
No Longer a Noob
Aug 19, 2007
And people are already bitching about it, why? because he's come from The WWF/E?

I personally have no problem with him giving it a shot, he's apparently got a pretty solid background in BJJ so I think he'll be interesting to watch against some of the others in whichever weight class he chooses.


Vanguard of Thread Destruction
Sep 28, 2008
Castle Spamalot
And people are already bitching about it, why? because he's come from The WWF/E?
Surest sign of a casual MMA fan? Actually defending a pro wrestler making the jump. You're not surprised they're giving him crap for it right? They gave Brock hell for it, but at least he was the best amateur wrestler on the planet at one point, or course they'll give Brooks even more crap for it.

BJJ isn't gonna help him if his stand up is inadequate and it certainly wont help if he can't secure takedowns.

He's nearly 40, has zero MMA experience, in all likelihood will end up in one of the two biggest shark tanks in the UFC (170 or 185) and his knees are shot to hell. He isn't winning shit.
Dec 15, 2014
This will not be another Brock Lesnar story. Yet, there's no way Punk will have an opponent he can't beat on his debut. We'll be able to judge his worth only after 2-3 fights.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 19, 2007
And people are already bitching about it, why? because he's come from The WWF/E?
Surest sign of a casual MMA fan? Actually defending a pro wrestler making the jump. You're not surprised they're giving him crap for it right? They gave Brock hell for it, but at least he was the best amateur wrestler on the planet at one point, or course they'll give Brooks even more crap for it.

BJJ isn't gonna help him if his stand up is inadequate and it certainly wont help if he can't secure takedowns.

He's nearly 40, has zero MMA experience, in all likelihood will end up in one of the two biggest shark tanks in the UFC (170 or 185) and his knees are shot to hell. He isn't winning shit.

eh he's only 35 thats not too bad, all i meant by this was just let him try it out. He sure as shit won't do the damage Brock did but then again as you say Brock got a lot of shit and he surprised a lot of people, so Brooks might do the same


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2011
Portland, OR
And people are already bitching about it, why? because he's come from The WWF/E?

No. It's disrespectful MMA fighters as a whole.

The UFC is the absolute top-dog league in the sport and what 98% of MMA fighters aspire to be a part of because it's the best of the best. Unfortunately, MMA is a tough tough sport. Also unfortunately, it happens to pay like shit. So most people dedicate their lives to MMA, don't make it into the UFC, get their bodies injured during the process, and then quit and remain as financially broke as when they started. When you don't make it in MMA, there is no consolation prize or doors that open for you after. So all that time you invested does absolutely nothing for your future could have easily spent 10yrs to get nowhere in life.

There are dudes hungry as hell for that shot of getting into the UFC, and they're piss-poor because they invest every amount of free time and money into their training to eventually MAYBE get a crack at a UFC fight. So for a WWE wrestler with no MMA experience to immediately get granted a shot in the UFC because of who he is, the entire thing just reeks. And it comes across as a "freakshow" fight, kinda like how Couture and Toney fought, so it waters down the integrity of the league.

It's sending a message that if you're a "name" and you have some sort of background in fighting, you could possibly get into an elite fight league that others actually had to work for.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 7, 2009
What's the difference between CM Punk getting a shot in UFC, and Ken Shamrock getting a shot in the WWF? Same goes for Rampage, didn't he get a contract in TNA for a while?

It's like the great Jimmy Cornette has said.... the only difference between the UFC and Professional Wrestling.... is that the fight the UFC has is real. But the trash talking, the build up, the story lines before the fight are the same in both the UFC and Wrestling. If your a name in one, you can be a name in the other.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2011
Portland, OR
What's the difference between CM Punk getting a shot in UFC, and Ken Shamrock getting a shot in the WWF? Same goes for Rampage, didn't he get a contract in TNA for a while?

Transitioning from real fighting to fake fighting...I assume...would be significantly easier than doing the opposite, lol. If somebody's not a good "professional wrestler" (lol), you can at least use smoke and mirrors to make them look good. You can't make a bad MMA fighter look good unless you purposely match him/her up with a complete can (Bob Sapp, for example).

CM Punk is leapfrogging legitimate talent because he's a "big name" in the entertainment world. Having a big name shouldn't allow you to immediately jump into the world's most elite level of mixed martial arts combat. Especially when you don't have a lick of experience in real fighting to begin with. It's a complete "good for ratings" freakshow type of signing, but ultimately bad for the sport and the diehard fans. He'll probably be a big draw on a PPV just because he's CM Punk, not because he has legitimate skills.

The only fake fighters who made a name for themselves in MMA are Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar. Lesnar flamed out after being exposed. Lashley has fought D and C level talent all his career. The last WWF star to "try" MMA was Bautista. He almost got beat by some fatass jobber with a losing record. Bautista promptly called it quits on MMA after he embarassed both himself and the sport.

