Sep 9, 2008
Which game do you recommend for a new-comer to the series? I was leaning towns The Tale of Two Towns just because I'd like to focus on the animals...But the reviews of A New Beginning are better.

I'm new to the series. I tried a little of one of the Wii games but couldn't get into it. I want to try again! Which do you recommend? I want to try a 3DS game in the series.


Shake it, baby
Nov 13, 2011
I haven't played Tale of Two Towns yet, but I plan on downloading it from the eshop soon. Just a warning though, the US 3DS Cartridge for Tale of Two Towns has a bunch of freezing issues that probably stem from it being hastily ported from DS to 3DS. The DS cart does not have these problems and from what I'm seeing on Fogu's forums, the digital download seems to be fixed as well.

As for A New Beginning, I'm really loving it. I'm in Summer Year 2 and working on Renovation Plan 4. BUT, the first month is basically a month-long tutorial and is VERY SLOW. It picks up after that and starts feeling like a true HM game, you just have to suffer through it.