. Yes, Assassins have the unique ability to kill someone instantly with their critical, but it has to be their special critical, as they have two. The instant kill doesn't come up as much as a normal one, but it still pops up pretty damn often. Matthew can easily take out an entire army by himself.


Acquired in: Chapter 6, Regained at Chapter 21 (Eliwood's Route, talk to him with Lyn) / Chapter 22 (Hector's Route, talk to him with Lyn)
Supports with: Lyn, Wil, Guy
Starting Class: Nomad
Promoted Class: Nomadic Trooper
Weapons: Bows, Swords (E ranking once promoted, only useable as a Nomadic Trooper)
Starting Stats: Level 7 - HP: 25 Str: 8 Skl: 9 Spd: 10 Luk: 5 Def: 7 Res: 2 Mov: 7 Con: 7 Aid: 18
Growth Rates: HP 80% Str 50% Skl 40% Spd 50% Luc 30% Def 10% Res 25%
Rating: 8.25

A young hired sword from the Kutolah tribe.

Rath is pretty good. Not only is he a mounted unit, but he uses bows, and can later on use swords. His defense is kind of frusterating, but his speed makes up for it, and you'll find himself dodging a lot of things thrown at him. His strength, skill, and HP develop well, too. He's the second best bow user in the game, so cherish him, and put up with the constant ''...'' responses.


Acquired in: Chapter 7, Regained in Chapter 20 (Eliwood's Route) / Chapter 21 (Hector's Route)
Supports with: Eliwood, Florina, Hawkeye (only Ninian has support conversations)
Starting Class: Dancer/Bard
Promoted Class: None
Weapons: None
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 14 Str: 0 Skl: 0 Spd: 12 Luk: 10 Def: 5 Res: 4 Mov: 5 Con: 3 Aid: 02
Growth Rates: HP 85% Pow 5% Skl 5% Spd 70% Luc 80% Def 30% Res 70%
Rating: 8

Nils: A bard possing arcane powers. Brother of Ninian.

Ninian: A somber girl. Quiet, but filled with solemn energy.

Ninian and Nils are very useful characters. They have the ability to make a character go again after they have already went, and they can also boost a character's abilities for a turn. Nini's Grace boosts defense and resistance dramatically, Filla's Might boosts your strength or magic (depending on what the unit uses to fight), Thor's Ire increases your critical hit rate, and Set's Litany increase allie' dodge for a turn. With this in mind, the things they can do is incredible. If you happen to use the arena, they are even more useful, since if the character Ninian/Nils effected is rescued by someone, the effect lasts for the next turn, or even more as long as the unit is not by himself by the end of the turn. Ninian/Nils also have an incredibly high speed, luck, and resistance, and since they do not use weapons, they are even lighter, letting them dodge easier. Send Ninian/Nils into a forest and watch all the people throw themselves at them only to miss every single time. And even if they do get hit, they have enough HP and defense to survive. So, really, these guys are much more useful than you would think, even if they can't attack. Don't lose them.


Acquired in: Chapter 7, Regained in Chapter 16 (Eliwood's Route, talk to him with Raven) / Chapter 17 (Hector's Route, talk to him with Raven)
Supports with: Raven, Priscilla, Serra, Renault, Karel
Starting Class: Monk
Promoted Class: Bishop
Weapons: Light Magic, Staves (C ranking once promoted, only useable as a Bishop)
Starting Stats: Level 3 - HP: 18 Mag: 7 Skl: 6 Spd: 10 Luk: 2 Def: 1 Res: 6 Mov: 5 Con: 6 Aid: 5
Growth Rates: HP 55% Pow 50% Skl 60% Spd 40% Luc 25% Def 10% Res 60%
Rating: 8.5

A traveling acolyte. Gentle and serene.

Let's face it. Lucius possibly has the worst defense in the game, and his luck is around the worst, too. I don't want to mention his HP either, but yes, he has around the lowest HP found in a character. Yet, despite this, he is incredible. He is a very speedy unit, almost always attacks twice, has a sky high magic rating, extremely accurate, and has a resistance that makes any magic unit cower. Even if an anima unit goes against him, when he is supposed to be strong against him, doesn't even do much since his resistance is so damn high. His magic grows so fast that it's almost maxed out at level 1-2 as a Bishop, and it's a damn shame his magic maxes out so soon at 25, since his magic growth is crazy. When promoted, his staff ranking is already at C, and that's more than enough to use almost all the useful staves, and there's a lot of time to raise it a lot, even to an S ranking. As long as he isn't in the middle of phsyical attacking units, he's fine. Pretty useful guy, even more useful than the fact that he is a transexual can please both sexes. Ok, I'm lying, but he's almost that useful.


Acquired in: Chapter 9, Regained at Chapter 23 (Eliwood's route on Lloyd's map, you must have your combined lord levels below 50 to get this map, talk to Wallace with Lyn) / Chapter 24 (Hector's Route on Lloyd's map, you must have your combined lord levels below 50 to get this map, talk to Wallace with Lyn)
Supports with: Lyn, Renault, Wil, Vaida, Kent
Starting Class: Knight (Lyn's story)
Promoted Class: General
Weapons: Lances, Axes (E ranking once promoted, only useable as a General)
Starting Stats: Level 12 - HP: 30 Str: 13 Skl: 7 Spd: 5 Luk: 10 Def: 15 Res: 2 Mov: 4 Con: 13 Aid: 12
Growth Rates: HP 70% Pow 45% Skl 40% Spd 20% Luc 30% Def 35% Res 35%
Rating: 5

A retired knight of Caelin. Constantly testing himself.

It's too bad that during all these years testing himself, he hasn't realized that he blows! He has terrible stats for a knight, is promoted early, and is veryyy overshadowed by just about every character in existance. Don't waste your time with him. Ever. He's almost as bad as Marcus. Almost.


Acquired in: Chapter 11 (Eliwood's Route) / Chapter 12 (Hector's Route)
Supports with: Eliwood, Merlinus, Lowen, Isadora, Harken
Starting Class: Paladin
Promoted Class: None, already promoted
Weapons: Lances, Axes, Swords
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 31 Pow: 15 Skl: 15 Spd: 11 Luk: 8 Def: 10 Res: 8 Mov: 8 Con: 11 Aid: 14
Growth Rates: HP 65% Pow 30% Skl 50% Spd 25% Luc 30% Def 15% Res 35%
Rating: 4

A paladin serving House Pherae. A skilled veteran.

Where to begin? Let's see...his crappy stats are so bad that Nino has the same speed as him, higher luck, and almost the same resistance when she joins as a level 5 Mage, a level 4 Lowen as a Paldin is better all around than a level 20 Marcus, Marcus has horrible stats, he hogs EXP, everyone gets better than him quickly, he screws goats, he does things with Merlinus in the tent, the list goes on and on. n00bs, don't use him. The EXP is better used on other people. Worst unit in the game. And they call him the most powerful Paladin in Pherae...


