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Grilled Cheese
Jan 21, 2004


The following games, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords contain what are called SPOILERS. Spoilers are those little (or big) plot twists that surprise and astound you in the course of play. Because of this, you are asked to hide those tasty little morsels that have the potential to completely wreck the gameplay for some users. There are a couple of ways that you can be certain that you are not responsible for the ruination of plot twists. One method is explained below in the excerpt taken from the IGN Boards [link=]TOS[/link], more commonly known as [link=]Terms of Service[/link].

The other involves the use of [link=]Markup[/link]. Only subscribed users are allowed to use markup codes. If you are an Insider then please use the [hl=black]SPOILER[/hl] code. Just using black as a color will cover the SPOILER like so... [hl=black]SPOILER[/hl]. Now you can see that the word SPOILER is now safe from accidental viewing. If you want to reveal the SPOILER simply highlight the hidden text by either left-clicking your mouse and scrolling over the hidden area or by using the Ctrl-A combination keystroke. It's that easy folks. The preferred method that nonsubscribed users must employ is detailed below.

Taken from the IGN [link=]Terms Of Service[/link]


Just because you know that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's daddy doesn't mean that everybody does (whoops). Be considerate of the other users who may not have seen a movie or played a game that you're talking about, and don't give away spoilers in subject lines that everyone can read. Simply type something eye-catching like **BEGIN SPOILER** before any text that may give away any significant information about the plot and **END SPOILER** after the text in a post. You should also avoid posting spoilers in a subject line altogether.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Remember that there will always be someone who does not know that [hl=black]What? You thought I'd actually put THE BIG SPOILER here?[/hl]. So be on your best behavior and HIDE THOSE SPOILERS!!

The KOTOR Board always welcomes new members and the community enjoys helping others get the most out of their games. Should you have any questions we're happy to offer any assistance we can to help speed you along in your game. If you're having some difficulties here are a few tips which can help you get the fastest, most reliable solution to your in-game problems.

1. Check the Board Stickies. These are threads anchored at the top of the page. Within those threads is a wealth of information about the KOTOR games collected by members of the community over the past few months/years. If you have a problem this should be the first place you look for a response.

2. Before posting a topic asking a question check the first four-five pages of the board. You may find that your question(s) have been asked and answered already saving you the time and trouble of posting a new thread. It helps to have your [link=]User Display Settings[/link] set at 50 topics/messages per page. Not only does this help you find topics of interest more quickly it also helps with viewing threads that have multiple pages.

3. If you are unable to find an answer and need to start a new thread please provide some detail on the nature of your difficulties. Start by specifying which game you are playing (KOTOR 1/2), the platform you are playing on (PC/Xbox), the nature of the problem, and any information you feel may be useful in helping the community narrow down the cause. There are veterans of all of the games from both platforms so chances are someone here can help as long as they can understand your problem.

Thanks to [link=]3N16M4 [/link] for writing up this Spoiler Avoidance Sticky and thanks to [link=]masmith3200[/link] for his valuable assistance.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 31, 2003
Well it's a change to the useful threads sticky, but it is definitely needed to this day. Until KOTOR III it should get the job done.
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