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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Supernatural: "Mannequin 3: The Reckoning" Review[/link]
by Diana Steenbergen

Supernatural spared about two minutes dealing with last week's cliffhanger as Sam regained consciousness and declared that he was fine. OK then, moving on! For now, at least. After a brief lecture from Dean about the past staying past, we get right to the monster of the week whose identity was given away by the goofy title of the episode: "Mannequin 3: The Reckoning." [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Jan 24, 2005
Still one of the best shows on tv. I did like the fact they pretty much tied the Lisa and Ben knot. It was something i thought needed to be tied up and they did a good job of that. I was looking for more comedy this week, but all was well in the end of the episode. 8 is a good score.


Jan 24, 2005
Still one of the best shows on tv. I did like the fact they pretty much tied the Lisa and Ben knot. It was something i thought needed to be tied up and they did a good job of that. I was looking for more comedy this week, but all was well in the end of the episode. 8 is a good score.


Feb 22, 2004
Did you say this was "scary and gory"? Where's the gore? Where's the scary? I saw this as a comedic episode, and I think the scene in the factory where you witnessed the attack was meant to look goofy and funny, not intimidating.

I felt so incredibly sorry for Rose who was bullied, especially when they tricked her. Poor thing. :( Good twist on the story, that they actually helped the culprits! Loved that Rose's sister had a kidney from her, though I saw that one coming when Sam asked her if she had anything; "She probably has her kidney". Lo and behold, 10 secs later! [face_tongue] I felt smart! :D

I liked this episode, especially the Lisa parts were good. Solid acting from Jensen's side, there. Best part was when he spoke to Ben! I agree that the montage was horrible. Why did we need to see that? It was tacky!

I did love how Dean ran from the car, and yelled: "SON OF A BITCH!". I laughed out loud at that!

Also didn't like how conveniently Isabel got a shard in her kidney after the car crashed into a window? What the hell? Can anyone explain how on earth that is even possible, that a car crashes into a window and a woman probably at least 50 metres away gets hit by a shard in the kidney, not to mention the correct kidney, and then dies? Even more absurd by the fact that it had to be just the kidney since that was the organ of the matter.


Oct 6, 2005
I missed the first seven minutes due to bad weather messing with the cable, but I guess I didn't miss much regarding last week's cliffhanger, as they brought it up at the end too. I thought this was a good episode regardless, solid review, and I loved the title!

The mannequins were very creepy, reminded me of Condemned, and I was also creeped out by the sex doll. I thought it was a cool concept to have ghosts possessing mannequins, and it was a very effective storyline with Sam there working it out on his own. It was a lugubrious end for the case, as the sister died and some jerks got saved, but it is what it is and the brothers must move on.

I also think the episode was effective in resolving the Lisa and Ben storyline, as I figured Ben was lying from the start, but it turned out to be an interesting turn of events. I thought that Jensen handled the scenes well, though it felt a little cheesy and heavy handed at some parts, especially with the montage. Regardless, it was a solid way to resolve the plot point, at least for now, and let Dean move on.

I think Sam & Dean's bond is as tight as ever now, and I thought their talk at the end was reminiscent of the older episodes and ended this episode on a high note. I loved Dean running away from the Impala, and saying "Sorry baby!" when he made it crash, but I too was confused on how the sister got the glass into herself, unless her sister did it or she did it to stop said sibling. Either way, it added to the gloom of the episode, which still managed to have a few humorous bits. Overall, a good double storyline that resolved one plot point and also solved an intriguing case, can't wait for next week's episode with Sam & Dean becoming Jared & Jensen, hopefully Cas will show up too! An 8.8/10


Feb 19, 2011
This episode was terrible and I have only said that one other time in the supernatural series. This is the worst episode since season 1 Route 666 with the evil truck. This episode was dull and had no purpose. It didn’t move the story along or introduce a new villain like other filler episodes do. I also hate Lisa and Ben. I was hoping the whole time that somehow they would be killed by a demon or something, unfortunately that didn’t happen maybe before the season is over though.


