
Jul 5, 2018
I'm playing dark souls and I've been stuck in Slough and Ornstein I think it is for many years ever since about 3 weeks after it released on Xbox 360. From then till now through dark souls remastered, ever how many years that is...I've used 13 humanities just in the last 3 days...I have no more, so summoning help is out if the question.Solaire is all but useless...just recently I've done the battle 62 times I think. Not once have I ever got either of them to even 3/4 health..I had 3 ppl plus Solaris and we couldn't kill even 1 of them I have no weapons that do more than 200 damage so I guess I'm out of options..I hate to abandon this game but it looks love I have no choice


Sep 6, 2000
Do you have the Eagle shield? (or better)
Have you upgraded your equipment? (especially your main weapon and shield. Doubly so your shield if you're a magic user)
What weapon are you using?

The eagle shield, once upgraded, can withstand Smough's attacks easily enough if you're terrible at dodging, and you should be able to drop their health pretty quickly with upgraded gear.

And if you're a magic user, there are some items that increase your magical damage (crown of dusk, bellowing dragoncrest ring) which are essential for that stage of the game (and you have been buying better spells... right?)