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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Supernatural: "The French Mistake" Review[/link]
by Diana Steenbergen

Once again Supernatural managed to take what sounded on paper like an insane idea and turn it into gold. If I hadn't already been convinced by the Season 4 episode "Wishful Thinking" and its giant talking teddy bear, "The French Mistake" would have made a believer out of me that writer Ben Edlund is the king of making crazy ideas work. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Kripke death scene was so over the top awesome especially the angel's face before he fires for a third time!


Jan 23, 2010
I wish they could've shown a few more moments of them acting insane (or as themselves) in this dimension and the crew's reaction to their insanity, but otherwise this was an episode that definitely redeemed the cheesiness of last week's.


Dec 16, 2009
This was an amazing episode. The Kripke scenes were funny. Especially loved the phone call where Sara was mad that they need Kripke's help. But this episode did leave me with one question are Ackles and Padaleki really fighting in real life? Solid 10 for me.


Jul 3, 2009
Misha Collins, being as awesome as ever, actually tweeted "Ola mishamigos! J2 got me good. Really starting to feel like one of the guys," in real life during the airing of this episode.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 9, 2001
Great episode and one of the funniest of the series. Loved every minute of it.

And I don't think Jared and Jensen are on bad terms in real life-- on the contrary, I hear the get along pretty well. I think they just exaggerated and changed a lot to make it more amusing.

And Misha tweeted IMHO j&j had a late one last night. Rotflmfao! just a couple minutes ago. The man is great. Lol.


Oct 15, 2010
My God i could not stop laughing with this episode. So many things were true, and Eric Kripke getting shot was soo funny.


Jan 9, 2005
So was I the only one who really didn't like the shooting scenes? I mean, Kripke got shot in the chest three times with a shotgun, and he kept moving forward the whole time with the same expression on his face and no clear reason for why he would continue walking forward... And then there was the guy who slowly dodged Virgil's (Vergil's?) shots by leaning backwards? Those two things just didn't leave a good taste in my mouth.

Then there was a couple of iffy issues (like the heavenly weapons plot being completely resolved in this one episode off-screen and Sam seemingly giving up on his religious convictions in this alternate universe just because the brothers didn't see any magic). But apart from that, favorite episode of the season. Loved it. I also love how they were able to make this a mythology episode in addition to being a comedy episode, like with "Changing Channels". I tried not to overhype myself for this episode, and I think that paid off for me in a huge way. I'm not sure that I'd rank it higher than "Monster at the End of This Book", but I'm seriously considering ranking this one above "Changing Channels".


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 11, 2000
Great episode. After a pretty crappy Smallville episode it was needed.

I loved Jared's mansion and his many pictures/portraits of himself. lol


Nov 5, 2007
yeah the cowboy picture of himself was hilarious! This was one of the greatest supernatural episodes if not the best. This is why I love this show! Did anyone notice the terminator reference when virgil got the shotgun?
Jun 13, 2010
This episode was freaking hilarious!!!
The only thing I didn't understand was the "at least they're talking" thing.
I always thought they were pretty much friends in real life.

And is Ackles having financial troubles??


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 9, 2004
Volvagia_slayer said:
So was I the only one who really didn't like the shooting scenes? I mean, Kripke got shot in the chest three times with a shotgun, and he kept moving forward the whole time with the same expression on his face and no clear reason for why he would continue walking forward... And then there was the guy who slowly dodged Virgil's (Vergil's?) shots by leaning backwards? Those two things just didn't leave a good taste in my mouth.

Then there was a couple of iffy issues (like the heavenly weapons plot being completely resolved in this one episode off-screen and Sam seemingly giving up on his religious convictions in this alternate universe just because the brothers didn't see any magic). But apart from that, favorite episode of the season. Loved it. I also love how they were able to make this a mythology episode in addition to being a comedy episode, like with "Changing Channels". I tried not to overhype myself for this episode, and I think that paid off for me in a huge way. I'm not sure that I'd rank it higher than "Monster at the End of This Book", but I'm seriously considering ranking this one above "Changing Channels".
I thought the shooting scenes were the funniest parts. The guy dodging the bullets was hilarious.


