
i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
well first of all id like to apolges i promesid this ages ago but i nver got any good pics there bad cz off bad lighting usely im the kind of guy that dos everything on time but aveint been like that in about 6 muths so here they are the fllowing can ownly be obtained with a GAMESHARK or something simler


the flappeing duster is the one with the hand over it


the thing that looks like the 7th heven is called a hevan KEY theres also a thing called a save book there were some other pouders simler to the wepen repier pouder wood have been relly handy if they were in the game theres also something simler to the all in one healing sutff or what ever its called sadly the ownly item that can be used is the flapping duster and that terra thing and that odd 124 dont no what that is must just be a remove itam

heres some pics of entering and comeing off at the back room useing the flappeing duster note there a bit bullry and as such arnt that blue stain






enjoy [face_peace]


Aug 4, 2006
That is the Back Floor Key for the Genies Castle (brain confuzzled cant remember the castle name), wait no Dark Heaven Castle?

Wish Level 5 had taken the time to properly put it in the game -__-


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
Mirokue said:
That is the Back Floor Key for the Genies Castle (brain confuzzled cant remember the castle name), wait no Dark Heaven Castle?

Wish Level 5 had taken the time to properly put it in the game -__-

nop nther its the gellery of time


Aug 4, 2006
ah so after moon sea, u go fight gallery of time, then dark heaven castle??

and the damn back floor key aint programmed. Should i buy DC2? i was planning 2, but the wrench on some wierd looking guy looked dumb (thats not the reason, i never had the money at the time either). Is it better or worse? i personally liked having 6 different chars, instead of 2.


Nov 28, 2000

Too bad we can only do that with a GameShark, though [face_plain]

How do the levels back there compare, Abs-wise? Are there weapons similar to, say, the Werewolves in the Wise Owl Forest?


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
well iv ownly had a bit of a look back there but the abes are qwite good also iv had the back floor key one time with out a game shark wich is qwite odd monsters are beefed up of corese

oh and the wenpens are qwite good so far i haveint saved cz i dont like chaeting cz when i save with the i get more then one of thos itmes and its so tempteing to sell them and chaet but il wont ever be chaeting on this game . il be awayat my grnad mars for the week so ask any thing you like about this and il try and play the game


Aug 4, 2006
Ok this isnt that relevant but i have a question(s) about the demon shaft.

1. - is it true that after u pull one hit on the boss and step back the chronical sword flies thru the air and kills him?

2. A FAQ guide said that all those little circle things (that give funds up, full abs, whp increase/decrease, funds decrease etc) r ALL Negative effects in the demon shaft?

And about the dark Genie, how difficult is he? is he just long and tiresome? like the Ice Queen? or is he xtremely difficult but takes a very short amount of time. I currently have 11 gold bullions, and i would be willling to buy 8k gilda in items to stock up. I have heard how to beat him, and the FAQ makes it look easy, but just boring.

So to get to the point, how hard is the Dark Genie??


Nov 28, 2000
"well iv ownly had a bit of a look back there but the abes are qwite good also iv had the back floor key one time with out a game shark wich is qwite odd monsters are beefed up of corese

oh and the wenpens are qwite good so far i haveint saved cz i dont like chaeting cz when i save with the i get more then one of thos itmes and its so tempteing to sell them and chaet but il wont ever be chaeting on this game . il be awayat my grnad mars for the week so ask any thing you like about this and il try and play the game"

...I have no idea what the hell you just said.

"1. - is it true that after u pull one hit on the boss and step back the chronical sword flies thru the air and kills him?"

I can't say I've ever heard of anything like this happening.

"2. A FAQ guide said that all those little circle things (that give funds up, full abs, whp increase/decrease, funds decrease etc) r ALL Negative effects in the demon shaft?"

I've definitely gotten positive effects in the Demon Shaft. Perhaps certain levels only contain negative status effects, but the Demon Shaft as a whole has positive effects in it.

"And about the dark Genie, how difficult is he? is he just long and tiresome? like the Ice Queen? or is he xtremely difficult but takes a very short amount of time. I currently have 11 gold bullions, and i would be willling to buy 8k gilda in items to stock up. I have heard how to beat him, and the FAQ makes it look easy, but just boring.