Jan 27, 2009
i was curious to see what score this would get. i hated it. the stuff with lisa was okay but not remarkable but the main story was stupid. i just thought it was a terrible idea in the first place and the episode didnt do anything to change my mind. easily one of the dumbest ghost/creatures theyve had, and probably the lamest since season 1. actually i might even put this episode in the top 5 worst since season 1. that said supernaturaul at its worst is still better than a lot of other shows. lets hope next weeks meta episode lives up to the previous ones.
May 9, 2010
Really disappointed , with the cliff-hanger last week i thought **** was going down this week, if not, atleast give us something more to calm our urge. 8 is a bit to high, atleast that's what i think, and probably alot of other people.

Fully censor profanity.
May 9, 2010
@ Ruzlix even though i dont agree with you on the rest that you wrote i agree on the last bit, about when the car crashed, a shard actually , in some way, flew all the way to her kidney, the right one, i mean the odds? feels like when writing this at the end they where like '' but wait sam and dean cant kill her to take the kidney, we didnt think about that. well lets say rose took over the car ( yet again the Chevy Impala is a victim for possession) drove through a window and then a shard hits lisa's ( rose's) kidney and they both die, second time for rose, obviously. oh sweet irony. but i guess they where in a hurry when writing this


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 9, 2004
Honestly, I thought it was awkwardly directed or something. There were lots of moments that lingered too long, like the guy dead in the warehouse. And that kid was annoying and his acting was pretty bad. Plus, Dean and Sam have a romantic scene together at the end of every other episode. I thought the twists were good, though. I knew something was going to happen when Sam burned the body and there was still 25 minutes left. I didn't expect a sex doll though. But then I assumed some of her hair was used for the doll. Didn't expect a transplant until they started grilling her. Speaking of hair, if a ghost can survive if someone has its hair, what about all of the loose hairs that people shed and leave around every day?


Jan 9, 2005
DrPsycho360 said:
@ Ruzlix even though i dont agree with you on the rest that you wrote i agree on the last bit, about when the car crashed, a shard actually , in some way, flew all the way to her kidney, the right one, i mean the odds
The shard of glass didn't hit her in the kidney (the kidneys are in the back of the body, and the glass got her through the front). The shard of glass just caused her to bleed out and die, and when you die, everything in your body dies pretty quickly. So when she died, her kidney died, so the ghost went away (though really the brothers should have had to salt and burn the kidney like they did the locket of hair in After School Special...). It had nothing to do with the kidney specifically getting hit.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 4, 2010
I'm going to have to go with the faceless store models for the creepist dummy. You know I think this was more in like with the Doctor Who villians the Autons rather the Weeping Angels. I mean the Angels aren't statues there living breathing aliens. The Autons are plastic beings being controlled by a maleficent consciousness, just like in the villian in this episode.
May 9, 2010
@ Volvagia_slayer , how do you do that thing when its says
''Drpsycho360 posted yadda yadda'' kinda new in here, well account old but im new.

Yea but i was thinking the kidney got ripped or something you know, i know its in the back and when you die, your body dies, but its not like your bones alive right? so you still have to, like you said, salt and burn the kidney, because the kidney will still be there intact in here body, wich mean surley that the ghost och mannequing,jesus christ, stills lives on. but yea you were right even if the shard did penetrate the kidney they'll still have to salt and burn it.


Jan 9, 2005
DrPsycho360 said:
@ Volvagia_slayer , how do you do that thing when its says
''Drpsycho360 posted yadda yadda'' kinda new in here, well account old but im new.
If you're posting from the boards instead of directly from the article, there's a button that says "quote". You click on it, and it quotes that person's comment.

If you're posting from the article (or even from the boards) you just have to type out: {quote=username}insert quoted text here{/quote}. And just change the {} to [].

DrPsycho360 said:
Yea but i was thinking the kidney got ripped or something you know, i know its in the back and when you die, your body dies, but its not like your bones alive right? so you still have to, like you said, salt and burn the kidney, because the kidney will still be there intact in here body, wich mean surley that the ghost och mannequing,jesus christ, stills lives on. but yea you were right even if the shard did penetrate the kidney they'll still have to salt and burn it.
I'm guessing that either 1) When Rose watched her sister die, she no longer had any reason to hang around, so she gave up her hold over her dying kidney, or 2) it was just a small continuity error like how in Season 5's "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid", they were able to kill zombies with headshots, even though in Season 2's "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things", the brothers were unable to kill a zombie with a headshot, and had to stake it to its burial ground in order to kill it off.


