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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Supernatural: "You Can't Handle the Truth" Review[/link]
by Diana Steenbergen

When people ask for the truth in this week's Supernatural, they get it, whether it is what they really wanted or not. Caught up in it as well, Dean and Sam are forced to get some tough realities out in the open about what has been going on with Sam since he was mysteriously returned from hell. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]
Apr 8, 2009
In the promo for next week, it's brought up that he's come back without his soul. Which would explain it. But I have a feeling it's not as simple as that. Considering the angel(can't remember his name)Castiel's nemesis that's shown up before.


Oct 6, 2005
I thought it was a great episode, building on the mystery of Sam. It was good to see Dean get told the truth by Bobby humorously, but Lisa was “tearing him apart.” I liked the creepy smile Sam had when he got away with lying to Dean, and the fear on the goddess’ face when she realized Sam was lying to her.

I think Sam’s soul was taken by Lucifer, which would most definitely explain why he is acting the way he is. People who sell their souls act normal afterward, not like Sam, and he makes Dean PTSD after leaving Hell seem like nothing. Maybe if your soul is stolen you act differently, and if it was taken by the Devil himself, I think you’d be cold hearted and very changed. Next week looks to solve or at least shed more light on the issue, and it will be better to see Cas for more than just a “Is that a Heavenly weapon?!” visit. I think Dean unleashed all his pent up rage and anger at being lied to, and just general frustration at Sam who apparently could not feel it anyway, and it will interesting to see where the story goes from here. Overall, a 9.4/10


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 28, 2001
I say Dean beat Sam up because he lost Lisa and Ben due to Sam letting him get turned into a vampire. Sam losing his soul makes him "a better hunter" but the resulting lack of human empathy and conscience also makes him more susceptible to going over to the bad side. Think about it--to Sam, what is letting one human die if it means "getting the job done"? He had no problem letting Castiel torture a kid, only asking if there would be any permanent damage after Dean called him on not protesting the methods. The only question is, why hasn't Sam told Dean about this problem earlier? Does he not care much that something is really wrong with him?


May 11, 2010
I havent been a fan of this season. Especially after last seasons stellar ending and what should have been the farewell. Its been interesting so far, but not great or genuinly spooky yet.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Maybe he is soulless but thats not the only problem so was bobby for a while. Or did boby have his sould and it belonged to crowley. Now ive confused myself


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 4, 2010
I love the scene with Bobby being Unfilted, I couldn't stop laughing. And I agree with Bobby: Dean is my favotrie.


Jan 29, 2008
"Maybe he is soulless, but that's not the only problem. So was Bobby for a while. Or did Bobby have his soul and it belonged to Crowley?"

Bobby's soul belonged to Crowley. I don't think anyone has ever been soulless on the series until now.
Sep 20, 2010
kylenin51 said:
"Maybe he is soulless, but that's not the only problem. So was Bobby for a while. Or did Bobby have his soul and it belonged to Crowley?"

Bobby's soul belonged to Crowley. I don't think anyone has ever been soulless on the series until now.
This. We've never seen a person without a soul on the show before Sam in this season. Every time someone has sold their soul, they still have their soul, but it is now owned by whatever demon or angel bought it. Then when that person dies, their soul is taken by the demon/angel that bought it. In Sam's case, Sam's body and soul was in the cage, but only his body was pulled out.


Oct 23, 2010
I wanna start off by saying that I really enjoyed this episode, it went by pretty fast. I believe that the rating could have been a bit higher, like an 8 or 8.5. It was, in my opinion, better than the premeire episode that felt slow paced and was rated and 8.

Since the beginning of this season we have been on this journey with Dean, that helps us the audience, sympathize for his character. Having Dean in the center has helped me feel his fear and uneasiness of being around Sam to his heartbreak when Lisa tells him that things are not going to work out between the two of them in this episode. As soon as he finds out that he can get the truth out of everyone, I was rather eager for him get to Sam as soon as possible because we all want to know what the hell is up with Sam. I think the funniest scene of the episode would have to be Bobby speaking his truths about being a Tori Spelling fan and admitting to getting pedicures. Speaking of truths, how sad was it when Dean admitted that he didn't want to hunt anymore and wanted a family but he that he couldn't have that because he is not a Dad, he is a killer. That was heartbreaking.

