Nov 22, 2014
Hi! I apologise if a thread like this exists already; but thought I would start a thread that is dedicated to those really nice touches or moments that you might have discovered when playing the game. I am going to list just a few to start (many are from taking the time to converse with your fellow companions). Of course, they are going to be spoilers, so if you haven't played the game yet; maybe read this after!

  1. The romance between the Inquisitor and Cassandra: I was delighted by the mission to woo her and the cut-scenes where she is awkward and unsure; great romance handled brilliantly.
  2. Blackwall isn't Blackwall! Great twist and adds a new dimension to Blackwall's honourable character!
  3. Cole's visit to Orlaise : If you do the quests with Solace and Cole - the visit to the capital with Cole has some really funny touches and I like the idea of a spirit that can influence people; but they can't remember them.
  4. Varric introduces Bianca!
  5. The dragon in the western approach : after completing a string of quests for a dragonologist - you are treated to a great dramatic entrance as the dragon swoops around the area.
  6. Sera : Just Sera because she delivers some of the most perplexing and amusing lines in the game!
  7. Hitting Iron Bull with a stick : Cassandra is hitting Iron Bull with a stick and iron Bull makes a sexist comment; Cassandra knocks him over with the stick lol


Dec 8, 2010
1. Alt timeline Leliana
2. Morrigan and Alistairs banter
3. Sera killing the rich guy (personal quest)
4. Sarcastic Inquisitor remarks (lots of those), kinda like funny Hawke in DA2
5. Varric and Cassandra after meeting Hawke
6. Leliana and Warden romance
7. Solas and Flemeth