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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Supernatural: "Weekend at Bobby's" Review[/link]
by Diana Steenbergen

"Weekend at Bobby's" is a first for Supernatural as series co-star Jensen Ackles directs an episode that focuses on the character of Bobby, with the Winchester brothers appearing only for a few minutes. Ackles does a great job as director, letting the tale of Bobby's quest to regain his soul from Crowley unfold in Supernatural's trademark sad, yet amusing, way. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]
Sep 30, 2009
i think that crowley didnt go after his bones because he may not have known the location. he did sell his soul after all so he would have been dragged to hell after 10 years so he couldnt have known the location of his remains. his son could have though because he was likely to have buried him.


Aug 24, 2007
Great episode deserves a 9 for sure nice to finally see some story about bobby his character kicks ass also the reason i think the first thing the demons do is go dig up their bones is because i don't think in the show they have ever really gone into the boys or anyone ever trying to find out who the demons were before they died .
Mar 5, 2009
Man I wish the show had a budget so that Sam and Dean would go international every now and then. Oh well, save it for the movie!!!! That would be awesome...


Almost Not a Noob
May 16, 2005
crowley didnt hide his bones because they were in scotland and nobody knew his real identity AND because it was a myth


Oct 10, 2009
My personal favourite of this season so far. I might go as far as giving it a 10/10 on a crazy fan scale. Critic scale would be a 9,2 =]
Oct 30, 2009
wood chipper beats everything, gotta remember that :)

Great episode very different from the norm and in a good way.

I don't think Crowley would even imagine that the burning bones thing would work much less some random hunter figuring out his real name and where his 400 year old bones are buried. Its kind of a long stretch for even Crowley to be that paranoid.


May 9, 2008
I'm not going to lie, I was really really really worried when SN announced a 6th season but so far it's been really enjoyable, this episode actually being one of the best of the series. Keep up the good work.


Dec 16, 2009
What?!?!?!? Only a 9.5? This episode is one of my favorite episodes of the series. I think a bobby rufus spin off needs to me made now :) .


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 4, 2010
This episode should get a 12/10 man, there were no prombles with it and the way it could have gotten better is Cas was in it. It was great to see how Bobby is more than the Wincester's father figure and go-to-guy for monster info; he's like the central pillar of the Hunter Community with him gone an bunch of Hunters will bite it or get arrested. And I love the scenes with Rufus, he should appear more in the show. And yeah a spinoff with Bobby and Rufus might be nice.

Also I can that question about demons and bones: They didn't belive that burning their former bones will, both Crowley and that demon Bobby roached (which was totally awesome) consire it to be bull#%@^. Beside there were probably some demons, like Azazel and Lilith, that made such to hide there bones.

Finally, Mark Sheppard is a hell of a actor. He should a main character in a show then as a guest role.


Oct 6, 2005
This was my favorite episode of the season; Jensen did an impeccable job directing it. It was great to see an episode focused on Bobby, and how hard he works for everyone. His tonguelashing of Sam and Dean was a long time coming to put them in their place, and it was sad that he never got the chance to eat the peach cobbler. I liked the whole idea of the bones of demons being used to kill them, and I’m sure that the reason why no demon ever really cared to check on it was because first of all it was considered a myth, and second of all they didn’t have the resources to even try and find their bones. I mean it took Bobby a year to figure it out, and that was nonstop work.

Crowley was awesome, as usual, and I loved seeing him put on the spot for once. It made sense for him to be King of Hell, and it was a nice touch for him to take some aspirin when summoned by Bobby, Hell is a hard place to run. Crowley wants to change things and make Hell better, but demons are selfish and insular, making it a hard task. It is good that the Winchesters know who is running both Heaven and Hell, albeit Cas is not “officially” the puppet master, and it would be interesting to see if they explore a possible truce or union of some kind between Heaven and Hell, Cas and Crowley working together to find a happy middle ground. It may seem impossible and illogical, but after the whole mess of an Apocalypse both sides might just want to prevent it from happening again by getting rid of Raphael and thus making the civil war in Heaven over.

I like how the show continues to explore how the Apocalypse messed up the patterns of monsters, as they migrate from other parts of the world to the US to wreak havoc for the hunters. It was a good way to see Rufus again, and bring back the sheriff. But, it also ended Bobby chances of having dinner with his neighbor, as if the demon screaming in the basement wasn’t bad enough. It sucks how Bobby lives for everyone but himself, and have the demon bring back how he had to kill his wife. But, he got her in the end, and his plan of summoning Crowley’s son was also brilliant. This made for a great storyline and episode, along with the montages of Bobby’s daily routine.

While it was a change of pace to not have Sam and Dean as the focus of the episode, the episode solidly expanded the mythos of demon mortality, gave us the backstory of Crowley, showed us a deeper into Bobby’s life, and ultimately continued the post-Apocalypse storyline of the season. A 9.5/10!


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
I agree, best ep of the season. Supernatural finally feels like it's back on it's feet. Kudos to "Mr. Director" Jensen Ackles.


