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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 Review[/link]
by Anthony Gallegos

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 is immediately engaging. It's strikingly beautiful, with fantastic vistas and superb character animations. Sadly though, its pretty face can only carry it so far when the rest of the game is comparatively weak. Repetitious combat and level designs, a shoe-horned in story, and a lack of depth to the experience overall keep this from being anything more than an adventure for the most hardcore of fans. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]
Oct 6, 2009
Damn, this game had a lot of potential but I guess it hasn't delivered. I will probably get it anyway because I enjoyed the first one.


Jul 28, 2010
2 bad this game looked good. i still think the best star wars game was the one on dreamcast it was like this game but with 2 player co-op


Feb 8, 2010
a 6.5 are you F********* kidding me? just from the 15 minute demo alone i gave this game an 8/10, the graphics sound story and use of the force and lightsabers alone are you kidding me?
Mar 25, 2010
Whoa sorry about the triple post there. But seriously, I wonder if this game really is that bad. I'm sure it has some merit other than its visuals. Maybe I'll do one of those new Redbox two-day rentals.


Nov 11, 2005
An honest review, and to be frank; not surprising. It will be the best 20 dollar purchase EVER. 6 hours to beat the game? damn.. wasn't expecting a 12 chapter epic like the new Castlevania, but six hours? yeesh


Mar 2, 2010
It really just looks a lot like the first one. I liked the story to the first but thought that the gameplay wasn't great. I am sure that this title lands somewhere around there as well with a less captivating storyline.


Mar 9, 2010
I was super dissapointed and was looking foward to it, the campaign is THREE HOURS LONG fucking a the story was stupid, heres the story SPOILER ALERT

Escape from Kamino, go to kota, go to kotas ship, go to juno, juno gets taken back to kamino by boba fett, go back to kamino, done. half of the game is spent on kamino (maybe 1 hour) one on the planet where kotas at, and like 1 hour on the ship so the game feels like theres no variety, because kamino and the ship are both close hallway enclosed levels and all the enemies feel the same and theres no variety. Theres like 4 different enemys. Theres jetpack stormtroopers stormtroopers a shock stick dude a lightsaber dude a force dude and like 3 different robots thats it

SUMMARY: ign, your too generous on the 6.5


No Longer a Noob
Nov 11, 2009
Holy crap, I really didn't think this game would get this bad of reviews. Yet again the original didn't get that great of reviews and I found that game to be pretty good.


Jun 8, 2010
I'm still getting this, the demo wowed me, I want to see the story, because I love Star Wars, and because regardless, the gameplay, AND graphics where fun in the demo. So I think I'm still gonna get this


Aug 2, 2010
Got the game at midnight...played for 3 hours...woke up and played another 2...and then it was over???

What a letdown this don't even unlock all the cinematics in the menu which means Lucasarts has DLC in the pipe already. The story isn't even really resolved...what a cash grab. Did Activison buy Lucasarts or something?


May 21, 2007
If you like the first game, then, this game is just as good. I doubt the validity of the reviewer calling themselves a "mega Star Wars nerd" with a review like this. The game could be short, but, everything else is in place. Sure, the story may not be as engaging as the first games, but, it satisfies. The only real trouble I have found so far is that the lock on mechanics still struggle.


Prime Member
Oct 11, 2005
It's still totally going into my gamefly Q but then again, I wasn't going to buy it to begin with... the first one was too short with little reply to justify dropping 10 bucks an hour to play
Mar 29, 2007
Picked it up at midnight, and loving it greatly. I played through the first like 5 times, and this one is so much better. Story is engaging, graphics are effin sick, and you feel like a badass! Can't wait to finish college today and play more. Way better than a 6.5 in my opinion. Guess it's down to each player I spose.


Oct 26, 2010
This review is right on the money!! First up, loved playing this, it's been refined from the first, the graphics are class, the combat and feeling of power is awsome, BUT, it takes around 5 hours to complete, not enough different enemies, you only visit about 2 different places, and then it ends!! Couldn't believe it! I can only think they are going to release the rest as DLC, developers are going to start doing this to stop game trading and piracey.So I think it's only really worth about 15- 20 quid max. cause it can't be classed as a full game, espically when you look at Mass Effect 2 etc. So dissapointed, cause it had so much potential .All that said, while it lasted, I loved it. :(


I'm gonna do a voodoo dance 'til you feel my power
Aug 24, 2000
gregzombie said:
If you like the first game, then, this game is just as good. I doubt the validity of the reviewer calling themselves a "mega Star Wars nerd" with a review like this. The game could be short, but, everything else is in place. Sure, the story may not be as engaging as the first games, but, it satisfies. The only real trouble I have found so far is that the lock on mechanics still struggle.

Just to make sure I understand. You agree that the game is short, the story isn't as engaging as even the last game and then you add that the lock on mechanic, which is kinda crucial, is still a struggle? So, did you not mean to sound like you disagree with the review or did I miss something?


Feb 11, 2006
Ever since Star Wars got so political with EP3,
Any company owned by Republicans or Democrats,
will try and stop Star Wars ideas from being spread...
Maybe? Maybe not...Possible?!


Feb 11, 2006
Also YES get ready! soon you will buy a game and ONLY get the first
level...every extra LEVEL will cost you another 1200 microsoft points!


Oct 12, 2008
Yup, make a 10 hour game, take out the last 5 hours and release them as 5 new pieces of DLC for $10 a piece. $60 game turns into $110. I'm not supporting this crap.


Jul 30, 2010
Anthony Gallegos a Star Wars nerd?? Don't make me laugh haha. A real Star Wars nerd is never gonna be so negative as you are Anthony even if its not the perfect game.

I think Ign only likes shooters these days, only those games get high scores. Halo Reach and Modern Warfare 2 a 10 out of 10 my fuckin ass, completely overrated. Ign stop playing shooters all the time and learn to like action/adventures games too (you are so one minded lately)

And just like the first one this is gonna sell big time. And people who buy games are so much more credible then any reviewer out there!!


Nov 8, 2007
I'm seeing more personal opinion than review here. It sounds disappointing because of the shortness of the story, but the game itself seems like it's vastly improved over the first.

I never got bored with the first game, so I won't have that problem with this one. I was super impressed with the demo and can't wait to pick this one up.

EDIT: Holy Christ, look at all of these idiots saying they won't buy it simply because of this review. Go download the freaking demo! If you like it, then buy it! Are you seriously going to pass up a game you were anticipating just because some reviewer didn't like it? Form your own damn opinions!
Jun 14, 2009
I know that the overall score isn't exactly an average of all the scores for the sub-sections but if you do the math of the scores they gave it comes out to 7.4. So my question is where is the game losing almost a full point for it's overall score. I think it should at least be a little closer to the average in my opinion at least.
Jun 11, 2004
I think it deserves at least a 7.0. The only big problem this game had was length. It is unbelievably short. It's quite clear that the story felt shortened just to have material for a third game (which is obviously going to happen with the conclusion from TFU2's story.) To be honest, it's hard to believe this game was in development for 2 years and had such a short story, especially in comparison to the first game.


Jan 6, 2010
This review sound almost identical to the review given for GOW: Ghost of Sparta, and that game got a 9.5? Repetitive gameplay, Decent story, but looks amazing. I think this review is a little harsh.

Now i'm not a fan boy, and I had major issues with the first one (multiple bugs, 2-3 crashes, and a forced restarts during boss battle), but I am leery about this demo, I got the demo, and it froze on me...but I still think a 6.5 is a little low. I'm still gonna pick it up...