
Almost Not a Noob
Dec 11, 2010
With the Amazing Spider-Man game that just came out, I wonder about the future of the games. I think they (Beenox) should do a sequel to Shattered Dimensions called Spider-Man: Opened Dimensions. It would have 4 dimensions again but the twist would be that a Spider-Man can go into a dimension that isn't his. Example: 2099 Spider-Man goes into Ultimate Spider-Mans dimesion.

What are your Spider-Man game ideas?


No Longer a Noob
Apr 12, 2010
The Skull Zone
I honestly just want a Free-Roam Spider-Man game that has a ton of different things to do. I'm not too much of a fan of what Shattered Dimensions and Edge of Time were.

The Amazing Spider-Man Game had an awesome main story, but the side-quests severely lacked variation. Combat in The Amazing Spider-Man was probably the best that a Spider-Man game has ever had...but it's still a little to basic and could also use a lot more variation. I'd love for them to copy the Arkham City combat control scheme but with a Spider-Man twist obviously.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 11, 2010
I honestly just want a Free-Roam Spider-Man game that has a ton of different things to do. I'm not too much of a fan of what Shattered Dimensions and Edge of Time were.

The Amazing Spider-Man Game had an awesome main story, but the side-quests severely lacked variation. Combat in The Amazing Spider-Man was probably the best that a Spider-Man game has ever had...but it's still a little to basic and could also use a lot more variation. I'd love for them to copy the Arkham City combat control scheme but with a Spider-Man twist obviously.
I think they should have done unlimited side quests like Spider-Man 2.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
I would like Carnage to be the main villain in a game. They haven't used him much in recent games, the Ultimate Version (nothing like the Carnage everyone loves) was in one level of Shattered Dimensions and Ultimate Spider-man and he was in Spider-man PS1 for a short while. I'd like a game where the story revolved around the Cletus Kassidy Carnage and have it be a darker, more violent, more mature game like the new Batman games, it'd be a change from the usual.

I would like it to be open world aswell and like ASM have indoor levels but with much more variety than just Oscorp and Sewers.

It could have an interesting plot point where other alternate Spider-man come into Amazing Spider-man's world to help him but I'd only really want them to have the new Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-man (he and Peter Parker just has a crossover comic) I'm not that bothered with the others but I wouldn't be opposed to it. Then they could have different abilities to unlock and you could swap between them etc just to stop it getting stale.

They could also add Venom in there aswell as we've never played a free roam game as the proper Venom.

And it simply needs to have alot more side missions with alot more variety to them.

Also no robots, I'm sick of fighting machines in Spider-man games.
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Jul 4, 2014
My ideas:
1. Have the combat be like Injustice, but only with Spider-Man characters.
2. Have the ability to control all the villains and heroes and free roam.
3. Have a large rogues gallery to choose from (Doc Ock, Carnage, Electro, GG, Venom, HG, Tombstone, Kingpin, Shocker, Rhino, Hammerhead, etc.)
4. Be able to free roam with these villains
5. If a villain gets 5 hits in a row on Spider-Man, have parts of his costume rip, including his mask
6. Be able to create your own story in a way. (For Example, be able to control Doc Ock and go rob a bank or go hold someone hostage. Then, be able to control Spider-Man and have him come save the day)
7. If the villain wins while you are controlling them, have them choose whether to- A. Unmask Spider-Man B. Take Spider-Man hostage C. Continue to beat up Spider-Man D. Give Spider-Man to the police
8. Be able to free roam with all characters, and be able to free roam during battles.
9. Give us 4 alternate costumes for each character (NOT DLC, BUT UNLOCKABLE)
10. Have a campaign mode, too
11. Have organized side missions (For Example, have Spider-Man try to stop Lizard and Vermin battling)

If you dont understand some of my ideas, ask me and I will try to clarify!


Sep 12, 2011
I honestly just want a Free-Roam Spider-Man game that has a ton of different things to do. I'm not too much of a fan of what Shattered Dimensions and Edge of Time were.

The Amazing Spider-Man Game had an awesome main story, but the side-quests severely lacked variation. Combat in The Amazing Spider-Man was probably the best that a Spider-Man game has ever had...but it's still a little to basic and could also use a lot more variation. I'd love for them to copy the Arkham City combat control scheme but with a Spider-Man twist obviously.
I think they should have done unlimited side quests like Spider-Man 2.

And add falling damage sooooo fun in Spiderman 2 plus need DLC like villians breaking out of prison


Jul 28, 2014
Spider-Man Trilogy:

All three Spider-man games based on the original trilogy in one disc. The first and second one would have heavily remastered graphics and the third one not as much since it did already have decent graphics. They could maybe add a few more stuff in there like maybe free roam co-op in the third game where one player could play as spider-man and another player could play as new goblin.

Spider-Man Brawler:

This would be a multiplayer only xbox arcade game. It would be Spider-Man, some of his allies (like black cat and dare devil), and his villains in a 3D multiplayer brawler kind of like the 2013 game anarchy reigns. There would be different modes like team deathmatch, Capture the Flag, or Deathmatch.

First Person Spider-Man

This is pretty self-explanatory. You play as Spider-Man in first person. I had this cool idea where whenever he would do flips in the air or something you would see a small screen in the bottom left corner showing him doing the flips in third person while the first person view does not go in circles. They should maybe do a villain that they haven't done much like Chameleon.