Nov 10, 2011
It sucks.

I take that back, it's cool, what sucks is every time you get in the damn thing you basically forced to play a really crappy 1982 Arcade game for 5-10 minutes!

It is insanely repetitive, annoying and dumb and ruins the flow of everything! It's not fun and now I dread just having to get in the Bat Mobile.

That coupled with the numerous times your basically forced to "drag" the thing along with you it feels forced.

Like not one Game Tester had the balls to say "Hey, ummmm..this whole blowing up drones for 10 minutes every time I use the's ummm...not fun!".


Feb 15, 2005
Damn, I keep hearing that it sucks but how you describe it I'm not looking forward to using it.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 20, 2014
Its a welcome addition in my book


I agree. Too many missions felt like I was having to find a way for the batmobile to get into this structure etc etc. I was really hoping it would just be used for transportation from point A to point B and then classic Arkham sequences but it did NOT turn out that way.

I actually like the tank fighting as its a change of pace, but again they over did it where it wasn't as fun anymore.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 15, 2007
Yeah the batmobile essentially ruined what could of been a GOTY contender, the first few times you use it are really great but then it gets repetitive and when you should feel a moment of triumph and awe (saving GCPD) it is quickly drowned out because it's the 100th time you have had to use it in smaller scenarios.


The One Who Knocks
May 3, 2010
The Erotic Zoo
I enjoy actually driving it, but there's too much of an emphasis on figuring out ways to get it into places. That is not fun. My favorite parts are the set pieces where various bad guys think they have Batman trapped and then you remote control the Batmobile and take them out.
Nov 10, 2011
After finishing the main campaign I will say the Batmobile does become a useful, fun mode of transportation. Basically what I wanted and expected it from it the whole time. However! Scare Crow levels being replaced from previous games with Batmobile Scarecrow levels is the suck. Also I still stand by my original critique which in the campaign it sucked.

But it does get better after initial campaign is completed!


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 29, 2012
I'm not a fan of it. I liked how Aslyum & City had "dungeons" to explore and in this game with the core mechanic of the Bat tank it ruined what I expected the game to be like. I like having to drive around and flinging myself out of the bat mobile but every freaking mission damn near needs the tank and makes me feel like batman is useless and gave up on the gadgets.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 20, 2010
I'm the opposite it just like the warthog and Mako. You got to get use to it.

Nothing perfect you know.

I love the bat mobile survival type modes, they are fun.

I hate the racing part while I don't mind it.


Super Star
Nov 3, 2003
how many indoor areas are there?

best parts of AC and AA IMO were the indoor environments


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 28, 2014
It's overused to be sure. I liked having as part of Batman's arsenal but they really do force you to use more than I would like. It's funny when I first got the game I thought "the batmobile is awesome what's everyone's problem?" by the end of the game "Oh FFS not again".

I like having it, but they could have trimmed a few of those tank battles out.
Sep 29, 2003
Green Hill Zone
Hopefully it's not the same experience as Batman and Robin on the Sega CD

EDIT: Okay, watching this video makes it look pretty neat, but I swear it was repetitive when I played it years ago
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Almost Not a Noob
Aug 3, 2010
I personally do not have an issue with the batmobile. In fact once you learn how to control it, it's actually really cool. Only one part I had issue was when you have to battle a certain tank, and even then it was more often then not my own stupidity and trying to rush things. I still beat it on my third try. The other sequence that people seem to have trouble with is in the tunnels but I was able to beat that on my first attempt without issue.

Some advice for those starting out:
- When battling the tank drones. Don't use the cannon, instead use the machine gun. Aim for the upper part of the tank that is lit up blue. You can dispatch these much quicker using this method. I highly recommend that you upgrade the vulcan gun when you get the chance.
- In the Riddler races/time-trials, don't be afraid to let off the gas. A common mistake I see people do a lot is they constantly feel the need to use the afterburner. Apart from a few sections that require you to drive up the wall to clear an obstacle, more often than not it's not needed to complete the course.
- Upgrade the batmobiles armor. This should be the first thing you do. It will help you later and will make the drone battles a breeze.


Jurassic Park
Feb 7, 2009
404 Not Found
its not terrible, its just annoying that they force you to use it every 5 minutes, go here USE THE BATMOBILE, GO HERE NOW, USE THE BATMOBILE AGAIN!!! etc etc. it should've been mostly just transportation and the odd tank fight, im not even finished the story and ive done the same repetitive 'blow up 35 god damn tanks one after the other' generic section like 10 times already


No Longer a Noob
Nov 26, 2007
only thing i hate is having to fight 42 goddamn tanks all at once with it ......SHIT [face_tired]


Nov 5, 2011
They shouldve called the game Batmobile: Arkham Knight
Between the Riddler races, tank battles, APC chases, & trophies...way too much. Shouldve scaled it down by at least 50%
Couldnt agree more, it feels way too forced.
An additional extra sucky part is after finishing the Riddler races, you get to do it all over again in the challenge portion of the game. AYFKM!!!!