Acquired in: Chapter 11 (Eliwood's Route) / Chapter 12 (Hector's Route)
Supports with: Eliwood, Marcus, Isadora, Harken, Rebecca
Starting Class: Cavalier
Promoted Class: Paladin
Weapons: Swords, Lances, Axes (E ranking once promoted, only useable as a Paladin)
Starting Stats: HP: 23 Pow: 7 Skl: 5 Spd: 7 Luk: 3 Def: 7 Res: 0 Mov: 7 Con: 10 Aid: 15
Growth Rates: HP 90% Pow 30% Skl 30% Spd 30% Luc 30% Def 40% Res 30%
Rating: 7.75

A knight in service to House Pherae. A fresh recruit.

Lowen's pretty different from Sain and Kent. His defense develops well, so he becomes a tank later on, and his HP goes up a lot. His other stats go up kind of randomly, but you can always expect a tank out of Lowen. Use him if you want, he isn't bad by all means, if a bit random.


Acquired in: Chapter 11 (Eliwood's Route) / Chapter 12 (Hector's Route)
Supports with: Wil, Lowen, Sain, Dart, Louise, Raven, Nino
Starting Class: Archer
Promoted Class: Sniper
Weapons: Bows
Starting Stats: HP: 17 Str: 4 Skl: 5 Spd: 6 Luk: 4 Def: 3 Res: 1 Mov: 5 Con: 5 Aid: 4
Growth Rates: HP 60% Pow 45% Skl 50% Spd 60% Luc 50% Def 15% Res 30%
Rating: 8.5

A youth from Pherae. Very helpful and bright.

Rebecca, at first glance, appears weak. But once you level her up some, you'll notice her power. She is very fast, and all her other stats go up often. The only thing lacking is probably her defense, but she's so fast that she won't get hit, and you shouldn't let an enemy get the opportunity to hit her anyway. Incredible archer, her description definately suits her.


Acquired in: Chapter 11 (Eliwood's Route) / Chapter 12 (Hector's Route)
Supports with: Dorcas, Raven, Canas, Karla, Renault
Starting Class: Fighter
Promoted Class: Warrior
Weapons: Axes, Bows (E ranking once promoted, only useable as a Warrior)
Starting Stats: Level 2 - HP: 29 Str: 9 Skl: 5 Spd: 3 Luk: 4 Def: 4 Res: 0 Mov: 5 Con: 13 Aid: 12
Growth Rates: HP 85% Pow 50% Skl 35% Spd 40% Luc 30% Def 30% Res 25%
Rating: 6

One of Eliwood's gaurdmen. Duty is everything to him.

He's just the same as Dorcas. Not worth it, since other people own him.


Acquired in: Chapter 12
Supports with: Hecor, Matthew, Serra, Priscilla, Dorcas
Starting Class: Knight
Promoted Class: General
Weapons: Lances, Axes (E ranking once promoted, only useable as a General)
Starting Stats: Level 9 - HP: 28 Str: 13 Skl: 9 Spd: 5 Luk: 3 Def: 13 Res: 3 Mov: 4 Con: 14 Aid: 13
Growth Rates: HP 90% Pow 40% Skl 30% Spd 30% Luc 35% Def 55% Res 30%
Rating: 9

A knight in service to House Ostia. Hector's sworn man.

Oswin is the second best tank in the game, second only to Hector. His defense will max out each time you use him, and everything else develops really well. Sure, his movement and speed isn't excellent, but he doesn't need speed. Give Oswin some boots and his movement problems will be taken care of. Prepare to either by amused or bored by the constant ''No Damage!'' noises and words, since you'll see them a lot if you use him.


Acquired in: Chapter 13, talk to him with Matthew
Supports with: Matthew, Rath, Karel, Priscilla, Louise
Starting Class: Myrmidon
Promoted Class: Swordmaster
Weapons: Swords
Starting Stats: Level 3 - HP: 21 Str: 6 Skl: 11 Spd: 11 Luk: 5 Def: 5 Res: 0 Mov: 5 Con: 5 Aid: 4
Growth Rates: HP 75% Pow 30% Skl 50% Spd 70% Luc 45% Def 15% Res 25%
Rating: 9

A youth from Sacae. Yearns to be a swordmaster.

Yearn he does not need to do, as he will become one. He is one of the fastest units in the game, ridiculously accurate, his HP is surprisingly high by the end of the game, and all his other stats develop well. His strength might be lacking sometimes, but it's enough. The true beauty of Guy comes from when he is a Swordmaster. When he is a Swordmaster, he gains an extra 15% for his critical hit rate for any weapon he uses. With this in mind, his critical hit rate is at the least 20% for any weapon, and with a Killing Edge, he's freaking crazy, since it's at like 60+%, normally in the high 60%s. Definately worth using, and he's always the first unit to reach level 20 promoted.


Acquired in: Chapter 14; she's in a red village at the south western part of the map, anyone can go in there and get her. Make sure no one destroys the village.
Supports with: Raven, Lucius, Erk, Oswin, Sain, Heath, Guy
Starting Class: Troubadour
Promoted Class: Valkyrie
Weapons: Staves, Anima Magic (E ranking once promoted)
Starting Stats: Level 3 - HP: 16 Mag: 6 Skl: 6 Spd: 8 Luk: 7 Def: 3 Res: 6 Mov: 7 Con: 4 Aid: 16
Growth Rates: HP 40% Mag 40% Skl 50% Spd 40% Luc 65% Def 15% Res 50%
Rating: 8

A vassal in service to Count Caerleon of Etruria.

Best healer in the game. Considering the fact that she's mounted and can move far, as well as rescue people well, she's very damn useful. But it doesn't end there. She gains the ability to use anima magic when promoted, and her true skill begins to show. Her growth is very nice, but her defense is about as good as the Lions. Which isn't good at all. I like using her against anyone in general since she dodges well, and she's like my second favorite anima user next to Nino.


Acquired in: Chapter 16 (Eliwood's Route); talk to him with Pricilla / Chapter 17 (Hector's Route), talk to him with Priscilla
Supports with: Lucius, Priscilla, Rebecca, Wil, Barte
Starting Class: Mercenary
Promoted Class: Hero
Weapons: Swords, Axes (E ranking for axes once promoted)
Starting Stats: Level 5 - HP: 25 Pow: 8 Skl: 11 Spd: 13 Luk: 2 Def: 5 Res: 1 Mov: 5 Con: 8 Aid: 7
Growth Rate: HP: 85% Str: 55% Sk: 40% Spd: 45% Def: 25% Res: 15% Luk: 35%
Rating: 9

A troubled mercenary with a grudge against House Ostia.

Raven is powerful, Raven is fast, Raven has good HP, Raven is accurate, and Raven isn't that easy to kill. One of the best units in the game, he's a killing machine. He will kill almost anyone, there isn't much that can stop him besides maybe a magic user, but even then he dodges them, although not as well as the faster units like Lyn. Definately worth using, it'd be a waste not to.


