
No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2005
Wilmslow, UK
Spoilers ahoy, for those wishing to experience the highs and lows (mostly the latter) of the DmC prequel manga/comic "Chronicles of Vergil" for themselves.

Some of you will remember I used to be quite the custodian of DMC canon back in the day, so for me it's a funny little twist on my former role to provide the board a run down of some external "DMC" media... not to explain how it makes sense and fits properly into a consistent timeline or universe, but to show just how stupid and nonsensical the backstory of rebooted DmC is after all. A lot of talk recently where people try to analyse or explain or understand the motivations and rules and history of DmC, well, I wouldn't bother.

CoV Synopsis:
  • Like the DMC3 manga, it takes place one year before the game (DmC) .. although hilariously the text actually says "one year later" when it's clearly in the past.
  • Dante is currently incarcerated in "Hellfire Prison" being tormented by demons (they tease him about being an orphan but apparently don't know he is Spardas son, which is revealed later) at this time he doesn't have Rebellion, it "awakes" along with a pre-recorded psychic voicemail from Sparda which explains he hid the sword inside Dante.. bit more "realistic" than giving two brainwashed 8 year olds demonic swords I suppose. Dante then breaks out of Hellfire Prison killing lots of demons in the process.
  • Vergil's current goal is breaking Dante out of Hellfire Prison, as he doesn't know Dante has escaped and is running on the myth "no one escapes Hellfire Prison". He blows up a truck of Virility at a free sampling, and Kat and her friends are nearby so get inexplicably arrested as accomplices.
  • Kat ends up in a human prison. At this point she is still having her "dreams" aka unintentionally travelling to Limbo where a demon torments her. After 2 days Vergil breaks into the prison and talks her into letting him into her dream/Limbo, where he kills the demon, which has apparently been doing stuff to her since she was in foster care. He gives her the full exposition treatment, demons, Limbo blah blah and then escapes via Limbo, leaving her behind because only demons and astral forms can travel through Limbo
  • He explains that he can create new rifts into Limbo (cuts through reality with Yamato) but can't find existing rifts, which is where she comes in .. creating new ones sounds more useful than finding old ones, but I guess some areas are rift proof so he needs the existing doors?
  • The demons reasonably take Vergils visit as evidence she is working with Vergil as they assumed, and transfer her to Hellfire Prison.. which is seemingly what Vergil intended all along. Vergil tells Kat to find Dante in Hellfire and then let him in to rescue him/them.
  • Up to this point Vergil has been playing the mysterious supportive idealistic hero role and Kat has already started to worship the ground he walks on (despite him landing her in two increasingly awful demonic jails) however he gets irritated when she is unable to endure the tortures of Hellfire and calls him before she finds Dante. When she finds out Dante has already escaped, the mention of even Dantes name sends the demons into a killing frenzy and she calls Vergil again to save her.
  • Arrogantly dispatching the low level demons and at first enjoying being the hero, Vergil is shocked Dante isn't there, and when the powerful "Onyx" demons turn up, he is enraged Kat called him, terrified by the Onyx' reputation. In his rage and fear, he blurts out that there is no way out in the human world, revealing he intended to leave her there to die when he rescued Dante. Kat works this out, but seems to forgive him when he mans up and takes on the Onyx afterall, using that doppleganger trick from his boss battle.
  • Kat saves them both using her astral powers (which work in Hellfire) and they travel to Hellfires "brain" which seems to work like Bob Barbas, a big digital psychic demonic network. Kat searches the brain for "footage" of Dantes escape, and Vergil finds out about Rebellion and Dante, who apparently used his DT to escape. However in finding this out, they also reveal Dante as the son of Sparda to the demons. Vergil is ok with this, as the demons will locate him quicker than Vergil could solo.
  • Despite planning to let her be tortured and killed just five minutes ago, Vergil now decides he can't leave Kat behind. He claims it is because he needs her for her powers, but is clearly distressed at leaving her behind, and then kisses her. As the Onyx show up again, he refuses to run and activates his own DT, destroying them for daring to harm Kat. The same guy who was irritated earlier she couldn't hold up under torture is now "KAT? ARE YOU ALRIGHT?", and offers to DT again to rescue them, but Kat says that she could sense with her psychic powers that the DT would consume his humanity if he ever uses it again. ...ok.
  • They escape a different way (every human captive currently in Hellfire dies in the process), and Vergil muses that their mutual feelings for each other are too dangerous because they might overwhelm him and push him to DT to protect her again, and thus his darkness would consume him. He decides it's for the best that he wipe BOTH their memories, just like Sparda did for him, to avoid that happening.
  • DmC takes place 3 months later.
What IS it with this Kat girl eh?Both Sparda sons fall for her at the absolute drop of a hat. You want to talk about sudden heel turns, this makes Vergils end of game revelation seem like small fry. He fell in LOVE with her? And if he uses his DT again he'll lose his humanity? And he can selectively wipe memories like Sparda can? Including his OWN memory? Sort of like Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, for demon hunters.
It's also ironic that he is a completely callous asshat without the character development of caring for Kat, and yet he feels that is preferable to the "darkness" that using his DT risks.

