
No Longer a Noob
Apr 12, 2010
The Skull Zone
The story for this game is absolutely incredible. The story ties in to the movie perfectly and even manages to make the game seem like it's an actual Spider-Man movie (The Amazing Spider-Man 1.5 if you will).

When I heard reviewers say that this game was to repetitive I just figured that they were just nit-picking the game. But, honestly after playing The Amazing Spider-Man Game in its entirety, outside of the Game's main story, certain things do get really repetitive.

Spider-Man's combat does mimic Rocksteady's Batman games, but there is never any variation like how the Batman games always feel like you're doing the same thing. With the Batman games, you have tons of different counters, tons a different punches/kicks, many different "stealth takedowns", and quite a few special combos.....every fight always feels different. With the Amazing Spider-Man, your stealth takedowns are usually the same 3 animations, and the fighting is usually the same few animations....every fight feels the same as the last. If Beenox is going to copy off of Rocksteady's Batman games, then I would like for them to add variations to everything that Spider-Man actually does during combat & stealth.

Adding the control sckeme that Batman: Arkham City has for special combos takedowns would be pretty awesome and would work perfectly for Spider-Man. (Press Y+B for one Special Combo Takedown, Press B+A for another special combo takedown, Press A+X for a special combo takedown, Press Y+X for a special combo takedown). Imagine all the types of special combo takedowns that Spidey would be able to do with his webs. [face_skull]

The main thing that was way to repetitive was all of the side-missions. Once you did one particular side mission then you pretty much did them all. The combat missions, the car-chase missions, the saving of people missions....all remained the same...nothing ever changes. You always do the car-chases the exact same way, you always save people the exact same way (by just fighting thugs)...every single side mission is like this.

I must say, this game has a lot of potential for future improvement. I had a great time playing this game (thank you main story), but got frustrated a few times with how certain things from the game (mainly the side-quests) never changed. Originally I thought that the Web-Rush ability was stupid, but after actually playing the game, the Web-Rush Ability is defiantly something that should stay in the future Spider-Man's pretty damn fun.

Anyway, these were my thoughts....anyone else feel this way about the game?
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May 18, 2011
I completely agree with you. I had a great time with the game, but they really need to give it more variety. I also hope they bring back the different web swinging abilities that Spider-Man 2 had (the ones that you could get as upgrades), and also have webs actually stick to buildings. All in all, this was definitely one of the better Spider-Man games, but they definitely should have utilized the freeflow combat much more.


Jun 25, 2012
I second that opinion. I also liked the costumes though...they were sweet. Scarlet spider for the win!


No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
You got that spot on. I think the main problem with the game was the lack of variety, there wasn't really a huge amount of different side missions and they were the same thing over and over, there werent many moves for Spider-man, there werent many different enemy types, most of the loactions in the game were either Oscorp buildings or Sewers etc

If they do a sequel it needs to fix that.
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Jul 23, 2012
(Warning: may be long)
Honestly,(and I hope I don't get hate mail for saying this)I like the combat. Arkham city and asylum had REALLY good combat though and honestly better than this. But this comes pretty close to those games. The web swinging is incredibly fun. I find myself coming back sometimes JUST to swing. I never really got into Batman's special takedowns but it would be cool if they added it. Spider-Man only has a few stealth takedown animations and don't really have much variety though. If you want to beat super hero difficulty you need to know how to sneak, especially in the secret labs. The only side missions I liked were the deadlocks because they are kinda difficult. I wish the side missions would appear randomly like in Ultimate Spider-Man though. The Web-Rush is kick ass though. I got the achievement for 10 consecutive Web-Rush's because I just wanted to go street pole to street pole. It really makes traveling a lot faster. I noticed you didn't talk about bosses though, which I found pretty fun. The cross species fights were usually the same though, but otherwise it was really fun! Well if you read this whole thing I would hope for a reply (sorry about the sparaticness didn't know how to order it). Good day sir.
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電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
(Warning: may be long)
Honestly,(and I hope I don't get hate mail for saying this)I like the combat. Arkham city and asylum had REALLY good combat though and honestly better than this. But this comes pretty close to those games. The web swinging is incredibly fun. I find myself coming back sometimes JUST to swing. I never really got into Batman's special takedowns but it would be cool if they added it. Spider-Man only has a few stealth takedown animations and don't really have much variety though. If you want to beat super hero difficulty you need to know how to sneak, especially in the secret labs. The only side missions I liked were the deadlocks because they are kinda difficult. I wish the side missions would appear randomly like in Ultimate Spider-Man though. The Web-Rush is kick ass though. I got the achievement for 10 consecutive Web-Rush's because I just wanted to go street pole to street pole. It really makes traveling a lot faster. I noticed you didn't talk about bosses though, which I found pretty fun. The cross species fights were usually the same though, but otherwise it was really fun! Well if you read this whole thing I would hope for a reply (sorry about the sparaticness didn't know how to order it). Good day sir.
I chiefly only liked Batman for the Predator missions; if both games were all stealth action (like Splinter Cell or Metal Gear), that would've made the game excellent.


May 17, 2012
I liked this game but the variety is the problem and they also put in too many collectibles, i picked up this game only a few months ago and i'm still collecting the comic book pages. The only side missions i liked was the ones where it was like a boss fight I think there was one with Rhino, Black Cat, and one with the Iguana