
Aug 31, 2012
I really liked Lilly, and i was so mad when she took off on her own because of her killing Carley..and after i completed the episode i went back on another saved game and tried to re-do it so she wouldn't kill Carley and take off but no matter what you do she leaves the group. What makes me upset about it is now there's no chance of getting it in with Lilly or Carley! Maybe Lilly will appear again in another episode? I hope she does, she was my favorite character


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 29, 2008
I'm not really upset but I'm disappointed with episode 3 though and not the same reason as yours. Telltale daunts the "your choices have impact" and while there was some small truth to that, it was completely thrown out the window in EP3.

Doug/Carley are unavoidable deaths in EP3 which IMO, Telltale really messed up here big time. It really should be that Lilly will shoot either Ben or Doug/Carley depending if you side with Ben or Doug/Carley. I also read the reason why they had Lilly shoot Doug/Carley was for a way out for Lilly, really, couldn't Lilly have been left behind at the motel when the group started driving off and it was too late for Lilly to enter the moving RV which could be true or not but it really feels like TellTale didn't want to put the extra time and work to make the Doug/Carley scenarios work cause the longer they stayed alive, the more complicated things it would become for Telltale.

Anyways, whatever choice you made in EP1 (saving Carley or Doug) no longer matters, siding with Lilly or Kenny no longer matters cause Lilly either takes off or you tell her to take a hike. The game really lost all re-playability imo. Everyone from EP1 is dead except for Kenny and well, yeah Lee and there were many deaths in EP3 that when Katjaa shot herself and Kenny/Lee shot Duck, whatever shock value Telltale was going for totally missed the boat especially when us gamers were furious over the deaths of Doug/Carley shortly before. At this point Clementine should be a given and should trust you no matter what so when I see, Clementine remembers that, what does it matter.

The biggest choice you have in this game was either saving Doug or Carley but since they both die at the same time and in the same place, choosing who lives or dies doesn't matter in the long run. Stealing from the car or not had no impact in EP3. There was subtle hints of a Lee and Carley romance, which I think most people who are playing this game would have liked to seen and see where it goes and how their relationship effects the group and what not.

Fake choice sucks and I'm starting to think that this game would have been better if it was full retail release as it would get more funding and much more developing time which in turn would you give you more choices but the game would have been fleshed out a lot better. I will still play EP4 and EP5 but I'm no longer looking forward to the episodes as before. If you go to the official forums for this game, so many people are upset/disappointed with EP3.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 17, 2008
I am a little, the which one you save doesnt matter since they barely are shown and they die regardless later


Jun 29, 2012
I really liked Lilly, and i was so mad when she took off on her own because of her killing Carley..and after i completed the episode i went back on another saved game and tried to re-do it so she wouldn't kill Carley and take off but no matter what you do she leaves the group. What makes me upset about it is now there's no chance of getting it in with Lilly or Carley! Maybe Lilly will appear again in another episode? I hope she does, she was my favorite character
Yeah it was a shame that Carly had to die like that. I liked Lilly until she had her breakdown. But Lilly won't be coming back. Telltale needed away to separate Lilly from Lee's group since the events of the game happened in the same reality as the comics. In the comics she lives in a town called Woodbury and later encounters Rick's group in the prison story arc. The book "The road to Woodbury" coming out October shows her journey to Woodbury and is set after she left Lee and co.


May 14, 2012
I'm not upset at all about it but like it was mentioned before, it would be nice to have the option to save Carly. Also there seem to be certain options that go nowhere, such as taking the food or not at the end of ep. 2. I dunno, there are still two episodes left so I guess we'll find out soon enough.


For Whom The Bell Tolls
Oct 14, 2011
I figured something like this after dealing with Lilly's personality from the very first episode. Also, let's not forget Larry's family genes chipping in.