Jared has done great job with how he has portrayed Sam in the beginning of this season. He down right creeped me out and had me wondering if he was even human at all. I think it was kind of disappointing that we didn't get an answer to what's wrong with him, but we did get the answer we all wanted. Yes, this is our Sam. In my opinion, I am glad it is Sam and not Lucifer, or some kind of monster. As a fan of the show, I would have felt cheated if it were because SUPERNATURAL is about SAM and DEAN, not Dean and Lucifer, Dean and some monster, or just Dean. Now that we know that it is our Sam, I am sure he will be on screen a lot more and have episodes that he will be in the center of, and not just Dean centered episodes.

**** WARNING SPOILER **** Although the preview for next week tells us whats wrong with him. Turns out that Sam doesn't have a soul. Which explains his behavior and makes a lot of sense now. I hope that in the next episode we find out what happened to his soul. Maybe whoever pulled out Sam kept his soul or maybe since he said "YES" to Lucifer, Lucifer owns his soul, kept it with him and is torturing it in the cage. I will assume that Castiel will make the discovery that Sam is soulless by performing that "procedure" he did on that kid on this season's third episode, "The Third Man". Hopefully Cas's appearance won't be brief like this past episode.

Looks like a lot is going on in SUPERNATURAL this season. We have the Alpha Monster story, Grandpa Samuel, Civil War in Heaven and a soulless Sam. Does anyone think this too much going on this season?... Maybe all these stories well tie in at the end. Who knows but this season is turning out to be better than I thought it would be.
Jul 22, 2008
definetly better than alot of episodes this season but still not as good as weekend @ bobbys. I hope next weeks episode marks a more prominant return for castiel and his story cause right now the overall story of the season is pretty underwhelming compared to that of previous ones.
Jul 22, 2008
definetly better than alot of episodes this season but still not as good as weekend @ bobbys. I hope next weeks episode marks a more prominant return for castiel and his story cause right now the overall story of the season is pretty underwhelming compared to that of previous ones.
Jul 22, 2008
definetly better than alot of episodes this season but still not as good as weekend @ bobbys. I hope next weeks episode marks a more prominant return for castiel and his story cause right now the overall story of the season is pretty underwhelming compared to that of previous ones.
Aug 27, 2010
Really enjoed this ep and I think this season has been really good so far.
I loved the the return of Cas and thought it was a nice moment when he poured Dean a drink..showing that he does still know him and care.
Also, Dean beating up Sam was a little hard to watch and certainly felt like Dean was letting out years of fustration (about hunting, everyone they've lost and his brothers actions with Ruby and demon blood and then his post-hell actions) on his brother.


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
"The ending would have been less jarring if we had been let in on Dean's thought process in those moments."

That's called a cliffhanger.

Whatever the problem is, I hope they fix it soon because I don't like the new Sam.
Oct 19, 2010
The preview of the next episode said that Sam was "without a soul"... thats why he does not feel.. and IGN, 7.5 is way to low, I'm starting to wonder what is going on with your critics


Apr 4, 2006
The score is TO LOW! Supernatural is a fantastic show, and this episode is also pretty good,considering it's not mid season nor season finale. I'd give it 8.5
Oct 6, 2005
its funny as soon as Sam said he did't feel anything I knew he didn't have a soul. I've been watching too much TV nothing gets over on me anymore.


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Sep 26, 2001
Drknshade77 said:
Dean beat him down for letting him become a damn vampire and ruining his family thing with lisa
Lets be clear. Sam did not ruin his thing with Lisa. Their Lives ruin the thing with Lisa. Can't have a normal life when your life isn't normal.


May 10, 2010
My money's on Sam having somehow retained Lucifer's grace. It would explain both his inability to feel human emotion and his ability to resist other supernaturals.


Oct 3, 2005
this is just one of the many questions. heaven is in chaos. who brought sam from hell? who brought samuel back? who are they working for? there is a big mystery here.


Everybody's cute! But in Purple, I'm stunning!
Aug 1, 2002
Dean doesn't have a soul, he left his in hell. That was pretty explicitly stated last season.