Original poster
It wasn't just a rumor, it was a myth. It's like going after the holy grail because somebody might get it, and use it to kill you. Finding his bones wouldn't be that hard. Obviously, if Rufus was able to do it in a few hours, hundreds of years later, Crowley could have gotten them way back when.

Also, not only is a myth among demons, but most hunters don't even know that much. The only reason Bobby was able to do it was because of how much of a badass he is. Now that the truth is out, I'd say we can expect more demons to be acquiring their bones. It's also nice for there to be a way to kill a demon without the colt/knife. But it's not nearly as convenient.
Aug 15, 2006
Ok so I am not sure if I understand how the bone burning works. If your original bones are burnt you aren't able to be on Earth and are trapped in hell? Because I don't think it makes sense that it would completely kill someone from existence?


Original poster
It sets the soul free from Earth. At least with ghosts. With demons, it does seem to kill them.
Aug 15, 2006
It only makes sense that it sends them back to hell with no anchor to Earth because most hunters get there bones burned to prevent anything from happening. It kind of like how angels need a human host to accept them to anchor them, Demons need a human host but the bones are what anchor them to Earth.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 25, 2003
watching bobby break in the library was great like a pro
and the part where Dean is fighting and talking to bobby on the phone was awesome too


Jun 20, 2010
An 8.5? Really? Then again, this is the same site that gave "It's a Jersey thing" a 7.5...

This episode was amazing. One of the best on the series, imo. 9.5/10.


Aug 24, 2007
Everyone seems to be stuck on the whole bone burning thing here thinking that it was easy just to go find them. bobby had to capture a demon and then torture Crowley real name out of her first before he could even start looking for the bones so in essence they would need what ever demon they are fighting's real name a lot of effort to to kill something i think that they did it just because they needed a way for bobby to get out of his deal
Sep 20, 2010
grandslam2288Mercury said:
It only makes sense that it sends them back to hell with no anchor to Earth because most hunters get there bones burned to prevent anything from happening. It kind of like how angels need a human host to accept them to anchor them, Demons need a human host but the bones are what anchor them to Earth.
Yeah, I guess this makes the most sense. Demons with burned bones are just forever stuck in hell? Strange that burning a demon's bones would kill and incinerate its host though. Also strange that Crowley, king of hell, wouldn't know where the first bone-burned demon disappeared to after the fact if her bones being burned really did send her back to hell for good rather than killing her.

Then again, maybe for some reason burning the bones just has a different effect when applied to demons as compared to ghosts.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 9, 2004
I'm more impressed with it knowing Dean directed it. He did a good job. It seemed like this episode had a lot more special effects than usual. I was disappointed none of Rufus's aliases were "Roger Murtaugh" though.
Aug 15, 2006
Don't forget that hell is massive. And he also seemed to believe Bobby when he said something which seems to show that he knew it was real. I also bet that super powerful demons might be able to still come to Earth like Lilith and Azazel. I'm sure there are lots of rulers of Hell with it being so big. Also have we ever seen Crowley's eyes? The super powerful demons have not black eyes. I'm wondering what made them so special? I think it was Lucifer so I'm wondering who else Lucifer made super powerful.
Sep 20, 2010
^Well Lilith was the first demon he ever created, and she had white eyes. Alistair was also invulnerable to the demon-killing knife, and he also had white eyes. So the white eyes seem to be the most powerful, however I'm not sure if this is because of their age or just because they were created that powerful, or if the demons are able to become more powerful over time. (Maybe a black eyes can upgrade to a new color after so many centuries?)

Yellow eyes are clearly more powerful than black, but it's hard to say how they stack up against white eyes. Red eyes seem to just belong to the crossroads demon, but they could be another rung in the ladder.

So, no, we've never seen Crowley's eyes, but going on what we know, the fact that he's king of hell makes me think he'd probably have white. Then again, if red eyes are only associated with the crossroads, maybe Crowley is (or at least at one time was) a red-eyed demon since he is/was king of the crossroads as well.

Good point about the size of hell though. That could certainly do it.
Aug 15, 2006
Well Lilith was the head crossroads demon before Crowley. Also I am wondering how the demons get power in hell. What grants them/gives them more power? Also it does not say that all humans become demons only that demons use to be humans so I'm curious how many there are/if the demons that make it to Earth are relatively powerful compared to the majority of demons in hell.

Side note:
Also want to know who the 5 beings are that the colt can not kill/where is the colt?
I figure: Michael, God, Lucifer.....


No Longer a Noob
Dec 9, 2000
grandslam2288Mercury said:
Well Lilith was the head crossroads demon before Crowley. Also I am wondering how the demons get power in hell. What grants them/gives them more power? Also it does not say that all humans become demons only that demons use to be humans so I'm curious how many there are/if the demons that make it to Earth are relatively powerful compared to the majority of demons in hell.

Side note:
Also want to know who the 5 beings are that the colt can not kill/where is the colt?
I figure: Michael, God, Lucifer.....

