
No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013
It is that time of the year again, the beginning and time for all your predictions for 2023. I would start by posting our predictions for 2022 thread but there was none, which is for the best because there is no way anything could have been predicted for the year. So let us go.

  1. Roman Reigns keeps the title at Wrestle Mania and beats The Rock who WWE was able to get
  2. MJF holds the AEW title till Winter is Coming where he loses it to... Hangman Adam Page. Along the way, he beats, Bryan, Darby, Eddie, Kenny, and Ibushi.
  3. CM Punk (ugggghhhh this one is hard) ........... returns to AEW and feuds with the Elite with the help of FTR, after that feud he turns heel, setting him up to be Hangman's first big title defense
  4. Cody Rhodes gets a shot at Roman at Summer Slam and takes the WWE title off him. Cody will then reintroduce the Big Gold Belt.
  5. Sasha Banks is the mysterious tag partner for January 11 for AEW. She will win the NJPW Women's title and defend it on AEW tv. People will complain.
  6. ROH will become popular like NXT did in its early years and the fans will act like hipsters. Old ROH fans will hate the show though.
  7. TJPW will finally give someone new the Princess of Princess belt, probably Yuki Arai unfortunately.
  8. STARDOM continues its growth in the US and will have a show in the US, imagine something the size of Lone Star Shootout from NJPW.
  9. Okada will win at Wrestle Kingdom to honor Inoki. He will hold the belt till the G1 and in a big upset lose it to someone who beat him in the G1, probably Osprey. This will lead to Okada needing a big match for Wrestle Kingdom the next year, Omega.
  10. Omega is beating Osprey at Wrestle Kingdom and will hold the belt for the year till he loses it to Okada at Wrestle Kingdom.
  11. Impact will continue its solid run with Josh losing the belt to Steve Maclin. Maclin will lose it shortly afterwards to Moose.
  12. FTR will "leave" AEW after a lost in the tag title match at Revolution. They will then show up in Impact and win the tag belts. They will return with Punk.
  13. By the end of the year Ricky Stark fans are going to frothing at the mouth for him to win the AEW title, to appease them, he will get a TNT title run.
  14. Orange Cassidy will lose the All Atlantic belt to Konosuke Takeshita who will take it to Japan and DDT to defend it.
  15. Fans will start to tire of HHH's booking a little after Summer Slam and by the end of the year his WWE will have lost a lot of steam. Summer Slam will be looked at as the high point of the year, and as the show of the year.
  16. Charlotte Flair will hold the title for longer than people are expecting.
  17. NXT will continue to be what it is.
  18. Dragon Lee is going to be a star in WWE.
  19. El Hijo de Vikingo will jump to AEW officially killing the AEW/AAA agreement which is already on its last legs.
  20. AEW's show in England is a humongous success, not Clash in the Castle levels, but it will lead AEW to announce more foreign tours, including a live Japanese Rampage/Battle of the Belts.


Sep 18, 2008
1. This year's will be the most successful Wrestlemania of the last two decades.
2. Chad Gabel will get a chance to show off with a Midcard title run.
3. Sami Zayn will ultimately be the one to dethrone Roman Reigns.
4. Whoever dethrones Roman Reigns will have an incredibly short reign, losing it to GUNTHER at the following PPV in a Brock vs Cena level squash.


I'll saw yer son.
Feb 25, 2007
Mercedes Mone will break Jade Cargill's streak and win the TBS Championship


No Longer a Noob
Nov 22, 2013
It is that time of the year again, the beginning and time for all your predictions for 2023. I would start by posting our predictions for 2022 thread but there was none, which is for the best because there is no way anything could have been predicted for the year. So let us go.

  1. Roman Reigns keeps the title at Wrestle Mania and beats The Rock who WWE was able to get
  2. MJF holds the AEW title till Winter is Coming where he loses it to... Hangman Adam Page. Along the way, he beats, Bryan, Darby, Eddie, Kenny, and Ibushi.
  3. CM Punk (ugggghhhh this one is hard) ........... returns to AEW and feuds with the Elite with the help of FTR, after that feud he turns heel, setting him up to be Hangman's first big title defense
  4. Cody Rhodes gets a shot at Roman at Summer Slam and takes the WWE title off him. Cody will then reintroduce the Big Gold Belt.
  5. Sasha Banks is the mysterious tag partner for January 11 for AEW. She will win the NJPW Women's title and defend it on AEW tv. People will complain.
  6. ROH will become popular like NXT did in its early years and the fans will act like hipsters. Old ROH fans will hate the show though.
  7. TJPW will finally give someone new the Princess of Princess belt, probably Yuki Arai unfortunately.
  8. STARDOM continues its growth in the US and will have a show in the US, imagine something the size of Lone Star Shootout from NJPW.
  9. Okada will win at Wrestle Kingdom to honor Inoki. He will hold the belt till the G1 and in a big upset lose it to someone who beat him in the G1, probably Osprey. This will lead to Okada needing a big match for Wrestle Kingdom the next year, Omega.
  10. Omega is beating Osprey at Wrestle Kingdom and will hold the belt for the year till he loses it to Okada at Wrestle Kingdom.
  11. Impact will continue its solid run with Josh losing the belt to Steve Maclin. Maclin will lose it shortly afterwards to Moose.
  12. FTR will "leave" AEW after a lost in the tag title match at Revolution. They will then show up in Impact and win the tag belts. They will return with Punk.
  13. By the end of the year Ricky Stark fans are going to frothing at the mouth for him to win the AEW title, to appease them, he will get a TNT title run.
  14. Orange Cassidy will lose the All Atlantic belt to Konosuke Takeshita who will take it to Japan and DDT to defend it.
  15. Fans will start to tire of HHH's booking a little after Summer Slam and by the end of the year his WWE will have lost a lot of steam. Summer Slam will be looked at as the high point of the year, and as the show of the year.
  16. Charlotte Flair will hold the title for longer than people are expecting.
  17. NXT will continue to be what it is.
  18. Dragon Lee is going to be a star in WWE.
  19. El Hijo de Vikingo will jump to AEW officially killing the AEW/AAA agreement which is already on its last legs.
  20. AEW's show in England is a humongous success, not Clash in the Castle levels, but it will lead AEW to announce more foreign tours, including a live Japanese Rampage/Battle of the Belts.

1. Roman did keep the belt at Mania, but he did not face the Rock
2. MJF held the belt till the end of December, but lost it to Samoa Joe, who I would have never guessed. He did beat Bryan, Omega, and Darby for it, never fought Kingston somehow and Ibushi
3. CM Punk did return to AEW, but it got so, so much worse
4. Cody v. Roman did not happen at Summer Slam, but the big gold belt sort of returned
5. Nope
6. Nope
7. Mizuki did get her first reign with the belt, so someone new did get it
8. Did Stardom have a show in the US, I don't feel like they did
9. Okada did win at WK, but lost the belt to SANADA who has held it since, wrong AEW wrestler to fight at WK this year too
10. Omega did beat Osprey for the belt, then did jack-shit with it till he lost it to Osprey again
11. Nope, Josh got hurt, Maclin did win the belt next, but lost it to Alex Shelley, which was awesome by the way.
12. FTR's story of not re-signing really should have been a bigger deal
13. Nope, but he did get the tag belts instead of the TNT title
14. Nope, it got renamed and he lost it to Moxley, then got it back
15. There was some signs of this happening I feel early in the year, but WWE is hot as fuck right now
16. Nope
17. I mean, I think most will say it got better
18. Oh yeah
19. Not yet, but I do still think this is coming
20. It was bigger than I ever would have guessed.