Mar 12, 2010
This episode was awesome. I guess Jason and Jared aren't really talking with each other otherwise they wouldn't have repeatedly brought it up, maybe that was the other purpose of this episode, if it was then that was a bright idea.


Dec 23, 2009
The comments Misha Collins was putting on twitter actually showed up during the show on his actual twitter account


Prime Member
Sep 16, 2005
This episode was perfect! But I still can't put it above "Changing Channels" because that one had the infamous herpes commercial that came out of left field LOL. But as far as comedic episodes "The French Mistake" definitely ranks high with "Changing Channels", "Weekend at Bobby's" and of course, "Mystery Spot".


Feb 22, 2004
Thoroughly enjoyed this one! Not as funny as I thought it'd be, like Changing Channels, but a solid, great episode!
Aug 27, 2010
This may be one of the funniest episodes of tv ever...I can't remember the last time I laughed that much at a tv was a great episode for the fans of supernatural with all of the in jokes.
Also, Jared and Jensen are firends in real life...the alternate world Sam and Dean was put in was not mant to be an actual representation of what life is like on the set of Supernatural but an exaggeration of it.
Also, Misha Collins tweeting the tweets from the show was an awesome nod to his followers and seeing him act as a version of himself was so funny...he really does bring something fresh to Supernatural.
One of my fav ep of Supernatural ever and definately the funniset 10/10
Aug 27, 2010
This may be one of the funniest episodes of tv ever...I can't remember the last time I laughed that much at a tv was a great episode for the fans of supernatural with all of the in jokes.
Also, Jared and Jensen are firends in real life...the alternate world Sam and Dean was put in was not mant to be an actual representation of what life is like on the set of Supernatural but an exaggeration of it.
Also, Misha Collins tweeting the tweets from the show was an awesome nod to his followers and seeing him act as a version of himself was so funny...he really does bring something fresh to Supernatural.
One of my fav ep of Supernatural ever and definately the funniset 10/10


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Who was the guy that was dodging the bullets on set? At first glance I thought it was the actor who played Gabriel, but I'll rewatch it later.
Aug 15, 2009
I like the referances to real life concerns about the story not holding up into a sixth season. This was one of the best episodes of supernatural and television in general that i've seen in a long time.


Oct 6, 2005
I absolutely loved this episode, it was hilarious and hit all the right buttons for true fans of the show. I loved the exaggerated set, the opulent lifestyles, and just everything about this episode. It was able to tie back to the main plot while not being focused on it, and I loved the Terminator reference with Virgil buying the guns (wonder what will happen to him btw) and this was just too perfect. It was funny that Raphael was in a woman’s body, a bit unexpected, but it was really cool to see Balthazar (I like how he related their situation to The Godfather) and Cas make up such a brilliant plan, resulting in Cas getting the arsenal and ready to end the civil war.

I believe Misha really stole the show, because he is just that fun guy on the set and I think it was enjoyable to watch him cry for his life after always playing the hardass angel. I liked the over the top shootout on the set, and Kripke’s super unrealistic death was the cherry on top. Overall, I would says this is easily one of the best episodes of the season and the series as a whole, undoubtedly a 10/10


Jan 9, 2005
Maxor127 said:
I thought the shooting scenes were the funniest parts. The guy dodging the bullets was hilarious.
The reason I didn't like them was because they were so out of place in this world. The alternate world was supposed to be this super-realistic thing, and in a super-realistic world, you can't dodge bullets, and you go backwards when you're hit with a shotgun blast.

arash45 said:
This episode was awesome. I guess Jason and Jared aren't really talking with each other otherwise they wouldn't have repeatedly brought it up, maybe that was the other purpose of this episode, if it was then that was a bright idea.
No, I don't think every aspect of this episode was supposed to match every aspect of real life. After all, I doubt Jared is being paid well enough off of Supernatural to live in a mansion (and Kripke isn't really working on a project called "Octocobra")... The alternate universe was meant to simulate our own universe to an extent, but it was not meant to be our universe.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 4, 2010
The season is getting better and better. I laughed thoughtout the scene where Dean and Sam had to act. And Dean's remark about Raphaelnew body was classic.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 4, 2010
The season is getting better and better. I laughed thoughtout the scene where Dean and Sam had to act. And Dean's remark about Raphael new body was classic.