  • Oddly Hellfire Prison is apparently a giant icy frozen cave in both reality and Limbo, and demons appear in what appears to be their literal forms here, Kat explains that it's one giant rift between worlds.
  • Mundus' Kyle Rider identitys company is called "Silver Sacks" .. obvious crude pun on Goldman Sachs of course, as well as just general swag $ bags.
  • Vergil says that psychics like Kat can only leave their bodies in astral form for a short time before they die, so it might throw a spanner in the works as to how she got the blueprint of Mundus' entire building while captive there in DmC
  • Vergil has a similarly lame sense of bravado humour as Dante, saying things like "pleased to see me Kat?" and "bring it on, big ugly worm!" but his pathetic cowardly streak rears it's head when he is confronted with a more powerful enemy like the Onyx. I suppose you could argue that it's realism in contrast to Dantes assumption he can take anything head on, but it really comes off as defeatist and cowardly, especially in contrast to his arrogant elitism in other situations.
All things considered.. not as bad as the DMC4 novella?
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No Longer a Noob
Oct 29, 2010
The art was so bad...

An he was calling every one of his attacks, including the DT... Wasn't the point of DmC make thing LESS anime than the original?

And lol,, "losing humanity"... What Humanity?! They Demon/angel hybrids, there's NOTHING human about Donte and Vergin.

Him falling in love with Kat was dumb as hell.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2005
Wilmslow, UK
Yeah I didn't like the art much. It seemed rushed and sloppy, proportion and facial structure fluctuated massively and the line work wasn't very clean. If the artist was any good, then he/she was clearly phoning it in or in a big hurry.


The N00b Killer Returns
May 15, 2006
The memory wipe plot device is so fucking stupid.

Onyx concept arts are in the game. Seems like they were planned to be in the game but never made it in.


Feb 5, 2011
Good Lord...Dex, my first reaction is to call you a liar about all this...

Where is the "ground breaking story telling" promised to us?


slave to his inner demons
Apr 24, 2005
, but Kat says that she could sense with her psychic powers that the DT would consume his humanity if he ever uses it again. ...ok.

What humanity? He's got no human blood in him.

And Devi Trigger continues to confuse me. Why is it just a devil side power? How does the angel half contribute? Is there something wrong with being more demon than angel?

If they were still half human then it'd make more sense. Hell I wished the original series had Dante becoming more demon as he grew more powerful. It's weird how they remove the human factor but still make it sound more like a half-demon/half-human problem.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 23, 2005
i accept the devil trigger thing, i mean just because they are both mixed doesn't mean they have to have equal amounts of angel demon powers....i guess. The powers aren't set in stone...just like mutants in x men [face_tongue]


Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Jun 9, 2004
For the record, they obviously don't mean humanity in terms of biological make up. They mean humanity in the philosophical sense, ie, empathy, desire to do whats right, etc stuff like that. By letting his demon take over, he loses grip on those things and moves toward his demon side more.

Problem is that NT never really defined what distinguishes humans from demons in terms of pure nature of their mentality, so him 'losing his humanity' to his demonside isn't very meaningful.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2005
Wilmslow, UK
Good Lord...Dex, my first reaction is to call you a liar about all this...

Where is the "ground breaking story telling" promised to us?

I'm sure others can and will confirm that this is indeed the contents of the comic. I haven't even been overly cruel with the paraphrasing, I've kept it to the dry hard ridiculous facts.

You would probably also be interested in the apparent revelations that Vergil describes Limbo as "the demon homeworld", Mundus as "ONE of the kings of the underworld" and confirms that the demons are draining the life force of humanity to fuel their own powers. He actually calls it Mundus' "job" as demon leader to mine that energy, and mentions that humanity is nearly tapped out anyway if he keeps up his current methods. You know, if you wish to continue rationalising the future potential of a universe where Vergil fell in love with Kat for no reason, found that DTing risks his humanity and selectively wiped both their memories of it prior to the game.


Feb 5, 2011
Good Lord...Dex, my first reaction is to call you a liar about all this...

Where is the "ground breaking story telling" promised to us?

I'm sure others can and will confirm that this is indeed the contents of the comic. I haven't even been overly cruel with the paraphrasing, I've kept it to the dry hard ridiculous facts.

You would probably also be interested in the apparent revelations that Vergil describes Limbo as "the demon homeworld", Mundus as "ONE of the kings of the underworld" and confirms that the demons are draining the life force of humanity to fuel their own powers. He actually calls it Mundus' "job" as demon leader to mine that energy, and mentions that humanity is nearly tapped out anyway if he keeps up his current methods. You know, if you wish to continue rationalising the future potential of a universe where Vergil fell in love with Kat for no reason, found that DTing risks his humanity and selectively wiped both their memories of it prior to the game.

I know, Dex. I ain't calling you a's just so god damned disappointing...


No Longer a Noob
Jun 9, 2010
I actually felt like the fedora was the only redeeming part of Vergol. If you're going to make a crappy Morpheus-esque character with a stupid personality twist at the end, might as well give him a fedora.
Jan 13, 2013
So dose this make Kat the reimagining of a prostitute? Guess Dante was not the only one wanting to get with kat. wonder if Nero will be born soon.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 9, 2010
So dose this make Kat the reimagining of a prostitute? Guess Dante was not the only one wanting to get with kat. wonder if Nero will be born soon.
Maybe Nero is acshually Donte's son...and then he gets teleported to the timeline with the original DMC...which would explain why he has no parents and why his Devil Trigger is a gigantic hologram of some alien.