So to get to the point, how hard is the Dark Genie??"

I suggest having the Chronicle Sword for Toan and the Secret Armlet for Ruby. If you have those, he should be fairly easy.


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
SBiv87 said:
"well iv ownly had a bit of a look back there but the abes are qwite good also iv had the back floor key one time with out a game shark wich is qwite odd monsters are beefed up of corese

oh and the wenpens are qwite good so far i haveint saved cz i dont like chaeting cz when i save with the i get more then one of thos itmes and its so tempteing to sell them and chaet but il wont ever be chaeting on this game . il be awayat my grnad mars for the week so ask any thing you like about this and il try and play the game"

...I have no idea what the hell you just said.

its not that hard to read .
Jun 14, 2004
I see a ring in the flapping duster photo. Is that the "shell ring" that is mentioned in the Prima Strategy Guide but not in the game? Oh also, Mikezilla mentions items that can not be used, could it be possible that one of these items can be used to get into the doors/beds with the exclaimation points over them that previously could not be opened? Just a thought!


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
MissTara52575 said:
I see a ring in the flapping duster photo. Is that the "shell ring" that is mentioned in the Prima Strategy Guide but not in the game? Oh also, Mikezilla mentions items that can not be used, could it be possible that one of these items can be used to get into the doors/beds with the exclaimation points over them that previously could not be opened? Just a thought!

well im not srue but i think Terra is the shell ring cz thats what it said in the DEsription . oh and nah the other itmes cant be used for anything
Jun 14, 2004
Mikezilla, I'm still confused. Didn't you say that the Terra thing could be used, and if so what could it be used for? Thanks!


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
MissTara52575 said:
Mikezilla, I'm still confused. Didn't you say that the Terra thing could be used, and if so what could it be used for? Thanks!

woops i forgot to add the full stop .


Nov 28, 2000
I'm guessing he hates that the pictures are so small.

And mikezilla, are you saying that the Terra thing puts "Full Stop" on an enemy or something?


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
SBiv87 said:
I'm guessing he hates that the pictures are so small.

And mikezilla, are you saying that the Terra thing puts "Full Stop" on an enemy or something?

nop i maen i for got to put this . at the end of a word .


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
whoops i forgot i had this pics its a description of the flapping duster


Jun 15, 2006
Thanks for posting the pics; it's nice to finally see the Flapping Duster and the scenes that go along with it. :^)
I ran around the Gallery Of Time for AGES before I finally got on the Internet and found it wasn't in the US version of the game. How lame--couldn't they have fixed that when Dark Cloud became a "Greatest Hits" edition? #-o


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
ToxiMoron said:
Thanks for posting the pics; it's nice to finally see the Flapping Duster and the scenes that go along with it. :^)
I ran around the Gallery Of Time for AGES before I finally got on the Internet and found it wasn't in the US version of the game. How lame--couldn't they have fixed that when Dark Cloud became a "Greatest Hits" edition? #-o

well you can get it but its very hard cz the objects probley offset to 99999 or something but i have gotten it before with out the code just like one ather guy .


Jun 15, 2006
Thanks for posting the pics; it's nice to finally see the Flapping Duster and the scenes that go along with it. :^)
I ran around the Gallery Of Time for AGES before I finally got on the Internet and found it wasn't in the US version of the game. How lame--couldn't they have fixed that when Dark Cloud became a "Greatest Hits" edition? #-o

well you can get it but its very hard cz the objects probley offset to 99999 or something but i have gotten it before with out the code just like one ather guy .
Oh, so there is hope of getting it without the GameShark, then? Good. I've been running through the Gallery Of Time again, maybe I'll find it. It gets pretty boring, though!
At least I'm getting rich doing it (Big Bucks Synthsphere on every weapon, every character)! ;^)


