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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Supernatural: "My Heart Will Go On" Review[/link]
by Diana Steenbergen

The Winchesters find themselves in an alternate reality created specifically to save the world from Celine Dion. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Jan 23, 2010
It was great to see so much of the old juvenile and brotherly love (especially humor) between Sam and Dean again. It's rare to see them without such weight on their shoulders.


Jul 23, 2007
As much as I love the Impala, I'm a huge Mustang fan, especially the 60's generation. So seeing the alternate version wasn't all bad.


Original poster
My only problem with this episode is that it didn't seem to serve any kind of point. They bring Ellen back, don't really use her, then get rid of her again at the end. There was no point to that at all, because only Sam and Dean remember it. This would hve been better served if he was with some random woman, and he remembered, thus giving Bobby some kind of hope for happiness. I'm having the same problem with the latest episode of Fringe too.

But it was still a very fun episode. I think I enjoyed the "Too soon?" joke far more than the rock-paper-scissors one, but both were hysterical.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 4, 2010
Hope Faith comes back too, she too good to be a one-appearance kind of preson. You know I think Balthazar may have also cause the Final Destinations movies from happening too there were no references to it when Sam and Dean found out Faith was the killer. I also think the angels are using the souls as power-up to make them more stonger.


Jan 9, 2005
jrau18 said:
My only problem with this episode is that it didn't seem to serve any kind of point.
The episode did serve a point: in introduced us to the Fates, and it tied together the war in heaven plot line with the value of souls plot line (which hasn't been mentioned since Appointment in Samarra, over 5 episodes ago).

Apart from that it was pretty much filler, but those two points may be very important for the future. I know the tying together and renewal of seemingly-dropped plot lines is certainly important.


Original poster
This episode established that the fates don't have a purpose anymore. Unless they're being set up to join one of the sides of the war, I can't see them being relevant. And I completely forgot about them ever mentioning the value of souls (still don't remember, but I can just rewatch the episode).


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 11, 2000
For an episode that was basically doing Final Destination I'm surprised they didn't do more jokes about it.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 25, 2007
This episode served a big point, unless you did not look at when they talked to Fate. Cas is getting very desperate. He tried to use the new souls to serve some purpose in the war that is going on in heaven. They would have done it and would have killed fate if not for her mentioning about her other sisters. And it also showed that Sam and Dean are not bound by fate. Seeing how they went to heaven and hell, and are still on Earth alive and mostly well.
Oct 17, 2010
I have to admit in the first 15 minutes I thought I had missed an episode or two with the missing Impala and Ellen being back, but once I figured it out I loved it like any other episode. I wish Sam and Dean would have got some interaction with Sister Fate, I was expecting a natural Dean remark about her looks to her face but, it never happened. One of the other funny parts was the too soon accident with the death of the lawyer.


Original poster
And yet all of that was undone at the end of the episode accomplishing nothing. We already knew the war wasn't going well. With them resetting the time-line, Fate is back to her pre-episode setting. Sam and Dean are back on the same terms with Fate. We already knew they weren't because of the whole stopping the god-freaking-damn apocalypse thing. They've had God's favor since Day 1, they were never bound by Fate.


Jan 9, 2005
jrau18 said:
We already knew the war wasn't going well.
But we didn't know that it had anything to do with the importance of souls that has been built up this season. Yes, unless they bring Fate/Atropos back for an additional episode, that's the only thing this episode did, but that's still more than nothing.


Jan 29, 2011
I thought I had missed an episode or something too especially since my DVR was on the fritz last week. I figured it out and thought it was a different reality or universe (or a mockery on Fringe) when I saw the poster in the lady's office who was killed that said "Win a trip to Detroit! The best city in America!".

Being from Detroit I laughed pretty hard.


Original poster
We still don't know the importance of the souls or how he intended to use them. Just that they could be used for something. It's a vague little plot detail added onto another vague little plot detail. And while the fact that they devoted an entire episode to it means that it will be really very f**cking important, it didn't establish anything but it's important. No reasons were given why, just that it is.


Sep 26, 2001
Great episode. The season is continuing to progress nicely. Loved the banther between Fate and Cas. It shows how serious the war is that Cas is willing to screw the time stream just to win.


Mar 17, 2008
All of the death in this episode reminded me of The Final Destination series of movies, especially the bus, felt a bit like the writers copied the idea, but made the idea make more sense. I still loved it. Also, as a side note, whenever I saw the Mustang it just felt wrong. The orange stripes just aren't the Winchesters.


Oct 6, 2005
I too thought I had missed something for the first 15 or so minutes, though the "visit Cuba" sign was another good clue not mentioned yet. I thought this was a very entertaining episode, though it was leaning more towards the filler side. It was nice to see Ellen again, if only for a little while, and I enjoyed all of the little changes made due to not sinking the Titanic.

Balthazar was at his witty best again, and I enjoyed his badinage with Sam and Dean, it was an amusing scene that made everything make sense. I did like The Final Destination vibe I got, seeing as I am a fan of the series, and I thought the introduction of Fate was well done, since it was the first time on the show one of the Sisters was actually seen (liked the librarian talk between Sam and Dean, too).

I felt like I could understand her position, and I liked how it connected back to the main plot, with Cas growing increasingly desperate. I do wonder if she meant war machine as a literal thing, or if she was just referring to his fight as a whole, and I also felt like it was implied that he and her had some kind of relationship before, it’s possible and it will be interesting to see if she will come again.

I liked the “One Way or Another” scene, reminded me of Mystery Spot, and I felt like this was overall just a fun piece of filler that also connected some plot points left dangling and cleared up some questions also floating around. A great return from the Hellatus, and I cannot wait for next week’s episode on my birthday! A 9.4/10


Mar 24, 2010
It was a cool episode up to Super-natural's high standards with its stand-alone in general but i still feel that they could've tried having castiel explain himself better pointing out that he is more in the right because he had to make hard choices because he has to fight a war while she has more selfish intentions.
Mar 24, 2010
I wonder how they have managed to make Supernatural so good for this many episodes? Sure the quality ebbs and flows a little, but most series have well and truly run out of puff by the 6th season. Especially if the ending of the preceding season involved averting the apocalypse or similar!
Nov 21, 2008
for a few seconds I thought I missed an episode when I saw the car in the beginning, lol. Good episode but something felt missing in it, hard to place what it was.


Dec 21, 2010
this was the definition of a filler episode i dont feel it progressed the season's story arc in the slitest, i mean everything was done in a alternate timeline not effecting the main one at all except of course to set up fate, don't you think they coulda just had cas be like fate hates you, you should be ready shes kind of a bitch.

sidenote though, balthazar made the episode with his hatred of titanic, and when he confronts fate as she turns to see him with the knife "well this is awkward" and the perfectly place "atleast let me remove the stick......*fate bitches*....i guess we will leave it in place"
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