It was pretty much inevitable, people. ;P

I was more upset at Duck's death. Still am.
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Jul 9, 2012
I agree that there should've been a way to avoid Carley/Doug'ss death if you put extra effort into looking out for them and the same goes for Lilly too. Although the initial " HAHA weren't expecting that were you!?" did make me realize how brutal the setting for the story is and will be but once you get over that it is annoying that Carley/Doug's deaths are inevitable.

I'm not too familiar with the narrative of Lilly as to when she leaves the group , abandoned by the group or escaped , but it will be interesting to see her make another appearance in the upcoming episodes otherwise all effort put into Lilly was wasted as you are left with Kenny and if you haven't been supporting him then it's gonna be a mighty awkward journey into Savannah.....


For Whom The Bell Tolls
Oct 14, 2011
I agree that there should've been a way to avoid Carley/Doug'ss death if you put extra effort into looking out for them and the same goes for Lilly too. Although the initial " HAHA weren't expecting that were you!?" did make me realize how brutal the setting for the story is and will be but once you get over that it is annoying that Carley/Doug's deaths are inevitable.

I'm not too familiar with the narrative of Lilly as to when she leaves the group , abandoned by the group or escaped , but it will be interesting to see her make another appearance in the upcoming episodes otherwise all effort put into Lilly was wasted as you are left with Kenny and if you haven't been supporting him then it's gonna be a mighty awkward journey into Savannah.....
Awkward, but interesting none the less! I want drama and tension - it's what makes the game great. Don't forget we have Omid and Crista joining us now so it's not like we're alone with Kenny.

If they wanted to kill Lily off, they would have. She's bound to return.
Jul 9, 2012
I agree that there should've been a way to avoid Carley/Doug'ss death if you put extra effort into looking out for them and the same goes for Lilly too. Although the initial " HAHA weren't expecting that were you!?" did make me realize how brutal the setting for the story is and will be but once you get over that it is annoying that Carley/Doug's deaths are inevitable.

I'm not too familiar with the narrative of Lilly as to when she leaves the group , abandoned by the group or escaped , but it will be interesting to see her make another appearance in the upcoming episodes otherwise all effort put into Lilly was wasted as you are left with Kenny and if you haven't been supporting him then it's gonna be a mighty awkward journey into Savannah.....
Awkward, but interesting none the less! I want drama and tension - it's what makes the game great. Don't forget we have Omid and Crista joining us now so it's not like we're alone with Kenny.

If they wanted to kill Lily off, they would have. She's bound to return.

I'm still not sure about Omid and Christa , I like Omid but I think Christa is gonna screw me over - I don't know how but she will. Crafty witch.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 17, 2008
Lilly had to leave eventually. We knew she wasnt going to die or fall in love with Lee. Eventually she would have to leave and join Woodbarry and meet the Governor


Sep 19, 2012
Crista and Omid are "together" i thinks... but ya when Lilly shot Carley I was upset. At first I thought a romance would happen between Lee and Lilly... because Carley was all upset Doug died. Turns out Lee's smart enough to not fall for the real crazy lady. That made me happy. BUT I did like Ep.3 because a lot happened. Mainly death. But still, progression. What I don't get is why the hell didn't they try to blow up that tankard? Hundreds, thousands of walkers chasing them and they completely ignored the best option to stop them. Also then, pulling out other walkers to go investigate said explosion. Hopefully clearing out the area ... but meh. I was upset that Carley and Katjaah died.

And to believe I stood up for Ben when he was the cause of all of this...
Jul 9, 2012
I agree with everything you said , especially the tanker bit because you can kick the blowtorch down and start a little fire but then nothing happens...


For Whom The Bell Tolls
Oct 14, 2011
Crista and Omid are "together" i thinks... but ya when Lilly shot Carley I was upset. At first I thought a romance would happen between Lee and Lilly... because Carley was all upset Doug died. Turns out Lee's smart enough to not fall for the real crazy lady. That made me happy. BUT I did like Ep.3 because a lot happened. Mainly death. But still, progression. What I don't get is why the hell didn't they try to blow up that tankard? Hundreds, thousands of walkers chasing them and they completely ignored the best option to stop them. Also then, pulling out other walkers to go investigate said explosion. Hopefully clearing out the area ... but meh. I was upset that Carley and Katjaah died.