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
ToxiMoron said:
Thanks for posting the pics; it's nice to finally see the Flapping Duster and the scenes that go along with it. :^)
I ran around the Gallery Of Time for AGES before I finally got on the Internet and found it wasn't in the US version of the game. How lame--couldn't they have fixed that when Dark Cloud became a "Greatest Hits" edition? #-o

well you can get it but its very hard cz the objects probley offset to 99999 or something but i have gotten it before with out the code just like one ather guy .
Oh, so there is hope of getting it without the GameShark, then? Good. I've been running through the Gallery Of Time again, maybe I'll find it. It gets pretty boring, though!
At least I'm getting rich doing it (Big Bucks Synthsphere on every weapon, every character)! ;^)

keep trying and youl get it but it will take forever but well worth it in the end ;)


Jun 15, 2006
This is probably a stupid question, but what does 'offset to 99999' mean? I've been trying for days and I still haven't found this duster.
...Though it may not matter, because I may be given a GameShark in a few days by someone who's not using his anymore. ;^)


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
ToxiMoron said:
This is probably a stupid question, but what does 'offset to 99999' mean? I've been trying for days and I still haven't found this duster.
...Though it may not matter, because I may be given a GameShark in a few days by someone who's not using his anymore. ;^)
off set as in the games code , its just s guess if you need help just ask [link=http://club.ign.com/b/about?username=Mr._Pseudonym&which=boards]Mr._Pseudonym[/link] , and for the code if the one you have dosnt work try the game shark web site if its still up or look up "codebreaker " in google you will need to sign up , then go to this [link=http://www.codemasters-project.net/vb/]web site [/link]and sign up plus read the ruls and post the code and ask them to " convert " it , that how i got my code ;)[link=http://www.codemasters-project.net/vb/] [/link]


Jun 15, 2006
Oh, OK, I get it now! I did read Mr. Pseudonym's "Pseudonym's Psupremacy" thread over on the Champions Of Norrath board, it seems a bit sticky to make your own code, but for the sake of nothing more to keep my Dark Cloud gaming experience fresh and new (lol), I'll give it a try. ;^)
Yes, I visited the site you posted a few days ago once I learned I was getting the Shark; thanks for that link. I'm sure it'll come in handy.
Last night I kept running into a lot of Happy Clowns in the Gallery Of Time. I wonder if one of them will give me the Flapping Duster. One of them gave me a Sun Dew, gee, that does a lot of good in that dungeon. [face_rolling_eyes]


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
ToxiMoron said:
Oh, OK, I get it now! I did read Mr. Pseudonym's "Pseudonym's Psupremacy" thread over on the Champions Of Norrath board, it seems a bit sticky to make your own code, but for the sake of nothing more to keep my Dark Cloud gaming experience fresh and new (lol), I'll give it a try. ;^)
Yes, I visited the site you posted a few days ago once I learned I was getting the Shark; thanks for that link. I'm sure it'll come in handy.
Last night I kept running into a lot of Happy Clowns in the Gallery Of Time. I wonder if one of them will give me the Flapping Duster. One of them gave me a Sun Dew, gee, that does a lot of good in that dungeon. [face_rolling_eyes]
cool , it more then likely that you wont be able to make your own code tho , here can belive you didn't post in it lol



Jun 15, 2006
Lol, I checked that thread the other day, and just didn't have much to say, but now that you mentioned it:
A) I'm also glad they gave Toan a green hat.
B) Looks like they kept the carpet idea for the back area of the Gallery Of Time, which makes me wonder:
a) Was it really a 'programming error' that kept the back area out of the game? OR--
b) Was it feuding programmers at Level 5 that didn't like one another's ideas, and out of spite/revenge, that screwed us all? (i.e.: "You don't like my version of Toan, I'm going to make your carpet idea next to IMPOSSIBLE to find!).
--Just a twisted thought from a twisted individual. ;^}


