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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Supernatural: ''Ghostfacers'' Review[/link]
by Diana Steenbergen

Just when we thought we were finally getting a new episode of Supernatural, it has been taken over by Ghostfacers, in what turns out to be a pretty good parody of the Sci-Fi Ghost Hunter-style "reality" show. The stars of Ghostfacers are Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spangler from season one's "Hell House." This time around they are investigating another haunted house, the Morton House, which is haunted every leap year. Dean and Sam show up and are trapped there by the ghost along with the Ghostfacer crew: Ed, Harry, tea boy Corbett, Ed's sister Maggie, and snarky Spruce. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Jan 29, 2008
I think this sort of thing worked better with the "X-Files" episode "X-Cops". I understand the desire to do something like this on "Supernatural" (with reality shows like "Ghost Hunters" around), but I don't think it quite worked as well as it could have.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I think this episode was great! The hand-held camera effect and "shaking effect" was perfect for this type of episode. Granted, this episode was a fluff episode, and didn't move the show along much, but who cares? They were parodying "Blair Witch", "Ghost-Hunters" and to a smaller extent themsevles. A fictional tv show parodying a reality tv show and posing as real life...Brilliant..It deserved an 8.5, stop being stingy.


Jun 2, 2001
Finally a new episode! I did enjoy it alot. But there were a few things that I didnt like so much. I was fine with the handheld camera view for the episode. I like the Harry and Ed characters, they are entertaining as the "pros" that arent really. The episode was pretty balanced with comedy and scares. From the preview it seemed it would be a very serious show. But it had its share of lighthearted moments. Seeing Sam and Dean actually swear alot was interesting. Since it doesnt happen in the main episodes, but here with it being film footage and a show pilot many things they say are bleeped out. Words that you can tell they normally don't use, being a tv show.
I did want more of the episode to be about the main story line or Deans deal. As said in the review we find out Dean has 2 months left. I was hopeing for more, but it seems from the preview at the end that the next episode might focus on that more. Even though I liked the humor and scare balance. It was hard sometimes to get really scared with the lighthearted dialog happening, but overall not a big complaint at all. Anyway, its awesome that Supernatural is back to the new episodes, no more Writers Strike, lets hope they can finish Season 3 with everything that was planned. I still think this is the best hour on tv right now.


#1 Ohio Poster
Aug 9, 2004
I thought the episode was good, I laughed how it was like Ghost Hunters since my dad watches that all the time.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
the reviewer complains about how they use corbetts death for there pilot but i think it makes sense. i mean you lose one of your friends filming this thing the least you'd want to do is finsih the episode and reveal to the world that ghosts really exist.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
what? its not like they planned on having their friend killed (i mean its scripted so yeah, but i mean in terms of story) they diddnt go in there thinking corbett was gonna die, but when it did happen on their pilot they decided to dedicate the episode to his memory. if the same thing happened on a "real" ghost-hunting show like um say, ghosthunters they would have done exactly the same (though its doubtable that it would happen). the thing i like about these characters (which I am so glad to have them return, i love these guys, theyre such great foils for Sam and Dean, they may be a little heavy on the self-importance, but thats why theyre such lovable characters, also I'm glad that neither of the main two got killed off, as is the tradition of the show of handing unceremonious deaths to characters who, while they may not be main characters, are still important to the show (andy, the "man-droid" guy from season 2, these could have been great characters, andy pretty much just as comic relief but the man-droid guy could have been used to show how a hunter, other than sam and dean starts out and evolves as a character, plus comic relief). But yeah, like the reviewer said this was a satyrization of shows like ghost-hunters, which means that the camera was part of it, so why are you complaining? if the episode had been done in high-def like the rest of them, the feel would have been ruined and so would the episode. in my opinion this was FAR from a 7.7 at least a 9.4 and considering they brought back two characters without killing them off i'd say a 9.5 or 6. seriously it was much better than the three that came before it (specially dream a little dream of me, that one was kinda dumb)


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 9, 2004
I liked the episode too. It's hard to rate it compared to other episodes since it was so different, but it had all of the things I liked about the show, creepy moments, great atmosphere, funny dialogue, and gore.


Apr 21, 2006
I enjoyed the episode. I kinda wished they used their only 4 episodes left to put a heavy focus on story to make up for the 6 episodes that'll be cut off this season. But I still liked it. Glad they aren't killed off like someone else said. They always kill off a lot of the characters I come to like. And many of them don't have enough time to develop. The man-droid guy and Andy like he said but also Agent Henriksen and Ash I really liked too and I wish they could've been given later roles and recurring roles later.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2004
A pretty funny episode. I was a little shocked with Corbett's death. I mean we've seen people die on the show, but the face the camera didn't pull away as he was stabbed was pretty amazing. I'm glad the show is back, I've missed the series.
Dec 25, 2006
I thought it was a great episode, just like EVERY episode of Superantural(I'm looking at you smallville!). It was even funnier than usual and it had a pretty good plot. Can't wait for next week.
Aug 11, 2007
Damn its good to have great television back. this episode was a riot and has posibly one of the greatest one liners ever - not going to spoil it for the people who havent watched it, but if you have you'll know what im talking about. Anyway At least the next three Episodes are Fcused on deans Deal and how he's sort of going off the rails. another bonus is the fact we WILL be getting a full fourth series in the fall [face_tongue]


Nov 28, 2007
Watching this on the 360 with all other episodes available, I was wondering why this episode got such a low score considering how truly amazing it is.

I can see how the derailment would be seen as an annoyance to those wanting the story to progress.

Nonetheless, great episode and full of humor.
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