And to believe I stood up for Ben when he was the cause of all of this...
Ben is probably the first and only person I wanted to kill, right then and there, on that train when he confessed.

Gosh, I am already famished for Chapter 4.
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Sep 19, 2012
Ben is probably the first and only person I wanted to kill, right then and there, on that train when he confessed.

Gosh, I am already famished for Chapter 4.

Dido. But ya... Ben needed a *poke* over that railing >.<


Sep 27, 2012
Not too upset. I pretty much figured that the game was going to end up the same way in every episode whether you save or kill a character by episode 2. The game has to progress somehow and, with being a DLC game that costs 5 dollars, I'm fine with it. Having an infinite amount of ways to play the game would be insane for a something like this. I think they're awesome and can't wait for 4.


Oct 2, 2012
I agree that there should've been a way to avoid Carley/Doug'ss death if you put extra effort into looking out for them and the same goes for Lilly too. Although the initial " HAHA weren't expecting that were you!?" did make me realize how brutal the setting for the story is and will be but once you get over that it is annoying that Carley/Doug's deaths are inevitable.

I'm not too familiar with the narrative of Lilly as to when she leaves the group , abandoned by the group or escaped , but it will be interesting to see her make another appearance in the upcoming episodes otherwise all effort put into Lilly was wasted as you are left with Kenny and if you haven't been supporting him then it's gonna be a mighty awkward journey into Savannah.....
Awkward, but interesting none the less! I want drama and tension - it's what makes the game great. Don't forget we have Omid and Crista joining us now so it's not like we're alone with Kenny.

If they wanted to kill Lily off, they would have. She's bound to return.

Yeah she returns in the road to Woodbury novel out this month and can be seen briefly in the original comics prisoner/Governor story arc. She won't be seen again in the game though.


For Whom The Bell Tolls
Oct 14, 2011
I agree that there should've been a way to avoid Carley/Doug'ss death if you put extra effort into looking out for them and the same goes for Lilly too. Although the initial " HAHA weren't expecting that were you!?" did make me realize how brutal the setting for the story is and will be but once you get over that it is annoying that Carley/Doug's deaths are inevitable.

I'm not too familiar with the narrative of Lilly as to when she leaves the group , abandoned by the group or escaped , but it will be interesting to see her make another appearance in the upcoming episodes otherwise all effort put into Lilly was wasted as you are left with Kenny and if you haven't been supporting him then it's gonna be a mighty awkward journey into Savannah.....
Awkward, but interesting none the less! I want drama and tension - it's what makes the game great. Don't forget we have Omid and Crista joining us now so it's not like we're alone with Kenny.

If they wanted to kill Lily off, they would have. She's bound to return.

Yeah she returns in the road to Woodbury novel out this month and can be seen briefly in the original comics prisoner/Governor story arc. She won't be seen again in the game though.
The more I think about it the more I realize you're right.

Which is kinda lame because I did like her.


Dec 29, 2011
I'm not really upset but I'm disappointed with episode 3 though and not the same reason as yours. Telltale daunts the "your choices have impact" and while there was some small truth to that, it was completely thrown out the window in EP3.

Yeah, I've kind of noticed that and pointed it out, that the ability to "choose" in these Walking Dead games is an illusion at best. Been that way pretty much every episode. Granted yes, there's a couple situations where you side with one and lose favor with another, or pick who lives or dies here or there, but the game continually ushers you along and funnels you into the stage it wants set, regardless of your choices. After awhile, you realize you're a drooling monkey that's more a puppet than a leader... even in the group... Lee is supposed to be the group's leader of sorts, yet everybody makes their decisions and you either choose sides, or drool like a baboon with "..." because all the other choices royally suck.

