
Jun 5, 2008
I am new to the forum may be posting this in a bad place, all apologies...

I found a couple bugs with the xl download for 360 wanted to post them somewhere

In the family-favorite sugoroku after the xl download look inversion is always on during challenges (incredibly annoying)

I tinkered around but could find no work around.

This one is more from observation and may not be a bug but the shura element definately seems broken now.

Im not exactly sure what it is supposed to do but seems like now it is

(normal damage + elemental damage) modified by total health or health percentage of the opponent


just simply a straight percent of opponent's health

where greater health of opponent means more damage but as a result you can (almost) never kill the enemy with a shura element attack/musou. This makes awakening 3 garbage on some characters like Musashi where shura will hold you back and other elemental types would seal the deal. It also seems to screw up certain characters special attacks like Mitsuhide whos flash attack (rb+x) seems to employ the shura element which was previously a good closer.

Seeing as the description I recall is 'More likely to kill opponents in 1 hit' seems more like it should be

normal damage + modified(elemental damage) so your attacks aren't reduced to nil as the oppened reaches death.


simply the opposite of the current effect where your damage is less when the opponent is full health and greater when the closer to death your oppenent becomes.

in either case I dont think it was intended that your attacks should be reduced to almost nothing when they have the additional effect of an element (retarded) and the base damage from the hit shouldnt be modified so I smell a bug.