I don't think anybody really wants to see more of this shit aside from the previously mentioned "freakshow" factor.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 7, 2009
Well as you said Lashley and Lesnar both did well. Batista was a joke, but to be fair he's a joke in Pro Wrestling as well. And transitioning to be a Pro Wrestler is much harder then transitioning into real fighting. Why do you think Shamrock is the only one who successfully did it? A lot of pro wrestlers have had amateur backgrounds in pro wrestling or boxing, or they have a martial arts background such as RVD, Blackman, Taz, Tajiri, and CM Punk.... So you take guys who are athletes already, some with wrestling or martial arts's very easy to transition into MMA fighting. Now you take a strict MMA Fighter and it's a lot harder to learn how to be a Pro Wrestler. You have to learn how to do moves to people without hurting them, it's a complete 360 in philosophy. They have to learn to sell being hurt, another 360 on their way of thinking. They have to learn to purposely take pain by taking moves that legitimately hurt, it's not like falling down on a training mat, the ring hurts big time. Im sure a lot of MMA fighters who took a few big bumps in a Pro Wrestling ring would rethink the career choice if their heart wasn't into Pro Wrestling, because I know their minds would drift to OMG I will have to take larger falls from the top rope eventually! The MMA fighters would also have to learn to be more of an actor and a comedian. And they'd have to somehow get used to the rigorous year round schedule Pro Wrestlers deal with that never stops. Any top Pro Wrestler who's a tough s.o.b. like CM Punk and has a martial arts background has the capability to do well in MMA, especially in Punk's case where he's been sitting at home training for almost a year now before getting into it. Lesnar just jumped in. Punk has been preparing for it.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2011
Portland, OR
Well as you said Lashley and Lesnar both did well.

No. I said Lesnar flamed out and Lashley has been fighting D and C level talent.

Lashley has a great 12-2 record in MMA. Must be easy, right? 6 of Lashley's opponents don't even have Wikipedia pages. He's only fought two people who have even been in the UFC, Chag Griggs and Wes Sims. Both Chad and Wes are a combined 0-5 in the UFC. Chad knocked out Lashley. My point is that there are plenty of MMA fighters with good records who then move up to the elite level (UFC) and do absolutely nothing because they're simply outclassed. Fighting in the B and C leagues and knocking people out in first rounds does not prepare you enough for 3 or 5 round fights in the UFC.

As for Lesnar, he went 1-1 in the UFC and then got a title shot (lol). He beat AARP member Randy Couture for the belt. Then he beat Heath Herring (who sucks). Then he beat division gatekeeper Frank Mir. Then he ALMOST lost vs Carwin, but got the win. After that, he got destroyed by Cain and Overeem and left. He finished his UFC stint with a record of 4-3.

Batista was a joke, but to be fair he's a joke in Pro Wrestling as well.

Wasn't he a world champion in the WWE though???? If he sucks at wrestling, how did he win the belt???? lol

And transitioning to be a Pro Wrestler is much harder then transitioning into real fighting. Why do you think Shamrock is the only one who successfully did it?

How many MMA fighters actually did it though? Not many. The only MMA fighters I know of that wrestle were Shamrock, Rampage and King Mo.

A lot of pro wrestlers have had amateur backgrounds in pro wrestling or boxing, or they have a martial arts background such as RVD, Blackman, Taz, Tajiri, and CM Punk.... So you take guys who are athletes already, some with wrestling or martial arts's very easy to transition into MMA fighting.

Ok, I'm gonna have to shut you down right there.

RVD's "background" is him placing 2nd in a martial arts contest back in 1990.

Blackman runs a gym.

Tajiri wanted to be a kickboxer but never did.

CM Punk has "self proclaimed" martial arts experience, and supposedly has a purple belt in BJJ.

Now you take a strict MMA Fighter and it's a lot harder to learn how to be a Pro Wrestler. You have to learn how to do moves to people without hurting them, it's a complete 360 in philosophy. They have to learn to sell being hurt, another 360 on their way of thinking. They have to learn to purposely take pain by taking moves that legitimately hurt, it's not like falling down on a training mat, the ring hurts big time. Im sure a lot of MMA fighters who took a few big bumps in a Pro Wrestling ring would rethink the career choice if their heart wasn't into Pro Wrestling, because I know their minds would drift to OMG I will have to take larger falls from the top rope eventually! The MMA fighters would also have to learn to be more of an actor and a comedian. And they'd have to somehow get used to the rigorous year round schedule Pro Wrestlers deal with that never stops.


Any top Pro Wrestler who's a tough s.o.b. like CM Punk and has a martial arts background has the capability to do well in MMA, especially in Punk's case where he's been sitting at home training for almost a year now before getting into it. Lesnar just jumped in. Punk has been preparing for it.

Yeah, he's so tough. Just look at how he eats all those fake punches and doesn't even flinch! lol.

Spotty martial arts "background" at best. Never competed. He's like what...36 years old? And based on weight class, he's likely going to be Middleweight. Good luck in a division stacked full of killers.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 7, 2009
Yeah Batista was the World Champion in a company that had TWO World Champions at ONCE and lets not forget that it's Fake. And the wrestling fans know he's a joke and cant wrestle, which is why when he returned last year at the rumble he was Booed out of the building, and why due to fans not wanting to see a horrible match between him and Orton, they put Daniel Bryan into the WM Main Event so it would be worth watching.

