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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Supernatural: "Frontierland" Review[/link]
by Diana Steenbergen

The Winchesters travel back in time to meet up with Samuel Colt. But did Sam and Dean in the middle of a western make for a fun episode? Hint: Yes. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 1, 2006
I've always said a spin off about Samuel Colt would be great. I stand by that opinion. Although I thought Colt made the gun for another hunter, not that he was a hunter himself.


Oct 6, 2005
I really enjoyed this episode, it had a light-hearted feel but still managed to carry the main plot along. I thought it was cool to introduce another new creature, the phoenix, and it is interesting how it was also in human form, like the dragons.

Dean was truly in his element, playing up his love of the Wild West and being met with disappointment. I loved the cultural references and the whole atmosphere of the episode, it was very well done and a great place to go.

I thought Samuel Colt was portrayed in a realistic and logical way, a jaded hunter made famous for his gun but only long after his death, it was amusing to see him nonchalantly kill the demons when they didn't leave and take Sam's revelation in stride. I did think it was cool that he sent the package, albeit a little predictable and cheesy, but it was a good way to end the episode after the feeling of despair that the brothers had failed when they had come so far.

Lastly, we got to see just how grim things are for Cas, as his top lieutenant turned against him after trying to help him and he did it to protect whatever dark deed he is concocting. I believe it is the same "soul machine" Fate was talking about last week, but I can't wait to hear the full story in two weeks. Now that the brothers have what they need to confront Eve, it will be interesting to see how it all goes down, and if they can win now or leave her character around to toy around with them until the finale. Overall, a greatly fun and entertaining episode that shows that not every single plot moving episode must be dark and grim. A 9.7/10


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 4, 2010
I really love this episode, I love the fact that all the monsters in the old west were also using guns and the phoenix MO totally awesome. Samula Colt was really great, he totally deserve the badass reputation he have in the present.

I think Castiel is doing more stuff like the Titatic thing in order to get more souls to use them as a battery to charge up his army. I mean that what he did with Bobby's soul and I can't think of another reason right now to why he after the soul.


Original poster
Of course Dean dropped The Colt. If he had brought it with him, the time-line would have changed. There would have been no Colt to open the devils gate, Azazel would still be alive. Anything involving The Colt would have been undone because it wouldn't have existed from 1861 until 2011.


Mar 24, 2010
This is a effing great episode.
The only downsides are the cheesy save which i can live with and the castiel subplot because it felt a little rushed. But keep on going.
Jun 28, 2010
Finally something about SUPERNATURAL this is just another of it's awesome episodes n it's better that Smallville n Fringe no doubt
Sep 4, 2007
I really need to start watching this. I met Jim Beaver a few weeks ago, and he's an incredibly fun, entertaining guy with a lot of smarts about the business. He seems to enjoy his time on the show a lot (though he also said that his experience being on Deadwood was by far the best of his career). I oughta get into it.
Nov 9, 2008
As much as I liked this episode, I'm starting to worry about Supernatural. They don't take it seriously any more. All they do is take the mickey out of themselves. It isn't scary any more.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 25, 2003
I missed to much of this season Im gonna catch up on TNT when they replay them, but this came on at 11 cause of baseball so it didnt interfere with fringe, and Im glad I saw this one it was a great episode
Aug 15, 2009
Going to pimp my Supernatural idea here and hope the show runners finally see it: A spin off series with Colt as the hero, a cross between deadwood and supernatural. Colt was a badass. He built THE colt, the devils gate, he was a hunter and founded a top tier weapons making company. How has this not been done yet. There's so many fun stories to be had here.


Original poster
They already considered a spin-off about Colt but it never happened.
Feb 3, 2006
When I heard dean say candy gram for mongo i nearly fell out of my chair laughing, can never get enough blazing saddles references lol. Or when sam just told colt the truth totally breaking the rules of time travel and even breaking out his cellphone was comedy gold. Although I miss the seriousness sometimes which looks to be back in the next episode, I really enjoy the lighter moments where they let there hair down and embrace the geek that's in all of us. Call me crazy but sam and dean plus some quantum leap would be epic.