Acquired in: Chapter 16x (Eliwood's Route), found in a red village -- anyone can talk to him / Chapter 17x (Hector's Route), found in a red village -- anyone can talk to him
Supports with: Pent, Nino, Renault, Barte, Vaida
Starting Class: Shaman
Promoted Class: Druid
Weapons: Dark magic, staves (E ranking one promoted, only useable as a Druid)
Starting Stats: Level 8 - HP: 21 Mag: 10 Skl: 9 Spd: 8 Luk: 7 Def: 5 Res: 8 Mov: 5 Con: 7 Aid: 6
Growth Rates: HP 70% Pow 45% Skl 40% Spd 35% Luc 25% Def 25% Res 45%
Rating: 9

A scholar, and a novice student of ancient magics.

Canas is powerful, and since he's the only shaman and druid you'll get in the game, you'll be using him. Not only that, but he's surprisingly fast, unlike the other shamans. His resistance also goes up really well, and he uses some of the best magic in the game like Luna which ignores resistance, and Noserfaratu, which heals you and damages the enemy. There's also a wide range of other powerful spells like Fenrir and Gespenst.


Acquired in: Chapter 18 (Eliwood's route) / Chapter 19 (Hector's route)
Supports with: Rebecca, Wil, Geitz, Karel, Farina
Starting Class: Pirate
Promoted Class: Berserker
Weapons: Axes
Starting Stats: Level 8 - HP: 34 Str: 12 Skl: 8 Spd: 8 Luck: 3 Def: 6 Res: 1
Mov: 5 Con: 10 Aid: 9
Growth Rates: HP 70% Pow 65% Skl 20% Spd 60% Luc 35% Def 20% Res 15%
Rating: 7.5

One of Fargas's corsairs. Foulmouthed, but kind.

Dart's strong, and he's normally fairly good with his HP and speed, plus his critical hit rate is off the scale. Problem is, however, is that him and Hawkeye tend to not have an incredible difference in stats, and other people are much more worth using than him. However, he's not useless either. Good all around. If you're going to use an Axe user, though, let it be Raven and Hector.


Acquired in: Chapter 18 (Eliwood's Route); talk with Florina / Chapter 19 (Hector's Route); talk with Florina
Supports with: Farina, Florina, Eliwood, Kent, Sain, Pent, Geitz
Starting Class: Peg Knight
Promoted Class: Falcoknight
Weapons: Lances, Swords (E ranking once promoted, only useable as a Falcoknight)
Starting Stats: Level 7 - HP: 21 Str: 8 Skl: 11 Spd: 13 Luk: 6 Def: 6 Res: 7 Mov: 7 Con: 5 Aid: 15
Growth Rates: HP: 70% Str: 35% Sk: 60% Spd: 50% Def: 20% Res: 50% Luk: 30%
Rating: 8

Commander of the 5th wing of Ilia's pegasus knights.

Fiora's just as good as Florina for the most part, except that Fiora's resistance goes up quicker, and so does her skill and defense, but only by a little. Fiora doesn't come into the party weak, but not too strong, either. I prefer using Florina, simply because she grows the way a Pegasus Knight should, and she just seems to turn out better. Fiora is far from worthless, though.


Acquired in: Chapter 19 (Eliwood's Route), talk to him with Lyn or Eliwood / Chapter 20 (Hector's Route), talk to him with Lyn or Hector
Supports with: Matthew, Nino, Isadora, Jaffar, Heath
Starting Class: Thief
Promoted Class: Assassin
Weapons: Swords
Starting Stats: Level 12 - HP: 26 Str: 8 Skl: 11 Spd: 15 Luk: 10 Def: 8 Res: 3 Mov: 6 Con: 9 Aid: 8
Growth Rates: HP 60% Pow 25% Skl 50% Spd 60% Luc 60% Def 25% Res 25%
Rating: 8.25

A former Black Fang known as Hurricane.

Legault is almost the same as Matthew. Matthew usually has better stats by the time he is at Legault's level though, but it really depends. If your Matthew turned out bad, go ahead and use Legault for fighting, and keep Matthew for stealing, or vice versa.


Acquired in: Chapter 21 (Eliwood's Route), talk to him with Eliwood or Hector / Chapter 22 (Hector's Route), talk to him with Hector or Eliwood
Supports with: Vaida, Legault, Louise, Priscilla, Kent
Starting Class: Wyvern Rider
Promoted Class: Wyvern Lord
Weapons: Lances, Swords (E ranking once promoted, only useable as a Wyvern Lord)
Starting Stats: Level 7 - HP: 28 Str: 11 Skl: 8 Spd: 7 Luk: 7 Def: 10 Res: 1 Mov: 7 Con: 9 Aid: 16
Growth Rates: HP 80% Pow 50% Skl 50% Spd 45% Luc 20% Def 30% Res 20%
Rating: 7.75

A deserter from Bern's Wyvern Riders. Prideful.

Heath's pretty good, but I personally prefer using the 3 sisters. His defense is nice, and so is his attack, HP, and skill. But the Pegasus Knights get a little bit better than him. Go ahead and use him, he's not a weakling, I only put his rating down some because of his weakness to magic AND bows, which makes him pretty vulnerable in many situations.


Acquired in: Chapter 21 (Eliwood's Route) / Chapter 22 (Hector's Route)
Supports with: Legault, Lowen, Marcus, Harken, Geitz, Renault, Sain
Starting Class: Paladin
Promoted Class: none, already promoted
Weapons: Lances, Axes, Swords
Starting Stats: Level 1 - HP: 28 Str: 13 Skl: 12 Spd: 16 Luk: 10 Def: 8
Res: 6 Mov: 8 Con: 6 Aid: 14
Growth Rates: HP 75% Pow 30% Skl 35% Spd 50% Luc 45% Def 20% Res 25%
Rating: 4

A Paladin in service to House Pherae. Modest and polite.

Hurray! A Marcus with some different stats and a different growth rate! I'm so excited, I could just pee my pants. Don't bother with her, my thoughts on Marcus are the same as my thoughts for Isadora.


Acquired in: Chapter 22 (Eliwood's Route), talk to with Eliwood / Chapter 23 (Hector's Route), talk to with Hector.
Supports with: Ninian, Pent, Louise
Starting Class: Berserker
Promoted Class: None, already promoted
Weapons: Axe
Starting Stats: Level 4 - HP: 50 Str: 18 Skl: 14 Spd: 11 Luk: 13 Def: 14 Res: 10 Mov: 6 Con: 16 Aid: 15
Growth Rates: HP 50% Pow 40% Skl 30% Spd 25% Luc 40% Def 20% Res 35%
Rating: 7

The protector of Nabata. A mysterious air surrounds him.