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I'm not very far into the game, and I'm already tired of it. I'm not sure why the developers thought driving was more fun than flying.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 10, 2010
Got the Season Pass early on, finished the Tumbler DLC pack and getting really sick of these race tracks. Half of these AR challenges are Batmobile related stuff. Wish there were more predator rooms.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 20, 2014
Got the Season Pass early on, finished the Tumbler DLC pack and getting really sick of these race tracks. Half of these AR challenges are Batmobile related stuff. Wish there were more predator rooms.
Challenge rooms added so so much play time for me in previous games. I'm extremely disappointed how they are just adding them in as "DLC". I gotta tell you the Season Pass so far has been a giant let down, its mainly been reskinned Batmobiles that you can barely use due to the lack of combat mode (which wouldn't bug me if the story wasn't literally built around the Batmobile and its tank mode)

Really disappointed in the Season Pass and its "DLC".... They better have a real killer story mode DLC to make up for this....


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
What DLCs can you recommend if you don't want to spend a lot of time driving the Batmobile?


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 20, 2014
What DLCs can you recommend if you don't want to spend a lot of time driving the Batmobile?
The Batgirl one. Honestly the DLC has been shit so far. It's just reskins of the Batmobile that you can't really use in the game since they don't have weapons modes, and then challenge maps which should have been in day one.

Next months challenge maps will allow for you to choose from different characters to play as.
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Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I think I"m out. It's not the game I was waiting to play. Depressing as hell, really because Batman was one of the few franchises I liked. There's like ONE game on my radar now--The Last Guardian. No, I'm not holding my breath.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 10, 2010
Throwing this out there. The worst thing about the Batmobile DLCs is that in the AR challenges the stars are counted separately, "encouraging" you to beat the tracks all over again. On the surface this isn't a problem, but with more and more Batmobile skins, the number of stars added are compounded more and more. I've been redoing these tracks in the Tumbler and still have 58 stars to go!


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I did pick the game back up, and am almost to the Cloudburst tank fight. It does get better, i.e., starts to play like Batman and not some driving/tank game.

I'm lucky in that I couldn't care less about trophies and such, so I won't feel compelled to do anything I don't want.


Silent and Deadly
Mar 6, 2003
Damn, I wish they would release the Batmobile from The Animated Series in Arkham Knight.

But it is still cool that I got the 89' and will get the BvS Batmobile, which looks awesome.


;^) PSNID: Danger_Dad
Feb 4, 2004
:^/ It's ironic that for the earlier three Batman: Arkham Games almost everyone felt slighted that the Batmobile wasn't featured as more than a cameo. Everyone wanted to use the Batmobile in the game. Then along comes Batman: Arkham Knight, with the Batmobile included, and almost everyone says it plays too big a role. RockSteady cannot please everyone, it seems.

Personally, I was stoked to see it, and looked forward to buying the game. I agree that the many tank battles seemed to be a little overwhelming, but with enough perseverance, I made my way through them. I share the disappointment that the classic Batmobile skins can't be used in the tank missions within the game, but then the classic Batmobiles didn't function as a tank, anyway.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I think people are upset at how forced the Batmobile was into the game. They wanted to drive it, not lower it down into an abandoned mine. That was a real "jump the shark moment" for me.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 21, 2008
I'm stuck doing the cloudburst battle, i get to the end and get blown up with one shot. i started a new game to have a break from it just to beat up bad guys with bat's. Not as good with games as i used to be, must be getting old lol.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 11, 2015
I managed to beat the main story part of the game but now I'm stuck with only the riddles left to do and the ones with the Bat Mobile are giving me difficulty. Half the time the sonar doesn't work or I can't make the jumps needed without trying 50 times. I've given up for now and will just cope with never knowing the full ending.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
You can see the ending on Youtube. That's what I did. I'm not going to annoy myself with lots of forced Batmobile driving and tank battles just to see a cut scene. I don't have time for that.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 10, 2010
Another Batmobile skin is now available and even more tracks! [face_angry] Of course this also means that there are more extra stars for me to foolishly try to obtain. And they've already announced a couple more Batmobile skins...

At least I can look forward to playing as any character for predator maps next month.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
Well, I've been busy playing Arkham Knight for three days, and I really like the car parts.

Batmobile battles are very easy. I've played lotsa mech games in the past, so it's very familiar type of fighting.

what I particulary like is how you have to use the car to solve riddles inside quests. You have to use the car and batman together to go forward. This is really ingenius. It forces you to think, and to think outside the box.

To me, the Batmobile is like a sidekick that you can rely on. Sidekick that is always close by to cover your back.

Mind you, general driving is still bit of a pain, especially timed races.