
Jun 6, 2009
Of course we are going to get Paper. But I'm playing through part 4 of the PT DLC and on the lifelinepurity website, the mission statement (if you want to call it that) says it is wrong for humans to be able to do things with their bodies. Among these "things", the author mentions neon, "inorganic objects" (video), and STEEL!

Now, we have seen the first 2, but not steel! Why would the author mention 2 we have already seen and include steel. Why not say smoke?

I think it's SP's way of hinting to us the next power after Paper.



Jun 6, 2009
I'm still in part one. You're saying we actually get a 5th power tree (paper)? Or are you assuming?

I'm assuming we get Paper because it's no reason why we should have to go through all these loops and NOT get it.

But I'm assuming/predicting we'll get other powers because they all being hinted at throughout this quest. As I stated above, in one of the quotes, a power that we don't have is mentioned along with other powers we do have.


Jun 6, 2009
Don't look like we will be getting Paper powers at all...

Yeah which PISSED me off. I'm contemplating on trading the game in for MLB: The Show or using the credit towards Watch Dogs.

Complete let down...

Just waiting on Watch Dogs now, hopefully that delivers...

I hope so too. Like, I'm pretty sure SP knew why people were playing Paper Trail and that's why they waited until the last update to break the news. And their excusewas "it would have been too much work to add in paper power." I understand why water would have been hard to do, seeing as it would have been everywhere, but paper could have been done! As many neon signs are around, there could have been magazine stands or posters or anything. Only thing I see being a problem is the dash and how that would function.

SMH I've decided to trade it in for Killzone, beat that in a week, and then use the rest of the credit for Watch Dogs.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2001
They are meant to be working on DLC which will bring new powers. With how short the game is I wonder if many will bother with the DLC. I traded my copy in once I got the plat for it.