I am guessing that Sam still isn't telling the truth, the emotionless thing just doesn't explain why he smiled.


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
mannholloway1 said:
its funny as soon as Sam said he did't feel anything I knew he didn't have a soul. I've been watching too much TV nothing gets over on me anymore.

You are my hero.[face_rolling_eyes]


Jan 9, 2005
c00lizz said:
Dean doesn't have a soul, he left his in hell. That was pretty explicitly stated last season.
How so? I don't remember any such explicit information, and if it was there, apparently Season 6 has retconned it away because Dean wasn't able to resist Veritas's powers when she told him to tell the truth, but Sam (someone who's truly soulless) was.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 9, 2004
I remember them saying Dean doesn't have a soul either, and I don't remember them ever resolving it. The first and last I remember hearing about it is in the Famine episode. Dean isn't affected by Famine and he's told it's because he doesn't have a soul.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 29, 2008
That's true, he was told he's dead inside. I think we're meant to take it psychologically, perhaps. Dean might have felt hopeless and depressed, defeated and burnt out. But he had hope, maybe that helped him.
Nov 12, 2009
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm.....Dude, Wtf.

So there's part of me that maintains that when Sammy boy was in the Cage, he bartered his soul to Crowley. Because i'm guessing that when you're in the Cage, Hell would be an upgrade.

I know Dean was looking at the Laptop at one point and has a picture of a "doppleganger" on the screen. Which makes me think that if you don't have a soul, that's what you turn into. But I don't think Bobby Was a "Doppleganger" since he seemed to function very normally without his soul.

So, in Conclusion. All I know is that Dean probably beat the piss out of Sam out of frustration for being used in a situation that put not only Lisa and Ben in danger, but also wrecked the relationship for him.

I'm lookin' forward to "Family Values".


Jan 9, 2005
^Bobby never lost his soul. Crowley just owned it. When Bobby died, Crowley would have gotten to take Bobby's soul. But Bobby traded his way out of the contract, buying back his soul through Crowley's bones.

Also, while it is possible that Sam may have made a deal with Crowley, it's probably very unlikely since we're operating under the assumption that whatever brought Sam back to Earth also brought Samuel back to Earth, and Samuel was brought back from heaven, a place where Crowley has no power. So if Sam and Samuel were brought back by the same thing (which is what Sam and Samuel currently believe), then it couldn't have been Crowley (unless Crowley is friends with some angel who he convinced to resurrect Samuel at the same time that he resurrected Sam (but even then, Azazel and Lilith couldn't get Lucifer out of the cage without breaking the seals, so it's doubtful Crowley would know a way around that).

@ Airwolf - I agree with you about the psychological thing. That sounds right to me.


Oct 23, 2010
To everyone saying that Dean does not have a soul, PLEASE REWATCH SEASONS FOUR AND FIVE!!

Season Four begins when Cas pulls Dean out of Hell and later in the season Dean shares his experience with Sam on how hell was like, and he breaks down. Now, if Dean didn't have a soul he wouldn't feel any remorse for all the torturing he did while he was in hell, or even shed a tear.

Now, in Season Five in the episode "My Bloody Valentine" The Horseman Famine made everyone hungry for a certain desirable weakness that they have, like in Sam's case it was demon blood. Dean was able to resist Famine's hunger because he was empty inside, nothing made him happy or made him feel alive anymore. Season five was depressing for Dean, it was all about redemption for Sam.

My theory is whoever pulled Sam out of the cage has his soul.


Sep 26, 2001
cee_dee said:
To everyone saying that Dean does not have a soul, PLEASE REWATCH SEASONS FOUR AND FIVE!!

Season Four begins when Cas pulls Dean out of Hell and later in the season Dean shares his experience with Sam on how hell was like, and he breaks down. Now, if Dean didn't have a soul he wouldn't feel any remorse for all the torturing he did while he was in hell, or even shed a tear.

Now, in Season Five in the episode "My Bloody Valentine" The Horseman Famine made everyone hungry for a certain desirable weakness that they have, like in Sam's case it was demon blood. Dean was able to resist Famine's hunger because he was empty inside, nothing made him happy or made him feel alive anymore. Season five was depressing for Dean, it was all about redemption for Sam.

