Apr 26, 2010
I posted this topic in the general Star Wars forum before and I have just realized that this dedicated Battlefront forum was here so I will just make another thread about it here since I don't know if you can move them.

Anyway... it has been a while since someone posted on this Star Wars Forum so lets post another thread!

This one is for Star Wars Battlefront (It does not have a 3 on the end) While we wait for EA or DICE to announce something for this game that is not just a teaser trailer, lets talk about what you want to see in the reboot/sequel (I am not exactly sure what it is...)

If you want you can also check my video that I made on this topic so you can see exactly what I think they should put in this game.

I predict most of the comments will be complaining about how EA will ruin the game lol



Feb 23, 2011
DICE are the best studio I can think of to be working on the game, love the Battlefield series and hope they can find the perfect balance between implementing things which make Battlefield great as well as changing things up to separate Battlefront. Definitely one of my most anticipated games.
Oct 29, 2006
DICE are the best studio I can think of to be working on the game, love the Battlefield series and hope they can find the perfect balance between implementing things which make Battlefield great as well as changing things up to separate Battlefront. Definitely one of my most anticipated games.
Goodness everybody let's point and laugh at this guy.

When has EA ever let us down?



Feb 23, 2011
DICE are the best studio I can think of to be working on the game, love the Battlefield series and hope they can find the perfect balance between implementing things which make Battlefield great as well as changing things up to separate Battlefront. Definitely one of my most anticipated games.
Goodness everybody let's point and laugh at this guy.

I'm guessing you are saying this because either you are not a fan of DICE in general or because you blame DICE for why Battlefield 4 was so buggy at launch? First off, fair enough if you don't like DICE, that's your opinion and I can't imagine you are a fan of multiplayer gaming or the Battlefield series. If you only don't like DICE because of the issues with Battlefield 4 then that to me is ludicrous. EA published the game, therefore they made the release date for the game. They set DICE an unrealistic objective in trying to force it out ready for the launch of the new consoles. This is EA's fault, not DICE's.

DICE make excellent multiplayer games, with the focus on teamwork and a bit more strategy actually feeling rewarding with everything you achieve during a multiplayer match. This is exactly what is essential to make the next Battlefront a great game. The multiplayer aspect will obviously be a huge focus, and the single player will be like previous games and essentially be a giant bot mode. The foundations set for this will again be heavily taken from multiplayer. There's a reason Battlefield has risen to prominence in more recent years to challenge Call of Duty and that is because DICE are excellent developers. So yeah, you look at me and laugh as you put it. I'm sure everyone else who would agree with you shares your same thought process, which I myself would laugh at for being ignorant and oblivious.