The colt is meant to kill only evil things from what I understand. Although the 5 beings that were mentioned to be immune to it were Lucifer and the 4 horsemen.
Jul 28, 2010
The 5 beings were the four archangels and god. Archangels had to be killed with an archangel sword that only they possessed, flashback to Gabriel's death.

I loved this episode, so refreshing to see bobby in his own independent life. gotta love that man.


Jan 6, 2010
"fantastic as crotchety older hunters Jim and Rufus, "

Don't you mean Bobby and Rufus :)

I think this should have been a 9, for both the amazing acting and directing. Best epsidoe of this season thus far, why? Because Bobby is awesome you idjit
Sep 20, 2010
grandslam2288Mercury said:
Well Lilith was the head crossroads demon before Crowley.
Was she? The only indication that suggests this is Bela's word (saying that Lilith holds the contracts). Bela also said that she gave the Colt to Lilith, even though we're later told by Becky that Bela actually gave the Colt to Crowley. However, it makes sense that Lilith holds Bela's contract, because Bela made the deal with Lilith. However, it wasn't at a crossroads, was it? Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly, but wasn't the scene of Lilith making a deal with another little girl on a swingset Bela's deal? So she's not a crossroads demon. Azazel's definitely not a crossroads demon, and he made a bunch of deals when he was alive.

grandslam2288Mercury said:
Also it does not say that all humans become demons only that demons use to be humans so I'm curious how many there are/if the demons that make it to Earth are relatively powerful compared to the majority of demons in hell.
Yeah, it's likely that if you put any human spirit in hell, after so long it will turn into a demon, but the amount of time that takes differs from person to person. After all, when Azazel opened up the Devil's Door, both demons and ghosts made their way out of hell.


Aug 3, 2009
I really loved the early scenes of Bobby doing research for the boys and how much work he has to do to support them. It always seems so simple in the regular episodes when they call with a question and he calls a few hours later with some obscure answer. They turned a lazy plot device into a pretty interesting story.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 9, 2000
LivingInCMinor said:
The 5 beings were the four archangels and god. Archangels had to be killed with an archangel sword that only they possessed, flashback to Gabriel's death.

I loved this episode, so refreshing to see bobby in his own independent life. gotta love that man.

Anyone else frustrated here?


Nov 25, 2005
Another good episode. Does anyone konw how many more seasons they plan on doing now that they went past the five year plan. It seems that the network is behind the show.


Oct 22, 2009
there's been rumors of a season 7 but I dont think anything past this season is confirmed yet..... I definitely wouldnt mind a few more seasons, especially if they can bring Lucifer back into the mix. Great show.


Oct 14, 2008
great episode i really loved when bobby said they should try out the international food and dean saying yeah they got an olive garden here.


Everybody's cute! But in Purple, I'm stunning!
Aug 1, 2002
I love the de-mystifying they've done with the Demons. Turning them back into a "Monster".

Here's to hoping that Angels will get a similar treatment this season.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 3, 2005
This episode is the best of the season so far! The first two episodes didn't feel Supernatural-esque at all, but the last two, have been pretty darn amazing. Kudos to Jensen Ackles on his direction for the episode.
Feb 10, 2010
Did anyone else not like the direction this episode took with Demons? Burning bones? That is it? So we dont need the Colt to kill Azazel, we could have just burned the bones the whole time? No, that is not cool.

However, go Jensen, great job directing. Great episode aside from that horrible piece of lore they introduced.
Sep 20, 2010
^It wasn't confirmed within the episode that burning the bones kills the demon. Just like burning the bones of a ghost doesn't kill the ghost, it would make sense that burning the bones of the demon (which is just a REALLY malevolent ghost) wouldn't kill it either. But maybe something in that transformation from spirit to demon allows them to be killed when their bones are burned. However, it takes so many centuries for a spirit to become a demon, that by the time they do transform, everyone alive has forgotten who they were when that demon was alive, so it's nearly impossible to find a demon's bones in the first place.


One and Only
Jan 9, 2002
V_sKprepalt said:
^It wasn't confirmed within the episode that burning the bones kills the demon. Just like burning the bones of a ghost doesn't kill the ghost, it would make sense that burning the bones of the demon (which is just a REALLY malevolent ghost) wouldn't kill it either. But maybe something in that transformation from spirit to demon allows them to be killed when their bones are burned. However, it takes so many centuries for a spirit to become a demon, that by the time they do transform, everyone alive has forgotten who they were when that demon was alive, so it's nearly impossible to find a demon's bones in the first place.
Yup, that's why finding out that Crowley had a son was so important in that whole ordeal.
Dec 22, 2009

Considering the more powerful demons are likely the older ones, I'd imagine finding Azazel's bones would be as much of a chore as using the colt. Demons are really old and come from all over the world, and they have names unrelated to who they were in life, I can't imagine the job of finding and burning their bones would really be an effective way to truly combat them at all.
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