My theory is whoever pulled Sam out of the cage has his soul.

That has nothing to do with Sam not having a soul. They have made it clear that they are different people even though they are brothers. The writers have made it clear that even though they both went to hell we should not expect the same situation to affect them the same way. They would not clearly say on the website that Sam has no soul if the situation was the same in the past.

(In the famine episode it was stated that Dean was dead inside.

That is different than not having any soul at all.
Both situations may be similar. But similar doesn't mean SAME.)

Sam's situation is different.

People need to realize that this season has a different writing staff and show runner.
So even if the new showrunner uses an old gimmick. She won't ever use it the same way the past showrunner did. As humans we are always gonna want to leave our own mark on something we do. So don't expect her to do it the same way it was done in the past.


Oct 23, 2010

Of course that doesn't have to do anything with Sam not having a soul. I was simply elaborating on the fact that Dean does have a soul. His actions and feelings make it clear that he does have a one intact. For example the love he has for Lisa and Ben. Someone without a soul wouldn't be able to feel love or have compassion for another human being.

Sam on the other hand let his own brother get turned into a vampire and put the people Dean cares about in danger just so that he could get information that he wanted. Lets not forget that he also made no objections about Cas torturing the boy in the episode "The Third Man" to get the information they needed. Again, soulless person has no feeling. Sam said it himself in this episode, "I just don't feel anything".

I get what you are trying to say with Famine though. Remember though, Famine, aside demons, ate human souls but he didn't want Deans because his SOUL had no life in it. In season five Dean was "dead" from the inside because there was nothing in the world that could bring him happiness. Dean was in a funk because he knew that he and Sam started the Apocolypse and they wanted to stop it but had no leads, they were sitting ducks. He knew they were doomed cause his mentality was "How do you stop the DEVIL?" He was hopeless, lifeless and dead from the inside.

Man, I hope I am not coming off as rude. If so, I am sorry. I just really like having conversations about this show and I have no one to talk to about it cause no one I know watches it, or is willing to give it a chance. Peace.
Jan 20, 2009
I'm pretty sure dean attacked sam to make him feel something, or at least find out if he can, after sam told him that he couldn't feel anything.


Nov 3, 2010
I totally think it was obvious that Dean knocked Sam out to lock him up to try to find out what's wrong with him. Of course Dean was mad about everything(Sam, Lisa, Ben), but I just think that was the main reason he kept hitting Sam until he became unconscious.
Lol@the people that don't understand how "selling your soul" works.
I really liked the ep and the season so far, SO glad they didn't end the series last year! This ep, 8.5/10


Mar 9, 2007
i think this episode deserves a 8.5 if for nothing else but the nice beating dean gave evil sam at the end.

and the fact it moved the whole sam arc forward one big step rather than dancing around it more.

and lets see we know satan had nothing to do with bringing sam back, if god brought him back why would sam be so broken, so if you rule those two out who is left that could grab a soul out of hell nm an eternal prison for satan himself, would have to be a being with some serious mojo maybe one of the horsemen that were left free after satans demise? or one of the disgruntled archangels or something along those lines.

also would like to see chuck make a return, maybe for a little more comedy relif as human chuck or maybe some explanation about his role last year.
Dec 29, 2009
I think this episode deserved a little higher than a 7.5 because the suicides weren't that over-the-top for a television show and I thought they conveyed the dark side of humanity quite well. Seriously if you noticed the pictures in the dentist's office his daughter was like twelve-fourteen and I can see a father wanting to kill the pedophile that had his daughter.

The mystery with Sam is getting more interesting and the Dean decking Sam was probably supposed to be a mini-cliffhanger. Plus because of the way the episode ended people are more likely to tune in next week because they know it won't be an creep of the week type episode.

Also any episode with Serinda Swan gets my approval.


Oct 23, 2010
What if Balthazar has Sam's soul?... Remember how an angel is the only one who can pull someone out of hell. He did say that human souls are worth a lot these days. Imagine how much the soul that put Lucifer back in the pit is worth?... He could be holding it to sell it to the highest bidder. It's just a theory.
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