Hawkeye is actually pretty decent for a promoted unit. All his stats are good, especially his HP, and while his growth isn't the best, he's already powerful, and his growth is good enough so that he'll be stronger by the end of the game. I don't really use him, I prefer Dart, but if Dart turned out bad, use Hawkeye. Dart and Hawkeye are really close in stats a lot of the times. And Hawkeye is naked, and sexy. So I luvvorz him.


Acquired in: Chapter 23 (Eliwood's Route), Linus' Map (Must have combined lord levels to 50 before reaching chapter 23), talk to with Dart / Chapter 24 (Hector's Route), Linus' Map (Must have combined lord levels to 50 before reaching chapter 23), talk to with Dart
Supports with: Dorcas, Karel, Isadora, Fiora, Dart
Starting Class: Warrior
Promoted Class: None, already promoted
Weapons: Axes, Bows
Starting Stats: Level 3 - HP: 40 Str: 17 Skl: 12 Spd: 13 Luk: 10 Def: 11 Res: 3 Mov: 6 Con: 13 Aid: 12
Growth Rates: HP 85% Pow 50% Skl 35% Spd 40% Luc 40% Def 20% Res 20%
Rating: 5

The eldest son of a wealthy merchant. Finding himself.

Geitz is nothing special. At all. He's just HP and Strength, and even then, Dorcas and Barte are much better in those areas, and they suck in the first place. Don't waste your time. Have him gaurd Merlinus or something.


Acquired in: Chapter 24 (Eliwood's Route) / Chapter 25 (Hector's Route)
Supports with: Louise, Erk, Canas, Hawkeye, Fiora
Starting Class: Sage
Promoted Class: none, already promoted
Weapons: Anima Magic, Staves
Starting Stats: Level 6 - HP: 33 Mag: 18 Skl: 21 Spd: 17 Luk: 14 Def: 11 Res: 16 Mov: 06 Con: 08 Aid: 07
Growth Rates: HP 50% Pow 30% Skl 20% Spd 40% Luc 40% Def 30% Res 35%
Rating: 8

Marquess of Reglay. Sole student of Archsage Athos.

Pent's pretty damn good for a promoted unit. All of his stats are decent enough, and the only thing that is actually bad is his HP. His stave abilities prove to be valuable, and his growth is good enough so that he gets a little stronger by the end of the game. If Erk failed to be good, use Pent.


Acquired in: Chapter 24 (Eliwood's Route) / Chapter 25 (Hector's Route)
Supports with: Pent, Erk, Hawkeye, Rebecca, Guy, Heath, Sain
Starting Class: Sniper
Promoted Class: None, already promoted
Weapons: Bows
Starting Stats: Level 4 - HP: 28 Str: 12 Skl: 14 Spd: 17 Luk: 16 Def: 9 Res: 12 Mov: 6 Con: 6 Aid: 5
Growth Rates: HP 60% Pow 40% Skl 40% Spd 40% Luc 30% Def 20% Res 30%
Rating: 7

The wife of Marquess Reglay. A lethal beauty.

Louise is good enough if you failed to use Rebecca and or Wil. Those two are much better than her, though, especially Rebecca, so you shouldn't have failed to use any of them in the first place. Her growth is good enough to actually grow a good amount by the end of the game, but she lacks HP. She has plenty of room to level up, being at level 4 and all.


Acquired in: Chapter 25 (Hector's Route only), she will come to talk to Hector. You must pay her 20,000 gold to get her.
Supports with: Hector, Florina, Fiora, Kent, Dart, Karla, Dorcas
Starting Class: Peg Knight
Promoted Class: Falcoknight
Weapons: Lances, Swords (E ranking once promoted, only useable as a Falcoknight)
Starting Stats: Level 12 - HP: 24 Str: 10 Skl: 13 Spd: 14 Luk: 10 Def: 10 Res: 12 Mov: 7 Con: 5 Aid: 15
Growth Rates: HP: 75% Str: 50% Sk: 40% Spd: 45% Def: 25% Res: 30% Luk: 45%
Rating: 8

A member of the 3rd wing of Ilia's pegasus knights.

Farina is sort of the powerhouse, since her strength goes up very often unlike Florina, and her other stats are balanced. I personally think she is the second best Falcoknight, since she's great all around and the extra strength is a plus, but the problem is is that she comes late in the game. However, she is easy to level up, especially in the level you get her in due to all the monks that do 0 damage to her.


Acquired in: Chapter 25 (Eliwood's Route), must kill more than one promoted unit by turn 9 on Kenneth's Map, or open more than one door on Jerme's map by turn 9 / Chapter 26 (Hector's Route), must kill more than one promoted unit by turn 9 on Kenneth's Map, or open more than one door on Jerme's map by turn 9
Supports with: Guy, Geitz, Karla, Dart, Lucius
Starting Class: Swordmaster
Promoted Class: None, already promoted
Weapons: Swords
Starting Stats: Level 7 - HP: 31 Str: 16 Skl: 23 Spd: 20 Luk: 15 Def: 13 Res: 12 Mov: 6 Con: 9 Aid: 8
Growth Rates: HP 70% Str 30% Skl 50% Spd 50% Luc 30% Def 10% Res 15%
Rating: 8.25

An eastern swordmaster. Seeking worthy opponents.

Nothing is really wrong with Karel. He's fast enough to dodge a lot of stuff thrown at him, strong enough to kill, accurate, and various other things. He is definately a worthy replacement of Guy if you didn't use him, and is better than Harken, but he has the worse weapon. If you used Guy, I would actually just get Harken, and give the Brave Sword to Guy. If not, though, go for Karel. Karel will normally end up having better strength and maybe resistance or defense than Guy, but Guy will be better in everything else. Karel suffers from low HP.


Acquired in: Chapter 25 (Eliwood's Route), must kill only one promoted unit by turn 9 on Kenneth's Map, or open only one door on Jerme's map by turn 9 / Chapter 26 (Hector's Route), must kill more only one promoted unit by turn 9 on Kenneth's Map, or open only one door on Jerme's map by turn 9
Supports with: Eliwood, Isadora, Lowen, Marcus, Vaida
Starting Class: Hero
Promoted Class: None, already promoted
Weapons: Swords, Axes
Starting Stats: Level 7 - HP: 38 Str: 21 Skl: 20 Spd: 17 Luk: 12 Def: 15 Res: 10 Mov: 6 Con: 11 Aid: 10
Growth Rates: HP 80% Str 35% Skl 30% Spd 40% Luc 20% Def 30% Res 25%
Rating: 7.75

The sole survivor of the Knights of Pherae.

Harken's not bad, but I only want to get him for his Brave Sword. Karel's more worth getting. All of his stats are very balanced, though, but his growth is bleh. His Axe rating is already at B when you get him, so that may come in handy if you get him. If you used Raven, Harken is rendered useless. If not, Harken is rendered...unuseless.