Also by your same token if the UFC is so great and Lesnar was so bad how did he become UFC Champion twice, for that matter how did Frank Mir EVER become champion??? Cain Velasquez beat Lesnar and then lost it in his next fight. Im not trying to argue that Lesnar is a UFC Great by any means, but he did wins some fights and make an impact and probably made UFC more money then anyone else has. If Lesnar had a stand up game he would be pretty lethal, unfortunately he's a puss who cant take a punch without running away like a girl.

CM Punk fractured his skull while wrestling, name a UFC fighter that fractured their skull during a fight??????? Go jump 20 feet off a ladder and tell me you don't have to be tough to do that. I've definatley seen wrestlers look more beat up and have more bruises and cuts on themselves after a fake wrestling match then some UFC fighters have on them after a 40 second fight.

Im also pretty sure that RVD also holds a world record for kicks thrown in a certain amount of time.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 7, 2009
Alright cant confirm that kick thing with RVD. But I did find out he placed second in the 1990 tough man competition.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 24, 2013
Does anyone know when his first fight will be? I just wanna give him a chance and if he isn't good then I'll ridicule him and make my judgements.


Aug 9, 2012
I really don't care that he was a fake wrestler. The problem is the fact he doesn't have a MMA record. The UFC is suppose to be the premier mixed martial arts organization in the world, yet they sign guys who've never fought ( CM Punk) and don't sign world class wrestlers ( Ben Askern). Oh, and its my understanding he's a white belt in Jiu Jitsu.
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Almost Not a Noob
Nov 7, 2009
Yeah I totally understand the MMA communities beef with CM Punk being brought in. But it's all about ratings and publicity and selling tickets and ppv's.... Michael Jordan had no business playing Baseball but he got on a team because he was a celebrity from a different sport, he wasn't no Deon Sanders. If Arnold Swartzenager or Sylvester Stallone wanted to fight in an MMA fight the UFC would give them a contract too because it would be big money, regardless of how old and un skilled they are and untested they are... It's just celebrity privilege, if Chuck Norris wanted a UFC Contract he'd get one immediately too.
Dec 25, 2014
CM Punk will be far more successful in UFC then Brock Lesnar.
How do you figure? The heavyweight championship of the world is the most prestigious title in the UFC. Brock held and defended this belt multiple times.

Is CM Punk going to become HW champ and defend it more than twice? No
Dec 25, 2014
I really don't care that he was a fake wrestler. The problem is the fact he doesn't have a MMA record. The UFC is suppose to be the premier mixed martial arts organization in the world, yet they sign guys who've never fought ( CM Punk) and don't sign world class wrestlers ( Ben Askern). Oh, and its my understanding he's a white belt in Jiu Jitsu.
Let's be fair here. Boring Ben Askren somehow managed to do the impossible and be more boring than Jon Fitch and Jake Shields.

He would not sell tickets. Does Dana sign guys to sell tickets? Yes. The UFC has been dying this year and he needs to do something.

Lights out James Toney we knew would get wrecked, but it sold tickets to have a former boxing champ fighting a legend. Kimbo Slice we knew would get wrecked, but he was an internet sensation and everyone wanted to see it. Brock we assumed would get wrecked, and he did lose his first fight, but had been manhandling his opponent before getting caught. That warranted another fight, and he DOMINATED a seasoned vet, then smashed a legend and champ.


Diehard Gamer
Jan 1, 2005
People are angry that UFC signs a 40 year old with ZERO MMA experience and leap frog him over the hard working fighters. He was mad that the Rock and Lesnar gets to main event because of their name and guess what? He is in the UFC because of his name only.


Prime Member
Jul 31, 2011
CM Punk would need to bulk up if he would want to fight as HW because he is a small heavy weight. He would most likely cut weight and fight at light HW.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
The only way CM Punk can win more than a few fights IS being a light HW. Although the younger guys will prob sweep the hell out of him and his knees will go LOLOLOL we dead no more.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 18, 2011
Portland, OR
Brock we assumed would get wrecked, and he did lose his first fight, but had been manhandling his opponent before getting caught. That warranted another fight, and he DOMINATED a seasoned vet, then smashed a legend and champ.

  1. Brock got submitted in the 1st round by Mir.
  2. Brock decisoned Heath Herring, which ended Herring's career at 28-14 overall and 2-2 in the UFC. Arguably, Herring's "signature win" was a split over Cheick Kongo.
  3. Somehow, at a 1-1 record in the UFC, Brock got a title shot. Brock beat a 45yr old Randy Couture. 1yr later, Couture claimed the record of oldest UFC fighter in history.
  4. Brock got his ass beat by Carwin before turning it around for the submission win.
  5. Brock got raped by Cain.
  6. Brock got raped by Reem.
  7. Brock leaves the UFC with a 4-3 record.
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