Oct 7, 2009
who cares watch this funny video of a kitten attacking a big lazy dog lmao


Jan 3, 2011
well yeah the show got some geeky funny moments and yeah they are hillarious but the fact is that the show is losing its grip.
the mother of all thing is merely to prolong the show after the epic ending of season 5
i personally think that the best ending you could have was at season 5 only if they let sam in pitt
Coz bringing them back from dead again and again is becoming a joke!!

Recently the ratings just went down is due to season 6 is not upto the mark!!
so supernatural try not to spoil the show behind some money you have been making!!


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
@ jashbash

Who cares about your stupid effing kitten? Stop spamming these forums, jackhole.

Ahem, sorry, had to get that out of the way. I thought this was a great episode and I can't wait to find out what it is that Cas has done.

Favorite quote: "I love posse."
Oct 17, 2010
Loved the episode, I laughed so hard when Castiel says "Just let me touch it." to Bobby but, I guess my immaturity is showing.
Oct 8, 2006
I couldn't buy the fact that Colt, even though he was a bright man, would actually be able to figure the correct address to mail the Phoenix ashes to Sam just by finding it on Sam's Blackberry. I'm betting Bobby's address is not the first, or only address in Sam's Berry. And wait a delivery company held a package for 150 years? Ooookkk.

The parts w/ Cas and the war I liked but they really gotta drop more info on what Cas is doing soon. Also the whole thing thing about the souls...ahhh I want more lol



Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
My favorite part was the Star Trek IV line in the beginning and the "I love posse" segment in th graveyard.

One thing I also realized, the guy who has the Colt in the 70s when Dean goes back is a man whose last name is Elkins and the bartenders last name in 1861 is Elkins as well so they subtly showed what happened to the Colt to keep the whole timeline stuff intact without actually showing it.


Jan 21, 2011
I miss Supernatural.

Started watching it, moved countries and fell behind - got caught up, moved countries again and fell behind again.

Hopefully I can get caught up again. I saw up to the the last season when the Sam and Dean were separated with Dean settling down.

Castiel was definitely a great addition to the cast, love him and he is great at providing intensity and comedy at the same time - but that's also true for Sam and Dean.

All time fave episode so far: The Winchester Fan Convention.


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
@ advocacy

If that's really all you're gonna say, then you make absolutely no sense. Thanks for offering up that little tidbit of nonsense, hater.


Jun 8, 2006
Great episode. Loved the BTTF homages. I've been watching Part 3 a lot lately, and despite its glaring plot holes, it's still an entertaining movie as far as Part 3's are concerned.

And yeah, Castiel messing with the space-time continuum to harvest more souls can't be going over very well with his winged comrades. It'll be interesting to see how Sam and Dean respond once Castiel's secret gets out.


Mar 11, 2009
They lose the colt again. What happened to it after they shot the devel. I didn't see it get droped.
Jan 17, 2002
What is Cas's deal?

---season 5/6 spoilers ahead---

I don't get the villain vibe from him and he's been through a lot with the boys to just turn heel ala Crowley (who I knew was going to be a future problem when he snaked into season 5)

He even wanted to give Sam a hug when Sam got his soul back.

Still with all this new mystery about spamming souls and his angel friends not agreeing with his methods I have a feeling that dark times are ahead.

Could heaven's two civil factions unite and put a bounty on Castiel?


Original poster
They did drop it. When Lucifer threw Dean across the place, he dropped it and Cas ported him out before he had a chance to pick it up. Why they never just went and got it, I have no idea. But it's lost right now.
Dec 29, 2009
Good episode and got a good laugh from the Blazing Saddles reference. I was hoping they would bring back the Colt though.
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