Acquired in: Chapter 26 (Eliwood's Route), talk to with Lyn or Eliwood / Chapter 28 (Hector's Mode), talk to with Lyn or Hector
Supports with: Jaffar, Erk, Florina, Merlinus, Legault, Canas, Rebecca
Starting Class: Mage
Promoted Class: Sage
Weapons: Anima Magic, staves (E ranking once promoted, only useable as a Sage)
Starting Stats: HP: 19 Mag: 7 Skl: 6 Spd: 11 Luk: 10 Def: 4 Res: 7 Mov: 5 Con: 3 Aid: 2
Growth Rates: HP 55% Mag 50% Skl 55% Spd 60% Luk 45% Def 15% Res 50%
Rating: 9

One of the black fang. True and innocent.

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm the biggest Nino whore in history. But, there's reason as to why I'm a Nino whore. I'm turned on by her short skirt. In addition to this, I'm turned on by her excellent growth rate, everything having at the least half a chance of going up when she levels up (especially Afa's Drops), and by the time she's a level 20 Sage, everything is maxed out almost. Her magic maxes out at 30, which is a very high max, and the good thing is is that it reaches that very often. So, here we have one of the fastest, strongest, accurate, resistant, and lucky units in the game, that maxes out in almost everything, and many easily claim her to be the best magic user found in the game. The only bad thing is her constitution, HP, and defense, but her speed makes up for most of that. Many complain, however, that she is hard to level up. I disagree -- just weaken someone, have her kill someone, and then have another unit weaken someone, and have her go again. Simple. Hell, I even managed to level her up to level 20 and promote her by chapter 26x/chapter 28x, and from there on she functioned as a normal fighter in my team, and one of the most reliable ones. And no -- she didn't have to kill every person in order to get this good.


Acquired in: Chapter 26x (Eliwood's Route), talk to him in chapter 26 with Nino / Chapter 28x (Hector's Route), talk to him in chapter 26 with Nino
Supports with: Nino, Matthew, Legault
Starting Class: Assassin
Promoted Class: None, already promoted
Weapons: Swords
Starting Stats: Level 13 - HP: 34 Str: 19 Skl: 25 Spd: 24 Luk: 10 Def: 15 Res: 11 Mov: 6 Con: 8 Aid: 7
Growth Rates: HP 60% Pow 15% Skl 40% Spd 35% Luc 20% Def 30% Res 30%
Rating: 8.5

The Black Fang's Angel of Death. Once served Nergal.

Jaffar's pretty awesome. While his growth is bad, his stats are already awesome. His strength a lot of the times ends up being better than Matthew's and Legault's, too, and no matter what, you know that his stats will be good, while the same cannot be gauranteed for Matthew and Legault, who can sometimes be random growth wise. Jaffar can easily take out an army by himself.


Acquired in: Chapter 27 (Eliwood's Route), talk to with Eliwood / Chapter 29 (Hector's Route), talk to with Hector
Supports with: Heath, Harken, Karla, Wallace, Canas, Dorcas, Merlinus
Starting Class: Wyvern Lord
Promoted Class: None, already promoted
Weapons: Lances, Swords
Starting Stats: Level 9 - HP: 43 Str: 20 Skl: 19 Spd: 13 Luk: 11 Def: 21 Res: 6 Mov: 8 Con: 12 Aid: 8
Growth Rates: HP 60% Str 45% Skl 25% Spd 40% Luk 30% Def 25% Res 15%
Rating: 7

A deserter from Bern's wyvern riders. Brutal.

Vaida is fairly powerful, since her defense and strength is decent, but everything else is ''meh''. Heath is ten times better than her, as are the pegasis sisters. I would use the EXP on other people like the lords, Nino, Matthew, Farina, and others anyway, since those need much more focus than her.


Acquired in: Chapter 30x (Hector's Route), must have Barte as a level 5 Warrior and fight Karla. If both of you survive, you get Karla (I suggest using the Iron Rune)
Supports with: Karel, Barte, Farina, Vaida
Starting Class: Swordmaster
Promoted Class: None, already promoted
Weapons: swords
Starting Stats: Level 5 - HP: 29 Str: 14 Skl: 21 Spd: 18 Luk: 16 Def: 11 Res: 12 Mov: 6 Con: 7 Aid: 6
Growth Rates: HP 60% Pow 25% Skl 45% Spd 55% Luc 40% Def 10% Res 20%
Rating: 6

A dedicated swordfighter. Cool and detatched.

For a person that comes so late in the game, and at such a low level, she sure does have a crappy growth rate. She doesn't even get any better than Guy or Karel. The only thing I like about her is the weapon she holds, which is a Wo Dao, her support conversations, and her cool character. I don't like her on the battlefield, though, that's for sure. It's a shame such a cool character sucks so bad on the battlefield...


Acquired in: Chapter 30 (Eliwood's Route), northwestern village / Chapter 31 (Hector's Route), northwestern village
Supports with: Barte, Isadora, Lucius, Wallace, Canas
Starting Class: Bishop
Promoted Class: None, already promoted
Weapons: Light magic, staves
Starting Stats: Level 16 - HP: 43 Mag: 12 Skl: 22 Spd: 20 Def: 15 Luk: 10 Res: 18 Mov: 6 Con: 9 Aid: 8
Growth Rates: HP 60% Mag 40% Skl 30% Spd 35% Luk 15% Def 20% Res 40%
Rating: 4.5

A cleric wandering Valor. Shrouded in mystery.

Renault blows. The only reason saving him is for his fortify staff. Otherwise, he's crap. Don't even give a crap if the village got destroyed by some brigand if it does happen. Just think of going to the village as getting a fortify staff, nothing more, nothing less. Really, he'd sort of be worth it if his magic wasn't at freaking 12, but it is. His defense is surprisingly good for a Bishop, looking at the bright side.


Acquired in: Final Chapter: Light
Supports with: No one
Starting Class: Archsage


Who the **** do you think I am!?
Jan 18, 2004
Lucius's HP dun suck at all! Brian, I got my Brian to level 20/20 he had 49Hp that is not low, and his defence was 11, that could be worse, but other than that
(Everyone prepare the shock for me complementing my bro)
Good FAQ


Prime Member
Jul 25, 2002
Lucius, you need to pay attention to statistics.

The fact that his HP only goes up 55% of the time doesn't allow him to have his HP go up a lot in general. That's only a little over half -- it's not 70%, 80%, or 90% like some people. Chances are, it'll be at the low 40s, or in the high 30s, similar to Priscilla (HP wise). His defense is bad in general, too, 11 defense is not good in anyone's eyes. He may be your favorite character, but that does not mean he does not have flaws.

And if you were going to squeeze in something about me thinking Nino is perfect, I don't, since her defense is normally bad as well, and I prefer not to let her fight people like say, Lloyd and Linus plus the Warriors in the final chapter.


May 20, 2001
Tal-IGN said:Keep in mind that on the character descriptions and ratings I am not trying to be fair, but rather just speak my opinion and how I myself just feel about the character and my suggestions, but I will admit to weather the character can be good or not. So, if you don't like what I put for a character, suck it.