Feb 22, 2004
DrPsycho360 said:
Yea but i was thinking the kidney got ripped or something you know, i know its in the back and when you die, your body dies, but its not like your bones alive right? so you still have to, like you said, salt and burn the kidney, because the kidney will still be there intact in here body, wich mean surley that the ghost och mannequing,jesus christ, stills lives on. but yea you were right even if the shard did penetrate the kidney they'll still have to salt and burn it.

Yeah, that too.

It was just so awkwardly written. Couldn't they have come up with something better, or was this meant to be another goofy hint at B-movies (like this episode seemed to have loads of)?
May 9, 2010
Volvagia_slayer said:
If you're posting from the boards instead of directly from the article, there's a button that says "quote". You click on it, and it quotes that person's comment.

If you're posting from the article (or even from the boards) you just have to type out: {quote=username}insert quoted text here{/quote}. And just change the {} to [].
Thx for the help! yea i know how to do it through the boards, gotta be kinda how blind to miss that hehe.. whell i do have glasses. but yea i wonder'd how to do it directly from the article

Volvagia_slayer said:
I'm guessing that either 1) When Rose watched her sister die, she no longer had any reason to hang around, so she gave up her hold over her dying kidney, or 2) it was just a small continuity error like how in Season 5's "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid", they were able to kill zombies with headshots, even though in Season 2's "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things", the brothers were unable to kill a zombie with a headshot, and had to stake it to its burial ground in order to kill it off.

yea ill go with the second option hehe, just something about that whole thing that didnt make sense.

well i just seem to find reasons to dislike this season, most of it sucks compared with the earlier seasons. my opinion
May 9, 2010
i agree, i actually dislike when they start goofy around, i try to see it kinda serious, Because at first is super-demon-angel serious and the, well this. so dont really now where to put it sometimes. like you said feels kinda awkward some times


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
Am I the only one who was hugely entertained by the guy gettin killed by his Sex Doll?? I don't know if it's irony or karma or just comedy. [face_thinking]

I thought the Ep was good for the most part. They def need to put a final stamp on the relationship between Dean and Lisa one way or the other.

And the ending was pretty lame. It's like they painted themselves into a corner and they were like.. fugg it! Just have some glass hit her.

But it's Supernatural, so if they have a slightly off day.. I give em a pass.


Jan 9, 2005
ChrisDaViking said:
I thought the Ep was good for the most part. They def need to put a final stamp on the relationship between Dean and Lisa one way or the other.

And the ending was pretty lame. It's like they painted themselves into a corner and they were like.. fugg it! Just have some glass hit her.

But it's Supernatural, so if they have a slightly off day.. I give em a pass.
I can completely agree with this. I didn't have too much of a problem with the episode except for the ending (I was perfectly fine with the hoodoo solution they were cooking up) and the fact that they're starting to pull a Season 5 on us by ignoring the imminently dangerous Big Bad for episodes at a time (which is opposed to the earlier seasons because Azazel and Lilith never really had this apocalypse-looming deal like Lucifer and Mother seem to; except debatably Lilith in Season 4). At least we got a mention of her last episode even if we didn't see her. Judging by what I know of episode 16, the brothers have to at least learn that the Mother is walking around Earth before then, and next week's episode doesn't seem to be able to provide that information.

But apart from that, the humor was solid, the brothers really felt like their old selves, the episode got us back to an old, familiar monster with a new twist (I was afraid we weren't going to get a ghost episode this season despite the fact that they've been season-staples thus far), we learned that Ben doesn't hold the shoving thing against Dean, and it really brought that loose thread into a good place narratively where the characters are concerned, I thought (except that it's now further towards the forefront, which is a slight problem).


Moderately Disturbed
Aug 7, 2001
xXTheDayManXx said:
Anybody think it was hilarious when dean said plants can't kill zombies. I love pop culture references.