Jun 15, 2006
Well, it took awhile, but I finally recieved my Codebreaker and got the Flapping Duster code from the site you posted (thank you, Mikezilla2). :D
Unfortunately, I think this particular code is a bit wonky, I got some undesirable side effects along with the Duster. The code put it in inventory slot #1, and then I noticed some other odd things:
*ALL characters now had a health bar that went clear to 255.
*All the characters had maxed-out thirst meters (which at first, was OK because Osmond was a bit uneven from the rest), but I noticed their thirst wasn't going down.
*None of the characters could be hurt, except for 1 point, and it would come back. They couldn't even be hurt by the Dark Genie. [face_silly]
*And strangest of all, the Flapping Duster kept spawning copies of itself in my inventory screen. It seemed that each time I went in/out of that menu, it would make a copy of itself.
Of course, all of this, well, sucked. I don't like total invincibility like this, especially in Dark Cloud, and the water thing is just tradition in the game. Also, I didn't find anything in these Back Areas that I couldn't find or buy in other places. It was nice to finally see the area, though. And you're right, Mikezilla, Abs go up pretty fast with the monsters, it's close to the Demon Shaft in that manner.
Sooo, I remedied it by simply deleting the Codebreaker file off of the memory card. I still have about 8 Flapping Dusters, the characters still have 255 health, but at least they can be hurt again, and the thirst meters are going down. I'm just wondering about tweaking this code so you get ONLY the Duster and none of the weird side effects. #-o


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
ToxiMoron said:
Well, it took awhile, but I finally recieved my Codebreaker and got the Flapping Duster code from the site you posted (thank you, Mikezilla2). :D
Unfortunately, I think this particular code is a bit wonky, I got some undesirable side effects along with the Duster. The code put it in inventory slot #1, and then I noticed some other odd things:
*ALL characters now had a health bar that went clear to 255.
*All the characters had maxed-out thirst meters (which at first, was OK because Osmond was a bit uneven from the rest), but I noticed their thirst wasn't going down.
*None of the characters could be hurt, except for 1 point, and it would come back. They couldn't even be hurt by the Dark Genie. [face_silly]
*And strangest of all, the Flapping Duster kept spawning copies of itself in my inventory screen. It seemed that each time I went in/out of that menu, it would make a copy of itself.
Of course, all of this, well, sucked. I don't like total invincibility like this, especially in Dark Cloud, and the water thing is just tradition in the game. Also, I didn't find anything in these Back Areas that I couldn't find or buy in other places. It was nice to finally see the area, though. And you're right, Mikezilla, Abs go up pretty fast with the monsters, it's close to the Demon Shaft in that manner.
Sooo, I remedied it by simply deleting the Codebreaker file off of the memory card. I still have about 8 Flapping Dusters, the characters still have 255 health, but at least they can be hurt again, and the thirst meters are going down. I'm just wondering about tweaking this code so you get ONLY the Duster and none of the weird side effects. #-o

hmmm yes i see what you mean , if you thuch the thing in the inventory it will how ever what i do is i just make sure slot 1 is empty then actavite the code ( just the one no other codes) then i save it reset and there you have it one flapping duster you can make more ( move them in to the empty slots hell you can asign them to what ever slot you want ;)


Jun 15, 2006
OK, that's probably what I did wrong. I didn't empty slot 1 before I activated the code. I noticed, though, on my Codebreaker, it has some sort of default code in the menu where you write out your own. It says that this default one must be activated for all other codes to work. I'm just wondering if that's the culprit that gave me the 255 health and all that other weird stuff (the money and fish points were maxed out, also).
I don't ordinarily like cheating, but since I'm currently going up the Demon Shaft (floor 89 now), I'm not really minding the 255 health that much...[face_devil]


May 3, 2008
...Beware of the infinite health!

...I have a codebreaker, and when i turn on my infinite health the same thing happens, i can't be hurt

...but if i sustain too much damage at once he will die

...so my alternative to it is buying autorepair powder, another powder (gray with a white cross on it)...
...i turn on max active items, all three
...put both autorepair and other powder (gray with a white cross on it) in the active item slots and last slot can be anything

...that will give you infinite health and weapon usage


Jul 29, 2008
may i please have the website please?
i've already beatedn the game
but all i want to do is go to the back floor with the flapping duster


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
Teyachi said:
may i please have the website please?
i've already beatedn the game
but all i want to do is go to the back floor with the flapping duster
youl need a user name to log in and a code breaker .