Jan 29, 2011
My wife and I were crying laughing while watching Sam and Dean trying to act. Great episode and so far I'm enjoying thise season more than I did 4 and 5.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 29, 2008
Alright, next to Weekend at Bobby's, this was the best episode. I honestly haven't laughed this hard while watching Supernatural, not once. The scene where they tried to act just was too much, my laugh reached its peak.

Despite all the fun, this season hasn't been the awesome season I was hoping for, one or two episodes don't make it so. But I certainly hope more quality episodes like these are next in line for the show's run, which I hope ends with season 6 thus saving it from ruination and staleness.


Feb 26, 2011
I loved this episode - the best... I sure hope there is a Season 7 and on and on... I do wonder if Jared and Jensen are really fighting? They act so well together I would hate to think they did not get along off camera...
Feb 21, 2011
How funny that Ruby is actually Jared's real wife now. Lucky guy. Also, the fact that was Jared's real place was awesome. Hey, you couldn't have actually made the art pieces for only one episode, right? I loved this episode as much as "Changing Channels".
Jul 22, 2008
Actually mr.universe, hes not actually married to her, hes married to an actress who played a demon in season three, (not the other one to play ruby either), it was the one sam called on to try to get her to reverse dean's deal, when she said no, he shot her with the colt.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Did anyone else notice the review was waaaaay too short and just ended abruptly?

On a side note is anybody else getting just 2 fourteen day old articles on the main TV page? Its been stuck like that since Tuesday for me...


Jan 9, 2005
TheManWhoWasNotThere said:
Actually mr.universe, hes not actually married to her, hes married to an actress who played a demon in season three, (not the other one to play ruby either), it was the one sam called on to try to get her to reverse dean's deal, when she said no, he shot her with the colt.
No, Jared is actually married to Genevieve, the girl who played Ruby in Season 4.


Nov 29, 2010
A very poor review of a very average episode. Fan pandering is rife with IGN reviewers. Shame on you, Diana.


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
What a great episode I was laughing throughout, especially when Kripke got blown away. The only thing I will pick on was the ending. This is two weeks in a row now where the ending has been kind of abrupt and didn't really tie together the entire episode. But hey, it's Supernatural - I can let it slide.

@ KaleConnor -

Shame on you for your unnecessary and unwarranted scolding of Diana. This was a great ep and she gave us another great review. You are definitely the smallest of minorities when it comes to your off base opinion. In other words, stop drinking haterade.
Jul 30, 2010
Amazing episode, but someone please tell what was up with one the crew members dodging three shots of shotgun and walked off?! Did I miss something earlier in the episode that explained that? For a second I thought Gabriel was back.


Prime Member
Oct 2, 2005
Not to be one of THOSE fans, but compared to the last 5 seasons, which always seemed to have a focus and a direction in the overarching plot, Season 6 has felt a bit lost at times, more like an epilogue to the main story than a continuation.

However, as a bit of a stand alone episode, this might've been the best I've ever seen from the show. I was laughing the whole way through. How the actors even kept a straight face through so many of those lines, I'll never know. Seriously, great job! I was thoroughly entertained.

That said, I'm still hoping that this season finds its greater purpose and starts working toward its own endgame.


Mar 24, 2010
This was one of the best episodes this season since there is nothing to complaint other than the fact that it would have been nice for castiel to explain to them the nature of that world in some sort of simplified technobable way.


Jan 29, 2008
Actually, I thought this was the worst one this season. It was just too weird, even for "Supernatural". Which is kind of a shame, because I generally like Ben Edlund's stories.

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