
May 29, 2006
Sometimes when you run over one of those blue circles... it says "status of weapon changed" and I can't figure out what that does?



Almost Not a Noob
Jun 18, 2004
I'm pretty sure it has to do with the max amount of WHP of the weapon, but i havent played this game for a while so im not 100%.


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
Nickbro8N said:
I'm pretty sure it has to do with the max amount of WHP of the weapon, but i havent played this game for a while so im not 100%.
yea thats what it dos .


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 18, 2004
both, if you hear the good dinging noise it went up, if you hear the bad noise then it went down. It's totally random but i always thought the blue circles were worth going through since there's a chance your weapons abs can be completely filled.


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
Nickbro8N said:
both, if you hear the good dinging noise it went up, if you hear the bad noise then it went down. It's totally random but i always thought the blue circles were worth going through since there's a chance your weapons abs can be completely filled.

if you equip the dagger you get stamina every time ;)


Jun 15, 2006
The statistic will also change in other areas besides WHP. I wondered what "Status Of The Equipped Weapon Changed" meant one time, so I wrote down the exact numbers for the equipped weapon and waited for the next circle.
Sure enough, on the bad side, Holy went down one point on one occasion, on another it was the WHP. I also had, of all things, a point go down on the Metal Breaker chart, which kind of makes sense, since it's the hardest Breaker in the game to get to 99 (unless you throw bombs at the Pirate's Chariots), or buy/find lots of Opals.
Also, if you have $10,000 or more, if you run over one of these circles and get the "Funds Increased A Little" event, it won't be a little. You'll find your funds have increased by a full $10,000. I read this on GameFAQS and was dubious about it, but it actually works. ;^)


;^) PSNID: Danger_Dad
Feb 4, 2004
:^/ Now you've got me curious whether the blue circle can change a weapon's maximum potential, or just the current value within that range. Of course, all but two statistics reach maximum at ninety-nine, but the other two stats usually have higher maximums. In fact, the difference in those values are really the only differences between the differnt weapons, aside from their attachments and appearance.

I've never taken the opportunity to find out whether the blue circle can change a range's potential maximum; I've always just avoided the circles altogether because I couldn't stand the occasional decrease.


Jun 15, 2006
Interesting thought, and I've never tried that, either. Because usually, by the time I've gotten the weapon stats to maximum, I don't possess the guts to use the blue circles anymore (for the exact reason you stated--I don't need a decrease at that point). ;^)
Now, it's got me curious, though. I'd love to see "Maximum Whp Of The Equipped Weapon Increased" when it's supposedly at its full potential and actually see that figure go up!
Oh, and the opposite thing works with that $10,000 trick, and I forgot to mention it. If you have over $10,000, and it says "funds decreased a little.." yeah. Decreased by $10.000! :^[