Jul 19, 2008
Ok so this is probably a simple thing to do, and probably a dumb thing to post and ask, but I am stuck on Chapter 2 at the Tavern and haven't quite figured out how in the world to move the bookshelf. I have played this for hours having to restart it everytime because I end up jumping on the edge and can't get him to jump back off of it. So yeah I am stuck here at this point and can't go any further. And I'd greatly appreciate it very much if someone would help me and let me know how in the world to move the book shelf! If any could help that'd be awesome. Sorry if its been posted somewhere else I hadn't gotten time to go back through all the old posts yet.
Jul 19, 2008
Yep, the question was, how do you move the bookshelf in the room in the tavern in Chapter 2. And like I said its probably something simple that I just haven't done or figured out yet. But I'd like to know how to move the bookshelf seeing as how I'm stuck there. Any suggestions?
Jul 19, 2008
Its Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2. I'm pretty sure its chapter 2. I'm at the part where he walks into the tavern to talk with this guy that is waiting on the stairs. He then gets locked inside the tavern after the guards are called, and the only way out is supposed to be behind the bookshelf in the upstairs room. I'm just not sure how I am supposed to move this bookshelf.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
Oh boy that was early in the game. You might need to use TK to move it. Let me check BRB

I don't know maybe look around and see if there is a switch. I can't find it try looking in the [link=http://faqs.ign.com/articles/385/385541p1.html]FAQ[/link].
Jul 19, 2008
Yay! I finally got it. It was something simple and stupid that I should of figured out a while ago I'm sure. But yeah I finally got it moved and figured out. Thanks for the help!