Dec 31, 2010
So this is only for those of us who beat the game, we get an epilogue like we did in Origins which is narrated by Morrigan discussing what certain people are doing and factions as well. She mentions the Grey Wardens. Of course when you beat the quest Here Lies the Abyss no matter who you let live whether its Hawke or Stroud, both travel to Weisshaupt to inform the other Wardens what has happened. The Inquisition now has Warden allies, but when the game ends Morrigan tell us something that I found to be an interesting change of events. While everyone is going on about Solas and Elven gods, I find the whole thing about the Grey Wardens disappearing and contact being lost with Weisshaupt to be getting overlooked. Hello, the Wardens have disappeared again. Is it due to Corypheus being slain that they do not need to be at the ready and since there is no clear threat they have simply just gone into hiding. Yet why would the Wardens just disappear even from their own fortress, Weisshaupt. Have they gone to the Deep Roads to perhaps kill the remaining Old Gods before they become Archdemons to perhaps prevent future Blights. Is this just Bioware making a good excuse for a good DLC storyline where the Inquisitor ventures to Weisshaupt to see what is going on. I'll take it, I would love to go to Weisshaupt, after all the only time we see it is in the Fade in Origins. What do you all think? What has happened to the Wardens this time around.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Do they go to Weisshaupt if you conscript them? I exiled them the first time, and that's why they went back there. This time I've kept them, and Hawke went. Haven't finished yet to get that ending though. They are probably still corrupted/have demons among them as the game hinted, and that could be why contact has been lost. It does smell like a DLC, doesn't it lol?


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
So I just finished my first playthrough and allied with the Wardens and Hawke still travels to Weisshaupt, where it's too quiet, could definitely be a DLC. Not sure what to make of the scene after the credits with Solas and Flemeth just yet, need some time to process the possibilities with that one. Not sure if that's a DLC or setting up the next game.
Sep 7, 2008
Did anybody let Hawke die and the Grey Warden guy live? And then also allow the Grey Wardens to stay? I assume in that case they don't disappear because they have a go to leader. If they disappear either way that's a big bummer regarding the choice that you make.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
My guess is that the disappear either way to be honest, but I'll have to try that one.
Sep 7, 2008
Bummer if that's true. Takes a lot away from that decision, because I didn't feel negatively impacted by not having them in the meantime.


The method of controlling fire...
Aug 22, 2004
I don't know if keeping the Leader alive instead of Hawke changes much, but I allied with the Grey Wardens and iirc they say that the Grey Wardens are (it's a bit sketchy, sorry just woke up) either turning their backs on Weisshault or are gearing up to contest something at Weisshault. Either way it sounds like something that Hawke was going to investigate and sounded interesting to Morrigan.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
Well, from listening to Morrigan's epilogue, it sounded like there was trouble at Weisshaupt when Hawke (or Stroud) arrived. I have a feeling it has to do with the mass calling that was created by Corypheus and the Fear Demon.


Loyal Grimleal
May 17, 2013
My theory/headcanon is the whole Blight/Darkspawn is a long-term move for power of Lusakan's, the Old God of Night. Perhaps he's starting to put his plans into motion, if that's the case?

Knowing the series, it could literally be that the archdemon blood at Weisshaupt gained sentience and started to corrupt the First Warden. Gaxkang from Origins has made me wary of weird shit going down in the DA universe.
