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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Supernatural: "All Dogs Go to Heaven" Review[/link]
by Diana Steenbergen

This week's Supernatural at first glance seems to be a werewolf story, which makes sense since last week was about vampires. Vampire stories nowadays are apparently required to bring werewolves into the mix at some point. However, this is Supernatural and they play by their own rules, taking the story down a different path. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


No Longer a Noob
Oct 9, 2001
Not a bad episode. Sam was definitely interesting. I do hope he gets his soul back soon, though. Next week looks like it'll be a funny filler episode. Dean screaming "Fight the fairies" in the trailer was hilarious.


Original poster
I liked that Sam is referring to the old Same like he's a completely different person. Never calling him "me" or "I" but "him" "his" "he" and things like that. It was a nice touch to help divide the two.


Oct 6, 2005
Pretty solid review, thought it was a good episode, though not as good as last week's. I was hoping for an actual werewolf episode, and hopefully there will still be one and this is not the one they said it would be. Sam proved to be the most interesting part, as the ending talk and how Sam referred to himself as two separate people and wanting to be the old Sam was a key plot development.

I did feel for Lucky, and how he was just looking for a family to love and protect, and it was sad (albeit slightly cheesy) when he walked off as a dog alone in the world. I’m sure the massacre of the skin walker cell will not sit well with the alpha, and I’m sure he will appear later on with his plan ready to be put into action. It was cool to see Dean with the sniper rifle, and him having to tell Sam what was morally correct, “Robocop” an apt name. I did too like the references to Heart and Sam not sleeping, and Dean’s tie to family. I also liked the opening with Crowley appearing and reinforcing the fact that he owned Sam, and Dean had to comply, after much forced persuasion. Overall a solid, but borderline filler episode, and next week looks to be a bit light hearted with fairies, but I wonder if they will go with the True Blood or the Disney or most likely their own interpretation of the winged beings. An 8.8/10


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 23, 2008
I did not like this episode at all. Sam's struggle to get his soul back continues to be a interesting aspect of the storyline, which is the only reason I bother watching.
Dec 12, 2007
Pretty much agree with the review. Though it was nice to have Sam admit he is different and wants to be old Sam again, but it was hilarious to watch him try to fake being old Sam. Best quote in a while from Sam: "Mouth Breathing Dick Monkey". :)
Oct 3, 2005
I thought this was a terrible episode. People turning into dogs? Seriously? It would have been far better to just have centered on the werewolf alpha and not this "skinwalker" crap. Personally, I put this one up there with other s*** episodes like "Bugs" and that terrible story about the ghost ship.


Feb 22, 2004
Good episode!

I absolutely loved the line about answering questions from mouth-breathing dick monkeys. That was so random and everyone just stared awkwardly. XD


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Brilliant episode!
Most importantly the woman who lucky lives with was awesome! she was clearly the best part of the episode!

Mind you i might be partial since she is my sister....
GO Janet!


Jan 9, 2005
ControlFreakZero said:
I thought this was a terrible episode. People turning into dogs? Seriously? It would have been far better to just have centered on the werewolf alpha and not this "skinwalker" crap. Personally, I put this one up there with other s*** episodes like "Bugs" and that terrible story about the ghost ship.
Did you not watch Season 1 of this show? The brothers thought that the wendigo from episode 2 and shapeshifter from episode 6 were skinwalkers at first before they realized their mistake. This isn't the first time skinwalkers have been mentioned on the show. And what was wrong with "Red Sky at Morning"? ("Bugs", I understand.)


Original poster

Holy crap! I totally forgot about that! But I remember now that you mention it. Because that's how that works. That's a fantastic easter egg. I wonder if they were just watching season one and were like "Wait... They keep mentioning skinwalkers... What are those?" or if they've been meaning to do a skinwalker episode and, for whatever reason, just kept putting it off.


Nov 14, 2010
Anyone else think that when Sam gets his soul back that he's just going to be royally messed up? Dean was in the pit for 3 months and it messed with him. Sam's soul has been in the cage with the frigging Devil for over a year...I don't think it's going to be pretty.


Jan 29, 2008
"I still want to know how he got Sam out of the cage in the first place."

Crowley already explained that in a previous episode. He's the "king" of Hell, so he has enough power to pull off something like that.


One and Only
Jan 9, 2002
Volvagia_slayer said:
ControlFreakZero said:
I thought this was a terrible episode. People turning into dogs? Seriously? It would have been far better to just have centered on the werewolf alpha and not this "skinwalker" crap. Personally, I put this one up there with other s*** episodes like "Bugs" and that terrible story about the ghost ship.
Did you not watch Season 1 of this show? The brothers thought that the wendigo from episode 2 and shapeshifter from episode 6 were skinwalkers at first before they realized their mistake. This isn't the first time skinwalkers have been mentioned on the show. And what was wrong with "Red Sky at Morning"? ("Bugs", I understand.)
"Red Sky At Morning" was a pretty slowly moving episode imo.

"Time is on My Side" did a better job of revealing more info on Bela.


Original poster
I hope they don't kill of Crowley this season, he's one of the best characters on the show.


Everybody's cute! But in Purple, I'm stunning!
Aug 1, 2002
kylenin51 said:
"I still want to know how he got Sam out of the cage in the first place."

Crowley already explained that in a previous episode. He's the "king" of Hell, so he has enough power to pull off something like that.

I still think that's a bit of a copout, if busting someone from the cage was something that simply required whoever was the baddest cat in hell at the time why did Lillith have to break all those seals?


Oct 23, 2010
I've been waiting for a "Skinwalker" episode for a very long time and now that we finally got one... I thought the episode was pretty good. I was kinda disappointed that Sam and Dean weren't able to get a step closer in getting Sam's soul back. I don't know, but it just seems like Sam is going to be soulless the rest of the season... I really hope not.


Jul 21, 2008
it kinda seems like they're abusing the blood splattering thing. where they don't show you what happens, but a surface get shot with blood in an instant. favorite show of all time, and i was begging for a season 6, but now i'm not so sure.. maybe it's cause eric kripke left, or maybe it's because sam isn't actually a part of the show, but a breathing corpse
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