Yep, lol.

I liked the episode. I liked the direction they went in with the ghost (but I agree that her just happening to get killed by a flying shard of glass was stupid), and I liked the scenes with Dean & Lisa and Dean & Ben.


Feb 21, 2011
Sera Gamble needs to go and take her soap opera love story that has turned Dean into a wuss wet rag with her.
Apr 29, 2002
It was a pretty good episode. Gotta love another "Be my valentine" from Dean. My main beef is the reasonsing behind stopping the ghost. This ghost had a very specific purpose:revenge! Once that was done, I don't see why the ghost would do anything else. They've never had a ghost whose motive was purely revenge so it wouldn't been safe, even if not the good guy thing to do, to just let her kill the last guy(there were 4 in the flashback, not the 3 that were killed) and be done with it.
Dec 11, 2010
This was a good episode, i'm a little worried they are running out of ideas though, I like what they are doing but I hope they don't put another one in with "fairies" or "dragons".
Aug 26, 2009
I feel like everybody's bein a lil harder on this episode than need be....
i agree the lisa & ben, (ben & Dean's scene in particular) stuff feels trite, probably because we have hardly gotten used to them, seeing as they've only been in a few
episodes...(which showed during the montage scene, which lacked in lisa & ben
footage so badly that they had to use footage from the very same episode!)
if they want to keep the romance going (which is out of character imo)
they need to flesh it out a fan, i don't even want to see that though

as far as the ghost story, i thought it was pretty great...kinda 'last summer'ish
, but the twist at the end with the haunted kidney was something that i had never
thought of possibly being 'haunted'.....& for a second there, i thought this would be a 2-parter, w/ sam, dean & the girl goin to LA....not the case..
as for all the people who are complaining about the coincidences, i'd say, in
this show, nothing is always as it seems...for one, the camera never showed the glass actually hitting the girl, it's possible that her own sister wanted her dead....the ghost apologized, but it didn't seem like a shocked apology to me...anybody who disagrees can go back & watch it...either the ghost was trying to do her sister one last favor, or the sisters had a different relationship
than what was told to sam...either way, the glass shard didn't 'magically hit the right kidney' as a lot of ppl are simply killed her....the glass looked to me like it hit the middle of her stomach, anybody with a basic biological understanding knows your kidneys aren't in the a haunted object being stabbed doesnt kill a ghost, it must be burned....i see it all play out like gets haunted, dean runs from it, sam & girl run towards dean (off-camera), car wrecks, ghost sends shard of glass into sister (off-camera), ghost leaves out of grief, giving sam & dean the time to take the kidney out & burn it, killing the ghost......

sorry for the book, im just the type of person who likes to connect the dots to find plausibility, not look for plot holes in very specific actions within my favorite bodies of work, all in all a good episode for me
Oct 13, 2010
I thought this was a great episode. The chill factor of the skeleton's eye slowly movin was spectacular. Particle gave me goose bumps.

And it kinda cool seeing Sam treat the "stoner" character as if he really didn't care what happened to him, Sam was just doing his job.


Original poster

What's wrong with fairies and dragons? Admittedly, I was bummed that we didn't get to see the full dragons, but them having a human form made sense when you figure they haven't been sighted in hundreds of years. And their interpretation of fairies was down right fun.

Sera Gamble's been a part of the show since it began, she's brought nothing new to it this season (other than deciding the overall plot). The first episode she wrote for the show was the third one, "Dead in the Water", one of my personal favorites.


Feb 23, 2011
Better late than never. would not apply to this episode. It was truly the WORST supernatural that I (A mad dog fan) have ever seen. It made "Route 666" look like "Lucifer Rising"!! "Mannequin 3(The Reck)" should have been the name. "Route 666" with the monster truck and the girl that had to be twelve when she turned Dean out @ least had its moments. But this one should have never been made. The lame Mannequin with the scalpel made me gaff instead of jumping in shock. And the sex doll possession has "Roger Corman" turning over in his grave.And how did the girl die in the end was it glass from the car crash or did her kidneys explode after seeing the rushes from this show.

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