
Almost Not a Noob
May 31, 2008
So Cereza is Bayonetta right?.
And the prolouge the council was talking about someone who had trusted a bond with one of the light?
So Bayonetta was a half-Umbra/Lumen?
And her father was that guy at the end?
I am really confused[face_silly]

Someone explain things?


Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Jun 9, 2004
Yes to all, basically. When Bayonetta spends time with her child self (lets refer to her as Cereza for simplicities sake), they basically learn off each other. Bayonetta learns to not be a total **** to everyone and Cereza witnessed that Bayonetta is awesome, so she decides to be awesome when she grows up, and eventually grows up to be the Bayonetta we know and love.


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
Yeah, exactly what SS said. [face_peace] 

As for the Lumen guy, that's Balder. Bayonetta's twisted father. As SS said, he used the young Cereza as a way for Bayonetta to learn who she is and in turn Cereza learned who she would become. Balder did this so that Bayonetta would learn her true fate and become the holder of the Left Eye.


Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Jun 9, 2004
She's just an umbra witch. She and Bayonetta were childhood friends and she helped bayonetta escape when the umbra circle wanted to kill her. She was eventually captured and put under some sort of brainwashing spell (which required torture, apparently), and used her to help bayonetta recover her memories. Her white hair is...well, just that. White hair. And she wears red instead of traditional black. I'm guessing that since she's some sort of immigrant, since most of the witches seem to have black hair and (though I could be wrong) Cereza and Jeanne don't sound like names that come from the same language. Unfortunately, we don't get a good enough look at the other witches or their names to learn their probable origins. I'm guessing that the Umbras isolated her because of these features, which is why she and bayonetta, the two outcasts, became such close friends that jeanne are willing to betray the entire order and later take on a nearly complete god, just for her.


Almost Not a Noob
May 31, 2008
So that explains that toy thing in the cell?
With Cereza's/Jeanne's name on it.

Ah, taht explains why they were such close friends.