Then why make a character rating system at all. Better for newbie just to look at stat growth than look at our bias opinions.


Prime Member
Jul 25, 2002
It's suggestions, and it'll give some ideas on how the character can be and what the character normally is like. This is meant to help, and seeing an opinion of the character from someone does most of the time help. There is some bias here and there, almost everywhere, but it's not illogical, and this is from a viewpoint of someone/a loser that has played the game 8 times, so not to be arrogant or anything, but I do know a lot about the characters.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Damn it! I can't beat the Final Chapter! Get us the walkthrough! Also I think luck effects criticals in the following formula: your luck > enemys luck = > critical. Therefore the higher your luck is the less chance of your enemy getting a critical. There is the Iron Rune which drops the critical hit rate of the unit attacking the one with the Iron Rune to 0. There are the Killer Weapons which raises critical by like 10% or around it. The Wo Dao, which is the upgraded version of the Killing Edge, raises by 20% or around it. Finally if your unit has achieved the class of either Berserker, Assassin, or Swordmaster, their critical hit rate will rise 15% and stay that way.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
You forgot one guiding ring. In the chapter with Pent (22 Eliwood and 23 Hector, I think) Jasmine has one that you can steal, but Pent usually kills Jasmine before you can get to it.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
to all fairness to Heath, he isnt weak to bows, not at 20/20, Uhai only did 15 damage to him, on the final chapter(i wish i had the delphi shield, i would have been untouchable!)and erk cant even touch him, Lucuis barely harms him(like 10 damage with Aura) Heath owns anyone other Cahracter(even Guy at 20 strength) and raven puts up a fight with Basillikos(i think thats how i spelled) but i would take him up against any of the sisters, and i have no items used on mine at all. florina has her first 4 stats maxed out, but heath still manages to kill her.


Prime Member
Jul 25, 2002
Heath is awesome -- I would change the rating right now, and the description, considering I got attack, defense, and HP maxed, but it'll have to wait.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Nice! i luv this review, it was very helpful and true. I agree about marcus and rebecca, tho i do think heath deserves more credit tho there isnt much slack to be cut. Ur my hero man, thx for a great guide. Almost equal to a real prima guide


Super Star
Aug 2, 2001
Bah. Where is that map that shows where the items are in the sand in Living Legend? Someone find it/make one and lets get it added in here.


Jul 5, 2004
Do you need to know where they are, or is it just something you would like to have handy?

There was a thread asking about that somewhere...


Super Star
Aug 2, 2001
I know the general areas since I have played through the game several times, I just wanted something handy as I was reaching the place again to make sure I didn't miss anything. Figured it would be in here and so was surprised it wasn't. I know I saw a map on the board at one point, back before this faq was stickied. But I was too lazy to dig it up. [face_tongue]

Oh well, I am way past there now and so my need is over. Maybe I should make a map myself then to help out others... Well, maybe someday.


May 20, 2001
To anybody else that doesn't know, luck also affects hit rate and dodging.

Every luck points goes into your dodge rate. Characters who usually get 30 speed and 30 luck often(Legault and Lyn For example), will have a 90% dodge rate without support options.

Every 2 points of of luck goes into your hit rate. So 30 luck = 15 more points of hit rate.


Aug 17, 2003
The Nabata Desert items are different in Hector's Hard Mode. Just thought you'd like to know.


Sep 10, 2004
Weapons have their might doubled when against a unit they glow against.

So if a Iron Bow on it's own would do 6 damage to a peg knight normally, it would do 12 damage since it's doubled (super effective)

Delphi Shield stops this from happening to peg knights, falco knights, wyvern knights and wyvern lords.

You might wanna add that in.


Jul 14, 2004
i love that shield!!! every time im shot at i hear a shing sound!!! i love it!! o ya heres a tip!!! 1st:get all the pegesis knight sisters
2nd[face_tongue]ut an enemy in the midle of all 3 of them
3rd:attack with ur strongest sister
4th: the surronding sisters will trigger a combo (tri attck) wich will make all the sisters attck at once!! its so alsome!!
Dec 30, 2004
Much of this topic (most notabely the stats section) is incorrect. This is actually a nice topic but some growth rates are incorrect.

Look at this site:

for the EXACT stats. You should add that into the FAQ...


Jan 1, 2005
No. No. No.
Dart does not suck as much as Hawkeye. If he doesn't get RNG-screwed, he'll normally max Spd and Str. Skl is not so good, but enough to hit most enemies, because they have crap for evade. Luck? Luck is decent. Def and Res are meh, but why do you need them with sky-high evade... and an over-50 HP count. But the really dangerous thing about Dart.. is his criticals. Not only he gets a +15% bonus, he can support with Rebecca to get insane crit with a Killer axe. Wil is also a fine choice. 30 Str criticals are not pretty.

Priscilla > Serra. Riiight. OK, this depends on the RNG, but anyways, here goes my comparison.(I will refer to Priscilla as P and Serra as S.)(Keep in mind that P starts at Lv.3 and S starts at Lv.1)

HP- P has 45% growth, S has 50%. S wins. Starting stats, P has 16HP, while S has 17HP. Serra wins again. Promotion bonuses are equal.
Mag- P has 40% growth, S has 50%. S wins. Starting stats, P has 6 Mag while S has 2. P wins here. P also wins in promotion bonuses.(S is +1, P is +2)
Skl- P has 50% growth, S has 30%. P wins. Starting stats, P has 6, and S has 5. P wins again. And Promotion bonuses, P +1, S +2. S wins.
Spd- Speed... P and S are equal in the 2 first categories.. but S has a +1 promotion bonus while P has no promotion bonus. S wins.
Def- OK, both characters are on par.. except that P has 3 starting Def while S has 2. P wins.
Res- Growth, P has 50% growth while S has 55% growth. S wins. Starting stats, P has 6 Res while S has 5. P wins. Promotion bonuses, P has +3 while S has +2. P wins.
Luck- P has 65%, S has 60% growth. P wins. Starting stats, P 7 and S 6. P wins again. Bonuses? None.
CON- Equal.
Move&Aid- Priscilla wins, obviously.
Affinity- Thunder and Wind. A matter of opinion, because both are good.

As you see, Serra wins Priscilla in HP, Spd while Priscilla wins in other categories. But Serra is Lv1 while Priscilla is Lv3 when you get them. That means Priscilla is on par or loses to Serra in Mag, Def, Res and Luk. Why Res? Well, Serra has a 30 Res stat-cap, while Priscilla's stat-cap for Res is 28. That gives Serra a chance to be better.. or at least be equal to Priscilla in Res. So, Serra is equal or higher in Hp, Spd, Mag, Def, Res, and Luk. How does that make Priscilla better in battle? And I think Serra's personality is what that makes her so loveable, other than the fact thats she's uberhawt. Gotta love all of her supports, especially her supports with with Lucius, Oswin, and Matthew.