It's sad too, between the lack of "real choice" and several other missed opportunities, this again seems like a title that's missing tons of opportunities and potential, and instead tossing out a small box/shell of what it could have been, wrapped all pretty with a little bow on top. :/

PS - And yes, I tried doing my best to keep all members of the group safe. Both the females... liked the one that got shot, the one that shot her seemed crazy, but liked her along too. And regardless you lose her. I also thought it was crap they had to kill off Duck, that was such rubbish; it was so cute when he was doing the Dick Grayson detective bit, and striking action-hero poses, hehe. Also would have been REAL nice, if instead of the Carley getting shot bit, you could have Ben shot in her place (later on in Episode 3, when Ben reveals he was the reason it all went down... OMG, I almost quit the game right there, like wtf)... since you find out that Ben was the real reason for it... and trust me, after Episode 4 and all the crap he screws up there... you actually get the choice to let Ben die... and OMG, if it wasn't for morals, he'd so be dead... come the end of episode 4, it's completely apparent that Ben is the worst person you could ever have in any situation like that.

PPS - Also, Ep.4 SPOILERS... I thought Molly from Episode 4 was an AWESOME character, but nope, they had to have her leave too. In fact, an open-world zombie-apocalypse game where you play a character like Molly, somewhat of a Lara-Croft-esque awesome parkour chick with a little pick-blade for taking out zombies, climbing stuff (perhaps like in The Saboteur), and manipulating objects in the game would be killer. You'll also find yourself SUPER pissed with Ep. 4 because there's times the game doesn't even make sense. Most the whole game I've had Kenny's back (because I have a real-life friend, also named Kenny, that reminds me exactly of the in-game character oddly), and only once or twice I tried to be reasonable, or stay undecided... but then when it comes to asking him for help getting Clementine, he was all, "you haven't really done sh*t for me"... like, what the !@#! is that about!? Oh, also, Ben in Episode 4 kind of fleshes out a full picture, that he's the reason Carley got shot, the reason Duck got bit, and the reason Katjaa wanted to commit suicide (because Duck got bit, and she couldn't bare it anymore)... but you also find out he's the reason... in a round-about "taking the hatchet" sort of way... that somebody else (even if they're a fairly new character that you don't learn THAT much about)... dies. In fact, I might go back through episode 4, simply for the reason I get the option to let Ben die to walkers... maybe I'll get lucky and it means I won't have to deal with him anymore in episode 5.
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Dec 29, 2011
Went to edit my last post, but guess you only get so long to do that, so new post...


Being a bit jaded at *BS* choice-impact, I decided if Lee is bit/scratched, and !@#! is hitting the fan, and now Ben was responsible for the deaths of 4 people, I was going to replay back and let Ben die rather than save him. Turns out, that's what hinders on Kenny, at the end, saying whether or not you haven't done sh*t for him, or whether you've always had his back. First time I saved Ben, and Kenny was a real dink, saying I was never there for him, even though I've about 98% of the time taken his side or had his back... but the second time, when I let Ben die, he was my best buddy saying I've always been there for him, lol. Odd how letting a person live or die can make the whole difference in a friendship (which in this instance probably effects the friendship in the exact inverse way it would any normal friendship)... [face_silly]


Oct 26, 2012
I was upset, but not as much as in Ep4. If you've played it then you understand. I cried. :'( Can't wait to see how it ends though.
Oct 21, 2012
I wish there was a choice to keep Lilly from running away.I liked her character very much and I'm pretty sure she won't show up in Ep.5 because she is a character in the comic book series.


Feb 15, 2013
When Lilly shot Carley, my jaw dropped and I remained slack-jawed for several minutes as the story continued. Any game that can do that to me is brilliant. Literally, bloody. brilliant!
Oct 21, 2012
You guys can see Carley/Doug 's body in 400 Days DLC:Russell's gameplay. Just hide from the truck by jumping into the bush and u will also get the achievement:Reunited on xbox