Stat gains, starting stats and growth rates from that site TCB posted.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 10, 2004

first off, why are you trying to argue with something that was written back april, by a user who isn't even around to debate with?

also, in the Serra vs Priscilla case, you're missing one of Prissy's key attributes: range. Serra, while pretty much equal to Prissy stat-wise doesn't have the advantage of a horse, meaning it takes a hell of a lot longer for her to get somewhere, and she can't rescue anyone effectively. the horse alone makes Prissy better, especially when it's not offset by a massive stat difference in Serra's favor. And don't use something like "she's uber hot" in an arguement if you want someone to take you seriously.

edit: vv i was referring more to that person that made the massive case about serra > prissy.

the original FAQ (what he/she is debating) was written bak in April.
Nov 28, 2004
Maybe but FE is really easy and doesn't necessarily need an FAQ so everybody think of all this dtuff in the next FAQ even if it is a new game.
Dec 29, 2004
By that logic, I also agree.

Ever since discoveries have been made regarding the existence of the RNG abuse trick, you can easily get through this game with ease. So, in essence, it sort of hinders the whole purpose of strategy in the game. Meaning that you can just run through without nearly using things to your advantage except taking account the chances that someone will hit you and taking precautionary measures, particularly luck.

In this respect, the FAQs could change in that context. The game has become somewhat more complex, expecially since more of it now revolves around the RNG.



Jan 1, 2005
Random Number Generator. An attack hitting or missing or criticaling depends on the random numbers it generates, along with level ups. For example, if your hit is 56, the random number must be below 56 for you to hit. And they're predetermined, so if you do the same thing on the same chapter over and over again, you'll probably get the same results.
Dec 29, 2004
Well, it appears Moon covered it all. But, the RNG hinders the whole process. You can actually make it in such a way that you can nearly guarantee your hit even when chances are low. The best concept to learn about the RNG trick is that it can alter the way you level up, rather than relying on luck and getting a terrible level that you could've prevented otherwise.

Nov 28, 2004
The game still is not that complex it is so old i have beaten it like 200 times and i just can't play it anymore it got so boring but if you haven't beaten it go ahead.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I've put an explanation based on obtaining the uber spear back in the other thread where you asked the same question
Dec 29, 2004
No problem. However, make sure that you can keep the way clear, so this way no one will bother when you merch the spear.

Jun 23, 2004
I thought I'd add this.

1. Fire Emblem Gaiden
2. Fire Emblem: Ankokuryuu to Hikari no Tsurugi

Super NES
3. Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo
4. Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu Resources:
5. Fire Emblem: Thracia 776


6. Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi
7. Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken a.k.k "Fire Emblem"
8. Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

9. Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki
Jun 23, 2004
Fire Emblem™ The Path of the Blue Flame [tenative title]
Format: Nintendo GameCube™
Launch Date: Q2 2005
ESRB: RP (Rating Pending)
Game Type: Strategy Role-Playing Game
Accessories: Memory Card

Developed by Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd.


Unfurl the banners and lead the charge! All of Tellius is torn in a bloody
war, and only you have the means to put it to an end. Take command of a band
of mercenaries loyal only to you, and guide them to victory against the forces
of the Daein kingdom! Turn-based strategy gives you maximum control of your
army. As your characters gain experience, shape their abilities by giving them
special skill sets, and develop your army into a unique fighting force.

Master a world of strategy! Test your tactical prowess against mages, monsters
and madmen as you command your knights, pikemen and mounted cavaliers in man-
to-man, turn-based combat.

War takes on new depth! Three-dimensional battlefields present all-new
tactical challenges, and graphically stunning battle sequences put you right
on the battlefield!

Bring peace to the land! Take winged soldiers high into the air, or send your
furious skinshifters and unleash their feral might on your enemies.
Game Storyline: Near a mercenary stronghold in Crimea, a kingdom on the
continent of Tellius, a soldier named Ike rescues a woman he discovers to be
the princess of Crimea. She reveals to him that the neighboring Daein kingdom
has invaded, and she must travel to Gallia, home to the half-man/half-beast
demihumans. War spreads across the continent as Ike and his swords-for-hire
fight to protect the princess and confront headlong the racial tensions and
prejudices that have torn a rift between humans and demihumans. As they fight,
they learn the true reason for the war, as well as the mystery behind the very
creation of their divided world.

Characters: Ike and fellow mercenary Tiamat. New units include "skinshifters"
who can transform into beasts, and "taliesins" (temporary name), winged humans
who attack from the air.

How to progress through the game: Players command individual units such as
knights, cavaliers, lords and Pegasus knights across a 3-D battlefield in a
turn-based war simulation. Each battle has a specific objective, from
defeating all enemies to taking control of key locations. Each battle is
linked by extensive, story-heavy sequences that provide character and plot
background and details. As always with Fire Emblem, characters are unique
individuals, and if they fall in battle, they are lost to the player forever.

Special powers/weapons/moves/features: Some characters possess magic abilities
they can use in battle. Others can equip a range of weapons, using the
strengths of that weapon to balance the enemy's weapon selection. In addition,
characters who discover their "hidden purpose" can develop unique abilities.
Jun 23, 2004
Originally post by [link=]DarkLink888[/link].

The RNG trick, or RNG abuse, is simply fooling the system to improve your chances of getting a better level up. RNG stands for Random Number Generator.
Anyways, here's a detailed summary of how it works. It's a bit complex, so pay special attention.

To start off, make sure that your unit can only move an odd number of spaces, for example, 5, 7, etc. Nino can move 5 as a mage.

Step two is that you want to be able to put your unit in the trick position. To do this, try to make a full square, meaning make sure that you can form 9 squares on the ground. Squares without anything i.e forests, fortresses, etc. After you found a place to make 9 complete squares, stand in the middle of it.

Step three is to click on your unit, like Nino and you should see the blue blue squares come up showing where you can move. Don't move from the middle. After clicking on the unit, use the cursor to circle around your unit starting at the right of the unit and circling clockwise around your unit. You'll notice that when you almost finished circling around the unit, the cursor will sort of change direction, either vertical or horizontal. Count in your mind every time you get a horizontal or vertical arrow. Keep doing this until you get a series of horizontal arrows in a row (like 4 or more).

Step four is when you've gotten at least a decent distribution of 4-7 horizontal arrows. This is what you need to level up. Picture the horizontal arrows as letter L and the vertical as letter H. Wait until you get 4 or more L(Horizontal arrows). As soon as you see this, reset the game. Make sure you counted how many times you made a circle until the time you got the 4 L (horizontal arrows.

Finally, this is the tricky part. Remember the number where the first L of the 4 or more L started. Also take note that the 4 or more L should be well into the distribution. Now, here's how it works. If you're ready to level up and you attack twice to kill the opponent, plus he gets to attack you, you would subtract 8 before the first letter L of the 4 or more Ls. Make sure you counted up to that point.

Example: The first L of the four or more L landed on #20. I will kill my opponent after going twice. Remember, I would go first, then my opponent, then me again. When I go first, I use up three. My opponent would then go and use up two. Then it will be me again to attack, since I go twice. That's another three.

Like I said, the first L of the four or more Ls started at # 20, so therefore 20-8=12. then use one before this, thus use 11, meaning circle the cursor around the unit 11 times, in this case. Or you can simply say 20-9=11.

Example 2: If you kill the enemy right away, you would only use up 3. Lets say my L distribution starts at #20. therefore 20-3=17. Remember, one before this, so use up 16. Or just say 20-4=16.

Example 3: You may just have to hit your enemy to level up. You hit your enemy and he attacks back. That means you would subtract 5 from where the four Ls started. Same example: 20-5=15, and remember the one before, thus use up 14, then attack. Or, 20-6=14.

Remember, if your enemy can't attack you back, and you go twice, you subtract 6 from where the Ls started.

Note: Make sure that your 4 or more Ls in a row are well into the distribution. DO NOT use it if it comes at the beginning, meaning too early. For example, if your 4 or more L started at 3 and you have to subtract 6 or 8, depending on the situation, then you'll lose out because 3-6 or 8 will be a negative number and thus you losing stats.

Just so you know, the reason why you should keep going until you get 4 or more Ls is as follows. The first L would be HP, the second would be strength, then skill, then speed. If you get a fifth, that would be defense, sixth resistance and finally, luck.

In conclusion, this trick can be tedious, especially since sometimes it can take a while to get 4 Ls or more. Be patient. Remember, you must use someone who can move an odd number of spaces ONLY.

I know this was a long summary, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. I'm also more than certain that you'll have problems.

Ok, lets do a quick recap.

Lets take this example: HHHHLLHLHHLLHLLLLLLL

Do you see the string of Ls? Depending on the attack, it determines how many letters there will be used up.

Using the same example, if you were to attack(on your turn) and kill the enemy in one blow, the you would use up 3 before that consecutive string. So, lets use numbers to identify those letters. The first L of that string lands on #14 if you count it. If you were to attack on your move and kill the opponent is one blow, you would subtract 3 from that number. Therefore 14-3=11. Now go one before this and say 10, thus count up 10 letters and attack. Or, 14-4=10.

The situation varies. If you were to level up by taking 2 hits to kill an enemy, PLUS him attacking you, you would subtract 8 from the first L of the distribution. Therefore 14-8=6. Now go one before that and use up 7, then attack.If the enemy does not attck you and you go twice, just subtract 6. Thus 14-6=8. Go one before and use 7. Or just say 14-7=7.

If you were to heal and level up, simply go 1 before the distribution. Therefore use up 13. They're the easiest to level up since it doesn't bother them to get a distribution at the very beginning.

Finally, aside from healers, make sure that the distribution is well into a good count, otherwise you can't use it, if it's at the very beginning. For example:


We can see that the first L starts at #3. If you were to attack twice kill an enemy, it wouldn't work, since 3-8=-5. You would get crap. On the other hand, if it was a healer, you would just have to use up 2 letters.

Finally, there's no guarantee that you will get a good level up, but it will help improve your chances for one. The process can be tedious as it can take some time to get a decent distribution.

If you need more info, you can visit [link=]this FAQ.[/link]

Once again, if you need more help or info, contact me here.



Jun 30, 2004
"The game still is not that complex it is so old i have beaten it like 200 times and i just can't play it anymore it got so boring but if you haven't beaten it go ahead."

That's because people arena whore and use RNG. I never do either of those and the game is difficult.(also because I restart a chapter if a character dies)


Prime Member
Jul 25, 2002
Man I need to edit this. I dunno why I put Heath so far down on rating and crap lol. Must've had bad luck or Florina outshone him.


Prime Member
Nov 16, 2001
Is there a good link to the mathematics of all the stats etc. and how they help/detract from offender/defenders? I'm way behind on the numbers' meanings of this game still being a newbie and haven't played enough. It seems stat-heavy yet the game doens't show the roll scores etc. and why hit/misses happen correspondingly. I just want to play this game 'well'. Once. I'm pretty busy most nights and work a lot.



Well, I fail.
Jul 7, 2005

Base all of this on your own character, no supports whatsoever.

Weapons have a weight, and your characters have a con. If Con > Weight, fine. But if Con < weight, then you subtract the con from weight of the weapon. With THAT number, you subtract from speed. That is you actual speed.

Avoid = Actual Speed (your current speed with an equipped weapon) x 2 + Luck

Hit (not the one in battle, just your character's hit) = Skill x 2 Plus half of your luck. (if you have an odd number, like 13, then it adds 6) Now take the number that you get and add it to the hit of your weapon. There's your hit.

In battle:

Look at your Actual Speeds. If yours is 4 points or higher than your opponents, you double attack him. Now for the fight...

The weapon triangle and the trinity of magic:




When you have the advantage, you get a +10% hit bonus and a +1 Strength bonus. Subtact these bonuses if your opponent has the advantage.

YOUR HIT = Your characters hit - opponents dodge (look at the weapon triangle for details)
Same for opponent.

Might = Your strength + might of the weapon - opponents defense (not including triangle attack bonuses)

Crit = Half your skill (and your weapon crits, if they have any)- enemy's luck.

I'm not too sure about supports, but I hope that this helps.
Sep 14, 2005
brinzy_boi said:

Base all of this on your own character, no supports whatsoever.

Weapons have a weight, and your characters have a con. If Con > Weight, fine. But if Con < weight, then you subtract the con from weight of the weapon. With THAT number, you subtract from speed. That is you actual speed.

Avoid = Actual Speed (your current speed with an equipped weapon) x 2 + Luck

Hit (not the one in battle, just your character's hit) = Skill x 2 Plus half of your luck. (if you have an odd number, like 13, then it adds 6) Now take the number that you get and add it to the hit of your weapon. There's your hit.

In battle:

Look at your Actual Speeds. If yours is 4 points or higher than your opponents, you double attack him. Now for the fight...

The weapon triangle and the trinity of magic:




When you have the advantage, you get a +10% hit bonus and a +1 Strength bonus. Subtact these bonuses if your opponent has the advantage.

YOUR HIT = Your characters hit - opponents dodge (look at the weapon triangle for details)
Same for opponent.

Might = Your strength + might of the weapon - opponents defense (not including triangle attack bonuses)

Crit = Half your skill (and your weapon crits, if they have any)- enemy's luck.

I'm not too sure about supports, but I hope that this helps.
that sure helped a lot thanks Brinzy. :D


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
[hl=black]Next time Hawkeye, DON'T quote the WHOLE post.

All of that extra space being used is irrelivant.[/hl]


Well, I fail.
Jul 7, 2005
And acknowledging that here on the FAQ instead of PMING!!!! him took up space as well.

Now please, if you don't have anything relevent to add to the FAQ or you're not going to acknowledge something that someone posted, then do not spam!
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